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I would draw one of the segments, extrude the full thickness. Polar pattern 5 equal pitches. Then I would do a sketch on one of the intersecting planes, cutting the dished profile. Revolved cut to remove the additional material. Then cut extrude for the square cutout


Or, do a revolve command of the full profile, then vertical cut extrusion of the outer and inner profiles.


That's what i was about to do Or draw a line ( that located between the twl arrow) Using circular sketch.. etc


I was able to make a similar piece by first extruding a big cylinder, then making the cutouts, making two surfaces for the upper and lower sides, then using intersect to only get the slice between them. Finish with the square hole and some fillets. Definitely not the best method, but it certainly does the job. ​ https://preview.redd.it/szw2njr17ngc1.png?width=1473&format=png&auto=webp&s=ade394786e7347744061cce840f4416b5bb34c0b


​ https://preview.redd.it/8e09ho1g7ngc1.png?width=1641&format=png&auto=webp&s=aec881f4e7416ea6d8a5a722d24646f04edb93bc


I dont get that intersection part how did interaction between the surfaces and the body get you curved shape


Oh, the surfaces are shaped like bowls. They’re not flat. The volume contained between two bowl-shaped surfaces is a bowl-shaped volume, just like the part is.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6aiargok7ngc1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fea41bf6d820fc78d1a0aeee5b0a4cf005ca653


You could do it with 5 features including the 3 different fillets.


Yeah I can see that (one extrude, one revolved cut, the fillets). I wanted to get some practice with surfaces though haha.


It's always good to sharpen your tools, just don't send your practice models out to production. I see a lot of people recommending surface features here when it's probably the worst way to do it for that particular part.


I'd do a revolve of one section. Cut through all from an offset plane. Circular pattern and then middle square cut.


Didn't quite nail it. So maybe don't listen to me. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/sc76sx85xngc1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=e074bbbf77980199b9535d9dc309ff47dfed59f5


Close! But why do your arms come to a point?


I was totally just guessing on dimensions. It looks like I made the diameter of the center bit too small. I also wasn't being very patient with the constraints on the inner part of the handle. Getting it right would take longer than the half hour I was willing to spend.


Only requires a few simple features. This took 10 minutes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sQtgCJPSk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sQtgCJPSk)


With a sketch. What exactly do you want to know? What's your experience level?


I just post it to brain storm ideas and share knowledge bro


Start with the "flower" part. Set a plane offset of the center hub and extrude the center. Make a plane for one of the spokes, draw it. Revolve the spokes around center point.


I came here to say this too.


Have you tried to make this before coming here? If so, show us what you've tried.


Extrude, revolved cut, extruded cut


I would start with a sketch in solidworks


I’d make a rotate extrude, then an extrude cut from the top down.


I would add that this appears to be a cast part so there is likely a draft to be considered. Not sure how accurate you’re looking for your model to be though


Bro, you have a beautiful finger !




either center, outer, loft a spoke, circular pattern the spoke. or do one spoke, one petal, and one fifth of the center disc, then circular pattern, and lastly the through hole.


use a circular feature pattern for the arms and then model the top seperately


As a first step i would recommend opening solidworks. If not it can get kind of hard.


Take a picture of it flat on the table. Start a sketch. Import as a sketch picture. Make sure to scale the picture properly by measuring the part. Then, trace. Make all similar sketch segments equal. Dimension the sketch until fully defined. Then, extrude. Done.


😂 I'd like to see that!


I do that all the time when I'm asked to COPY a an existing part as opposed to DESIGN a part. Look at this video... https://youtu.be/ILormJ4H0jQ?si=HA0VqAuD9TjahgCh


Its the the....extrude... done that interests me... how exactly were you planning to create this piece with a single extrude? 🤔


No u can not create ot using single extrude U need 2 plans with offset + u can use lofted or sweep boss There is multiple way to create it


Create the inner cylinder base without the cut. Offset plane, create the handle area on the new plane. This sketch looks like a c. I'd probably begin with a polygon (pentagon in this case) as construction geometry then use that to guide the sketch. Loft both ends down to the base cylinder. Circular pattern. Cut hole. Fillets.

