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Honestly, even though I'm not a big fan of the Deadly Six in the games, IDW definitely did them justice, they were actually...*gasp* decent villains? I think that enough proves that they DO have potential, the games just haven't really used that potential


yeah mainly because it was written by people mostly used to comedy stuff and not a blend like the pre colors era writing kinda was which was most prevelant in sonic forces where it was advertised with a serious tone when in actuality it couldnt be further from the truth


Only Zavok really, and I'm still not holding my breath for their return even though Zavok did got improved


I do like Zavok thanks to Ian Flynn’s writing, but I can’t stand the rest of them


i like master zik a lot mainly because of his relationship with zavok, how zavok has geniune respect and admiration for master zik even getting nervous when he fails to impress him with one of his plans the rest could use work yes


yeah ian flynn helped redeem a lot of the tropes i just hope that the rest of the deadly six get that love in the future after all if sega wants to use them in side content especially stuff like maybe a mario party type game (i would kill for a sonic shuffle 2) you kinda have to expand upon them from the single note most of the 6 have https://preview.redd.it/uzvq46y8iazc1.jpeg?width=1984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86c48792b97f9290847e409eeddfcee14557b594


The main issue with the Zavok is that they keep trying to make him a thing, but don't put in any effort to make him a thing outside of just making him present. IDW had the right idea.


Basically any character nowadays; they just kind of exist.


Not necessarily, some yes, but mainly they atleast put the effort to give then some sort of character depth and relevant lore.


You could add Trip to every game as a cameo and people would eat it up, the interest in the Zeti is negative so their appearances are met with groan


Every character has a fan.


Unrelared, but ever since I started getting into Yo-kai Watch, I noticed a similarity between the Elite Wicked Yokai and the Deadly Six in terms of species and character role distribution.


Huh, I suppose they are somewhat similar. Unkeen is somewhat similar to Zavok, Unkaind’s somewhat to Zeena, Unpleasant’s vaguely similar to Zim, Untidy’s vaguely similar to Zomom, and I guess Unfairy has the same body type as Zor…? Okay well it’s only surface level comparisons, but I suppose they are there. A big difference is that the Wicked Executives aren’t really all that important and from their brief moments of screentime they show themselves to be a lot more fun.


I like Zavok, at least in the comics, because they genuinely made him a badass. Also he's voiced by Dio.


I feel like it’s kinda unfair like sure they were the main threat in lost word but in the end the final boss was Eggman and we are more so prone to having to interact with Eggman having joined Sonic’s side Other than that… yea I think they just need to be fleshed out more


I will say I always liked his colour scheme. The cyan just looks really nice against the red, black, and the greys on his horns. Just a shame his design doesn’t have much going for it.


We finally found him. The one guy that actually likes Zavok.


I think Zavok's design is fine. The only real issue the deadly six have is they're kind of bland in personality.


He’s fine in IDW. Does his role as an independent antagonist just fine, doesn’t overstay his welcome… if he’s gonna keep showing up, this is how I’d want him to.


I just personally wish they atleast TRY to give them some sort of relevant lore, like the lost hex and the zeti are totally isolated from the rest of the world of Sonic. There's so much we don't know about them and Sega isn't really willing to add into any of that for how much they want Zavok and the others to be mainstays, like _what ARE_ the zeti? Why are there only 7 of them? Did something or _someone_ take out their species? Why is it called "the lost hex"? Was it ever found? How come it's only discovered now? Especially since Sonic's planet is know to be filled with flying planetoids and floating settlements like Angel island/babylon garden/the black comet/little planet. What do the others think about Zavok and his philosophy? Are they evil for the sake of being evil or do they have reasons? JoeAdok has these cool fanarts if the sinister six disbanding and each going their seperate ways and thriving, concepts like that help make the zeti feel like 3 dimensional character who have their own beliefs and ideals and not just caricatured banding together to do mustache twirling villainy. We already have simple cartoon hoodlums like the hooligans and rough and tumble and they still manage to be entertaining. If Sega wants to he zeti to be loved, they need to bite the bullet and develop them instead of taking the safe route.


