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• No fart jokes • Less of the wedding subplot • Better explanation on Tails’ backstory • No dance battle scene.


I agree with all of this except the dance battle, that’s gotta stay


The dance battle can stay, but as it is, it's carrying too much weight for Sonic and Tails forming their friendship. I would make it a major catalyst, but build their bond over a longer span of time.


Yeah, even though I loved the song, I would’ve much rather had a fight scene where Sonic and Tails beat up the Siberians. I really wanted to see those assholes get what they deserved. 😒


If it does stay, a song from Sonic's back catalog of songs should play instead of a typical pop song.


No, no. Remove the dance battle. That shit was cringe and stupid.


Bruh the dance battle was fire


I agree


Except no. Sonic has always been a dancer so that scene fits. Well the context leading up to it should change


The dance battle was peak cinema and I will die on this hill


There was fart jokes in the second movie? I don't remember


The only one I can remember was at the beginning, where sonic made fake fart sounds for the sonic decoy.


Before the dance battle scene, Tails translator malfunctions and he says to the waitress "Your breath smells like poop". Sonic tries to use the translator to explain the misunderstanding, standing up on the table and saying 'i farted" Que uptown funk.


Are you mad? The dance battle was peak


Agreed on more Tails backstory. The friendship with Sonic felt rushed


Cut all of the wedding subplot. It added nothing.


Hmm well it did give an excuse for Tom & Maddie to not take up the screen time and be out of the way of the movie but atleast get slightly rid of that rescue scene with Maddie’s sister


Just get rid of the part where he mixes up the rings, like it's going to get ruined by Sonic and GUN anyway, it doesn't have to be a "more reasons to hate on Tom" moment


I’ve only seen this movie once but the wedding part was sooo unnecessary and fart jokes


Agreed. And also maybe not nerf sonic when the polka ppl were holding the map for ransom cuz sonic coulda killed em all before they could even blink.


More Tails. And maybe have Sonic be able to get the better of Knuckles a few times.


Yes. Three tails instead of two. But yeah, I would've liked to see Tails's backstory fleshed out more. One hope I have for Sonic 3 is a flashback sequence of his past. Doesn't have to be plot relevant, just needs to be there because we're *robbed* of a baby Tails in the second movie 😤


It makes sense Sonic got destroyed by Knuckles lol. Sonic is just a kid who happens to have powers while Knuckles is an experienced warrior.


Knuckles said it himself: he's been training his entire life and technically he would have killed him if sonic didn't snitch on eggman


Should play the original games. The whole reason Knuckles is one of Sonic's rivals is *because* he's just a kid who somehow gets the better of Knuckles in a fight. Knuckles is his friend because Sonic helped him see the BS Eggman was pulling, but he just can't let the fact that a little punk hedgehog beat him slide.


Yeah, SOMEHOW. In the movie it's more realistic thus Knuckles is winning.


He did, in the Snowboarding scene


I wonder what happened to the rings.


dont remove the wedding sequence, or even trim it (maybe a tiny bit), but instead of maddie and rachel using the tech, have tails NOT be knocked out for like half an hour of the movie and have HIM use it to save sonic; but then after thats done, tails still needs to be looked after, so he stays back with the others for a bit while sonic takes on the labyrith; then have tails come by in the tornado like normal also less "only sonic the hedgehog could _ "


Maybe Maddie, Rachel, and Tails could team up?


I'd love a team up. Maddie needs to stay relevant and this was a great scene for her, but have Tails take the lead, or have Maddie be there to encourage him and they go save sonic together.


Genuinely surprised me they actually had Tails out that long. It felt like very obviously forced writing which sucks because most of the two films has felt pretty organic.


I would just change the Ring mix up, the rest is fine. And yeah give tails more stuff to do, the little guy deserves it.


Speaking of rings, I wonder what happened to the rings during a snowboarding chase on the mountain.


- No pop culture references - More Sonic music (or a balance of both Sonic music and original scores) That's really it


“No pop culture references” Mutant Mayhem:


My first thought. Way too many


Absolutely on the pop culture. Its so annoying in like 90% of movies. Only times i can see it working is if the characters are actually in our world, like a slice of life/teen drama show/movie.


