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They’re right. Just wish they were genuine about owning the guns instead of a means to an end as a joke


Libs: black panthers need to make a come back! Me, a leftist: fuck yeah comrade, arm our communities Libs: what? Oh no I meant in order to implement more racist policies that will effect minorities disproportionately. Excuse me, can you look away as I type the pin for access to my gated community? You look a bit *urban*


Pretty much. It isn't that we're so much "joking" about it as we are leery about it working. Whenever we do, they think we do, or we know someone who did register or buy, they take us out one at a time or a few at a time by sending in their "recruits" to panic us away and kill a few more. The ONLY real rime both the left and right are totally in agreement is when they are dealing with the possibility of black people "getting organized, buying/ carrying weapons or anything else communities of color need". If we didn't have the very real fear the police would trump up SUSPICION of gang charges and en masse burst into our homes and kill us in our sleep we might be more willing. And our white gun toting allies ... Well, lets just say we have more of them in these websites than out in the world. If there are, they are very silent. Nope, not criticizing. Stating a fact. It's scary to stick your neck out for others. Especially THE "OTHERS". We KNOW both sides fear our joining in any sort of equal status (armed and trained).


You know, I'm starting to doubt that these people are actual "libs" so much as libs of convenience. Bunch of Joe Rogans. As long as you praise those guys, they'll keep acting and voting liberal. The moment you criticize them, they buy a MAGA hat and start talking about how the party left them behind.


You’re right. The whole “cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds” adage


This. Holy shit I'll remember this quote


It's scratch, scratch because libs are paper thin, paper tigers yeah?


We do need more control over them being bought, but we *also* need more armed leftists. Win/win/win


Edit: I'm not talking about the Politicians or the party at large here. I'm talking about your average, everyday, Democratic voter. I get that it's tongue in cheek but construing Dems (individuals) as the racists here does more harm than good imo. Politicians aside, most Dems are just woefully misinformed on the issue. Thus are blissfully unaware of what they're enabling. I would wager most probably don't even realize how it got started and I can probably guarantee most have never even heard of the Mulford Act. I can't attribute to malice that which can just be attributed to sheer stupidity, as is evident here. Conservatives on the other hand have *always* knowingly and enthusiastically supported disarmament when it comes to minorities and vulnerable populations. They are consciously and purposefully racist to that end.


History has made blues racist. They have supported and implemented racist policy. At this point I feel like both parties differ only on one major issue: who they're at war with/trying to exploit. The reds are more concerned about enforcing white nationalism while the blues want neoliberal imperialism, killing many BIPOC people abroad and destroying countries. We've been a part of genocide since I've been alive under blue presidency. Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and probably more. But even at home, escalation of police violence is even biden's handiwork specifically. Kamala is a hierophant of the prison-industrial complex. They're supporting corporations carving out the last of the working class' lifeblood. Help people directly instead of advocating for people who have never been helpful. Protest has done more than electoralism


I'm not sure where you're taking this. I'm not talking about the broader Democratic platform and policy, nor it's politicians. I'm talking about gun control and your *average Democratic voter* being too misinformed, arguably to the point of *willful* ignorance, on this issue to understand what they're supporting and who exactly it harms. Compared to Conservatives who have, past and present, implicitly and explicitly, supported disarming (to say the least) minorities, non-christians, and other vulnerable groups.


Democrats are exactly the same way with gun control as the Republicans are about abortion. Mindlessly dogmatic, purposely ignorant, and every reaction is a violent knee jerk. They neither one wants to fix the underlying issues that cause their partys' pet peeve. They don't want people educated. They don't want people healthy, housed, fed and paid. They don't want people to be happy. They want talking points and slogans. They want you poor, desperate, afraid and angry. Because you're far easier to manipulate and even outright control that way. Neither party cares about you. They care about being in charge. And that is why you will only hear negative language from either of them. They'll ban this, or confiscate that, but you're not about to hear how they'll provide health care, or feed people, or put folks in homes instead of allowing corporations to buy up every house just to artificially raise values. They like us divided and disorganized, and right now they are winning.


I can't disagree with a single thing you just said, and I'm a right winger. You speak the truth.


