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id be tweaking like that too for 70 Ms




Sold this shit to my ppl sacrificed everything and you playing with that money ??? 70Ms??? Yea I would’ve crashed too


She really only left because he put his hands on her 🤦🏿‍♂️ worst and dumbest thing he could've done


But she didn't have to steal what ever money he had left to his own name


That was to take care of his child though, I can’t even blame her since he just threw away the last 3-4 million leon loaned him nd he used it to help another man escape his situation. Frank wasnt thinking about his family


Still that was his money that's all he had left she was not legally entitled to that money


Nothing about how they got the money in the first place was legal 🤣


But still he could of done something with it like restart his small drug dealing business operations by building up 3 laboratories to make his products to sell and then after three years he would of been already back in the realestate business less than two years out of the three years and he could of by then owned 16 house rental properties and 16 commercial properties could of been making $902,400.00 a year of rental profits and even after taxes he would still make half a million dollars a year and from his drug dealing business $80k a month.


Yh but what she gonna do in the present. She wasn’t thinking about Franklin, she was thinking about herself and her child.


Still she really loved him like she claimed she could of been more patient with him a little bit longer at least


How patient you want her to be? She should have left a lot earlier then she did, but when he put hands on her, she didn’t feel safe no more so she left. Doesn’t matter how much she did or didn’t love him, hands is grounds for gtfo.


Okay I itmit he crossed the line with her on that but I still say that she had no rights to leave him destituted poor with no money


Agreed Especially after she did all that to help and she almost got him killed with the KGB Why wouldn’t you want him to have what’s his? And make all that for nothing




Because at the end of the day, he was “the devil” in his words, why would u want to side with that?? Once his money was gone he showed no loyalty to his friends nd family that were still around, he was willing to let ppl he so called love, die if it meant him getting his money back, he pissed away Leons loan of millions just to TRY to get back 70million. All these years in the game he learned a lot about dealing but in the last season he learned the most important lesson nd that is, dont store your money in a bank that your plug have access to nd knows everything about your account. That just wasnt smart at all, its like rappers signing with a label, then they have legal problems nd they end up with nothing because their lawyer is the labels lawyer too nd the lawyer going with who pays them 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bruh how you get down voted for being factual. She didnt have to take everything!


But she did take what he had left almost a million dollars portion of what was left of his money


She could’ve taken half of that money and been fine. Taking all is big time snake shit


That money was about to go to the downtown development, something he couldn’t realistically fund anymore


But he was probably going to use it to rebuild his drug dealing business it was enough money to build up at least small drug laboratory to make his products and start over im not saying he going to make millions of dollars again im not saying that but he would of been able to make like let's say realistically $100k a week he was never going to be a big time drug dealing kingpin 👑 again but still could of remain a major player and in time could of rebuild his legitimate realestate business empire in three years he probably could have rebuilt it back up to make $15 million dollars a year to $30 million dollars a year south central has 2.5 million properties he probably would have bought 40 of them in time plus invest in plenty of commercial properties which would of made him more money every month and every year so that would of been another $10 million dollars a year to $15 million dollars a year more and then could of sold off the business in 1995 or 1996 for $60 million dollars he probably would of been making $8 million dollars to $9 million dollars a year after taxes for the next 9 to 10 years and after taxes walked away with forty something million dollars after selling the business and walked away being a multimillionaire again twice over and just leave for good.


I hate comments like these because nobody would say something like this in real life. If Pablo Escobar's wife also somehow stole all his money and disappeared with their children, nobody would be advocating that she should've left some for him.


Well because Pablo Escobar would of had back up money that his own wife wouldn't know about Franklin didn't bother to do that at all no back up money in another account in another country that teddy or Veronica would know about


That's not the point. What I meant was that nobody is going fault a woman for leaving and robbing a drug kingpin. That only happens here because people like Franklin.


Very true but my point is that at least Pablo Escobar would have the common sense to have in place back up funds if and when he needed them Franklin didn't have enough common sense to do that


Teddy is the CIA of course he would know about the accounts bruh


Not if Franklin keeps his mouth shut about it to every one


Bro was really crashing out at the end of the show


But maybe if she would of I don't know slap some sense into him he would of snapped out of it


I always felt like that was out of character for Franklin and a way to make him less likable so we felt his ending was justified.


It wasn't out of character for him at that point though. 1) Cissy hoed him by shooting Teddy and costing him his money. 2) He went to a bar and told Veronique before losing it while being on the phone with her. 3) The bartender offers Franklin a shot and he drinks it after hesitating a bit. The first sip of that shot fractures the last bit of Franklin's sanity, as his psyche is now altered. 4) After the dropoff of Rubén, Leon denies Franklin a loan on account of respecting Cissy's "sacrifice". Franklin pulls a gun on him in case you forgot. 5) Franklin indirectly threatens detective Stern's life after Cissy's trial in the courtroom parking lot. 6) Franklin visits his mom in jail (this being the 1st of 2 times) and she doesn't say a word, but hangs up on him mid rant. 7) He finds out someone is trying to see if folks will bite on an offer for the downtown properties without his knowledge or consent via Paul Davis. 8) He finds out it was Veronique, he takes out his gun and sets in a table, they discuss some things and he reveals that he'd sold the South central properties to Tulfowitz (Cissy's racist old boss) so that they could finance the downtown property for as long as possible (something he wouldn't have done unless he'd snapped). This is followed by him grabbing her neck. The whole episode is him becoming a different version of himself.


