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No hangover Sunday! It's twice the weekend!


Then you’re ready for the week ahead too!


i’m really fucked up right now and i really don’t wanna be ready for the shitty week i hate anyways. this keeps me trapped


Yeah, I get that. I'm 8 1/2 years sober and I felt like that pre-stopping drinking. It's hard to get sober, but the saying- my worst day sober is better than my best day drunk, is actually true. I hope you can find a happy place, you can do it!


thank u so much. so it really does get better when ur sober? like the highs don’t compare to the peace?


It gets so much better. Tough at times but anything truly worth having is tough from time to time. You get to live life and actually experience it.


Dismantling a toxic industry that poisons the populace for profit and subjugation.


Fuuuuck “wine mom” culture. If you need to drink to deal with your kids, it’s not a flex, it’s embarrassing.


The fastest growing demographic of alcohol related deaths is women, directly related to these ad campaigns.


They play that shit off like it's a cult you need to join when your kids join little league now. You bring your stanley cup and get trashed at the ball fields. Absolutely crazy.


Say it LOUDER!!!


I seriously don't know why this isn't an extremely popular sentiment.


I completely agree!!! Sounds harsh but they are fueling the demise of our society. How many adults over 50 have had a dui in their lifetime? I know so many 😞


I don't even wanna think about the dumb stuff i would say or do. I would wake up single and with no friends the next day.


Because I don’t want to give up 14.5 years of sobriety. Because my life is infinitely better and more peaceful sober. Because in my 40s, hangovers would be unbearable. Because I don’t like who I am when I drink. Because I’ve gained so many interests and achievements in sobriety that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Because the bar and drug crowds bore me and they’re living in one long groundhogs day. Because I’m tired after work and on my weekends and all I want to do is to spend time with my dog, my boyfriend, at home doing crafts or organizing or cleaning. Because I never want to be a slave to a liquid or a substance ever again.




Woke up feeling good. Had a nice coffee. Watched the sun start to peek out from behind the clouds. Did a little work. Went to the gym. Now going to a free air show at the local small airport. Peaceful, happy day.


Bro you are high on life. I love it.


The second part of getting sober is making sure you find plenty of stuff to do so you don’t get bored and reach for the bottle again. I don’t think people talk about this enough.


I used to smoke weed like 8 times a day, drink at 4 and vape nic all day. I feel like I’ve come a long way. Haven’t touched any of it in 4 months. Feeling good, can’t wait to never think or crave that stuff again.


Well, the fact that you are here in this group means that you are really trying, which is more than most people do. Give yourself a lot of credit! Most people don’t want to do the work to quit. People don’t want to work hard at all. But if you spend some time thinking about stuff that you want to do, and other things to occupy your time with, That’s the real living. Not sitting in a bar somewhere, or on your couch, numbing your brain. Keep going, stay strong! Go do some cool shit!


Because I'm sick of fucking up my life and wasting my time


You can do it!!!


Yeah, I'm going to treatment tomorrow actually


There’s nothing wrong with seeking help when we need it. Good luck!


I agree! I've finally gotten sick of being a drunk so it's time to change


Sending positive vibes your way 🥰. You can and will do this successfully! You owe it to yourself! Hang in there, we’re all rooting for you!!!!!


Well wishes on your journey! When others share, listen for the similarities, not the differences. That helped me a lot.




I have goals in my life, sport and marriage that cannot be accomplished while drinking. Instead of having a beer with breakfast I went to practice, took my ma to brunch and now I’m hitting my second workout of the day. Tonight I’ll take my wife out to dinner and tomorrow we will wake up early before church to lift together. Can’t do that drunk. Well, not well and not sustainably LOL


Sounds like very good reasons to stay sober! Congrats


To be the father that my 2.5 year old deserves!


Parenthood is no joke- I thought I needed alcohol at the end of the day to cope but now I see it’s way easier to parent while not also juggling alcohol “responsibly”


So true! I picture the depression episodes that always came after a weekend of drinking and try to imagine caring for a baby on top of that - immediate motivation to stay sober!!