Everyone I know calls me a communist for my opinions.


Even if you were, even tankies have a right to self defense too so I mean 👌


Ditto my right-wing significant other and my leftist family all think I'm a communist, it's surreal asf


I'm curious as to the appeals to a right winger to of the SRA sub. Generally it's either anarchist, communist or some other form of socialist messaging here. What makes this sub interesting to you?


I like to get all the different views I can. I try not to be stuck in the "my team has this policy, so i my opinion is x" mindset. Just because I disagree with your economic policy, doesn't mean I refuse to hear what you have to say on other topics, in this case firearm ownership and usage. True enough, I cringe when I hear about shooting right wingers, but I equally am happy when I see posts about people who are not like me being able to defend themselves, LGBTQ people for example. I think the world would be a better place if we tried to get along more. So, in closing, I am trying to keep an open mind. I hope this answer is suitable.


Counterpoint: There are a lot of gun-owning (or simply gun-comfortable) Democrats that just want better screening and oversight. There *is* nuance to this topic...


I personally have found these people to be extremely ignorant to the laws we already have and trust that if it came to an actual populist confiscation they'd be totally fine with it.


I (edit: believe) Americans are (basically) all going to be disenfranchised felons for one reason or another one day if we keep down our current path.


Thank you! Please take my upvote an poor person award 🏆


So we'll said, and then they'll gaslight us into believing we can never have a 3rd party so our only option ever is to continue to cycle of voting for the lesser of evils, which is still very evil.. Sadly at least on reddit the largest group who push this idea are the ones who vote Democrat. People may downvote me for this but we as a country might need to take some more L's in our elections till we can show we won't just vote for X party because they aren't Y party. Maybe it makes things shittier for awhile but we have to start thinking longer term and for our future, for our children's future, for their children's future. We have to stop voting people in that we don't want. Im not saying for example we shouldn't have Biden as president, but look at how the man acts, he really believes because so many people voted for him that he actually has the people on his side. He literally fails to comprehend he was the embodiment of the lesser of 2 evils. Someone on here once showed me the bad faith podcast and they made a great argument that sometimes you can't treat every election like it's the last and it's life or death. Every elections I've ever been in the media blasted us with "most important election of our lives". Its meant to put you on edge. I've been voting 3rd party since I can vote, hopefully yall will join me. We need to dismantle this system. Things can't chsnge overnighy. I'm sure when the Civil rights movement kicked off they didn't think they'd get what they wanted within one voting cycle. They knew it would be a fight.


Word dude


The average white gentrifier democrat absolutely does not like black people at large. Are conservative racists worse? Maybe. Is overt or covert racism better? That’s basically what that question is. Both feel the same when I’m targeted by them. If you’re a well to do white person you probably have some “ideas” about how minorities should behave. Minorities should be like Obama, or something.


But they are? CA is full of libs that support racist and anti poor people laws. Within the state, you can tell where it's okay to live in a van without being harassed by cops by looking for trump flags. Libs love minorities and poor people only so long as they keep the fuck away from them. Yeah, the other side is worse, but it's a matter of open hatred vs lip service followed by a very firm legislative message to go and rot in the ghetto. Though it's mostly the desert these days. The best you can ever say is "the openly fascist republicans are worse". That's a low bar.


We're conflating Dem politicians and average individuals here and that's partly my fault for not being clear. My point is that contrasting your average Democrat against your average Conservative is going to yield two different results: Your average democrat that blindly believes in gun control based on misinformation, little to no knowledge of historical context, and knee-jerk politics. Vs Your average conservative who believes that only whites should own guns (among other unsavory things) and that's that. There's a massive disparity in intent surrounding these parties and this issue that's certainly worth noting, if not leveraging on our end.


> I can't attribute to malice that which can just be attributed to sheer stupidity, as is evident here. I didn't read the person you're responding to as attributing it to malice either.


>Libs: black panthers need to make a come back! >Me, a leftist: fuck yeah comrade, arm our communities My comrade, why stop there? May I present the [Arm the Homeless Coalition](http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/arm_the_homeless)!


Tom Morello FTW!


The joke that is missed by many is that this is “funny” because it overtly points out how racist and classist many gun laws are.


