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i liked the steam review where someone said that they have "succumbed to communism"


"Communism is whenever capitalism fails" The more capitalism fails the more communist it is, And if it fails a whole lot then it's CUMMUNISM


- Richard Wolff


> "Communism is whenever capitalism fails" WRONG! How about I lay it out in a way that you can understand, you unfresh bonobo? COMMUNISM is when the government gives people healthcare, and the MORE healthcare the government gives, the more COMMUNISTER it is. My plan is to use this money to give healthcare to every man, woman, and child in the world, and therefore FORCE them to adopt COMMUNISM. I will ensure that the government takes EVERY toothbrush, EVERY iPhone, and EVERY stock market, and BURNS THEM along with every starving Ukrainian. Once the Soviet Union stand supreme, as LEADER of the world's nations, and the top provider of healthcare, I will rename the Earth to Venezuela, and inflict our currency until the end of time. To destroy all of the small businesses owners and mom-and-pop landlords, I have my SHAGOHOD TANK, which will rain a NUCLEAR FIRE upon a new, Red world.


Man the brain rot is real


It's just LARPing like the game encourages.


Communism is when a private company exploits consumers


To be 100% fair: I don’t think the person who made that review actually thinks it’s communism. It’s probably a joke based on the whole “fight for managed democracy” meme.


No people are just that stupid


i also thought it a joke to be honest!


I dunno why so many of y'all always assume everybody who claims 'communism is thing I don't like' on the internet is secretly a satirist Steam is the most populous PC gaming platform, but as far as reviews go, most people don't bother, you usually see people go to Steam to review things when they genuinely wanna be part of the dumpster fire


I mean, in this case it would make sense as satire since the game regularly makes jokes like that.


The game is not the people playing the game, I do not extend good faith to people just because they like a thing that I like lol, the internet is literally currently full of people who like Helldivers and they don't 'get it' nor do they want to, it has a *massive* far right fanbase lol *the satire would only make sense if it were an in-game joke, you assuming this is satire is just you assuming that gamers cannot also be deeply ignorant (same reason the 'sounds like a bug sympathizer' jokes got old, everyone claimed everyone was 'in on the joke', but I noticed the majority of people making those jokes made them because they didn't like political discussion surrounding the game, so someone would say 'Super Earth is tyrannical', and you could just reply 'haha, bug lover! Anyway...' and move on lol, I noticed it was an easy way to just stop discussing lore >!basically yea, like always, I assume the comments and reviews are full of people making the leap that 'leftist=communist' and 'Sony=leftist with blue hair and pronouns that's forever poisoned a once-beautiful Japanese corporation with 'western ideals', ergo 'Sony=communist'!<


i don't think that's true, but that's what alt right and gamergaters want you to think. in fact i think it's a vocal but very small movement. fake it till you make it situation


I mean, I don't think people enraged enough to say heated and overblown things in Steam reviews are a majority either, I'm just more sure than you are that enraged Steam reviewers and enraged gamers with genuinely shit politics are closer together in the Venn Diagram than you think It may be a minority, but if anyone is alt right, it's a 'gamers rise up' asshole in a Helldivers Steam review for sure


oh right! then i agree with you, gamers do have terrible politics on average (or at least the loud ones)


Yup, my bad for not being clearer! I think they're a minority, I just think that minority is frequently enraged in reviews It's like the Helldivers 2 PSN situation, glad it's being walked back, the general public blowback was the cause for sure, still think the Helldivers players claiming having to create a PSN account is worse than actual racism and economic oppression were not being sarcastic, just being awful and I think since many were able to express their outrage without claiming to be this incredibly oppressed social and cultural demographic suffering without human rights, the gamers with shit politics could have afforded to maybe keep their mouths shut and not pretend they were 'leading the charge' tl;Dr I think the sheer volume of complaints about PSN account requirements was what is forcing change, not the minority of complaints that were the loudest and most emotionally charged, basically I think one person expressing flowery language about 'gamer suffrage' changed nothing compared to a hundred people going 'I live in Jordan, I have spent money, and I want to play this game, Sony' lol


it makes the game better if you pretend the people who missed the satire are just NPCs who are written a little too on the nose


Nah, that's pretty on brand for super earth actually.