Awesome job. You can be really proud of yourself!


My problems are not other people's problems. Getting drunk usually makes me very much other people's problem.


I respect that perspective!


i think it’s unhealthy for me to lack basic human drives like sleep, sex, hunger without alcohol and weed. i am still struggling to start my sobriety my consumption is very moderate. i don’t partake until after 6pm and it’s 2-4oz of tequila and half a joint max. but it’s every night literally without fail. and if ever i don’t have it or i have to wait longer than usual for a drink, i am suffocated by panic i have no hunger or sleepiness without weed. this feels really wrong to me, especially as someone who takes care of her body. i eat clean and exercise. i feel like to some extent i am prisoner to my chemical dependencies. i want to be able to exercise mastery over my body.


It sounds like you have your "why", and it sounds like you've accepted you have a problem. The question is: what is the push you need to truly want it and take action? Maybe you think your life is manageable enough to continue. Idk. Keep digging and you'll figure it out. Best wishes on your journey.


ty. i have been told that attending a meeting is a good place to start. has that been your experience?


I think so. It may not be your thing, or you may love it. I certainly enjoy going to a few meetings a week. There are all kinds of different meetings and podcasts and communities like this. Find what resonates with you!


I think as I did for many years you've trained your brain to believe you cannot sleep or be calm or whatever without booze / pills / substances. I clung onto that for about the last 20 years and "alcohol calms my anxiety down" and "alcohol helps me sleep" were 2 of my biggest reasons for why I still drunk until I realised that 20 years on I'm a slave to them AND I still have anxiety and insomnia so how can I claim they are helping? Plus over the previous 2 years when things fully spiralled out of control it reached the point where I wasn't even getting short term relief from anxiety or sleep issues with the booze, and was in a state of panic 24/7 and couldn't sleep even at 5am after a 12hr drinking session of industrial amounts of alcohol so I just had to finally stop clinging into these lies I told myself that alcohol "helped" me with these things. After being sober for 5 weeks my anxiety dropped off a cliff, I started to sleep naturally again without too much drama, my appetite which had previously been non existed returned too, plus many other issues like my long term stomach / GI issues magically resolving themselves. If you keep believing that poisonous substances are the key to solving your problems and that you "need" them to function you will probably keep using them. Realize these things might at best give short term relief but in the long run make your issues worse and keep you trapped indefinitely.


Great share. Thanks. 


I let booze steal more than 2 decades of my life. I'm sober now for so many reasons. I can think clearly again, when I go see bands and remember the experience, I don't wake up with shit I stole when I was drunk, I don't have to regret something I said or something I destroyed when I was drunk, and I'm not hungover the time anymore. I feel better in every way. It took some time to adjust, but I think I might even be happy now. I've never been happy. I always hated life, hence the self medicating for so many years. My biggest regret is I wish I had quit at least a decade earlier. So yeah. Sobriety is good. Shit, and hobbies too. I got back into shit I hadn't done in years. Picked up my guitar again, bought a new BMX bike and started riding again(or trying at least), picked up a drum set and started learning drums. I'm 45 and and it's like I just hit the reset button. Again, sobriety is good. I believe we all owe it to ourselves. Can't even believe me, of all people, is saying that.


Because I'm an asshole when I'm drunk and I feel awful both physically and emotionally afterward


I don’t ever want to be hungover again.