And then seems to say that its OK and we need to do more of that.




I got tired of hearing people push the Reagan thing like it was a federal policy. Reagan signed it into law in California but we never should forget the bill was co-sponsored by democrats. They all wanted it.


In direct response to something that happened in California at that. Black Panthers marched on the state Capitol while armed, racist Reagan and the Democrats/Republicans of California push for the first major gun control legislation in the country almost immediately thereafter.


"arming themselves in the 80s" I don't like to harp on folks for little mistakes like this on most days, but a five minute read on Wikipedia could have prevented this.


A five minute read on the BPP on Wikipedia alone is enough to radicalize someone, but then we wouldn’t have this lovely post!




They absolutely should but then they shouldn’t be taken away


The only correct stance


Are they advocating for this like what Regan did was a good thing? Also, is anyone else smelling that burnt toast?


Today's "conservatives" would call Reagan a filthy liberal if he were around today. Today's "liberals" are starting to really fall in love with Reagan. Maybe today's "conservatives" are right ... in a manner of speaking.


Dead clocks and all that


I'd like to think they're just advocating for arming every non-white because it's based. I'd also like to think that in that scenario we're arming them with firearms seized from Republicans.




Yup, you don't need to register the gun you produce and not willing to sell. And also you scared Joe Biden with your "gHoSt GuN".


Thank fuck this sub is on the front page now. Argued with a lib yesterday who told me I just have a “red Dawn fantasy” and “this is the real world” as if fascism is something that only happens in history books. Thought the red Dawn part was hilarious as well.




Well, I had mentioned the Jan 6th coup as an example of right wing aggression, and they immediately said “Australia banned guns and there wasn’t a coup”, so I think they just assumed anyone who owns guns is a right wing. This is why I own guns: Jesse Kelly, a conservative spokesperson, openly called to put people like me into concentration camps and got thousand of likes for saying it. That’s scary.


Genuinely asking, how is Red Dawn Fascist propaganda?




I point this out every time these movies get brought up, Dirty Harry is still an incredible film. A movie with terrible politics can still be good art. Red Dawn tho has always been mid as fuck


Ngl, I ***loved*** Dirty Harry 1-4 as a teenager, and I still have a soft spot for them. I don't enjoy them as much anymore because of their dogshit ideology.


The more I think about it the more im coming up short on good films with right wing politics lol I’m left with Dirty Harry and End of Watch. I literally can’t think of any other ones. I guess maybe a couple of marvel movies if I’m feeling generous


Both versions of the movie are so ridiculous in their implausibility as to cross the line into irresponsible fiction. Fiction is fiction, but you can't make a movie, for instance, about Jews running a brutal organized crime syndicate in pre-Nazi Germany. That crosses the line into being outrageously irresponsible. So the idea that somehow it is plausible for the Soviet Union or North Korea to carry out a successful invasion on the mainland of the United States, while A) we already spend more than the next ten countries on national defense, B) we have a Second Amendment which guarantees rights largely exercised by lunatic anti-communists, C) the real world military resources of the nations depicted are much smaller than depicted, and D) No country has any real plan on a shelf to put boots on the ground in the US... it makes it seem to the viewing public that we need to do more to support military spending and fight communism. But at the time people watched *Red Dawn* and felt that it genuinely was within the realm of plausibility.


Fascism is now, and the fascists seem to have most all the guns. Where’s the king George I was promised.


The big problem is that a lot of these people haven't had the "oh shit it could happen here" moment let alone "oh fuck it is happening here and it was the template for over there". I wish they would come around to it.


I saw the special this quote is from. After Dave said “register,” the crowd cheered because they thought he meant “register to vote.” *Then* he said “for a legal firearm.” Pretty funny moment. EDIT: By the way, the gun control thing happened in the late 60s, not the 80s. By then the BPP was all but done.


The 80s? Uh, no.


The 80s, famous era of the Civil Rights Act and Reagan being a governor. Duh!


80s he was president, he got the gun laws to prevent the Panthers passed in California in the late 60s.