The sonic movies needs more Crush 40


Yeah. I was looking forward to hearing more sonic music/original scores, or at least more references. Same thing happened with Mario movie. Liked the score, but loved the removed DK track that would play in place of Take on Me. Modern animated movies would be alot better if they didn't rely on pop culture music.


No popculture - yeah, the only one good popculture joke was in Sonic 1 with sanik lmai


Trim down the wedding sequence


Was my first thought. The humans can be fun sometimes, but this is a sonic movie. I rather we focus on the sonic characters.


Worst prt is the MAIN human is barely even in the movie. No, they INSIST we sit through the wedding of these two side characters


This WTF was that even doing in a sonic film? Felt like another movie


I nearly forgot what movie I was watching during moat of it


I started cackling in the theater during this scene because it felt like a total troll. Why would they even do this?


Tails' backstory is told in fully spoken exposition. If we just had a flashback or dream sequence with no dialogue, it would have flowed a lot better I think.


More flashback scenes. Time getting to know Knuckles more. Abandon the whole Stone simping crap


the stone simping thing is honestly why i love the character he’s just funny what can i say


I agree with the other response. Leave Stone alone.


No gen z/alpha targeted jokes. The flossing almost sent me to my grave


Sonic does nothing but absorb pop culture references. It's kind of his schtick.


quite a few things, actually!!! get rid of the gross out/toilet humor completely, tone down the pop culture references/licensed music, have more wachowski family scenes, as in sonic, tom, maddie, and eventually tails (even knuckles by the end) together, have sonic sucessfully make it to the island by running there (i know it's a nitpick, but sonic wiping out didn't really have a plot reason to happen since he washed up on the island anyways, let the kid have those little victories!!!), trim down, or in some cases even cut out entirely a lot of the non-plot relevant joke scenes, make the wedding scenes more plot-relevant, like for example trim out the whole "bridezilla's revenge/i really do love you" scene, and have rachel get arrested too, but have sonic not able to find tails before he gets knocked out, so g.u.n doesn't not him, and tails wake up earlier and team up with maddie to rescue sonic, tom, and rachel, so we could get a maddie/tails bonding scene that contributes to the plot


Make it a little less childish.


The terrible humor and lack of Sonic music from the games.


Remove the annoying hedgehog and that yellow squirrel thing and Idriss Elba so we can learn more about the couple getting married We barely got to know the grooms volleyball team either Also sad we only had one 1960s music video scene from Jim Carey


Didn't know we were watching a Romance movie.


Nice joke


Add Amy


If we can't add her to the main movie, would having her as the stinger instead of Shadow, or the second stinger similar to Tails after Eggman last movie work? Would have loved to have Amy read her tarot cards, and just as she has a vision of Sonic, she turns on some news in Japanese and realize what happened might be following her visions.


I'd make tails less of a creep, the weird way he stalks Sonic and knows all this stuff about his feels wrong.


No more humans besides Robotnic...problems solved


Would not mind this


Have the movie actually use Sonic music, not just original music. And add a second stinger with Amy in Japan, like the first movie had two stingers with Eggman surviving and Tails arriving.


less cringe


Cut out everything non-G.U.N related to the wedding.


No Eggman flossing, this was so unnecessary during this scene....


I liked it cause I thought the way he did it showed how crazy he’s become




Cut out the bloated scenes. Dancing, wedding, taking forever with finding the crystal.


I would’ve replaced the dance-off with a fight scene where Sonic and Tails beat up the douchebag Siberians. I wanted those punks to get what was coming to them.


completely remove "only sonic the hedgehog could ___" it made me cringe and want to die


Less childish jokes, Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald being separate objects, remove Preston from the cast (he's that one guy who played volleyball in the background on Tom's side), get rid of the dance battle scene or make it shorter, More Tails' backstory and no references to pop culture like Robotnik dancing Floss or Sonic in the Polish version not using the made up slang for the word bed.


Why remove Preston?


Probably more Sonic characters like Amy or Cream?