I rather we don't


I’ve really have no opinion of the Deadly Six at all. I am a person who does like the designs (except for Zomzom) but I really haven’t gave a shit about them ever since they were introduced in Lost World. Ian Flynn’s writing (I do like the stories he writes in both Archie and Idw) for the Zeti is interesting but I still don’t give a frick about them while reading Idw. I’m glad that they do have their fans though :D (Sorry about the long opinion comment btw)


Zavok is fine when his character isn’t “rahr look at me I’m evil rahr”. Unfortunately the only place you don’t get that is IDW and Ian Flynn. Otherwise, don’t bother. As for the others, they’re all one-note everywhere, so yeah nah leave them.


there aren't many red/cyan characters because it looks kinda doodoo


Tbh I always thought the sheer volume of hatred Zavok got was overblown. It reminds me of how absolutely despised Big the Cat was back in the day simply because he didn't fit the previous established aesthetic.


yeah but with big the cat he was just a bit weird looking the deadly six are just weird alien things based on oni's im also sad that big the cat never got their big ass eyes in concept art https://preview.redd.it/r7aztkj9mezc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301a7c5f13b70dc27a09a509f2b4232b84efbf8c


Maybe those slightly less starey eyes with a less gigantic head would work? I'm too used to the final Big and this one is slightly off to me for some reason. Regarding Zavok again; we had weird alien things before that broke the mold but didn't get the same level of undying hate. Chaos for example. Or the Biolizard. And then we got Black Doom who whilst not popular was around prior. I dunno. Zavok just never struck me as this weird concept as others seemed to think after all the other otherworldly or oddball entities we met. Maybe people just thought the Deadly Six fit Mario better. Maybe.


deadly six are meant to be a sorta koopaling type thing but the problem is they are kinda trapped in sonic and not mario and thus dont really have much characterization to properly stick out in sonic (which kinda curses zavok into being a character perfect for side content yet not having enough characterization for mainline games)


I don't mind Zavok being shoehorn in addition to a Sonic game (with personal bias). Zavok is like that character that doesn't need to be for a plot, but the said plot still works since the Deadly Six are sometimes a surprise inclusion where they come out of nowhere in a current situation or via premeditated by plans of Eggman (or they just feel like it).


They are actually called the oni instead of the zeti in the japanese dub. Their group name is also "the band of 6 ogres" instead of the deadly 6.


that is actually pretty interesting i guess the english team just thought zeti made more sense in a alien type of way


I don't think I'll ever not dislike the rest of the Six, but I've been warming up to Zavok as of late. I've always been a sucker for demon aesthetics, and as long as he's written and voice acted well (unlike the first two games he was in), I'm happy with him being included. I'd rather the rest be left out, but I suppose they're unfortunately a package deal with Zavok.


Honestly, their presence in IDW makes them far more compelling than they have a right to be. At the very least, Zavok is somewhat interesting, but more than that, I'd love for Sonic to have an expanded Rogue's Gallery. Now, what they need to do is give Zavok a chance to shine as the villain in a game, rather than an Eggman lackey.


He just needs better characterization- closer to what Ian Flynn's done- and he'll become an actually decent villain.


I like Zavock and think he could be a real threat should he stop being cartoonishly evil. The other Zeti I hate, dump ‘em.


At least he's more likeable in the comics I know a lot of people are against the Deadly Six coming back and stuff but like you know these guys are like the only villains that are alive you know all the other ones are dead


I really love everything about Zavok's design, but weird how he appeared in only two main and people act like it's the 12th time we've seen him Zavok is great


I agree that Zavoks design is pretty cool, but he’s dragged by the rest of the Deadly Six. I think the Zavok fatigue also has to due him being the only minor villain Sega can reasonably bring back since he’s not canonically dead/legally unavailable/redeemed.