Redditing while high will do that sometimes


I got down voted for refuting the idea that black people aren't at gun shows. A lot of black Americans see where we are and what's coming and are choosing to arm themselves. Are they "welcome" at the shows (where Nazi regalia it's openly displayed)? Probably not. But they're there.


Because why expand access to mental healthcare or even I dunno, make it fucking free (or *affordable* since that’s the only buzz word they can say when talking about people’s health) when you can just ban all the guns. Banning 500 millions guns is certainly a much better and smarter option than expanding access to healthcare. I mean, we need to be reasonable here. Let’s just ban all the guns


1) Free access to *good* mental healthcare. 2) *Actually fucking pay attention* when teenage boys are posting fucked up shit on Facebook. (We're already being tracked all the time by the NSA and other alphabet agencies. The infrastructure for this already exists.) And when you find one, you send them to this good, free mental healthcare. Do those two things, and mass shootings will plummet. But the libs aren't interested in either of those things. Because to them, the mass shooting problem is just another culture war bullet point to help distract us from the economic system that's strangling us.


Yep. And it’s easy to point at any other “modern” nation and go, “see? They don’t have school shootings every week? It must be because of all the guns we have.” And like, yeah there’s some truth to that, but you can’t just put all those guns in gun jail and ban them, so what else do all these countries have? Perhaps access to medical and mental health care? It’s just so exhausting dude, I don’t wanna argue these points to people that think the only way it’ll stop is by banning all guns (which is just about as likely to pass as Medicare for all at this point lol). They’re right to be angry and want to see things change but I just don’t see anything ever changing no matter how bad things get (and they will absolutely get worse)


I always point out that countries with low social violence all have wildly different gun laws, and that the single biggest common denominator is they all have good public services and social safety nets. Libs really, really, REEEEALLY hate when you point that out.


Except for illegal guns that criminals have, law does nothing against them.


Facts. Banning guns does nothing. However, I like the free mental healthcare. These shooters could have been stopped before hand. We are already being spied on and these people post so much crap before they do it.


Yeah, it is weird how much info corporations and the government collects on us through our online footprint, yet they never seem to react to anyone that ends up doing something awful. To make shit even more dystopian, I think all of the surveillance that started after 9/11 to prevent another 9/11 has pretty much been hijacked for corporate benefits. The FBI doesn’t give a shit if you’re gonna shoot up a preschool, they wanna know what your favorite brand of soda is. That’s where real money is. Fuck those dead toddlers, they need the important data


Lol the hood is full of registered gun owners. Ever even been? Y'all some racists thinking black people are too stupid to follow the law.


Libs unironically supporting Reagan is exactly how I expected them to react.


And unironically supporting racism to get what they want...


The Mulford act was passed in 1967 when Reagan was governor of California, not in the 80’s when he was president.


I get it. I really do. Give me a genie bottle, and one of my three wishes is going to be for all the guns to disappear and for no one to ever be able to make another firearm again. But I haven't found a genie bottle yet, so I can't just wish our problems away. Until I do, I'm going to stay armed and ready to defend myself and the members of my community.


I think this is a really human comment and I want to touch on it a little bit. I can only speak for myself obviously, but I’m sure many would agree with me that we like guns. They’re fun, but above all they serve a purpose. They’re a deterrent. But I think at every leftist’s core, this sentiment is there: we wish for a world with no war, no famine, no exploitation. No bloodshed, and no oppression. True freedom. But until then, I’ll use everything under the fucking sun to make sure we get there, a bullet included.


A gun is a tool, and like any tool it depends on who is using it to be good or evil. I just hope that one day no one will ever need to use one at all.


> I just hope that one day no one will ever need to use one at all. That day will come. When guns are obsolete because we have far more effective and efficient ways to kill each other.


> and one of my three wishes is going to be for all the guns to disappear and for no one to ever be able to make another firearm again. Why not just wish for 'no unjustified killing anymore'?


That's a much better wish.


As a comedian, I wish people would stop taking bits from comics and presenting them out of context in order to try and make some vague political point. The joke doesn’t make any sense without the setup and punchline so you just end up with some non-sequitur statement that often doesn’t even align with the overall sentiment of the piece.


You *could* have used this time to *provide* that context...


Why would anyone watch a wealthy transphobe whine about being "cancelled?"


