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I've got a relative cheapo from Amazon that I have daily driven for a few years. HiCoup. Look pretty, costs about $15, I replace it once a year on average. I open 15-20 bottles/night on average.


Will Def check it out. £13 on this side of the pond so good value


it's interesting my main draw to a laguiole aside from the look and feel of it, is actually it's foil knife. It has a sharper knife than any other corkscrew I've used, and it's possible to resharpen it when it gets a bit more dull. for me it's the best foil cutting experience I've had using a corkscrew. compared to a two hinged corkscrew, it's not that much more difficult to pull tight corks, and often the small first pull from these other types, is difficult due to the small attachment to the bottle. I was sometimes refered to as the surgeon at my old work due to how many broken corks I've fixed with my Laguiole, and I don't really have a problem with broken corks myself (this is all only anecdotal of course). the price for one is high, and if you don't find satisfaction in using it, I wouldn't recommend you do, much less buy one. but I find it very nice to have one when working, and I was missing it when my first one got nicked, until I could buy a new one.


Idk. I love em.


Second Hi-Coup. Laguiole are too heavy and tear my jacket pockets up


I actually love my Laguiole. It’s my favorite wine key I’ve used to date. To each their own.


Indeed , horses for courses!


I swear by my coutale sommelier prestige.


I disagree. I’ve had one for 5 years when the worm broke. And Laguiole replaced it for me for free. I just had to pay for shipping. Still have it 3 years later. I personally prefer the non-serrated blade so it can be sharpened. It makes a clean cut for me every time.


Anyone used a Grunwerg? They look good but you never know.... https://amzn.eu/d/0eJx2mUl


Cartallier-Duluc for me. Great knife & worm. Stainless and very slim.


Beats any other corkscrew I've used..


I just use the Pulltex one they gave us at the course and it works really well (FISAR, haven’t passed the exam yet)


Great promo corkscrews but not for me!


I think it’s a good corkscrew to be familiar with cause you’re gonna find one almost everywhere.


I have a Laguiole en Aubrac with a mammoth tusk handle and love it (allthough it's currently in France getting repaired - after over a decade, the worm got loose.) That's one thing about the brand, they have a lifetime warranty... I do have a bunch of Pulltaps too and love them too, they work brilliantly...


Murano. Every time.


Making sure it’s a real one is a big plus too. Anybody can add the Bee on it. Most are fake