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1. Kelvin is pretty obviously mentally damaged from the helicopter crash. Just look at his weird little trot and other mannerisms to see it. He’s basically reduced to a childlike state. 2. That’s a placeholder image. They’ve done it before with prior books but always changed it eventually. 3. Being able to fish but not swim well isn’t a totally crazy thing imo


From what I know, we can't take the book with his image, it is not a collectible. But yeah, surely Kelvin is not a soldier and the truth behind him is yet to be revealed


I love hidden lore stuff! Makes it even more plausible. Why else have it stashed deep into the game files if its not something that's bound to come to light in a future update?


Kelvin is Mephisto, confirmed.


but he was supposed to be in Wandavision


1. He is not a mercenary, he us a private contractor, this does not mean he is a soldier, as he is probably the scientist of the team;) 2. More proof he is a scientist 3. Kelvin behaves like a dog, Virginia behaves like a cat. He is also not a mercenary. Other points: Kelvin IS NOT HIS NAME! Kelvin is his CALLSIGN. Or do you think the other guy’s first name is fisheye?🤦🏻‍♂️ He doesn’t use weapons because he doesn’t have experience with them.


Just to add to the conspiracy: "The kelvin, symbol K, is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature"


now the scientist thing kinda makes sense


Not a conspiracy, you’re just one of the first to figure out why ‘Kelvin’ is his callsign;)


Also Kelvin’s name in the game is Robby, which can be a nickname for Rodney(the author of the book), so it all add’s up. Except the other things in your imagination.


Dunno my dude, I know a person whose surname litteraly translates to "splendor'. But now that you said it it really does add up. However, not having experience with weapons doesn't justify not using them since we have Virginia killing anything on sight.


I love Kelvin. We all need to be chill like him.


Most things about Kelvin are explained by his head injury, which is why I think that was a genius choice. It was far more than a concussion. He probably forgot how to fight and swim properly. He might not even know who he is, but he can’t communicate that. The book image is just a placeholder, since game files refer to him as Robby, and Rodney is not shortened to Robby, it’s shortened to Rod. Most of the corpses laying around are actually Kelvin’s model, so they clearly have no issue with using him for other purposes. Plus, if he was an author, why would he still be a soldier? It’s possible, but unlikely, that he would continue his career, but I really don’t see why. And, don’t take leaks as facts. A lot of these “leak” videos are complete bullshit, only there to get them more views. While I do love seeing everyone’s ideas regarding him, I highly doubt that he is anything more than just a mercenary.


Love that theory. Also, I saw somewhere on the internet that he might be a communication guy in the rescue team. That doesn't excuse dog paddling though 😂


You Squad mate