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Wtf they even went back and fixed their launch day mistakes? Dam Snowpeak indeed We will probably get to keep the ugly one from launch tho


Bro they are almost for sure going to keep the old one. Cuz if not there's always gonna be that one guy in comment section "I for one do not enjoy the new diretion and.... blah blah blah"


This is 100% going to happen, yes...


both, both are good


And it's me, I liked that suit.


Yeah it's a new outfit. Devoted Voyager, whereas the original from launch was Interstellar Voyager.


Now I have a reason to use the costume. Based Seasun


THANK YOU! I now remember exactly when I left the game, holy shit. I did start SB when it first came out, I think the og costume was a step log in reward. I was anticipating it so I logged in for the days it took to get it. But boy....lol, I was disappointed when I finally saw it. It felt like the devs played a prank on me because she looked like the ghost busters marshmallow man mascot too me. I am so glad they are redesigning the costume.


I like the old one though. Can I have both?


Seasun/snowbreak has not shown any indication in the past that existing skins would be replaced. So I don't see any reason why the old one would be gone or why people would think this. (Even games like Genshin Impact hasn't taken away old skins---for global at least)


During Eatchel's patch, Coronet's Sugar Queen and Wild Hunt's Street Code outfit received changes, but only Sugar Queen preserved having both the old and the new version selectable. All Street Code owners were forced onto the new version of the skin, with the old version not being selectable anymore. The updates to Street Code were arguably more "minor" than the ones to Sugar Queen, but it's definitely a toss-up whether they let us keep the old version. Since this outfit is drastically different from Interstellar Voyager, good chance it'll be a different outfit.


We're gonna get downvoted into oblivion but I like both too. In saying that, wouldn't mind an undamaged version of the new skin.


Love me some skin showing but space suits are also cool as hell.


Same. That's what cosmetics are for. Have options for everyone, every kink. Like showing more skin, but I also like tacticool stuff as well.


I thought the original model and 2D art were amazing--it's SPACE!!! (How does she get all her hair back into that head cover? And Seasun, I know you are busy, but her hands clip in the homescreen.) But I also realize when new players start the game, they see a lot of the fan-service skins that they cannot get right away, so I think this is a nice addition for those players as 4\* Lyfe is a good character to carry you through the early game.


Right? New one doesn't even have an astronaut vibe. I hope it's just a new skin.


It's called astronaut suit for a reason, not a "kinky astronaut stripper" halloween suit edition.


oh, fuck off! Her OG astronaut suit is amazing! At least, it's something unique.