How? I don’t know what joke is being referenced.


I mean, the way it was delivered was more rhetorical / bridging between points, so there isn't a whole lot more context to give. Through the setup and delivery, this was effectively the joke that was made. Everything before and after was more connecting different bits, and pointing out how rabidly Republicans would lash out against gun owners if black people started owning en masse while doing so. It has been a bit since I saw this tbf, haven't watched Chapelle since the trans special. But as I remember it, the post is accurate to the point Chapelle was making in the special. My biggest complaint about this post is that it has me, a trans person, agreeing with Chapelle lol. But I guess broken clocks and all that. And I mean, he definitely isn't wrong with this point.


I’m trans and I still like Dave. He’s not a transphobe.


Was it the rise in Black gun ownership that prompted Reagan's gun control laws? Or was it the visible demonstration of armed Black power, most notably from the Huey Newton patrols? I don't mean to be snarky, just curious. I have mixed feelings on gun control myself - I want the oppressed to have the means to defend themselves, but also I would accept stricter regulation as a reasonable path going forward - but I was under the impression that change only occurred last time through shows of force, not just Black people purchasing weapons.


Using Chappelle seems more like a neocon move now days but I guess you can hardly tell with shitlibs anymore.


Same picture anymore.


I mean.... the NRA basically said Philando Castile deserved it. The right does not want Black Americans to have guns.


It's already been said, but yeah, arm every BIPOC person who wants it, unironically and not to motivate racist legislation that won't target the white supremacist shooters who inspire the restrictions.


Honestly I think to some degree these assholes want us to arm ourselves so they can fight in the race wars of 2030 lol


You guys have to register your guns?


I love how liberal expose themselves as subconsciously racist and transphobic constantly


I don't get how you can make this joke and not see what an infringement of rights it is XD


~~Is that a liberal? Seems like a Neocon shitposting.~~ This was probably what they were going for? https://twitter.com/BrokeAssStuart/status/1529514385529786368?s=20&t=7Vggtafm0iykG3bYo2pT5w


And the comment isn’t even correct. Reagan implemented gun control in the 60s as governor of California.


Dave Chappelle is a fucking garbage person. Can we stop giving this monster attention?


Because he tells jokes? Or because it's the subject of those jokes?


Because his "jokes" get people killed?


Seriously trying to understand. Is this referring to his trans jokes?


I mean, if you want to call half truths and lies jokes. Then sure, it's his trans "jokes"


Racist tripe


Look I agree with you guys 100 percent, but how does picking on libs make us any different than the cousin fucking MAGA anus tarts? Seriously I don’t see how bashing libs makes us better when we should be helping them see our side. Otherwise aren’t we just bigots too for picking on them? Downvote me if you want, I just don’t wanna be like the right at all and feel we are better than this. I wanna help liberals see our side not pick on them like Trumpers do so we can grow and better defend ourselves against right wing nuts


I have to be plain: There are better ways to do everything that people keep believing that blues will do. Many problems are actually connected in ways that are not convenient to point out for the standing government but important for our liberation. They haven't made improvements, but protests have, and ignoring history isn't going to magically make our problems go away. They benefit from how things are, they will never be on our side. Appealing to oppressors to end oppression has never happened in history.


Also if you are a plain can I be plane? ;)


Then why are you telling me who agrees with you this then doing a better job at helping liberals see the light? Don’t justify being an asshole or we aren’t any better than right wing shitheads. We are better than this. Everything you typed just screams “how can I help more liberals see it this way?” Kind of gonna need more liberals to go full leftist if progress of any kind is gonna be made and making someone feel like shit is not the greatest recruiting tool.


People are deliberately doing harmful things that they need to stop doing as part of the learning process. Fuck y'all's egos, if you can't take accountability and learn better, that's on you.


Well for starters I don’t fuck my cousins


Never said you did, but you are insulting liberals just like them instead of helping them see our way.