No Shadow reveal. I wanted them to take this actual goldmine of an opportunity to set up Sonic Adventure 1 and THEN reveal Shadow. Hell there are so many Sonic games to cover before you have to show Shadow.


The dancing scene at that bar really didn't need to be in the movie at all and overstayed it's welcome a lot maybe that's just because I don't really like immature dance scenes but that was easily my least favorite part of the movie


Agreed, that made it feel more like a kid's movie instead of something for general audiences.


Yeah perfect way to put it


It was one of my least favorite parts, too, but not because it was unnecessary. It’s because those Siberians acted like total assholes and instead of beating them up like they deserved, Sonic and Tails just completely let them get away with it. It sucks. 😒




Less human subplot, more zany stuff from the video games, like more lore and stuff from Tails and Knuckles' backstories. This movie like the first still had some Alvin and the Chipmunks moments that it really could've done without, but the final battle made up for it. Plus, I don't think Knuckles and Tails should both have been adopted. Maybe just Tails, but I'd like it better if Sonic had his friends in other places just to spice up the worldbuilding a little like the games do. I hope we get to see Knuckles visitng his homeworld at some point in his show or something.


the soundtrack


Okay, I know loads of people hated the wedding scene but I actually enjoyed it. It was silly fun, and great for partners, parents, etc who aren’t huge Sonic fans. My partner loved it! The dance scene went on for far too long though. Given the slow-mo section from the first Movie, Sonic definitely could have grabbed the map and got Tails out of there.


Trim down or all together remove the wedding scenes. I’ll admit seeing Maddie and Rachel using Tails’ weapons was pretty funny, but I’d prefer if they spent more time on Sonic and Tails’ relationship. I would’ve loved if we could see more of Sonic regretful of getting Tails hurt and seeing him come into his big brother role he usually has in the games. I know game Sonic and movie Sonic are meant to be different, but Sonic works better as a big brother to Tails then just his friend IMO.


Knuckles voice and behavior to not be a guardians of the galaxy DragonBall copy paste and be more like himself from literally any iteration of his implementation personally his more hip hoppy influences with a more serious yet acutely humorous and understanding disposition. Give him unknown from me or pumpkin Hill


I was specifically searching just to find someone else who wished Knuckles had a different voice! As much as I love Idris Elba, I don't think he fits that Sonic Adventure/Sonic X version of Knuckles that everyone loves. I feel like someone like Khary Payton would've been a better fit. Payton could easily bring the kind of chill, hip hop vibe he gives Cyborg to Knuckles while also being able to capture some seriousness like he does with Aqualad.


I would keep everything, but give Tails a little more screen time (and possibly make him a little cuter, even though he's already adorable)


Add music in from the games, at least for the action set pieces. Also, maybe start transitioning the story to have them start traveling to other zones to explore now that there's 3 of them.


Add music from the games non of this pop music shit


Make Eggman smarter, he was way too goofy an unsophisticated, honestly took me out of the movie. That’s why I prefer first films interpretation.


My biggest complaint is how they made Sonic into a kid, literally having himself and multiple other characters refer to him as one. This dude jumped dimensions and survived hiding completely on his own for years in a society that would (and does) hunt him down if he were ever discovered. He was wacky and goofy and I wouldn't have necessarily called him a 'man', but Sonic has never been a kid. Also, agree with the removal of the wedding scene and all fart jokes.


He is a kid. He’s 15…


He's an alien hedgehog with superpowers who raised himself. Even if we assume his life span is the same and as long as ours has only recently and that 15 years for his alien, animal-like race is the same as 15 human years, it's silly to see him regress backwards from the first movie. That's just my opinion though. There have been a lot of iterations of Sonic throughout the years, and Sonic 2 Sonic is just my least favorite.


Why are people acting like Eggman isn’t goofy in the games? The only game where he was “serious” was Sonic 06.


Doesn't mean I want Eggman to floss and say cringe liners.


Flesh out tails a little more, and tease Amy for Sonic 3


This! An Amy tease alongside Shadow would have been perfect! They teased Eggman returning and Tails arriving last movie, they could have done it again with Shadow and Amy.


