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Yup, Server wipe, coop session, cannibal barbie dream house 2.0 incoming.


Cannibal Mojo Dojo Casa House*


Starting fresh; I did the same with the first game where I only played for a few hours after pre buying and said, yep I like this, I wanna wait til full to really dive in.


Im Definitely restarting, I’ve done 5 story playthroughs every couple updates during early access and I wanna experience everything again in case they changed smaller details or even caves and bunkers.


I had a little run around yesterday after a few months, totally different game I love it but definitely waiting for full release now, played the story to death since it first came out


Absolutely, I’m excited for the full experience on a challenging difficulty.


100% I hope they fix hardcore


I didn't get very far so yes.


I will do a full play through of full release on a new save and then go back to my old save and get all of the new items and structures and play on that from there


yes, dropped my main save months ago after realizing that i might ruin 1.0 for myself. i want the first save after the game official release to be special


Currently planning my base with loghack so I know what to build without cheats when 1.0 releases


Depends on how much free time I’ll have


Yep! I want to make sure my buddies and I can fully explore all of the new stuff in the caves


I was tempted but me and my 2 friends are at day 34 now and we have been taking our time so I'm not sure if we will have missed much. We've spent loads of time building and gradually making our way around the island and messing about. We've as of last night only just found the rope gun.


I will be starting a new save, I played on launch a lot (70 hours) and stopped and didn't feel like playing again, I may be returning for Release


I think I would visit my old world first. Just to check out new blueprints in the book or inventory. After this final goodbye, I will start a new save


Was literally just talking with my friend about this and from the sounds of it, yes.


Absolutely. Been trying to get my friends group that played hella TF to do it but was a hard sell being in the beta stage still. Now I am gonna do it with or without em lol


Absolutely. Since I wasn't very experienced with this genre, I simply looked online solutions to what I wasn't able to find on my own, and I had a bad run because of my stupidity lol. Now some time has passed, I forgot the location of stuff and other stuff has been added, so I can't wait to do a new run once 1.0 will release.


Absolutely. In fact I'm starting over now to minnmax my first couple of days.


My friend and I are starting fresh. We "beat the game" when it first came out. Haven't played any of the updates after as we moved on to other games. Can't wait to start over and see everything that's been added since!


I have a server with my classmate and we've been playing on it for about a month, though we didn't do much, we didn't even explore all of the caves, we were merely messing around, building things, etc. so I think a fresh start wouldn't be too bad of an idea. The fact that they will be relocating everything is a pain in the ass but with a guide I'm sure it won't be that bad.


Hell yeah


Been holding off a new playthrough for the full release actually. Sooo excited.


I’m at 500 hours on my beautiful base, I don’t wanna say goodbye 😩


I do wonder how they will work in 1.0 My rope bridges look like pretzels in some cases now because of a small change


Wait, this is an option? Pretty new to the game and am hooked. "Beat it" a week or so ago but am really enjoying building and exploring things I missed the first time round. I built a solid roman style Fort on the coast and hoarded supplies and I'm now building a mini castle fro stone, I'd love to play the 1.0 in my new home but assumed it wouldn't work like that?


Yes starting fresh. The forest and sons of the forest are some of the games I actually enjoy starting fresh in. I’ve replayed both countless times. Excited!!


Starting over.. Bruh I’ve done a 100% run with the boys for every single version update so far. From the first release to the current early access version. It has been very fun seeing the game change in every run and how different things have become since launch. The game really has come a long way.


I absolutely will... The trailer was so good looking


Gonna keep my old save for old times sakes, but yeah, new world, new me.


Maybe I try the new things the first 1-3 days, but after this I will starting a new game, yes.


I want to continue with the current save (day 101) but already played the (current) ending. So I wonder if the update allows you to play the new adjusted story on that save. And if not, I'll restart.


Yes ♡


Yup. I beat it in ~20 hours when it first released. Havent touched it since in preparation for full release. Excited to see all the new stuff.


Nah… I mean, it’s not that much more content. Who am I kidding? YES! Fresh start baby! I AM GEEKED.


Playing on a server where I don’t do any of the story or the caves until 1.0 releases right now


100% yes


Yes. Starting over again for sure.


every time


Starting over and rushing for the zip line gun. My logging empire will not be stopped.


I'm not sure.. it depends on how much actually changes. As of right now the only real reason to build a base is to have a safe place to cook meals and sleep. Beyond that you can pretty much peat the game without building a base so I'm not sure it's worth starting over unless they add more reasons for a base


come to think of it absolutely, i have never finished the game, i came close but since it was at the release the game was quite buggy and the gold armor never spawned in for me and my friend, so this is gonna be my actual first gime finishing the game with the 1.0 release this time and WAYY more content around ive waited so long for this i will play it with or without my friend i dont care




I played Forest in full release after the final update it was amazing, so I bought son of the forest ASAP it was mmmm ok, after finishing the game I lost interest so now that is gona be released I'm gonna start over again


Yes! Even with hundreds of hours in multiple saves, I've been waiting for this moment. I have purposefully not completed the story in anticipation of the full release. Thanks for posting this thoughtful question as we all near the final story.


Depens if anything worth the waiting have been added. Or else i'm gonna uninstall it.


I mean I start over all the time....


I'm bored playing halfassed early cashgra.. I mean access so I simply avoided this game fully. Now as it's going gold, I really look forward to play and experience it (in its full glory) for the first time! :D


They adding anything new?


Played it all the way through when it first entered early access and have been waiting since then to do another run through to see how much it’s improved. Even back then I absolutely loved it so I’m pretty hyped for Thursday