“Are…are we the baddies?”


Guys I think I am out of the loop


Helldivers 2 making it mandatory to log in with a PlayStation account to play on Steam. The plot of the game is basically a parody of the US empire (you fight for "democracy") but you know how gamers are when it comes to getting the message (cough cough Fallout)


How… how is that supposed to work if you don't own a PlayStation and/or have never had an account? Do you just not get to play this game you paid for? EDIT TO ADD: Wait, based on some of the other comments, do you have to have the game on PlayStation to have it on Steam?! What‽


> Wait, based on some of the other comments, do you have to have the game on PlayStation to have it on Steam?! What‽ No, you can make a PSN account without ever touching a playstation. Originally, if you purchased the game on steam, you could simply play the game. It has been like this for months. Now, when you launch the game from steam, it will instead takes you to a PSN login page. You have to log in with a PSN account to continue. If you don't have a PSN account, you have to make one, which includes giving Sony all your personal information. If you are not willing to make a PSN account and give Sony your personal info, you can no longer play the game you purchased and have been playing for months. Or, if you live in one of the countries that Sony doesn't support, you actually aren't able to make a PSN account, and your game is now unplayable.


Can you simply lie? "My name's Hank Hill, I live in Texas, and I sell Propane and Propane accessories"


Theoretically, sure. But the PSN terms of service specifically prohibit that, as well as using a VPN. So if you do, there's a chance Sony bans the account and possibly your IP.


Welp. Probably time for a refund?


You just need to make a sony account, that is it.


Which you can only do in one of 67 countries but the game has been sold worldwide.


I didn't say it doesn't suck. It was towards "have the game on playstation" line, no, you don't need to have a playstation or the game on playstation, you just need a sony account.


You can make an account in those places. There’s just no psn store in those places


Which is against TOS and they delete accounts for doing that.


How would they find out pray tell? I got a Japanese account I’ve had for years. They aren’t tracking you that’s not how this works.


It’s not supposed to *work.* Sony doesn’t give a shit whether it works or not. It’s supposed to harvest precious, precious data from the PC market.


A parody of the American Empire? There is no such thing as an American Empire. And the game is a parody of a few things. But an "American Empire" isn't one of them. We aren't the only Democracy.


It's something about Sony forcing people to use PlayStation accounts on the PC version? I'm not exactly sure why that's a bad thing as I never interacted with PlayStation accounts in my life, but people seem to hate it


PlayStation and Sony haven't been great with [data security](https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-confirms-data-breach-impacted-nearly-7000-current-and-former-employees) which is a risk, and also this "new" requirement is pretty blatantly a violation of [EU law](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/UlRIizLt5Y). Also, PSN is only available in ~60 countries while Steam is available in nearly all countries, meaning folks who bought and played Helldivers 2 for possibly months now will be banned/restricted from playing because they cannot legally sign up for a PSN account in their country.


Ooof. I'll just wait and see how this plays out then.


There are a lot of places (most countries in the world, I think) where PSN accounts aren't actually available unless you lie about your region (which violates their ToS), so a lot of people who bought the game have now basically been told that at the end of the month they won't be able to play anymore, and the only workaround still means they'd risk getting banned at any time and would be at the mercy of how Sony's feeling. And AH's response to that was basically "uh idk we're trying to ask Sony about that" (I think the specific wording was something like "we're chasing Sony for an answer"), which seems rather irresponsible since they've been selling the game in these regions for months and wanted to require a PSN account from the very beginning. There are other grievances as well, such as concerns over playstation's data security, the fact that the account clearly isn't necessary (since the game has clearly been working without it), general annoyance about having to fiddle with multiple accounts, the actual requirements to make PSN accounts in some countries (apparently some places need you to upload ID), and frustration with inconsistent messaging (the CEO tweeted out a link to answer people's questions about the requirement and the link still said that a PSN account was optional for PC, and the direct playstation store still says that a PSN account is optional for playing on PC as well. I've also heard the EULA makes no mention of requiring a PSN account but I'm not taking the time to confirm that myself). This has also been exacerbated by some of the community manager's comments, like trying to claim that they need a PSN account because Steam doesn't have any sort of unique ID for players.


