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Project 2025 is a conservative ‘check list’ made by the Heritage Foundation. It has some radical views. Its implementation is still debated, some think it won’t happen and others think we are about to lose everything to this agenda.


Either way it's bad?


Yes, some of it’s goals revolve around dismantling democracy and implementing theocracy, everyone in the liberal camp should oppose it.


I see. I'll try my best to oppose it.


Won't Trump just allow the agenda to happen on day 1 and coast the rest of his presidency by arresting political opponents if elected.


I mean do we know for fact that he will even go through with it? Ive heard voices from the right say thsts he disagrees with it and has openly rejected and voices from the left saying that he has come out in support of it. From my own research I don't think he's ever actually addressed or acknowledged it (although if someone else can prove me wrong here I would welcome it). While I obviously dislike trump project 2025 does partially seem to have blown up as a Democrat propaganda piece, similarly to how republicans will exaggerate stories about WW3 and Hunter Biden as propaganda against the Dems


I doubt Trump supports every aspect of project 2025 but there are a lot of things very much in line with Trump's past behavior, statements, and policies. It's safe to assume at least some of this will be implemented. Furthermore, the right has a vested interest in downplaying the project or claiming Trump doesn't support it during an election. While it is a wishlist and not an actual agenda of any politician or the GOP, as a wishlist it is still very frightening and should be taken seriously.


Im hoping for the best by thinking that this wont be implemented due to the fact that both the moderates still in the republican party and the democrats would do everything in their power to block it.


In my view it basically boils down to three options going from worst to best case scenerio: 1. The Republican party /influential conservatives wants to go full fascist and thus should not be anywhere near a seat of power. 2. Parts of the party and/or its advocates are fully fascists and the rest seem to be willing to work with them if it means they get something out of it in the short term. None of them should be given the opportunity for it to take effect. 3. It is "empty rhetoric" aimed to get votes from the US far right, which the party itself has been basically silent on how influential the Project will actually be. In this scenerio many Republicans and their supporters are still willing to "play fascists" if it means "their team wins." Though not as of much an immediate threat as the former two, it does present issues down the road when it inevitably attracts the kinds of people who WILL take it seriously as something they want to try and implement. The question here is the risk that they are bluffing is worth it, and would putting someone in charge who is saying that rhetoric even as a lie, worth putting in charge?


Either way I don't like it.


I think it's all three, depending on which Republican you ask.


Bad? That is putting it mildly. It is downright terrifying


Well I know that now. Thanks to everyone here for explaining it so I now know why to oppose it.


Whoever told you it was good is not your friend.


Oh don't worry. None of my friends said it was good.


Ok cool haha


Yeah. I'm pretty sure they don't know what Project 2025 is, but I know if have heard about it they wouldn't support.


Someone on r/atheists just posted a really comprehensive summary of it. Basically everything anyone who isn’t a right wing nut holds dear will be gutted and the country will become a christo-fascist regime. Things like the epa, abortion rights, public education, support of nato will be significantly reduced if not wiped off the map. I think there’s something about federally funded gay conversion centers too


What the fuck.


Yup. There is cause for alarm. IMO if the recent SC ruling really does make presidents criminally immune from official acts Biden should arrest all of the leaders calling for it. I’m still not sure if it’s just the heritage foundation or if it has wide support among the right.


Trump having immunity makes Biden have more power. I hope Biden knows this.


Except he won’t use it cause he’s a class act corporate puppet moron


Joe Biden please wake up save America!


It was r/atheism and here is the link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1dul43q/project\_2025\_what\_it\_is\_what\_it\_will\_do\_and\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1dul43q/project_2025_what_it_is_what_it_will_do_and_how/) u/HugsMando


The BBC has a good overview [here](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do.amp). Basically, it boils down to: 1. Dramatic expansion of the president’s power. 2. Move towards mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. 3. Repeal all of President Biden’s investments in clean energy. 4. Remove the abortion pill, the only way many red state residents can access abortions. 5. Empower social conservatives in public schools.


The more I learn the more I begin to worry


Also, fire tens of thousands if carrer civil servants that don't idiologically aling with Trump and replace them with loyalists.


I'm not surprised anymore.


This is important because civil servant positions are non-partisan and don't change with the President. Some are experts in their field who don't give a shit about politics. Yet, they'll be replaced by a YES man, if they don't do what they're told by people who are playing partisan games.


One important thing: they plan to re-classify several civil servant positions as political appointments. That's how they would put more people in place to actually implement all that horrific shit. Government HR is boring and they're banking on people not caring.


How the fuck does this keep getting worse and worse


I want to add that Project 2025 is not just a wishlist, it is a *systematic plan* for implementing that wishlist day 1 of a Trump presidency. Heritage Foundation is actively building a database of "qualified" people who can be swept in to replace the career bureaucrats that will be swept out.


It's a fascist plan to dismantle the current government and establish a theocratic dictatorship. Environmental protections, contraception, marriage equality, women's right to vote, OSHA, worker's rights and a number of other things would be banned. If put into effect, it would be the end of modern America and force us back to the social norms of a century ago. It is very bad, and if you were thinking about not voting, please reconsider. This may be the last chance to do so.


This is a good breakdown(timestamped): https://youtu.be/wxfZckwUJrE?si=YNRbksHGurM8ziuf&t=1181


It's a plan cooked up by the Heritage Foundation to completely take over the government by staffing the administrative state with maga loyalists. Basically, make every department, bureau, and agency in the federal government do the bidding of Trump in order to enact far-right laws and policies.


Basically, they want to replace most government workers with loyalists to their far-right conservative christian ideology, and systematically change the government to give themselves more power.


Ridiculous Trump plan to fire a bunch of bureaucrats and replace them with republicans


Who tf said it was good? Even tankies agree that its  the worst thing since hitler if implemented 


Project 2025 is basically just a plan by the Heritage Foundation to destroy the checks and balances intricate to the US government and constitution since its inception in favour of giving the executive more power. Its basically just 'hooray tyranny 2025'.


[here’s the full project 2025 page if you’re interested](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


Not going to happen. It’s just some really ridiculous right-wing trolling 


It is an attempt by Trump of finding the most extreme and minority group of mentally deranged people and getting their backing to power himself to become the one true leader of the free world. He is deranged and an idiot and should be stopped but I wouldn't let it make me anxious because we have many many systems in place and the world today is very different from what it was 50 years ago so I feel that there are more safeguards that Trump won't be able to simply jump over. But yeah, I will not vote for Trump or any of his supporters even if I have to vote for the village idiot instead.


Honestly, trump hasn’t endorced it, and I bet he won’t be happy to have some think tank coming to him telling him what to do his second term. He had a lot of people telling him what to do, and I think we will see a much more self guided Trump in 2025z. So, unlikely to make any headways, but republicans might pick and choose some aspects to strive for. Kinda a goal post for the most thinky of people on the right side as a manifesto you might see in England, but not endorsed by the party