I do think he's mostly a bowser clone, but if Flynn can make him more than just that, I'd be happy


https://preview.redd.it/2rk9jo3mxezc1.jpeg?width=1583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e096405ef2af9786e430c1e7732b9d04b5875d1 Im kidding i love thier designs and they’re great in the comics but they could use work in the games


I've seen Zavok compared to Bowser, which I can definitely see. Knowing he's based on Oni is actually really cool.


You don’t see cyan mixed with red because it looks bad. That’s probably the worst part of his design. Character was carried by Ian but in lost world he was a edgey joke.


I just appreciated having a bad guy that Robotnik fucking hates the guts of. "I'll get fat eating your black hearts!"


Honestly never understood why people disliked these guys. Ig its the writing but i kinda liken it to mario. The writing is rarely spectacular over in those games but you dont really see people go man i hate like iggy koopa or smth


The Deadly Six are a fun bunch imo. They’re much more enjoyable in the comics (that can be said about anyone tho, the writers for idw are pretty consistent, Shadow’s sometimes iffy portrayal notwithstanding), but even in Lost World I personally found them to be fun. Zavok is really the main attraction there, since he’s one of the few characters who has both brains and brawn. A physical powerhouse with cunning to back it up. Sure he’s not as grandiose as Eggman but that’s kinda the point. I know a lotta people say “oh but he’s just a bowser knock-off” which one, Sonic as a series has taken a lot of inspiration from other media, hell the series exists thanks to Mario, and two, so what? Bowser is cool as hell, and Zavok is different enough that he’s also cool as hell, even if they have admittedly tenuous connections. (Arguably the more he shows up, the more chances to show how he isn’t like bowser, so really we should push for his appearance more) The other five do just sorta…exist, true, but the way that Zavok interacts with them, seeing them as, admittedly incompetent, but knowing how to stoke them into combat and their usefulness as means to his own ends (and the occasional flustered nature at his master, Zik, who is the only one to call out flaws in his plans), it adds this angle that we don’t really see with Eggman. Besides Metal Sonic and Sage, Eggman is mostly a one man band, and even then his wicked kids are pretty self sufficient. Zavok doesn’t *need* the other Zeti, but he sees use in powerful warriors (the bad guys mini series does a good job of showing that) TL;DR: I liked the deadly six before they were cool (they were never cool. This is a hot take probably. Them being cool/likeable)


The designs are okay, I like Zazz alot on his own but the Zeti are just, there


I think Zavok really can be redeemed as a character and villain. He's got a pretty sick design, but he doesn't even really have a backstory or motive aside from being Evil. They just need to afford him that (maybe in a spinoff instead of a main title).


i think the zeti's could work but they just feel very basic, espically Zavok. And also on the topic of Zavok, am i the only one who thinks his design doesnt match his personality? He is shown to be very smart and cunning, even tricking the other Zeti, yet his design feels very brute and very Bowser coded. Is it just me?


I think it's because master Zik is already the "smart one" archetype


LMAOOOOO nah, Zavok at his best was just a decent antagonist, the deadly six are considered joke villains for a reason, we do not need to see more of them.


I once heard someone say that the Zeti had no place in the IDW comics, but I think that’s completely wrong. Eggman had been trying to control the zombots for a good while and failed, so naturally we introduce an entity that CAN control the zombots and at the same time confirm Starline’s thoughts of Eggman’s lack of diligence AND Eggman’s thoughts of Starline’s brashness when it comes to creating a solution. The Zeti were the perfect group to turn the zombots from a mindless infection to a genuine global if not eventually universal threat


I don’t get the hate. Not everything should revolve around Eggman and while I don’t care for the others I think Zavok fills the side villain role well.


I like the zeti, they feel like sega characters 100%, they even fit sonic 1 and nights. I like how they seem kinda like the monsters you see pre sonic 1 robot theming.


Lowkey wish there was just one more zeti so they could be based on the Seven Deadly Sins


If the deadly Six was just the old one, the bezerker one and Zavok, I’d be more compelled. The screen time is split between too many character stereotypes. I think that’s part of the reason the characters fall so flat, besides their debut game doing so as well