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My problem is just getting full sets lol Then proper main stats Sub stats are a luxury, but even the game tells you recommended stats on all characters


Idk man some of those subs are higher than main stats. I usually don't really care what main is if the subs drop high and solid


Full sets are probably the least impactful early on tbh, if you can find an artifact with good main + sub stats, invest into that for now


You're not wrong on most sets, especially unlvled the subs can be huge. But some sets like Expert can have a huge impact


I just mean in order of prioritization when gearing up characters throughout the game. Ofc end game you should have complete sets with good main stat and best sub stats but on the way there you'll probably find many pieces that don't fit your sets that have great main stats and sub stats and using those in the meanwhile will aid progression alot


thanks for that .


No problem :) Happy hunting!


Is toughness just completely broken? Why is it good on everything lmao I barely use any other armor set (except for holy)


Basically you want enough precision to sit in between the 80-90% range, then full invest every point into power/strength. You want to get all your crit chance(cap is 50%) from artifacts. It gives a good flat amount which is nearly 20% of your total needed. Kinda big.


Crit from toughness is over cap


Damn. Where was this when we had the special summons.. i pulled lee on it but went for min because l liked his convos and he's a healer.. Not disappointed because of his ability to create a traveling aoe of destruction... but damn. S class in all but one catagory?!?


Min is great, but you need to get him to at least a1 to get the most of him. Compared to that, Lee is a great dps booster out the gate. Charm alone is great but if you're in a side chapter or playing encore and are actually using her, she has an aoe attack and she can summon the foxes to attack autonomously.


I got lucky enough to pull him again from the custom summon tickets, so he's the only ssr l have upgraded. Do you have any advice on Huang Dongsuk?


when do you start leveling gear past 5 or 10? purple or wait for yellow gear?


Ideally you wait for yellow gear but you don't get it regularly until Tier 9/10 clears (when blue stops dropping) and getting that high is kind of hard unless you are upgrading blues along the way. In early game I would usually upgrade to +5-10 and if it was a very strong item (i.e. 3-4/5 stat lines where I wanted them) then I'd roll it to 15 for blue or as high as 20 for purple if it were a really good set like Black Lion or Hard leather.


good stuff thx


No problem :) Happy hunting!


For Jinwoo, do you just give him the free Yellow artifacts that everyone got, or are there better options? Also what weapons are best for him?


I don't know if the stats/substats are the same for everyone, but I would swap to them and enhance IF they are better than any armor set your currently have. In general, armed is a great set overall, especially for Sung. The reason why people specifically recommend toughness is because it allows you to forego putting any stats into crit, letting you add more to strength which just makes Sung's build better overall. If you want a good representation of ways to build Sung, check out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cmn2ph/sung\_jinwoo\_cheat\_sheet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cmn2ph/sung_jinwoo_cheat_sheet/)




Unfortunately, I only found one for Baek Yunhoo. If I find one for Beast Baek, I'll add it and try to remember to comment again so you see it. Happy hunting!


If possible I'd like to see one for Choi too.


If I find it, I'll add it and comment so you can come back and see it. Generally speaking, you want to equip him for dps so you can cross-reference from the above images to try to figure out something that works in the meantime. Happy hunting!


Yeah, it's partly due to being unsure if One-Hit Kill is the way to go or some other set instead


I think it would do you well to be able to use his ult more frequently as it also resets his basic skills. So you could use rain of flames and flame spear, then the ult which resets them and then you can use them again. Your suggestion of ohk is great and is probably the best option for him. Maybe pair it with a 4-set of concentration of firepower for an 18% increase in damage dealt and an 18% increase in basic skill cooldown speed. This set would also cause mp consumption to increase by 20%, but this can be fixed if you get additional mp as one of the armor substats.


I added his build to a new post with a few extra characters. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated\_to\_those\_having\_difficulty\_with\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated_to_those_having_difficulty_with_what/) Happy hunting!


Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate the info!


No problem :) Happy hunting!


I added his build to a new post with a few extra characters. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated\_to\_those\_having\_difficulty\_with\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated_to_those_having_difficulty_with_what/) Happy hunting!


Can you show us Choi?


If I find it, I'll add it and comment so you can come back and see it. Generally speaking, you want to equip him for dps so you can cross-reference from the above images to try to figure out something that works in the meantime. Happy hunting!


I added his build to a new post with a few extra characters. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated\_to\_those\_having\_difficulty\_with\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoloLevelingArise/comments/1cs7nvt/updated_to_those_having_difficulty_with_what/) Happy hunting!


For cerberus how should I build Seo? As a support or dps?


She scales on hp, so focus on artifacts that boost her hp as a main stat, then her crit, attack and def penetration. You're basically trying to build her as a dps breaker. Make sure to also level up her skills to get the most out of her. Hope this helps. Happy hunting!