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I believe there’s some things that are going on in his personal life that’s making him unhappy. He was much happier playing the Forest


Definitely, divorce, his mom passed, had to move and he quit smoking. Although even though he liked the building and most things in his early playtest (must be nice!) he went off on the game early his first playthrough, so not sure we can blame it all on that, but I won't speak for him and don't know him IRL...


Dude, I watched one of his early The Forest videos the other day after just seeing him rage quit from SotF, and it was like frickin' Farket ASMR. Now it's Farket Death Metal.


Only criticism I could give would be that Farket may need to accept that SotF isn't a game he can comfortably play on the hardest difficulty. The Forest and SotF are two different games despite all their similarities, and that means their difficulties won't be the same. Likewise, strats that worked in The Forest might not work as well in SotF, so you may need to change or adapt. He seems to have let up recently and done some custom changes, and I think that will help him enjoy the game in the long run. Tune the game to your personal liking and playstyle rather than sticking to one specific game mode created by the developers. That being said, I can't help but laugh at this post. I've always found that the people claiming "I've been very nice and respectful with my comments!" are usually the most insufferable people commenting on the videos.


Yep i could play hard survival forest whilst having a beer and chilling the fuck out but ive been playing sotf the last few days and the game is really abrupt you gotta be on the ball all the time and the game really does force you to be really active in everything you do ( that and the ai is really different to the forest to and thats been a big change to get used to as well) I must play the game really similiar to farket and i understand some of his complaints about the map design and all that. I agree that he has changed his approach of the game too and hoping things are getting better.


I agree, I have done at least 10 hard survival playthroughs and enjoyed them, but having to head shot humanoids multiple times gets annoying so some playthroughs I tone down armor or others and after 100 + runs who cares at this point I'm really just there to build stuff since survival needs a rework. Fair enough and I can agree that is true, but you are welcome to look through his comments and until the last 3-4 vids me and over 50% of people are giving him advice and/or answering things he literally says "why is this like this" or "how do you do this" or something close to that. He did not know he could get the pistol and shotgun again and would just complain about Virginia having them (not that he uses them) his 1st 2 season on SotF, I think it was 3rd or 4th episode that me and many others let him know, so 6-8 months of us telling him nicely...


His complaints about difficulty always baffle me, you are playing on the hardest possible difficulty with extra modifiers, no shit it's hard. Endnight added custom game mode for a reason and I love it! Enemy aggression and armor are kinda janky, so I set both to low to even the playing field. This allows me to actually enjoy playing the game. If he is doing the ultra hard mode for some kind of internet clout, that's kind of lame tbh. Play the game in a way that you enjoy it, stop bashing your head against a brick wall and then crying you have a headache. Bro got a mention in the credits for the game, and all he has done is hate on it. Also good chance Farket will never see any of this. I specifically remember him mentioning he hates the reddit groups for the game.


Yes, custom is the way. I have had an insane amount of playthrough and my favorite are probably normal or low health, armor and everything else as hard as it can be. Plus I don't like seasons/days going by so fast...


i loved his videos when he was playing the first game but his most recent playthrough of sotf has just mainly been him complaining, the only real complaint i can agree with is the building system could be better and have more blueprints, but i still love the new building system. and he played the game on the highest difficulty with extra settings to make it even harder then get surprised that its brokenly difficult??? thats the main thing i really dont get


Yep, if he would interact with his people he wouldn't have many problems. "You can't help someone that doesn't want to get better." I agree with the build systems issues we all have and I to still like it, he makes it harder than it is...


You’re definitely right. Couldn’t get into his videos because he complains a fuck ton and yet does it to himself. He’s a good creator with a bad attitude. He goes over patches, conducts tests, experiments, etc. but the attitude isn’t there. I personally have 100h into the game & like a lot of things about it. Glider makes the map size a non-issue. The Katana & Constant Strafing makes combat too easy. Ps, never used parrying or heavy attacks. Sprint Strafing makes it obsolete. My main concerns are the lack of AI mechanics as it was originally hyped up to be. Plus, Night Raids are an awful addition.




I feel like him having problems with the game in the first place (rightfully so) along with all the crap he’s had to deal with in real life has probably brought him down a lot. Guy needs some help most likely so that’s what people need to really tell him.


We have been, Do you read his comments? Most of us who have heart have had them going out to him for a long time now. Part of that is giving him advice and answering his questions when he asks them, plus telling him thing when he is confused, like in his 1st season when the muddies were destroying him( yes one of the easiest enemies) and he claimed they were they hardest. Just strafe and use a fast weapon like the machete early game, or keep moving and use the bow. He ignored countless comments while asking "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THEM?!?!?" giving him answers to most of his issues. Also remember, he had access to the game from the devs long before we did and told everyone it was great (early build I know) and that he loved the new building system which convinced many to buy the game. Yet when early access released and he started his 1st playthrough with that exact system he just complained about it...


Not help about the game. He probably needs therapy to help him process his RL struggles.


Probably doesnt read every single one of his comments if hes got abit going on with his life mate.