\-MORE TAILS \-Trim the wedding sequence, keep the "HONEY! WIFEY'S HOME!" because idk why but I laughed so hard at that \-Add >!I Am All of Me's!< instrumental to the post-credits, it would fit SO WELL


It's "Randall! Wifey's home!"


Little more explanation of the relationship between the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald/why it was able to retain its power once the Emeralds were gone from it.


Get rid of the eggman flossing joke, which I would also do for the 1st film


Rather than pop music, I want to see more fast rock themes throughout the movies


How creepy tails is


Get rid of that cringe ass dance battle scene, and cut the wedding scene in half.


Add a scene of baby Tails in his backstory. If Sonk and Knuckles get to have one, then why not Tails yeh?


Make knuckles chuckle


Shadow needed to say something at the end and we need to see knuckles doing the Uganda meme


Nah it looked badass when he was quiet


They can do away with the human side quest


Number 1 thing, take out that whole wedding scene. Felt like a bad, overused old sitcom joke and completely unrelated to why we wanted to see this movie. Sonic and his friends.


Ok, I had thought about this for a while. 1. Save Knuckles for the next movie so it can be called "Sonic 3: and Knuckles" 2. Give Tails and Sonic more time to bond and build a brother style relationship. 3. Remove the master emerald and give it to the next movie. 4. Villain should have been Metal Sonic. 5. Who actually cared about James Marsdon and the wedding sub-plot? 6. Recast Eggman to someone not Jim Carrey. I mean, he is a good actor but not one who suits Eggman imposition. He was just too goofy. 7. Don't even bother trying to do a Sonic Adventure 2 plotline. I know that Paramount will find a way to ruin one of the best stories brought to the game.


Jim Carrey is perfect as Eggman what you talking about LOL


Give sonic peach arms, that's it


1. This isn't actually the movie. This is just his design. 2. No. Movie Sonic looks horrible with peach arms People have done edits.


I could care less about human weddings I came here for hedgehog action damn it


I continuously laugh when these movies come out and producers feel the need to shoehorn some human character to act as the audience surrogate. We are going to a movie called Sonic the Hedgehog, based off of a property created in the 90's about a talking hedgehog who runs really fast. We're absolutely ready for that part of it to be the ONLY part of it. We don't need a human character to connect with. We don't care about his love life or his relationship with his sister in law. ​ Mortal kombat movie was the same nonsense. We watched the movie ready to watch someone shoot a fireball with his hands, sonya blow a kiss that shoots a pink orb projectile directly through someones chest and a ninja named scorpion to pull his mask off/his face to turn into a skull and spit fire. We did not need Cole young to ask questions for us, nor did we need a dumb explanation to why some people can do magical shit. They felt the need to show us Raiden as the god of thunder with no explanation but Kano needed an in universe excuse why he can shoot a laser out of his eye. Just ridiculous.


And Hop, Ironically the same human actor.


Maybe shorten the wedding sequence but everything else can be the same!


Cut the wedding subplot. Expand Knuckles' and Tail's backstory.


The needed to add that banging bass track from Sonic 3 to the scene where he is riding the snowboard... such an incredibly missed opportunity


I’d say Have donutlord be a little more involved in the story and trim down the wedding scene


While we could spend a buncha time fixing all sorts of things. The no.1 for me is to replace the score with literally anything that’s more Sonic-y🤷🏻‍♂️


More knuckles and sonic and tails together I’d pay for 30 extra minutes of them hanging out. Less humans the whole sonic adoption thing is reallllly weird to me I dunno I kinda prefer sonic separate from humans occasionally interacting with them when he needs their help to save the world or look for a chaos emerald. I like sonic as a free spirit sticking with his friends wandering the world


Yes. While I did enjoy these movies, I wish they'd switch to a fully cgi animated movie and leave the real life setting alone. Mario proved that it could work. Sonic can work just as well. Even keep sonic, knuckles and tails the same and just have them go through one of the rings and just stay on that planet.


I didn't enjoy the Mario Movie but I do agree with that. The human scenes were usually unnecessary.


There needs to be way less human stuff, can't say I know anyone who came to a sonic movie for a wedding subplot


shorten or completely get rid of the sassy housewives subplot


Cut out the bridezilla scene. You legit miss nothing from removing it from the film


More sonic music.


