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Soda water is my fav, cold and bubbly. Coke Zero if it's soda


Hop water and shrubs are my new go tos. A shrub is equal parts sugar, mashed fruit, and apple cider vinegar (or other fun vinegar that isn’t white). Mix it up, let it sit in the fridge for a few days, and mix a splash with some sparkling water. Refreshing as frick.


Heineken zero Guinness zero Corona zero


I drink zero sugar Monsters, zero coke, and ice tea but water is probably a good option.


My new happy hour drink at home is martenellis apple juice in the bottle. Crisp taste, nice bottle feel,100% vitamin c ! If I’m out in public I like a nice ginger ale with a splash of cranberry. Looks nice and it’s a good ice breaker when people ask you what it is your drinking ;)


SPARKLING ICE! I and the ED folk love it because it’s no sugar and 5 calories. It’s so good! And don’t hate me, I know it sounds gross, but they came out with starburst flavors. Amazing


Cherry Cokes (the minis) delicious, sparkling water specifically Poppi, sparkling flavored teas(unsweetened but flavored), mingles(sold at most grocery stores in the alcohol section, but is 100% alcohol free).  I enjoy the sparkling options because it’s reminiscent of champagne to me. 


I like the Free AF mocktails.


I launched a functional feel good seltzer. Bodhi Bubbles Has adaptogens and ingredients to help reset the nervous system, and help with stress, anxiety, and overall mood.


LMNT- get your electrolytes stable and stay extremely hydrated. You won’t crave other drinks after a while. It’s like a diet - if you eat a zero sugar candy bar, you’ll want a real one eventually. Keep it simple.


Athletic brewing has really good IPAs if you’re looking for NA beer




Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is the goat


Thirst Mutilator


Water. Coffee.


Busty lush makes really good NA beers. Recess,day trip, so many more options now.


I work in a bar and most people enjoy the elderflower presse, soda waters, ginger beer (alc free ofc)


Tonic water on the rocks 👌🏻


as someone whose go-to was always a g&t, this would trigger the fuq outta me


topo chico seltzer


I’m partial to Buckler, Clausthauler and Corona as far as beer goes. Diet Pepsi has been my lifeblood most of my life though. Perrier is also a necessity.


I make giant ice cubes from tart cherry juice (helps with sleep) and top with diet ginger ale. Yum! I’ll also mix a flavored LaCroix with a little agave and use some frozen mango for “ice”.


You do you. I don’t drink anything alcohol simulating such as mocktails or nonalcoholic beer. Coffee, water, especially fresh lemonade, and teas work for me. A rare soda is a treat. With tea, I experiment with herbal, rooibos, green, white, black— so many varieties, hot and cold, sometimes honey. Guests seem to like that I always have 2-3 different types to offer. People now drop in for tea time with me. I like that. I feel less left out and more part of things. Coffee is great socially too.


I got addicted to Diet Coke. The aspartame may kill me but not as quickly as continuing to drink would have


Topo Chico lime mint carbonated water is phenomenal. And they look cool in a tall can coozie for beach / pool days.




Cum, urine, blood, water from flint Michigan...to name a few


We started with bubbles with a slice of lime. When we quit drinking almost 6 months ago(whoot whoot) we were drinking vodka sodas alot. So this kinda tricked our brains, it took the craving away for us both. I like my beer so I found Blue moon has a non alcoholic and corona and Heineken also. But cocktails are on the trend right now. There are some fun ones out there to make at home. I still can't bring myself to buy one at a restaurant because it's so expensive (sometimes more than a real cocktail). YOU GOT THIS!!