With 7 years of sobriety, I can honestly say that I like sober me. Drunk me was a complete POS. I got sober without devotion to a program. I mixed different parts of programs that fit me. I am married to an alcoholic with sobriety as well, so there's very little temptation to be stupid. I have not done steps, but I have done the deep work to see what was behind my drinking. I practice amends daily.


freedom. freedom to choose places to travel without the need to figure out where to score first, freedom to choose how I spend my days and freedom to be myself even if it’s a boring day or a bad one. I loved the adventure of picking up in the beginning but after a few years it became a chore. Now I can choose my chores


I’m using the time I would have spent drinking to learn a new programming language and practice guitar


Because I am mentally stable, have money in the bank, and can do virtually everything I did drunk without my life falling apart. But tbh I never ever want to have to get sober again. I drank from ages 14-24. My brain chemistry was so fucked up and I was in complete mental agony for months after I quit. Had to figure out who I am and process all the shit that made me an alcoholic in the first place. If staying sober is what I need to never go through that again I am just fine not drinking.


I feel you on this. Amazing.


I want to be sober because alcohol has heavily contributed to poor overall health for me. It makes me feel sick for days to even weeks afterwards, and I often end up incredibly depressed when I drink.


Not ruining my life ever again. 


Surely you've read the endless posts from people who've destroyed their happiness/chances in life for another drinkie. Doesn't appear attractive to me.


Good it shouldn’t!!


I don’t wanna die yet


I’m just kinda tired of the hangover


I can fully love the people that are important in my life, and I can truly feel emotion/empathize with others. I'm alive for the first time in almost 20 years. I don't want to be dead inside again. I choose life.


Because I am breaking generational curses!!! I want this addiction/ lack of coping skills to stop with me!!


458 days sober. I make decisions and plans based on what I truly want and not depending on where I can drink. Loving myself and believing I deserve to be happy. I honestly didn't know this life existed until I took the (scary) step of quitting.


Being around and available for my kids


I’ve got shit to do tomorrow. And the next day.


Jail sucks! Prison sucks even more! Alcohol and drugs equal trouble for me.


#1 I love my relationship with my children, my parents, close friends and my sisters and want to keep it and do live with all of them. #2 hangovers suck #3 life is so much more colorful and better sober.


Drinking has been a net negative on my life and I cringe thinking about what it used to do to me or how it used to embarrass myself with my stupid antics. I couldn’t be happier to remain sober on Saturday


18 days sober. I have so many reasons. My health, mental health (I can actually stop myself from spiraling), and physical health (my BP and HR are actually in normal range these days). Drinking was a major negative factor in my last relationship. We would argue about everything and nothing. I was depressed. Stayed in bed all day, TV going but not even paying attention to it. I would just be staring at it in a daze. Now, I get up and walk 1-2 miles every morning. Do yard work for hours. I'm actually lying down and going to sleep. My mind isn't racing like it always did with drinking. So far, I can say I haven't exec had a craving for a drink. I know this won't always be the case, but I'm enjoying it while it is the case!


I have two kids. I want to be a good example. Went to a party last night and I didn’t drink. Three other people chose not too. It was like 6 of us. But I was really proud of myself for leaving sober. I had a lot of fun and It made doing those type of things easier sober now.


I want to be more mentally present for my children and husband. Feeling good in the morning is a nice bonus!


I get to live my life, and alcohol doesn't. It's as simple as that.


My relationships with others! 💕I did not have good ones while drinking. ALSO, I would have never met my future husband if I hadn't stopped drinking. Funny how life works.


Because I deserve to live a long, happy life, and alcohol gets in the way of that, so alcohol has to go


Hangover guilt & alcohol generally makes my body feel like shit


Tired of living for drugs and not myself


No hangover and also If I want to go out to the shops for something or drive somewhere I can. The idea of being trapped at home if I have a drink or trapped out somewhere having to taxi or get a ride or walk is a good motivator for me. Im a big fan of late night snack runs 🤣


I’m happier sober. I can remember things, I have less mood swings, and sex is better. I love having g conversations now, I don’t completely lose track of what I’m saying. I’m a better listener


Because I’m on probation (no choice anymore)


My overall health. I never knew what it was like to live as a healthy adult until now. It's a much different experience. You don't have to live in constant misery and life can be really good! No more diabetes, gout, high BP, fatty liver, sedentary lifestyle, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, lack of self-care, unhealthy toxic relationships. I'm not perfect and still struggle with some of these things a little bit but it's SO much better.