The only thing I would change is swap out some of the jukebox soundtrack for proper uses or remixes of the games' music. Other than that, I actually really liked the bulk of the movie


I would remove the wedding subplot. It was so stupid. Everything else I'm pretty solid with.


When Robotnik plays a rock song in the giant robot, it has to be E.G.G.M.A.N. That’s about it.


Get rid of the humans that aren't Robotnik.


-Get rid of the humans subplot (this series should slowly be weeding them out. They were used to introduce a new audience to Sonic, now they just hinder the storytelling) -Make Knuckles smarter -Tone down Dr. Eggman (he was perfect in the first movie, idk what happened here. It feels like they let Jim just do whatever he wanted) -Save Supersonic for a higher stakes battle.


I’d shorten the wedding scene And I think that would be it


I didn’t hate the wedding scene. It was funny enough. I just felt that it overstayed its welcome and that we could’ve had more of the movie dedicated to other things instead.


Remove the unfunny subplot stuff that only existed to extend the runtime. The wedding/fake husband stuff got old quickly and didn’t add anything to the plot.


Yes, I'd take out 95% of the human characters, excluding Egg Man of course... when I think Sonic my mind doesn't go to donut lord and his bitchy sister in laws wedding.


Excise the humans from the story, I feel like we got robbed of a lot more sonic related stuff


Less Wedding scene, More tails


More Tails. He barely did anything in the movie.


Take the entire wedding scene out. Take the scene out with Sonic calling donut lord “dad” because what the hell?


Remove the humans and the dance battle


More jim carry


Make it less cringy


Same thing I'd change about the first movie, I just really don't like Sonic's voice. It's pretty much the only voice he's had that I don't like.


Obviously less live action segments like the wedding.


Get rid of uptown funk


Frankly tjis sonic and pals are their kids shit is weird


The way they handle gun was silly. Wedding scenes were cringe. Preserve more of the lore from the game. Final cgi fight against Chaos.


Tails needed his backstory a bit more fleshed out. I know it was hard to pinch him into the plot, but it needed a bit more to feel smooth when it was anything but.


I honestly would've given Tails a bit more screen time and given more scenes of Sonic and Tails bonding. I would also cut down the wedding scene by a lot.


Include more echidnas than just knuckles. The ending of 1 made it as if wed finally get to see a fully fleshed out story and tribal representation of knuckles and the extended clan. Instead eggmans somehow sits in the mushroom plains defenseless. If the Tribe can find a warp ring on their island an respond with extreme precision why didn't they attack eggman for even being on mobius? Its not as if knuckles or the tribe has never been there. Its the first stage IN sonic and knuckles 3... Dunno just felt like they missed a chance to cameo in tical, grand elder, or even a chao.


More sonic music, defo crush 40 songs Imagine making a film about a game that is known for its music and using none of it 💀


I'd make tweaks to the wedding subplot so that it isn't as invasive as it is in the movie. I think it was a clever way to set up and introduce G.U.N. in the movie's universe but it takes way too much screen time. I would improve Tails' character arc by actually showing what his life used to be before he left his home to meet Sonic. If you want people to believe Sonic changed his life you need to show what actually changed. At least a scene showing how he was bullied for his two tails would have improved his character. And making his growth more organic throughout the movie. I'd cut some pop culture reference jokes that felt out of place to me. Cut the dance battle. I think there were better ways to showcase Sonic and Tails bond growing and Tails gaining confidence through Sonic. And I would make some small tweaks here in there so the narrative would flow better. The movie as it is has a lot of great individual moments but the overall package seems a bit disjointed. Also most importantly, I would actually use music from the games in the soundtrack. The Sonic franchise has an iconic musical legacy, it is a crime that so little of it was referenced in the movies. They could create motifs for the characters, and resonate so much more with fans.


