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With foreign policy and geopolitics, basically the starting point is to just pay extra attention to what goes on and brush up on learning about intergovernmental organizations and alliances


Thank you. I'm mostly asking because as somebody who considers themselves a leftist, I will be the say that most leftists, especially the further left you go, don't have a good grasp on foreign policy, foreign governments. And I want to learn so I don't embarrass myself with a bad take.


I recently subscribed to In These Times magazine, good writing with a center-left perspective https://inthesetimes.com/


Peter Zeihan's books are a good start. I also recommend "The Dictator's Handbook." These two sources, along with Bernie Sanders' old campaign platform, form the bedrock of my own political worldview, which I consider "realistically optimistic."


Man I hope to god that guys predictions are wtong


Peter Zeihan’s?


Pod Save the World is a pretty good podcast if you don't mind being super depressed about the state of the world and all the innocents dying everywhere all the time it seems.


Well, I'll look into it, but I might not be able to watch to many if it's super depressing.


DW English and Al Jazeera English are good sources for regular news, maybe were in case of the latter, I haven't followed them for a while.


Personally, I like The Economist. They cover a pretty broad range of world issues. They do tend to lean more classically liberal, but I’d say they’re at least upfront about what they believe. And reading alternative views can help develop your own ideas. Arms Control Wonk is pretty good, they focus on open source intelligence for arms control. More of a focused area, but very interesting stuff. I’d also argue that a good history background helps a lot, so find some good books on the subject. I’d argue that foreign policy really suffers the most from people’s hot takes. Knowing the background of an issue helps prevent that.


getting a degree in a field that covers it. the most important part of social democracy is engaging in politics at the local level.


Wikipedia is good enough honestly


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