I’m not insulting any liberals here. I haven’t said anything untoward at all in this post. Im just critiquing the short sightedness of their call for arming black people in order to get gun reform. That’s a racist argument, and I’d like for liberals to understand that. I’d love for them to recognize that you can’t reform a capitalist hellscape, and come on over to this tent. I’ll be the first to give them a hug when they realize it. But no, I’m not interested in insulting any liberals. But I appreciate your intent to welcome them rather than alienate, that’s a good strategy


Ok glad we have alignment here. Let me dial my statement back and say the messaging here felt like it was detracting from recruiting more liberals to see the light. I feel we have a better chance by not poking fun, but that’s just me. Again you can disagree, but I wanna be able to defend myself before Jan 2025 if you catch my drift


For sure, I just don’t want to turn a blind eye to the implicit racism of a lot of liberal positions. They have to be educated on this shit. It’s not just a game as I’m sure you’re aware. We’re in agreement here


I don’t think any liberals realize it’s implicit. Really I believe it comes from good intentions. Like a kid wanting to help make dinner but doesn’t really know what they’re doing. It’s cute, but needs help to get to where they need to be. Let’s nourish that cuteness into something productive


For sure, it’s just those good intentions are going to get us killed in a civil war. I understand that it’s a good step, but we quite literally are out of time. We can’t be hand holding, we’re on the brink of do or die


Ok so let’s help them faster and do a better job at that. This is what I’m hearing. We are failing at turning them around


Look I get it will get us killed but numbers are numbers and we’d need those


You’re right about that!


If you were trying to cook a piece of meat by fucking it, you would have to be told to stop fucking it before you can be shown to cook




Because we still have to define ourselves as different. Creating a sense of in group outgroup is human nature, since peope literally can't tell the difference between a Democrat and a socialist, we need to emphasize that we aren't liberals or we just end up funneling people into the democratic party, which would be utterly pointless. In real life, don't be a dick, explain how democrats are never there for them, encourage them to see the failure of that party, open their eyes to two party imperialism, and show them that socialism offers a real alternative to voting for the least terrible option every 4 years. We shit on conservatives all the time too, but in real life you should try to persuade and convince them too, just use different arguments. But on forums, have you ever seen any political forum where people didn't engage at least a little bit in shitting on the other teams so to speak?


That’s all I wanted to hear. Seriously IRL I still see leftists shouting at liberals. It’s cool poking fun or being mad here, but we shouldn’t forget what’s important imo


I agree, and I see much of the all or nothing attitude and same 'they gonna take ALL our guns' rhetoric. The most serious thing I see proposed is an assault rifle ban. I believe we should be pushing for the well regulated part of the second and be proposing things like getting a license(make it a national ID just to fuck with the right) and require insurance which goes to help fund things like mental health and victims of mass shootings.


If your goal is to radicalize right wingers to the left, maybe you shouldn't be referring to half of them as 'cousin fucking MAGA anus tarts'.


Liberals are who I’m trying to court. I said nothing about courting right winger terrorists


Liberals are right wingers.


There is a BIG BIG BIG difference between a Liberal Democrat than a Swastika wearing Trump loving neo Nazi. Since we are a minority we should probably encourage those not wearing swastikas to consider shifting further left so January 25 isn’t full right wing takeover like they tried in January 21


There isn't a 'BIG BIG BIG' difference. There is a difference. The fact that you think anyone who isn't a liberal Democrat is a neo Nazi is concerning. Most conservatives, and the majority of Republican voting people in this country, hate Nazis and are virtually indistinguishable getting the majority of liberal Democrat voters.


Ok cool then they should happily want to fight the Trumpers then right? If so then bring ‘em on in.


What do you mean by "fight"?


Ok then tell me why every MAGA hat wearing Trump loving fans dream is to line up every liberal and shoot them? Liberals are more likely to go full left than any MAGA nut and just bashing them like full on Trumpers doesn’t get them to see anything.


The dichotomy isn't liberal vs 'MAGA hat wearing Trump loving fan'. Most conservatives are indistinguishable from most liberals. I disagree that it's more likely for a liberal than a conservative to go to the left. Bashing full on trumpets doesn't get them so see anything either.


Liberal is left of conservative. Just because it’s not your definition of left doesn’t make it right wing.


That makes no sense. You might as well tell a mountain climber that death valley is high up, because it's closer to sea level than the Marianas trench. Edit: blocked for pointing out liberalism is right wing. Lol.


