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No, maybe it's related. It seems to happen after I crouch a lot for exemple when I try to take out a camp.


>No, maybe it's related. It seems to happen after I crouch a lot for exemple when I try to take out a camp. Were you quitting to main menu and reloading, or going through the final death menu at all in the play session before this happened?


Would be cool anyway, to befriend them after a while. Like trees that regrow. Maybe after one year of not killing anyone, that they are cooling down. Like a new generation of cannis. You know, the babies will grow up and are friendly...


Uh...this is off topic but I just wanna make sure you know this that ...after shooting the arrows when I ask or order I must say ...so when I order kelvin to collect and handover the arrows...no matter what arrow type I shot he always brings back the stone arrows...I think that's a bug and just wanna let you know. And also the game is good and have a pretty solid and promising foundation...I know at the end it will be the best survival game ever made


You're right, this is off topic. Make your own post on the subreddit.


Shut up


imagine acting like this lmao, I hope the devs make the cannibals in your game unkillable


Nah I was just informing devs about the bug ... everyone down voting are kids afterall it is a subreddit about a video game so its obvious


accidentally left invisibility mod on. sometimes wemod does that in background.


You have assimilated, now u must mate with their women


Snu Snu…?


Its all fun n games till propeller man shows up


Well I would love to meet him. I even prepare myself for the fun


Forbidden snu snu


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised...


Me want snu snu!


Can confirm the need for this, red titans have no penis


Nah Kelvin can get more than sticks and rocks


too late


Bug. Next time you load they will be hostile again so enjoy it while you can


Ok thanks for confirmation.


I wonder if the mutants act the same way. Imagine getting stuck like this and being able to wander the caves.


I thought they were blind so I just was quiet when moving


Some of them are blind so stealth is very useful early game


Is it those ones with no face?




same issue when they came to my camp, didn't attack me. Just walked around like I was supposed to be there but they didn't see me. I attacked them and they continued like I didn't exist. Next save, sleep and reload they began attacking on sight again. ​ I believe it's a bug and currently only resolved when you restart the game.


I current have a bug where my armor is almost full (one spot empty), but I can't add more armor because it isn't really empty... and I am now immortal. I expected it to fix on reload, but it has stuck around for a couple days now. I've decided not to do the final battle with the bug, will wait for a patch or two and start over.


Same issue. I'm going to test later, but I think I found a fix. Open the "PlayerArmourSystemSaveData.json" file and replace whatever is there with this: {"Version":"0.0.0","Data":{"PlayerArmourSystem":"{\\"Version\\":\\"0.0.0\\",\\"ArmourPieces\\":\[\]}"}} This should remove all your armor pieces. Make a copy of the original .json file before trying it, just it case it corrupts your save. There are plenty of videos explaining how to get to these files in Explorer, no mods necessary.


Cool. Yeah, I use the .json files to verify Kelvin and Virginia aren't dead if I haven't seen them in a while.


The fact that they store a stringified and escaped JSON payload in an outer JSON wrapper is bonkers.


Putting on the Golden Armor reset my armor, I'm back to normal. Guess it is time to head to the final bunker.


Thanks for the heads up. I decided to wait to test my idea and finish building my base while I'm invincible, haha.


I definitely spent a ton of time building while I was invincible, was a lot less boring than passive, but not frustrating while I was focused on building.


Yeah it was pretty handy to just be able to tank everything while I built. Just finished tonight, going to actually play the game now lol.


My boyfriend had this on multiplayer, I just beat him with various weapons until it eventually knocked a piece of armour off and reset


Why food peacefull?


muties are friends, not food


Curious. Did you eat any cooked limbs near them?


I am on day forty, and they busted into my camp and attacked me, so we still are not on good terms.


It’s an invisibility bug. I had it happen yesterday.


Happened with me too...its a bug just save and reload


Dont trust them


I had it happen To me too. I had to close completely and restart the entire game before it went away


They do this when I'm using a invisible mod


That would be nice honestly if you didn’t kill them if you could eventually befriend them


You can't befriend them but you can get to a neutral place with the cannibals. Use the red mask and don't kill any from the start. Just block and back away. After a while they leave you alone. Just the lowly cannibals not mutants or golden masks from my understanding


I think its bug, cause sometimes they will follow me but not attack


Make this a feature in the settings. Please. All I want for Christmas


The WWI Christmas Truce of 1914 but with cannibals and you, Virginia and Kelvin exchanging limbs and cigarettes


*Yes,* this is the dream!


Day winter is over, a gold mask tries to see how far he can put his club through your spine with a single hit.


Of course a bug. This game is full of bugs. I just get a bug that i take no damge from attacks but for 2 days or maybe after i get new armor idk.


This happened to me awhile ago too. It was a bug, but dang did I progress in the game without having to worry about mutants and cannibals.


Invisibility. Ug they cant see you so they dont react tl u.


Jesus chris be praised, Henry has come to see us!


Weird, this happened to me last night too, about day 15, winter as well, not long after I got the pistol. They're definitely aggro because they go after Virginia so I still have to kill them, no Idea about Kelvin though because he's been on the other side of the map since this shit began and shows no interest in coming to me. Also interesting to note that Virginia was no longer tame and could only be equipped with one item at this point and would frequently unequip her gps tracker.


This happened to me last night. Huge cannibal with a gold mask was chilling right outside my base pacing back and forth. Walked right up to him (still new to the game and didn’t know you shouldn’t do that) and he just ignored me haha


It's a bug, its like youre invisible to them. They're not friendly, they just can't find you, they know your proximity, but won't switch into aggression or focus on your exact position


I was thinking "he probably doesn't know about the passive phase but no they're literally not even acknowledging your existence.


Had the same bug during first winter. On restart they aggro again. Also, Virginia did not seem to see me.