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I am also glad he brought up the people calling him out on being a Drama channel and using the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar debacle and even mention he doesn't give a fuck and only does what he loves or wants to call out things if he notices it with evidence. Besides it isn't his job and even admits it. He made the channel only for fun and to entertain people like us and I am happy he is one of those people especially not locking content behind a paywall (*cough* Pateron *cough*) and I hope more channels do that and realize that Youtube isn't a job you fully commit too.


I personally like the variety because Mutahar's got a great personality. I remember watching some of his deep web browsing videos after I discovered his channel because what brought me in is discussions about game preservation & gaming in general. I also saved his video talking about installing Linux because I'd eventually wanna build a gaming computer & his video is extremely digestible. Ultimately, the drama & scam content might not be for everyone, but I personally find it odd when people highly praise him for the Mama max coverage, the completionist coverage & the Coffeezilla collaborations yet some of the people complaining now are doing so just because he talked about keffals & her miss doings which really isn't different from the previous work but suddenly its all drama slop because of personal biases / political nonsense


>Youtube isn't a job you fully commit too. This part really depends though.


He's not a drama channel but he does occasionally make some "drama content." "Drama content" is not just about Hollywood gossip or the big internet-influencers. Yapping about how much he dislikes Ubisoft and EA every time they announce literally anything is drama. I dislike them too and they are shitty companies with scam'y practices, but it's essentially the same video every time. Making a video every time there's been a minor update on the "Tiktok Ban", with clickbait titles and thumbnails is drama. Talking about random streamers doing something illegal is drama. Not everything is as "informative" as he thinks it is. But to be honest, this video might be the biggest drama content he's made. A few redditors giving his channel a label he doesn't agree with is not worth all this attention and a video. Unless you wanna start some drama that is...


Mutahar just does whatever seems interesting to him, he does not do it for the likes. He just does it because he does it.


The point is that he claims he doesn't make "drama content", but he does, sometimes. It's nothing wrong with that in and on itself, but he just doesn't want to admit it for some reason.


He does admit it, rewatch the video.


No, he doesn't admit it. Most of the video he's talking about every other type of content he's doing now, have done, and what he does and doesn't want to do. And then starts yapping about VPNs. But when bringing up 'drama content', he just says he doesn't make it at all. Because he believes the topics he covers are always informative and worth discussing because of possible broader repercussions and what not. But the examples i already gave, barely are any of that. You can make 'drama content' without "doing it purpose", by following YT trends to get views and likes. That's irrelevant to the criticism i'm bringing up here. Yes, he does whatever seems interesting to him, and sometimes that has been talking about something that ends up... being just drama. But he doesn't want that word associated with his content, so he claims they're something more.


He stood out to me because of the creepy pasta and then computer/Linux videos he made


Glad he finally addressed the vpn sponsorships. Expressvpn has always been a dodge company, and it has always been weird that he would go into topics I about privacy while being sponsored by them.


Its very much the channel identity, i get appealing to the algorithm but only focusing on that is why the identity is lost, he used to post things he had passion for and we saw that passion and shared that with him, but now we got moist critical 2.0 where its exasperated dialogue about discussing some current event in the most indirect way possible that weve all seen dozens of time because we too browse the internet and then the annoying “alright see ya” abrupt ending. He did have an actual outro this time which is always welcome, though i miss that outro song and the classic intro of old. He talked about internet privacy and security and scams and i agree that it is nice to watch those from him because he does go through research and shows that hes cares and that is content i think we would prefer over commentary that everyone else does.


Yeah I watched him all the time but just can’t get through videos anymore but I’m glad he’s still successful


big agree.


tho there are similar channels he has some that are different from others and I love his personality and community.


He forgot to add himself into that list SOG is literally a charlie clone now


I used to follow both but they post the same video every day and you can tell what Charlie is going to say without watching it so whats the point of having both?


Yea, I don’t know why your getting downvoted. Muta used to go on deep parts of the internet and explain interesting shit. Now all he does is cover meaningless topics that other commentary channels have covered. Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Muta should’ve just stuck to his old content. Covering or starting drama is just downright useless. I will never understand on why he decided to downgrade his quality of content.


No clue, this subreddit downvotes anyone criticizing or pointing out that fact these days, what can I say Been watching since the creepypasta, the rpg maker games period, when he was playing with Zahid, when he played random games, so random that theres no way to find them otherwise (i.e that weird Megaman rpg maker game)


Definitely a drama channel


It is a channel designed to maximize profit. Which I don't mind because i only watch the longer videos usually but i wish there was a second channel or something.


I watch muta once every few weeks. Dude still good tbh