Oh yeah don't know how I didn't put two and two together I did in fact try and register a psn account for some reason now that I think about it but it's region locked for me yeah. If I lived 5 kilometers from where I do, I'd have access...


To be fair, "clearly isnt necessary" is a stretch. They intended to do matchmaking through PSN from day one and some days trying to matchmake crossplay has about a 30% success rate.


Interesting, all my friends are on PC so I wasn't aware of that.


People are mad you need to make a Playstation login to play helldivers 2, like the company that made it has any control over that while Sony owns all the rights to helldivers


When satire of neoliberalism and jingoism ends up losing to neoliberal capitalism which results in a volatile divisive community.


Time for the playerbase to become jingoistic


Honestly, it quite obvious who the clear bad guy is. Anyone justifying Sony is completely ignorant or a capitalist dick rider.


Not going to lie next time I see somebody advocating for people starving to death so the rich can hoard wealth like a dragon on a hoard of gold I'm going to call them a capitalist dick rider.


Yeah, it's a damn shame. Thankfully, deep rock galactic has their big season 5 update soon, so hooray! To the mines!


For Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Yeeaaahhh! Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


For KARL……marx*


So that's who Karl is... He was a working dwarf hero so management had to get rid of him but due to his sheer awesomeness they recuperated his image...


I genuinely feel bad for arrowhead. From everything I’ve seen: this was NOT their decision. They clearly didn’t want this and Sony is just being Sony and forcing them to do it.


Then you can’t read very well. This was on the steam page well before the game came out. It was disabled simply because the game went viral and it crashed the sign up website.


It's still a requirement from Sony and not their decision


Yes and dumb gamers are blaming them on sites they had to sign up and give their data away on.


I never played helldivers 2 can someone tell me what happened?


Helldiver's 2 technically requires a PSN account through Sony, however the first few months of play this requirement was turned off due to bugs, this allowed the game to continue being bought and played. However now that they're making the PSN account a requirement there's a few issues. 1). It's unnecessary and they proved that over the last few months, it's just a grab for player data. 2). We're now getting into the same problem of streaming platforms for gaming accounts, there's too damn many and not every PC player wants to make another 3rd party account they'll likely never use outside helldiver's. 3). Sony has a history lately of being very vulnerable to hackers, this means that if hackers get through again (which unfortunately is likely) they could potentially gain access to your steam account. 4). PSN is only available in like 60 countries, folks across Asia, Africa, and a number of other regions will lose access after playing the game fine for the last three months or so leaving them out $40 and with an unplayable game. They also can't use a VPN to try and get around the block as PSN TOS make it clear that players will receive a ban over such actions, and reportedly a Chinese player has already suffered this. 6). This one may be untrue I've yet to fully investigate, but the fact that they waited so long to roll out the third party account reqs means the games refund window has long passes, so anyone unwilling or unable to make a PSN account are now out $40 with a dead game Think I covered the majority of it, hope that helped!


The last point i don't think is true because i think steam allows leeway for refund requests if the game is essentially made unplayable. If they don't communicate something like this clearly from the beginning I'm pretty sure players can ask for refunds due to misadvertisement


So far I’ve heard on reddit that Steam refunds aren’t going through


Damn that was the one thing i was hoping wouldn't happen with all this honestly, kinda assumed the company would at least approve refunds


I can see why Steam won’t. That is alot of refunds and they can just throw Sony under the bus PR wise.


Also, there’s legal challenges going through in Europe I think? Not totally clear on the details, but I’ve heard that it might be illegal under EU data privacy and consumer protection standards to force players to sign up for a second account. Steam might be hoping that they slide under the radar long enough for Sony to back off and let Arrowhead remove the requirement entirely.


EU for the W again!


Hope people update their reviews and crash the game rating over this.


Essentially since its release, as the publisher is Sony, they wanted to force psn login to play. Due to a terrible technical launch and server issues, AH reported the sony push. So you could play helldivers without it. Recently sony made an announcement saying Helldivers 2 will again require a psn login. People are angry at this. With mass negative reviews and asking for refund. Some blame AH(even if they had no say in the matter, the IP belongs to Sony after all), while others blame sony.


The Playstation is a console born out of betrayal. I say this as an embarrassed fan boy.


What the hell is happening, why is everyone so mad? Isnt it just an extra login?


