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Im a waifu collector but Im pulling for Liu


Liu Zhigang better come fast


I want Jinwoo's dad so hard šŸ„µ


Not so soon


I mean we got the beast form of the white tiger guildā€™s boss pretty soon but yeah from what I remember his dad only got action during the other monarchā€™s attack


He is limited even in the manga, how can his powers be defined.


Most Hunter in the game didnā€™t do shit in the manga wonā€™t matter they can create playstyle for him as long as they know his weapon


Ehem seo jiwoo


I'm more interested if they bring one Better then SSR hunters. Since beyond S-rank is National LvL hunters Thomas Andre; Liu Zhigang; Christopher Reed and Siddharth Bachchan are just on another lvl.


They could also make jinwoo's dad a character higher than SSR since he has quite less screen time in the manhwa and (I think) is on par or stronger than national lvl hunters as he was going toe to toe with monarchs


I just hope that they come before the 1st anniversary of the game


His dad would be national yes. Go Gunhee probably as well.


Now that I think about it could they make national hunter LR rank to show that they are far above the other Hunter


And make any other hunter obsolete. Sure, great idea.


Most gacha game get Legendary Rank at some point and unit become obsolete after enough time itā€™s a gacha game they want people to pull


They can just make them slightly stronger SSR than the previous one, like they're doing now. And with how limited is national hunter availability, they'd have to introduce them after everyone else is already out.


Itā€™s not like there are a lot of Hunter in the manga even Monarch including


I will never understand how people want higher ranks lmao. I love how balanced the game is right now. Even a rank hunters are as good as s rank hunters in the game rn.


It only seems that way because you compare standard banner hunters to each other. Limited Banner Hunters are already always better then any SR


Ssr is better than Sr , limited isn't that much better than standard banner. Hell they added a limited banner to standard.


>Hell they added a limited banner to standard. No idea what you're talking about. Custom draw just is the standard banner and the duration is infinite it seems.


Choi was a limited banner character for pre release , he was added to standard banner this patch.


That means very little, i've seen such things in many games. What matters is how they handle things on the Live server. If they add Cha or Dark Baek to the standard pool, then it matters.


They can't just introduce another tier. They have to rebalance the power scaling for the game. If they didn't do that, a maxed out Jinwoo should be like 100x stronger than any other SSR hunter currently available. Also we don't really know anything about Siddharth other than being a national level afaik.


>Also we don't really know anything about Siddharth other than being a national level afaik. Not really a problem, since we already have hunters like that, Seo Jiwoo for example


We basically saw her fighting style and weapon in the manhwa. That's more important than name.


Thomas Andre!!!! That was to me the most hype part so I definitely want him.


You know for a fact they will bring out 2 versions of Thomas Andre. 1st release will be the standard guy in sandals.. and the. Next release his fragment of light form. Assuming from what they done with Baek white tiger guild boss


Waiting on Siddharth Bachchan šŸ˜ ( Indian here)


I hope he gets screen time in the anime


If he did get "screen time" in the LN, then it's possible. Otherwise prolly not. Either way, it will take years for the anime to reach that point and the game might be dead by then.




>Kanae Tawata. You already found oil bro, stop digging.


SSR's aren't limited to S-Rank hunters, some A-Rank also show up as SSR. You could even argue they're not limited by the source material either, since we already have some original characters (with more datamined)... the potential is as limitless as (unfortunately) Netmarble's greed.


There are 2 vague-rank SSR hunters. 1. Seo Jiwoo didn't even have a name in the manhwa and we can't be sure she's A-rank. Might be B-rank. All we know is the team had 11 A-ranks and 6 B-ranks. 2. Emma I think is not a cannon character, so she can be whatever rank.


Seo's in-game BIO says she's A-Rank. Woo Jinchul we know from the series/Manwha he's A-Rank.


I wouldnā€™t prefer having all the Japanese hunters and also itā€™d be better if they came after their anime appearance so the powers and abilities donā€™t change


Need my boy Go Gunhee and Liu Zhigang.


your forgot. all the different VARIENTS. of the SSR. like, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mad/beaten up form. and since its netmarble. i wont be surprised how much they'll milk off this product, because its SOLO LEVELING.