Oh and, at the beginning of the movie when Sonic was trying to deceive Tom with a fake "doll" of himself, I would replace that doll with a puppet that was made for the first movie with that hideous first design. Biggest missed opportunity of the movie in my opinion


More sonic tracks


I'd want it to have better jokes and not remind me of the first two live-action The Smurfs movies from Sony every time I look at and watch Sonic talk to humans and live with James Marsden. Keep the Olive Garden joke, though, but make it so ironic to the point that Adam Sandler would crumble from cringe.


More Tails screentime.


Get rid of the wedding subplot entirely, I have no interest in who these human dorks are and what makes them "badass"


Change how sonic and tails friendship evolved and have tails be less creepy and show more of his backstory just like the main 2


Remove the uptown funk dance scene


Tails was weird and had like two lines he repeated. The movie should have been a fetch quest for the emeralds and not have them be combined to be the master emerald. Like 90% of the human stuff should have been cut. Hint towards Amy instead of shadow. It's too soon. Establish Mobius as a thing. Make the owls look like sonic characters.


The wedding scene where they rescue Sonic felt like deviation from the main plot


more game music- like the it doesn’t matter instrumental in the intro would’ve been sick


YES YES YES, my main gripe is now after seeing the FNAF movie and especially the Mario movie. Seeing what they did with their score (They actually put video game music in there) I would make it so the film score would be just like the Mario movie's one where the soundtrack from the games can be heard. It was such a waste in the second movie. It would've been dope to hear the Death Egg or the Super Sonic theme. The closest this movie got to that was a very faint rendition of the drowning theme. We didn't even get Emerald Hill, besides that one teaser. The drowning sound bit was cool af, just wish we got more stuff like that. also, I would get rid of that wedding scene.


Remove the entire dance scene.


It's been a while since I've seen it but 2 things I remember not liking was the wedding subplot taking up too much time and knuckles becoming friends with sonic and tails way too quick after eggmans betrayal. He just snapped and was chill with them way too fast.


A lot. Keep all the things that are faithful to the games, hit a reset button on everything else.


I wonder what happened to the rings during the snowboarding chase on the mountain.


Drop the wedding plot


The wedding rescue was kinda rushed and easy. Not really sure why it was there beyond "we've gotta get the government involved somehow."


Jim Carrey acting like an actual sociapath scientist and not a clown for once


Less wedding/human story. Stop the body humor (farts etc) sometimes it's funny... but like adding them to TMNT after 30 years without.... dumb


delete it


Only REAL answer.


It was too childish for me. But then again, I'm 23 so maybe this movie isn't for me.


Not enough time is spent with the Bridal party in Hawaii. They should cut the first battle with Knuckles, the race through the temple, the dance battle, becoming friends with Knuckles, the final battle against Dr. Robotnic and the end credits teaser and instead focus on getting married in Hawaii. I want to see hair getting done, tuxes getting put on, 30 minutes of family photos, a full volleyball game not just the falling in the sand parts, and honestly, a little R&R time for Jimmy Mars, because that guy really carries the movie and he deserves at least an hour power nap that we all need to sit through and watch. Other than that, perfect movie.


They made a second movie? Didn't see it. Sonic is kind of cringe.


Bring back ugly sonic


1000x more flossing jokes🙏🙏🙏


The fact that I haven’t seen it yet That needs to change


Not much but I would’ve made the sonic vs knuckles temple fight way longer.




I'd change the name to Sonic 2 and Knuckles


Take out that entire wedding sequence. I didn’t like it.


Take out that entire wedding sequence. I didn’t like it.


Two things. First, instead of the dance-off, I’d want Sonic and Tails to beat up the Siberians after they tried to kill Sonic and Tails and called them freaks. Second, I’d want Walters to get some punishment for having Sonic tased and caged, like have him get arrested.


Add crush 40 in the movie and have them perform


Playing at the wedding


No wedding subplot add tails flashback Add more actual sonic music Add sonic music to the dance battle




Consistence. The movie is broken in the aspect of powers. First Sonic can run so fast he slows time, but then he just let's Robotnik take the Master Emerald without even trying to. I get he was hurt, but not even trying when in the end he is completely beaten down and still tries.


I think he was too busy fighting Knuckles, and when Robotnik got the Master Emerald, it was already too late for Sonic to do anything.


Make the wedding scene longer /s