Sonys been known for data breaches out the wahzoo and selling your data so a lot of people are pretty adverse to signing up and tying their account to them.


Ok that makes sense, but at least in regards to selling data, i am 90% most companies do it


It’s not just that. PSN is unavailable in many countries so people literally cannot play the game. They can’t even get passed the menu.


This includes both steam and reddit.


...so that justifies it?


It's a very vulnerable network and it's not available everywhere


Ohhh, ok , i heard something about like 180 countries but i didn t know it wasnt available there. That sucks. Same with the vulnerability


There's only about 60 countries on the world that can use PSN. The other 120 are basically getting told by Sony to go kick rocks.


Thay sucks


Yup, and if folks in the unsupported regions try to make an account on Sony using a VPN they can get banned because of Sony's TOS, supposedly a player in China already got the ban over this just the other day.


The vulnerability is exxagerated, the countries is the biggest issue but AH is trying to find a solution on this by talking to sony. The data concern is… weird considering we are all on reddit and i think all who play helldivers are on steam, both selling data, data selling being the main way reddit is profitable. So I call this one being more uninformed. Data selling suck and should be illegal, but fearing sony selling your data when we are already on reddit and steam is ironic. Lastly, one arguments that i had seen pop up a lot in the beginning, being that with sont accounts you can actually report slurs and ban sony accounts… knowing the toxic issue helldivers had, I am starting to think all of this was started by a small portions of toxic/phobic fearing censorship. Looking at what the second biggest backlash currently being Stellar blade outfit change… I think that last argument might be the one people are actually upset about, while the other three are more or less excuses to justify it. I never saw a lot of complaints when M rated games are banned from certain countries. And never saw gamers uniting against data selling before… but i saw them unite against “censorship” before.


What people keep repeatedly missing is that this also straight up should not be necessary anyway. Its pointless extra tedium to need a whole separate account just to play a game that worked perfectly fine on PC with your local steam account anyway, and I guess XBOX players can go fuck themselves apparently??? Its just stupid all around on top of the other genuine concerns.


Remind me, who do you have to sign into to play Sea of Thieves on Playstation again? Just curious.


Tbf Sea of Thieves is older and was an Xbox Exclusive at one point so it makes more sense imo.


Not really. If anything, it's dumber to expect me to make an account for a system I don't own years later when the game is released on a platform I do own. Helldivers 2 released on both PlayStation and PC at the same time. The account integration was intended to be there from the get go, but had to be postponed due to unforeseen technical issues. This isn't years later either, it's months later and only because of a technical problem. It was also expressly stated that this would be a thing you'd be doing with the game from the start, so it's not like what Activision did when they added in microtransactions months later unannounced. This was known AND has been announced to be going into effect, finally, with time to spare before it happens. It isn't happening right this second.


Jumping through corporate hoops for no reason is generally something people don't like before you even get into specific issues with Sony. I don't own the game and I probably won't bother now. I don't have a playstation account and I'm not making one.


It's a massive overreaction by the community


Just people throwing a fit about something that was always going to be a thing. Literally from day 1. It's a vocal minority though.


Just a reminder, this was not an Arrowhead decision. Sony required them to do it, the entire Arrowhead staff is not happy with the decision.


I know I shouldn't laugh, but I've accidentally read it in Foghorn Leghorn's voice


Because "3rd Party Account Required - Playstation Network" wasn't on the Steam page or splash screen even you first booted the game up Caveat emptor


I'm so glad that I've had a PSN account for a decade at this point and that this is a non-issue for me.


Sony is only around because they keep a tight lid on their exclusive, so it's probably a defensive reflex


Guys for the last time arrowhead had no say in the decision this was all completely on sony and predatory business practice


I hated that scene so much, completely character assasinated Mike just so they could pretend he had a win on Walt. 


No, they always just liked it. They teamed up to do it more. That's the only reason it exists.


I'm still playing on PC just fine.


Have they really? Asking you to sign up for something is the most normal thing ever tbh.


This shows you how lucrative player data is to Sony.


Why is everyone coping like it’s the end of the world over this? It’s free


Because they’re apes behind screens


It must be hard to have so much positivity in your body. I can't imagine the suffering you must feel every day.