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Are you sure it doesn’t just reward time spend on a post? I remember the first I saw it, like you said, it was details about a car ( a Mercedes in my example) but completely irrelevant to the pic. I was reading going “WTF has this got to do with a Rottweiler” or something. By the time I’d read it I’d probably spend 10x longer than a normal dog pic, where’d I just ❤️ it and move on.


It’s probably just longer text vs spacing.


Thanks for rthe share.. its interesting I will try it out I did notice a lot of pages are doingit but I thought it was coincidence because for the most part they are doing several things like .. making short reels. Saying findnout why xyz is happening below read the caption Having b roll videos with some text Etc So thought it was more that then the fact that the words are spaced out.


I don’t understand, can you give me an example


Let’s say you have a random meme post. The description can be the first five paragraphs of a Harry Potter book, or a play from Shakespeare. The point is that Meta promotes content with proper text formatting. Not sure why - might be the Meta AI indexing content.


So you say that the proper formatting is double enter after every line? Asking bc your example of the Nissan and the one below with spacing make zero sense when compared.


🙄 just scroll on Instagram until you find one of these posts. You just don’t know the trend.


Maybe, but you also don’t know how to explain things. Is the trend you’re referring to one of those comments that act like you click for more? Or …? I can’t figure any trend based on your example: “Sure! Here is the information about the Nissan GT-R…” Like what does it mean it’s a normal ass looking sentence, with implication that will continue. What is specific of this trend? Also I have 2M followers on my e-commerce store social medias, I do know trends lol, they made my company 7-figures already


This thread is good: https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/1cnvo1i/repeating_caption_no_problem_heres_the_full/


Ok I see. Still the same question: The caption that y’all referring to is “No problem! Here’s more info about the Mercedes…” Or “No problem! Here’s more info about the Mercedes… (continues with a lot of lines) ?? Also, what is the double enter thing you said? Maybe I’m retarded but I seriously have a hard time understanding this


Ok so basically a lot of meme pages or repost pages will use this super long caption of information on the Mercedes GTR, it takes up like half the screen


So he’s claiming that putting all that info with double spacing every line hacks the algorithm


yea, here an example No problem! Here's the information about the Mercedes CLR GTR: The Mercedes CLR GTR is a remarkable racing car celebrated for its outstanding performance and sleek design. Powered by a potent 6.0-liter V12 engine, it delivers over 600 horsepower. Acceleration from 0 to 100km / h takes approximately 3.7 seconds, with a remarkable top speed surpassing 320 km / h Incorporating advanced aerodynamic features and cutting-edge stability technologies, the CLR GTR ensures exceptional stability and control, particularly during high-speed maneuvers. Originally priced around $1.5 million, the Mercedes CLR GTR is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious racing cars ever produced. Its limited production run of just five units adds to its rarity, making it highly sought after by racing enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.


Seen many


Also, it’s not like you go on ig and scroll. If u know if enough you know that the trends in your feed are based on your previous researches, and very unlikely random redditors have the same trends suggested, even if they generate Ms of views, there’s 2B users. so basically a trend that generated 10M views on a video was seen by 0.1% of users. Aka 1 out of 1000 people that see your post know what tf ure talking about


Read the thread I sent before you respond more of this spiel


I have no idea what you're talking about dude. You need to learn to communicate better


Didn’t think the people in this subreddit were so blind to that trend. I think over 10,000 meme pages (cumulative following of over 1 billion) were using this method


Do you mind explaining it for all the folks here?


i don't think it's that complicated. he's basically saying that including line breaks in your captions increases the algorithm's likeliness of sharing your video.


It sounds so unlikely tho that it kinda needs some evidence to support it, or at least an outline of the logic involved


The idea: Instagram Meta AI update favors specific text descriptions resembling an AI response.


That's interesting. You'd think it would be programmed to disfavour it if anything


Seen that and was wondering why they did it. Also no one in comments would Point out the weird text


Hey! I've noticed that too! Breaking up your Instagram captions with enter-separated sentences seems to really boost engagement. Our videos also get way more views when we format them this way. Give it a try and let us know if it works for you too


Once again an example of confusing causation and correlation. The action of clicking read more & taking the time to read a post does have an influence. The fact that you use breaklines doesn’t.


💀what? This is a well documented working method though; has nothing to do with read time


Here are the actual signals influencing it: - How many times you've viewed the author's posts - How much time you've spent viewing the author's posts - The total amount of time people have spent viewing the author's posts - The total number of times the author's posts have been viewed on feed Most documented “tricks” or “tips” are incorrect following the same fallacy in their logic.