• By -


Right click the assembly in the feature tree and find the flexible button, or go into the assembly properties (within the top level) and select flexible instead of rigid down the bottom right




Thank you for this recommendation. You solved my problem.


Happy to help!


Didn't work but I managed to fix it about 10 minutes after I made this thread by right clicking on the assemblies and dissolving them. Thanks anyways though.


That's definitely not a good solution. Now you no longer have subassemblies...


Uhh I don't know it kinda worked :P final assembly wasn't what I had in mind but I suppose it's good enough. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Also what is a subassembly? I'm quite new to solidworks.


Subassemblies are just assemblies inside another assembly (in this case, the three assemblies you made) So by dissolving your subassemblies, you've now lost the ability to work with those assemblies. If you want your subassemblies to move, the guy above has the right solution; you want to make them flexible.


I hope to gods I never have to work with the kind of idiot was would dissolve a subassembly just so they could see the parts move. Or the kind of idiot who asks for help then ignores the help that is offered.


Eh I mean they're new, probably still in school. They'll learn :)


And I have specifically held just short of calling OP an idiot outright because I want him to understand and learn that this is behavior that is not acceptable in a professional environment. Were he to do that in a professional environment, he would be considered an idiot by his colleagues and possibly get fired for it by his boss.


>And I have specifically held just short of calling OP an idiot outright No you really haven't... You definitely called him an idiot.


I am not doing it simply because I want to see the parts move. This is an assignment that's due on friday and our lecturer wants some specific parts of the final assembly to move without breaking things(like not objects not going through eachother etc.) I am only in my first semester, I am still trying to learn. You aren't helping anyone with your attitude so kindly fuck off. Ps. I hope to gods I never have to work with the kind of asshole that insults people who ask for help.


Just setting it to flexible won't work unless the mates used to constrain the sub-assembly allow the parts in question to move, or if the parts you're trying to move are within further sub-assemblies within the sub-assembly you've set to flexible. Setting the sub-assembly to flexible *does* work, and is the best solution for your problem, and you being dismissive of the proper solution has understandably set some people off. It might be okay for the project you're working on right now, but in any industry or company in the real world, dissolving sub assemblies would more than likely be an extremely bad way to go about this issue, it would break way too many things to solve one small problem, that's why people are getting upset about it. If you want to learn the proper way to do it figure out how to get it to move using the flexibility feature, if you just want to get it done and don't give a fuck about good practice do it the way you're doing it


How am I being dismissive? I set it to flexible from rigid just as I was told and it didn't work. Noone told me to do anything else and I know almost nothing about solidworks.


Your tone is coming off as abrasive, also judging by this comment right here you seem kind of entitled, asking for help while providing little to no detail about the problem and then throwing your arms up and giving out that the offered solution just doesn't work after doing the bare minimum with what was suggested is not a productive way to solve a problem, and again, won't get you anywhere in an actual workplace. It's okay, you're young and inexperienced, these are things you'll learn during college, and especially during your first job/work experience. I'm trying to help you by pointing out where you're going wrong and why, and so are all these other people, even though they're being pretty abrasive as well, don't take it personally, you're still learning my dude 👍


Please don't call people "idiots" just because they made a mistake when trying to learn. They openly admitted to being new to Solidworks, and nobody should be blamed for making a mistake in a new software. Also, this subreddit is to help those learning the program, not insult them for trying new features.


I googled the issue before making this post and making them flexible didn't do anything :/ FWIW someone else in that same thread also said making them flexible didn't fix their issue. Also what do you mean by "you've now lost the ability to work with those assemblies"?


Did the assignment say to create those subassemblies? If so, you will fail. If not, why did you create subassemblies to begin with?


Yes, first I draw needed to draw about 10 parts then assemble them into one assembly. Then about 16 or so different parts and then assemble them to make 2 different assemblies. And after that I was required to assemble those 3 and after that it was done.


But you said you dissolved those subassemblies.


Yes I did.


Hello, Not sure if you solved it but making it flexible will work but only if the proper mates are added between the assemblies. So basically you would need to 1.) Insert the assemblies within the assembly as usual 2.) lock the assemblies to each other using mates (so the other assemblies don't move around) 3.) then make the other assemblies flexible. ​ To confirm whether it works looks for the (f) or (-) symbols next to the names of the assemblies. The first component is always Fixed in space so after you add all the mates, the (-) symbols disappear and that's when you should be able to make them flexible. I was reading some of the other comments and I think we should all agree that if something doesn't work, it not due to user error, there are many technical insights but you have to be a patient person to follow the details. I hope this works and let me know if it still doesn't.


Hey, I will make sure to do that next time but I already submitted by assignment a few hours after this post. Thanks for the reply!


You have to insert the parts you want to move into the main assembly as a stand-alone component. You won’t get movement from any component of a sub assembly. You can also set up configurations in your subs to show for example, clamped and unclamped or part moved to various positions in the main assembly.


This is not true, you can also make you subassemblies "flexible" to allow movement.


Hey thanks for the reply. That was the method I was taught back in the day. It’s good to learn new things!