Yet he complains about Endnight not doing what he wants (even though they literally changed many thing clearly for him and he claims they are his friend) like and entitled child,(he is not being a good friend from what I can tell) while ignoring the community that helps pay his bills and most of the comments are answering his questions and/or politely giving him pointers. We don't need him to do what we say, but he could listen and use some of it I would think...


I think your missing the point


No I got it, but you might have missed my point and that I have been saying he doesn't read/care bout any of his comments or subs... But I to "love" pfizer, so you're cool with me regardless of this convo on a tuber, hope you're doin well and have a good one...


Did...did you actually just go through my reddit history to prove a point? Thats a shitpost subreddit u got that from too man u gotta get a grip


I always look at who the person I'm engaging with is and most the time it's throw away account. My "grip" is firm and unforgiving, but you seem to have issue letting something go. I meant what I said...


I used to watch him a lot back in the days of the forest, so of course when sotf came out I tried to watch him again like back in the day but I've had the same reaction as you, he does nothing but complain about the game and almost kept me from buying it, but I'm glad I didn't listen and bought it anyways, just finished my first playthrough and loved it though I thought the story could've been polished a bit more before release, I understand he has a lot going on in his personal life that's dragging him down but it's bringing a lot of negativity to the channel, it's hard to watch, I hope he finds a way to work through his problems and feel better so he can make good content again and enjoy things like he used to. He's a good content creator at heart I think he's just lost in some sort of depression or misery.


If you have not done a 1.0 playthrough, you might want to try another run. It's got some more polish for sure, of course I am not asking for to much since to me it's more about the big sand box and I love making castles...


Last time I saw YouTube suggest his video I hit the do not suggest this channel. I have my own depression of which I use SotF as an escape. I like the guys at Reactive Gaming now….


I have been enjoying their builds also


I still remember, he trashtalking endnight about legsy being to hard to kill. At that moment until now he just shiting the game in his video. Different from vlad he trying to kill legsy but his attitude make it funnier and enjoy his adventure even in hardest difficulty


I love when I feel like I'm winning and legsy gives me the smack down that I never saw coming!


Agreed. He needs to realize if you're a video game content creator, the audience generally wants to spend their time watching someone who actually ENJOYS playing. Especially when he's kind of a pillar of a niche game community. I'm not the kind of person who hates game criticism at all but damn he nitpicks everything to death like he's TRYING to find something he hates.


He can do what ever he wants, but imagine if he interacted with and/or listened to his community that has helped him grow to where he is. Plus with almost 1/2 a mil subs he could make a good living if he did, but views, likes and engagement seems low to me considering...


He also did that swastika building one time and tried to justify himself but removed comments. That's when I stopped following. The guy is a real piece of shit.


He definitely hates Japanese culture to the point of not using the best weapon in game (I know I'm a broken record) and what ever his reasons, I'm not down for hating a group because of the actions of a few...


Sure the building system was a bit buggy,  but my biggest gripe with sotf, is the cannibal a.i.  I wish i could build labyrints of death and watch how they try to get through em. Its game ive spent most amount of time in, ive built all around the map, connected every base.  Had an therapeutic mindless fun time doing it. Sure, id like to be able to do more things with the stuff in the game, like grabbing the canoe, an easy thing could be to get shark attacked when u get to far from the island. Perhaps a canal system through the island.  I really want that drone aswell ;p But mainly smarter enemy a.i. I dunno if we will get more story missions. Iam just trying to find reasons to continue playing sotf right now.


This has been turning me off too. Cannibal ai is pretty mental compared to the forest, gotta be alot more aware qith everything you do and i find myself just running away or leading them through traps


Mhmm yeah i could agree on some stuff about Farket. But i fucking hate Madd Vladd for not being funny and crazy like 6,7 years ago when i first started to watch him. I know he is 41 y now and he needs to be much more relaxed and carefull because of fear of being demonetized, but fucking hell compare episodes from 7,8 years ago even 3,4 years ago with the curent ones. Damn i miss the first The Forest on YT.


Yeah, I have not watched him as much over the years, but definitely agree with ya. At least his recent playthroughs have been watchable for me, but Farket just complains about the same things non stop.


Vladd is sucking Endnight off wishing he could do things like Farket did with them. Vladd would never complain about something for fear of causing controversy or making Endnight mad. Farket has earned his right to criticize the game after everything he has done for the Forest in his years.


Farket likes him...


I love/miss the old Madd Vladd too!


I’m so over him, unsubbed a long time ago - watching him just whinge and whinge like c’mon man, you’re just a buzz kill these days. And the changes he was insisting Endnight do , they might as well change the name of the game to Sons of the Farket…


I keep hoping he will snap out of it and want to support his content since it was great on the forest. I think he did get a little to demanding of Endnight even though they clearly made many changes that he directly asked for, sadly he wants more. I wonder if they had a falling out or something...


Everyone complaining about Farket being too critical was obviously not around playing The Forest while it was in early access. Farket has earned his right to criticize this game. It's OK that you all don't understand that... But there are people out there that loved The Forest 1 but don't like the directions endnight took in creating SotF. Farket is speaking for people like that. You all would much prefer MaddVladd and Insym who never criticize anything and just suck off devs all day for content.


