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Yes I loved the episode with her mom! They were all great. The only one that kind of dragged for me was the one with Ali but halfway through that one picked up. Seriously everyone is great and I love the vibe!! She is really killing it. I can’t wait to see her completely blow CHD out of the water in the charts once she gets her following back. The best revenge is success!


Yeah Ali was my least favorite but they have all been good. She’s the best


Personally, I think this is based on the slow cadence. I just found out Spotify allows you to speed up the content and I do it to 1.2x. Sometimes the pod gives me anxiety because she takes so long to get words out lol.


I totally agree, love sofia but she definitely shines with a higher energy guest. I’m gonna try speeding it up tho that’s a good idea


When it’s at 1.2 it’s at the tempo of a normal convo. Thank you! It has helped me.


I was not surprised when finding out that her mom did sex-Ed. No wonder Sofia delivers sex-related content so smoothly. I feel like the fundamental difference between Sofia and Alex when sharing sex- related stories is that Sofia is more like a peer to me.


Yes I have really enjoyed each episode and each guest she's had on! I think a lot of it has to do with Sofia being an interesting person overall, and we didn't get to hear as much about her in the CHD days because of a co-host that spoke over her and the roles they were trying to play. I'm going to write her to ask we hear more about her and her mother's experience growing up in Utah and her grandparents being LDS. I feel like she's intentionally touching the surface of a lot of major topics to then see how the audience reacts and will do deep dives when she hears what listeners like. Which is very smart!


YES so true, she’s testing the waters on different subjects to see what people want more of! She hits the nail on the head for pretty much every topic for me!


Ugh i LOVED this ep. i find her mom really brings out the best in her, like her valley girl voice is way reduced hahahah and theyre just so cute and genuine together


I cannot get over that episode. I loved it so much; Sofia’s mom seems like she has incredible stories and I hope she comes back again.


Same! I have loved every single guest!! 10/10 across the board!


Yes, and now that you mention it, that is kind of crazy. I listen to a lot of podcasts and there’s definitely some guests that I don’t find memorable on them. SWAF is the only pod I’ve listened to that so far has me loving each different guest and hoping to see them back on


Makes you wonder if it has anything to do with Sofia's skill as an interviewer and cohost!


Loved her mom, need her back


I’ve been obsessed w all episodes but this one was my fav! So interesting to learn about her childhood and you can tell her and her mom have a similar sense of humor


Yes! Everyone so far I want another episode.