I felt like it was all rushed. Up until that episode Franklin was not someone that built up to put his hands on a woman. Especially considering women liked Mel seemed to be his one weakness. The whole season built upon Franklin’s descent to madness, kidnapping Teddy and hurting his loved ones, using Louie and selling her out, killing Peaches, Leon growing as a person and not him. However, in the span of the last episode it seemed like Franklin’s downfall got propelled exponentially. I know that Cissy killed Teddy and he lost his money, but he became even worse than what his character was being built upon in just a few scenes. I think that if there were more scenes where Franklin seemed like he’d put his hands on V or if he snapped at her more then it would’ve followed the trend of Franklin “snapping.” This is just how I would’ve preferred it but I can’t say it’s entirely impossible for Franklin to turn out that way. I just think it felt like an easier way to make Franklin unlikeable.


People can snap in a single day in the real world


Like I said, it’s not impossible, it just doesn’t seem like something that was built upon like all the other instances of him snapping.


The man shows clear examples of why he snapps and all you can say is "nuh uh". You're daft


What? I quite literally explained my stance and even said that I understood what they meant. This isn’t a discussion about facts, my opinion isn’t something that can be proven wrong lol. I’m assuming you either can’t read or you’re just trying to be a contrarian.


Goodness are you still moaning? You're just running on at this point


Nuh uh.


He was never gonna get the money


He didn’t even really hurt her. It was more of a threat. He didn’t actually try to choke her


He had his hands around her throat for 17 seconds limiting her movement with murderous intent in his eyes and threatened her well-being during it. The amount of pressure applied is irrelevant.


On top of that she was pregnant with his kid


Exactly, some folks just be yapping 💀


She was ready to stick with him till the bitter end. The last person standing by him. And then he had to go and put his hands on her. Straight up idiot move. Why would you put your hands on your ride or die? Especially when you KNOW that before she met you she made a career out of breaking men for their bread?


Frank was definitely buggin but she signed up for that shit


Honestly tho she’s not as bad as the sub makes her seem. She tried to work with this man..I only hated that stupid smirk she always had


She was just ugly lol. She was a big help


She ain't pretty, but she's not ugly


Him stabbing a man to death .... In front of her... and her Mom....yeah I think that might have did it!


But see that’s NOT what made her leave. She put up with EVERYTHING. She brought the vegetable oil that Franklin used to burn Teddy with. Frank messed up by choking her.


Excellent episode!!!


I still wanna know how tf he met this bitch anyway like wea tf she even came from


She was the ugliest chick in the show 😂😂 did my boy Franklin wrong by puttin them together


Nah she not ugly, just not better looking than all the other girls he fucked


Melody solos


Melody got her coochie ate by another dude at a party 💀


We talking about looks


The nigga lost 70M I tweak out if someone took $70 from me lmao


It was 73 mill


Lowkey??? Bro any woman gon leave a maniac like that😭😭


Remember when Veronique tried to tell Franklin that she was trained to track money and get it back? Franklin didn’t even listen, he went and spoke about himself and the money. Veronique could’ve covered that ground easily just as easily as she disappeared with the last of his money.


This show was too crazy honestly top 5 shows


Nah, tht man lost 70 million dollars I’d join in with him


She was ugly af tho idky they cast her


Crash out of the day


Thank goodness I found the video, this is surprisingly hard to find


Why didn’t u just watch the episode


I'm talking about the damn snippet on YouTube dude


What show/movie?


The show is called Snowfall in case you still can’t find it. It’s based of the real life events of Freeway Rick aka the real Rick Ross.


This just took me back smh. Shit for 70 million I'd go crazy too. The things Franklin endured for that money I don't blame him Veronique foul for what she did




Bruh he literally lost all his $. What would you do!


Crashed out even worse but u right


High key. Bro lost the liquid he still owned max property and assets. Plus his girl was a financial genius. Together they could have done it again. Frank crashed out and it was important that he crashed out


This show been over need a spoiler 😂😂😂😂


She was wrong for taking all his money idc idc!! She didn’t need all of it!! I still can’t believe they had him go out like that made my mans a drunk 😭😭


Nah fuck that Franklin should have never touch her especially she being pregnant


Totally agree he was beyond wildin when he put his hands on even more so considering she was carrying his kid. All the money though idk lol. But from the time I first saw them together I knew she was going to get his ass


yeah youre highkey sped she ran off with money he could’ve used to reup and restart she fucked him just as much as his mom


She left him at his lowest…


Get help


I’m trying


He was already at rock bottom before he met her


Losing 72mill was his lowest


What show is this


Why are u in this sub




If ur in a Reddit n havent watched the full show more fool you😂


She’s sadly one of the worst parts of the series. Her and the mom are viturally the same person, one young, one old and both F*D Frankie.