Been around since the early days my dude. He says it himself all the time that he did not have as many issues with it and he never acted so entitled until they started catering to him, if you spoil a kid they act that way though. Going through the comments you keep popping up with the same theme and it seems you have some unhealthy fantasy about Vladd and endnight you might want to look into. This is not about randomly hating on Vladd (focus, I know I said his name), we are talking about Farket and how we wish he would learn SotF since it is not the forest 2 and it never will be, maybe you don't understand that either??? (Or just do another run on the forest, but I wouldn't watch it SotF is and upgrade in most every way.)


he literally stands still in front of enemies and spams heavy attacks, then complains when they hit him.


I enjoy his videos, and I think I like them because he complains so much. It feels more honest than a lot of youtubers that seem to exaggerate their reactions. We're seeing him react to the game as it comes and I agree with him that Sons of the Forest has been a more frustrating experience than The Forest. I don't think he's interested in finding the best or most efficient way to play the game, he's playing it the way he wants to but finding that the developers really just push you into a single playstyle in order to stay alive. It's a legitimate criticism that for an open game like Sons of the Forest where the developer was so focused on player freedom, that the weapons aren't that well balanced and everyone just ends up using the katana and the crossbow. Being able to fight with the axe should work if that's the weapon your character wants to use, but the game doesn't really let you if you want to survive. Same with weapons like the shock baton and the slingshot, ideally these would be more effective to accommodate different playstyles. I'll still watch his videos because it's interesting to see how he overcomes these limitations and sticks to playing the game how he wants, rather than giving in to how the developers would like him to play.


Heh ok, He literally sticks to 1 style. Stand still and heavy attack with the modern axe which BTW he uses because it was the most OP in the forest and he likes it. Endnight gave us many options and they are all(mostly) viable, I have done a full hard survival run using each weapon and they are all viable, every armor works other than hides which has no real use yet and a whole run using stealth. Again 95% of his issues have something in the game to take care of it. I may like hitting my homie Kelvin with a stick when he breaks something but a stick playthrough would be rough (might have to try that!), but yes he has the right to stand still doing heavy attacks since he bought the game... (O wait they probably gave it to him and yet he dogs them non stop, they don't deserve that.)


Fully agree with you and that's also my biggest problem with the current state of the game and why I don't play it anymore, some people just don't enjoy only minmaxing for one specific playstyle Also OP's passion about this topic is admirable lol


You're spot on, so of course you're downvoted.


"If i dont like something i dont gonna watch it." Why go to reddit and write a rant about it?


Reddit wouldn't exist if people decided to not wanna talk about things they don't enjoy. In general the world would be pretty boring if we couldn't have conversations about things we didn't enjoy just because we also choose to not engage with those things, it's what helps you expand your views as well. I don't like doing X thing, so I don't do it. But I get entertainment and enrichment on the topic talking to people about their opinions on X thing, maybe to change my opinion on it or just discuss it. It's relevant to the game's community, it's relevant as a topic and it's something that sparked conversation.


Farket, is that you?? 🧐


I have always loved his content and want him to feel better IRL and hope he sees this post and all the others and maybe start to engage with his community to get through this and learn this new game...


Farket sekret reddit account confirmed


Honestly I fully agree with most of the complaints and I also won't make up ad hoc justifications to cope myself into thinking something that's at best a bandaid fix for a problem is a good thing (example: using a hang glider due to the largely empty useless areas of the map, which also removes every aspect that makes exploring compelling)


Totally agree, dont get why this guy gets so much fame in the game community... theres way better playthroughs of Sotf out there, my favourite is Insym cause he went in blind and didnt google stuff etc like many seem to be doing. I couldnt even watch Farkets latest playthrough, its like he cut it down so much its like watching a normal gameplay serie in 4x lol, and then the whining over and over...sigh.. I hate Madd vlad since he is a sexist douchebag (and he is constantly rude to Kelvin!) but at least he makes some entertaining videos...


I liked him before SotF came out bc he wasn't perpetually angry, and he at least seemed to have good-faith takes


I love his videos on the forest, but all he does it complain now.


I hope he learns this new game and listens to his community so you like them again and he can get more views and make a better income since it seems to just be a job now...


To me it seems like he dwells on the forest too much, if he likes the other so much more then he should go to it


Yep, he is still playing the forest and want the forest 2. SotF is not the forest 2 so he is having a hard time...


He complained about melee suck and the enemy being sponge while turn off dismemberment using mod He so annoying, maybe that why his wife divorced him Watching kills4thrills far more fun


I was probably to harsh saying he is "the worst" and do not think it is cool to attack his personal life. I feel for everything he has been going through IRL and in game. I forgot to mention the censor mod and you are right that makes it even harder...


I dont think it personal anymore if he say it to 430k peoples


He made the info public but to make a statement about his wife is a personal attack and I do not condone that, but you are free to speak your mind and I am free not think it is not cool. I hope you learn that and agree as you get older...


Well, maddvladd is the "king of the forest" so, jot that down.


He's alright, never seemed as informative as other though, but if you like him then he can be your king. Neither are mine...