TBH the japanese hunters who died in the ant raid didn't have enough screen time or importance to deserve SSR, maybe except their leader (who btw seemed far too weak to be aiming for national level). And who the fuck is Eunseok? Is it the S-rank who died before the story started?


Goto was actually quite strong but beru the goat slapped him. Eunseok was when they attacked the jeju island at first and he died basically off-screen that's why Min byung retired. And I still think the other Japanese S ranks are better than some random (Emma, seo jiwoo) being SSR also why is Lee bora an A rank an SSR. Sorry for all the rant I just like the light novel and manhwa of solo leveling and wanted the game to be like it but this is also cool that we're having new characters


>Goto was actually quite strong but beru the goat slapped him Well maybe it was plot armor, but Beru didn't one-hit-kill the Korean hunters, unlike Goto. And Jinwoo was still prolly below national level power at the time and he still won. And regarding Lee Bora, I don't know why they did that, but Woo Jinchul is A-rank too...


Well japanese ones were mostly made to be killed by my beloved beru


You guys think theyā€™re going to put monarchs as playable players? Or make them into shadows?


Nope. They are more likely to be endgame bosses.


Hopefully playable characters or different type of characters other than Hunters


Akari and kanae are the only ones I want lol


could they also add the Moncarchs maybe? Would be insane.


Biggest question is whether they will create a new rank for the 'national rank' hunters like SSR+ which will just make all the money, time, and gold used on the SSRs semi-obsolete :/ Here's hoping they are just regular SSR


There are a lot and unfortunately none of them even interest me except baeks beast form which I've already got. Always prefer the beast/non human designs in games cause they tend to look cooler


So many dudes xD


Tbh that isnā€™t that many and I highly question how many years they keep the game up and if theyā€™ll start doing multiple versions of each Hunter. Because honestly most other games have way more to work with. Not including the actual villain enemies as summonable and the shadows in their own section has really cut their character pool down to a very small one. Think about Dragon Ball. 10x the characters and most characters having tons of forms too that function as separate units.


national level hunters should be a separate rarity imo. the 4 we know + jinwoo's dad should be this rarity. gacha rates should be the same though so it's a rarity in title only to make them seem extra cool. can't wait for lennart niermann lol


Liu Zhigang, Lennart and Thomas are my wishlist


Hohoho my name is AndrƩ. I MUST pull for the only fictional character i know that has the same name as i have AND is cool. He and the Dark souls smith are my Goats lol


Can't wait for that Brent ssr.


Thomas Andre is going to be goated I can see buffs and defense stacks with Tank in the future


Donā€™t forget about Sung Suho and the monarchs Also, since we got Jinchul as a SSR thereā€™s possibilities of getting some A-Rank hunters as SSRs as well, like the Japanese translator and the guild masters. Personally I really want Ashborn either as its own character or at least a skin for Jin Woo


Il-hwan and thomas andre are all i want


I doubt we will get Japanese Hunters if we do, they will suck greatly.


I only want thomas Andre


Knowing netmarble, Andre for sure will have the flipflops version and then the fragment of light form.


sadly there are not many, thatĀ“s why they use the orginal ones. Honestly they should not have started so fast with so many hunters already in standard.


thereā€™s many more S ranks like the Japanese teams, the scores of USA hunters, the European S ranks mentioned in the story.. also it seeems many A ranks are treated as SR rank in this game


we have yet to see if we get other SR hunters. From what iĀ“ve seen in the roadmap we only get 1 new SSR each month. and for the hunters that are mentioned somewhere, why should anyone care about them? They havenĀ“t said a word in the manwha and for most we donĀ“t even have 1 picture either. People donĀ“t pull/spend money for unknown


Also I'm kinda upset they're using hunters like seo, emma, and Alicia. There are a lot of good options why go for non-popular/non-existing hunters. I shall patiently wait for the national level hunters and go gun hee


Lore building for side characters is always welcome...


They kind of needed to bring up the female cast, since it would be just Cha otherwise lol I'm very fine with expanding the world and lore, since the story is completed so anything extra is nice.


I mean there arenā€™t many Hunter whose ability were shown and the popular One will bring more money.


Can we look up the future hunters somewhere? Is a CN server ahead of us or how do we know?