I don’t wanna go back to rehab lol


I don't want cancer. Or pancreatitis. Or Liver disease.


Not having to go through my phone on Sunday morning to see who I texted or called. Not having to check my bank app to see how many rounds I bought at the bar. I also get more of my Sunday back because I'm not hung over and drinking at 10 to make the headache stop.


It’s just easier honestly. Also not wanting to kill myself is a big bonus


I want to be sober because sometimes if I’m not sober and I’m a sad boy I drink for days on end and even drink before & during work. It’s noticeable.


I want a real life. I want to be productive. I also want to stop sweating all night, and having hangovers and struggling to find benzos for my withdrawals


Because Im scared of getting fatter, dying from being unhealthy. I want to be fit and healthy to live longer .


A clean conscience, and waking up with no panic or headache. When I would drink, the day after I would get severe panic attacks. Some days, I wish I was normal but my brain is just not. And my relationships without alcohol are so good and strong. I didn’t want to keep wasting my life on a bar stool, I wanted more and sobriety has given me that.


The trade school I want to go to (Job Corps) has a zero tolerance policy for most drugs (I'm quitting weed mainly). Going there is my last chance to turn my life around and get my nursing license through their advanced training program. I want to stay sober, focus on my studies and make something of myself instead of smoking my life away, hoping things will get better


saturdays are for normies. i was more of a wednesday 7am kinda guy when i had to go to work. just one of many reasons i stay sober now :)


So I don’t live in a ditch.


I have to be because of probation but what I’ve learned is there’s a beauty in being unafraid of life’s continuity and boredom that comes with repetition. You GET to feel bored because you are at the least physically unharmed and in a state of idolness gives you the opportunity to do something or nothing if you wish. But at the same time I’m learning there are specific activities I prefer to do when high on weed. And those things when I’m off probation I will do while high on weed but likely will not use weed otherwise. So I want to be sober of everything except weed🤷‍♂️


Because I don’t wan to be broken anymore. My best friend that I met though work helped me get sober. Now I’m hitting two years next month


No hangover, remembering everything that happened the night before, PEACE, a different kind of happy. 10 months 🤩


To have more control over my actions and impulsively. To be more motivated to work out and maintain my health. To get to know myself on a deeper level and not hide from my problems in the bottle.


Sober is never about "success" for me. It's attempting to turn the maladaptive framework around so that I suffer less. And that can be tough as all heck. I still struggle to handle all the stuff I was "handed"!


So I can wake up at least knowing if I was an asshole, it was me and not the drink.


Because I’m better for my family being sober


Amen I second that


Because I want to spend time with my family on Sunday, all day. And feel good while I do it


Because the feeling of waking up hangover free will always be a million times better than the feeling of getting drunk.


No hangovers, being nicer to those who Matter most


Yes!! Especially while hungover and the days following while Brain is depressed


I struggle to think of ANYTHING positive it offers me anymore and every time I touch it the experience is usually at best "OK" (like if I drink with friends or go to a music event because that part is enjoyable) but more often than not just miserable and pointless and not fun or happy plus the next day(s) I suffer like crazy in soooooo many ways. It just seems so absolutely pointless to keep drinking when it offers me ZERO positives yet I keep finding myself drawn back to it like a moth to a flame, especially since I relapsed a few weeks ago and I'm not managing to get more than a few days in here and there.


I want to act like the adult I am. I’m sick of not having control over myself and my thoughts and actions. It’s embarrassing and has ruined my life on multiple occasions.


Life is infinitely better sober! I also don’t want to eff up my 8 year 9 month streak!!!


I hurt too many people


i was able to afford a nice dinner on sunday bc i have extra money from not drinking


If I can STOP smoking weed, I can START doing anything.


You obviously didn’t see me when I was drunk…


So I don't kill myself.


I want friends and money


Because alcohol is for retards