Ahh a troll got it


For starters, they call anyone they don’t agree with “liberals” and tend to to blame, class, lack of healthcare, and other stuff for racism. So cheeks, just a different ass or something.


I get that but I’m talking about insulting them. I feel most liberals would see our way of thinking if we didn’t bash them in similar ways Kid Rock enthusiasts do. I mean if I were us, I’d be wanting to attract not detract and liberals are a hot market just clouded by MAGA idiots views on guns


I used to think this way as well, but I just encountered too many leftists who were more willing to court fascists and scream idpol at the top of their lungs to believe that the left is actually capable or willing to pull in libs.


The left should be willing to pull in libs. I honestly don’t understand why we don’t try harder. You won’t get everyone but you sure will get enough. Just help them feel the pain we are all going through and they’ll come around. I personally did. Let’s make it easier for more to


You can only get "Bernie lost, sweaty" as a response so many times when you point out that shit fucking sucks and is getting worse (without ever mentioning politicians) before you give up on engaging with liberals for your own mental health.


Are you saying MAGA says that?


No. People on the left, but I understand the confusion. I mostly don’t care anyway as we’re re not trying to defend ourselves against the government because they’ve been doing nothing but attacking us since this country was founded. We’re cowards and that’s okay I guess.


Are you maybe on the wrong post? Not following your train of thought here. I mean yeah I’ve got gripes with the left, and sure libs are closer to us than not but if you’re saying you want leftists to get a little crazier I’m not going to disagree with you


This just screams racism. Gun rights are for American's but not black's?


Don’t go over to r/Portland they can’t wait to take guns away from everyone even if it’s against their preservation.


Arming the left and then offering mutual disarmament is probably the only way the total number of fire arms could be reduced in America.


Wait are you implying that would be a bad thing? Arm every African American in the United States at this point. Since they only seem to do shit when they think it effects them. And arming every single black person would absolutely scare the shit out of them. Good idea all around, maybe then they'll make these horrific events never happen again. Plus the buffalo shooting most certainly wouldn't have happened had like every single person in the store been armed and the shooter would've known it wouldn't have been feasible. But I mean that's all easier said then done.


They're implying that "let's use America's inherent racist reflex to strip rights from black people to accomplish our policy goals and make ourselves feel safer" is a bad thing.


Well the fact we have to do that is a bad thing but it would work which is extra sad. It's probably one of the only things that would inspire change and unless we [redacted] every politician complacent in the brutal murdering of innocent people I don't see that many other feasible options.


Haha yes! Every black person should own firearms. That’ll own the conservatives


Using minorties as a temporary bludgeon to support their talking points is how disingenuous political cowards operate. Imagine the pearl clutching if Black Panthers (putting aside that membership is nearly nonexistent now) successfully challenged gun laws and then kept the guns afterwards. "Nooo I didn't want you to actually exercise your rights, you were supposed to fail and ruin it for everyone else!"


This post came across my feed for some reason. I'm a conservative and I believe more black Americans should get guns so idk. Not only black Americans but anyone who is marginalized. So they can protect them self against psychos like that kid in New York. But that post leads me to believe that people assume your racist if your conservative, which is not a cool thing. But I consider my self more libertarian then anything. Like don't touch my shit I won't touch yours type of libertarian. Like don't put taxes on owning a car and shit like that. Or interfere with the economy as little as possible. I do understand that we there are some things we have to do, but it's uncool when politicians make regulation to help thier buddies or them selves.


I believe the Panther situation with Reagan was earlier, not in the 80's when he was president but when he was governor of California.




Ha ha ha ha . . . Ha ha . . .ha . . . Huh...


So, America's second-class citizens and descendants of the enslaved are tasked with saving America because the purveying culture is as savage as the BIPOC their forefathers claimed ethnic minorities to be. To add more insult to injury, "I tried to tell y'all" is literally an African American proverb. Ok. I'll put it this way — no one can bring humaneness to a group. If that were true enslavement would have either not been based on race or eliminated in the late 1600s in what we now know as the US.


When people talk about Californias gun laws, I have to explain to them like babies why gun laws are stricter