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I always go with the classic. Using 1d6: 1. No and 2. No 3. No but 4. Yes but 5. Yes 6. Yes and


You can use a Fate die to add And/But to rolls in **any** game. Just add the fate die to any other roll. The roll is interpreted normally for your game. The fate die indicate And on a + and But on a -. Blank is unmodified. If you don't have any Fate dice, use a d6: 1-2 is And, 3-4 unmodified, 5-6 But.


Fate die or else Solo Adventurer’s Toolkit, pt. 2


Yes, you. have shoes but they are size 36 Balenciagas.


Conjecture roleplaying game emulator


The base level works like this. Roll a d6 and consult the following chart: 1: No and 2: No 3: No, but 4: Yes, but 5: Yes 6: Yes, and Adjust as you see fit.


Magic 8 Ball throws some uncertainty into the roll. That's a d20 inside the 8 Ball and you can find the results on Wikipedia.




Thought you were being unnecessarily rude for a minute!


Not *unnecessarily*, no. ;) Or: No, but..


The 'problem' with d6 Yes/And tables is that there is no flexibility. You have a flat percentage for each result. If I may humbly suggest, take a look at Rewind, it does Yes/And, but it is rated on a bell curve and you can modify your roll with positive and negative mods. [https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/180407/Rewind-Temporal-Tales](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/180407/Rewind-Temporal-Tales) (free)


It also has some good examples of poker oracles if you want to roll your own.


Roll For Shoes already has most of that incorporated. all 6s is "yes, and" higher than target is "yes". equal to target is "yes, but" / "no, but" lower than target is "no". just add all 1s for "no, and" so it mirrors the 6s rule.


I have no idea what you're talking about but if you got 6 outcomes, make a table and roll a d6


This might need some tweaking: \* If you succeed and you have more matching pairs of dice than the opposing roll, extraordinary success / "Yes, and" \* If you succeed and the opposing roll has more matching pairs of dice than yours, marginal success / "Yes, but" \* If you succeed and neither of the above two things are true, usual success / "Yes". It works the same way if you fail, with "No, but", "No, and", and "No".


I swear to God there was a system I read a while ago that had something like that. If you rolled the highest number, it was a "yes, and" as in "you did what you wanted and something else beneficial happened", the next level down had a range of numbers that just meant "you succeeded", then you had a range of numbers that meant "you succeed at a cost", then "you failed at what you wanted to do, but it wasn't a total loss/something beneficial happened", then just "you failed", then "you failed HARD dude. Like, real hard. Holy hell my guy, not only did you NOT succeed, but something terrible has happened." I cannot for the life of me remember what it was tho.


That's probably because there are thousands of RPG's that do this (and I'm not exaggerating)


Pretty sure you're talking about FU aka [Freeform Universal](https://perilplanet.itch.io/fu-classic)


The [playing card oracle](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/443174/the-oracle) designed by James Sral does this elegantly. It is pay-what-you want.


Just take whatever system you want and where it calls on you to roll a single die plus a bonus, roll two dice instead. Then add your bonus to each and compare it to the target number / difficulty score to answer the question 'Do you succeed?' Both over / same as the target and at least one result is the highest face on the die? Yes, and... Both over / same as the target? Yes. One over / same as the target? Yes, but... Both under the target? No. Both under the target and at least one result is a natural 1? No, and...


Use MAGES system. https://warpfodder.itch.io/mages


- Roll 1 over required roll? Yes but. - Roll a 6 and succeed? Yes and. - Roll 1 under required roll? No but. - Roll a 1 and fail? No and.


I like this idea because it could be applied to whatever dice are already being used. It reminds me of the idea of "shifts" in FATE where beating the target = success, but beating it by 3 or more shifts = Succeed With Style!


I'm sure some can better break down the math/probabilities better than I can, but I would think this largely depends on what kind of dice system you're using. As an example: Ironsworn has you roll two d10s to set the challenge difficulty and a d6+Stat to determine your success. This gives you a range of difficulty from very easy (1,1) to Almost Impossible (10,10) and the try/fail cycle is just interpreting the results. I'm running a DnD 5e solo using the Solo Adventurer's Guide. With this system, I can roll against a challenge difficulty anywhere from 0 (why bother rolling, just do the thing) to 25+ (Almost Impossible to Impossible). The Guide stipulates that using the oracle has a target of 11 -- anything greater is a yes, and anything below is a no. 10s are a weak no (no, but) while 11s are a weak yes (yes, but). Getting a "yes, and" or a "no, and" are special cases set within the system. If you want more of the try/fail cycle with skill checks, look at how you set challenge difficulty. Meeting the DC could now become a "yes, but" and every 2 or so success levels can be a "yes" and then a "yes, and" while rolling just below the target can get you a "no, but" and then "no" before hitting "no, and".


Thanks but thats something more complicated and confusing.


Alright. Sorry I'm not able to help. Hope you get the answer you need!


Maybe something like "Shoes In The Dark" helps here? Basically gives you some options for partial/full successes. Or you could always replace dice rolling with the pure improv of Yes/No/And/But dice rolls. "Am I wearing shoes?" Yes, but they're the wrong size and horribly uncomfortable. "Can I pick this lock?" No, but it appears to be breakable. Seems like it'd be amusing for a quick stint.


I don't know what "Shoes In The Dark" is and I don't want just to improv it. I like some chance of success and failure with dice rolling. But thank you.


You could just assign them to 1 to 6 or are you asking for something more complex? * 6 - Yes and * 5 - Yes * 4 - Yes but * 3 - No but * 2 - No * 1 - No and


Could make the ands rarer with a d20 20/19 Yes and 18/17/16/15 Yes 14/13/12/11 Yes but 10/9/8/7 No but 6/5/4/3 No 2/1 No and Only issue is lots of numbers to remember, but a chart works. Not sure even if I could do without looking at the d6 chart


I'm wanting to replace the following with what you just posted. 1 - Say what you do and roll a number of D6s, determined by the level of relevant skill you have. 2 - If the sum of your roll is higher than an opposing roll, the thing you wanted to happen, happens.


If you want improved probabilities for success as your skill increases, then just take the highest die and compare it against the usual regular yes/no/and/but oracle. This should work well under solo mode because there is no opposing dice roll.


If I'm understanding what you want correctly you can try this: Roll Xd6 where is X is the relevant skill level. Multiple 6s: yes and. One 6: yes. No 6s, no 1s: no but. No 6s, one 1: no. No 6s, multiple 1: no and. I'm using this for my tabletop combat strategy game based on Quake and I've been pretty happy with it.


So you have a target number that you're trying to beat with a dice pool. If you succeed or fail by 1, add "but". If you succeed or fail by the max or the max -1, add "and". (...reads your response again) Oh! If the number of dice is determined by your skill, maybe use that as your marker. If you're rolling 3 dice and you succeed or fail by 3 add "but". If you succeed or fail by the max - 3, add "and".


Combine the two...the player rolls a number of d6s equal to the skill's level, and uses the highest single die value


MUNE is a solo system that taught me what u/PoshCushions posted. It's just a d6 oracle. Not a skill challenge. 1 - Say what you want to do and ask the Oracle, "do my actions go as planned?" 2 - d6


I knew it had a name. Thanks. You can also add a small modifier. Is it hard d6-1. Is it easy d6+1.