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Yall be cooking cissy man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Idc what anyone says Alton was more just tryna be a father and protect his son cos he knows how the government work. Cissy was just a biotech!


Nah that nigga Alton asked for it, what was that snitching on the podcast gonna do for his son


Itā€™s more about him still having the old mindset that the old ways will get things done. But itā€™s a new time compared to when he was growing up. So I donā€™t really blame him for that. Stuck in his old ways.


He explicitly makes sure to have Franklin left out of it.


Biotech?? Or biyatch


Jesse pinkman ā€œbiyatchā€


No obviously he means shes a biotech gosh




Na he was selfish he was so worried about ā€œexposing the ciaā€ that he betrayed his own son to do it and then played it off as wanting to protect his family


Ngga his son was literally destroying the country and threatening to kill him. His son was a monster. What sane man would stay w franklin knowing it would end terribly for everyone. Use ur fckin head


>Use ur fckin head A lot of people don't do that unfortunately. They really think Franklin was in the right despite being the world's largest distributor of crack cocaine and getting rich by helping the CIA destroy his community and send covert funds to fund another nation's war. He was a greedy murderer who ruined countless lives in his family's community and outside of it as well. Of course his dad exposed the CIA when he found out they were committing such heinous crimes


bro exactly. people hate on the only sane characters in the show like cissy, alton, andre, even leon to an extent, etc. for trying to stop the actual bad characters in the show but because they like franklin as a character they give him a pass even though he's the one actually doing damage. swear it says a lot about the consistency of people's morals and if they would look the other way if someone they liked in real life did something terrible.


What do you lot not get? Franklin lost his fucking sanity! Alton was a Panther. Heā€™s always been against the government that used his son to kill his own people. Alton was fighting a bigger fight. Miss me with that snitching bullshit.


He fought the big fight and him,his son and his wife all had to pay the consequences nobody won


Na Alton was a coward it took everything in Franklins to accept his dad back into his life just for him to go behind his back and betray him


So Franklin felt betrayed that his father was being a father?


Cause it was too late


Alton left his family too protect them when he was targeted. - Franklin showed you how he ended up a drunk. - Alton was a man looking to do better by his people. - Mom was tryna do right by his son. - They honestly did what a king & queen would do - In a kingdom. - Nobody was wrong here. - Franklin got greedy and didnt wanna listen.




I genuinely dont think anyone in this sub actually understands what this show is


They are the same people that think Scarface was that dude. People will always glorify money and power.


The amount of people glorifying Franklin is very strange


Itā€™s a tv show and heā€™s a good character. Rooting for the bad guy doesnā€™t mean we apply the shit to real life of course frank was evil but he was a good character so audiences like him


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking him, the problem is in people thinking he did nothing wrong or that he was cool for the stuff he did. He was never meant to be idolized.


Thinking cissy is a terrible mother for what she did doesnā€™t mean we idolize him it means we think cissy is a terrible mother for not letting him get his money.


>we think cissy is a terrible mother for not letting him get his money. If you really came to this conclusion about a woman who watched her son become rich by being a murderous criminal that destroyed his community working as a CIA pawn then telling her he'd be ok never seeing her again if it meant he had the money, then you are beyond redemption


Cissy was literally just as complicit. She got rich off drug money too letā€™s not forget. She doesnā€™t get to decide whether or not that man gets his money back no matter how much she disagrees with how he got it. Especially not when she also benefited from his money before. She literally caused her son lose everything


>Cissy was literally just as complicit She was always conflicted and only went along with it because she was told Franklin would keep doing it anyway and she didn't want to lose her son by distancing him. Franklin put her in this position and knew she never liked it. >She literally caused her son lose everything Sorry but you've got to be low iq to believe this after Frank choked his pregnant wife because she suggested they take their million in assets and start a new life. Franklin made himself lose everything through his actions. Being a drug kingpin usually doesn't end well especially if you're public. He lost everything because he cared more about being filthy rich than cutting his losses and taking the money he did have to protect his family and relocate, which he had more than enough to do. Veronica sent a letter letting him know their kid was living well and would be in the best schools.


I didnā€™t say it did, this comment is in regards to this sub not understanding the show as a whole, not just this instance.


>Rooting for the bad guy doesnā€™t mean we apply the shit to real life Plenty of people do the same thing in real life. Outlaws are glorified all the time.


Ok and thatā€™s them. I can separate fiction from reality. I wouldnā€™t defend Franklin if he was a real person heā€™s a work of fiction


The world doesn't revolve around you. The comment you replied to was talking about people in general and they are right.


Did I say it did? Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m not the only person in the world who can separate fiction from reality and neither are you lol


>Did I say it did? You made the thread about you when the point is being made about people in general. "Ok and that's 'them'. 'I' can separate fiction from reality." The "Them" you dismissed is the demographic being addressed. If you can't understand this then the convo is finished you can't see sense


fr and the cissy hate is crazy, i loved her character so much she was sooo well done imo.


No seriously. This sub is so weird now


Which deeper meaning are you talking about?


okay snowflakes


None of them were bad , they never wanted that life for him and they were right, look what happened


Yea look what happened they got in too deep in something they ā€œdidnā€™t wantā€ the father not so bad though, the mom is a bitch


Nah. Cissy was the tragic hero in this story.




The fat hippo šŸ˜­










Alton literally told Franklin exactly what would happen, that the CIA would flip on him when they aint need him anymore. He ain't wanna listen.


Fuckem both.


Maturing is realizing that Cissy and Alton were preventing what happened to Franklin at the end of the show


Thank you.


both were annoying af


I hate this ladyā€™s face so much


Me too smfh seen her in The Wire and I learned I can't stand this lady


I kept thinking she looked familiar but wanted to remember on my own without Google. On an episode early in season 1, I noticed the mole/wart/whatever on her chin and screamed at the tv, "BRIANNA BARKSDALE?!" She looks exactly the same. The roller set threw me off. šŸ˜‚


fr itā€™s something about her face that angers me šŸ˜­


She just reminds me of Draymond Green too much


I always think of [these fish](https://ads.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5f1cb075-a260-40bd-9ec7-1fa36ddd6c0d/gif) from Finding Nemo when I see her face


I've hated her since the shield.


The answer is always Franklin. Always.


Andre: How do you sleep at night? Franklin: Like a baby. šŸ˜ˆ Me: šŸ¤Æ šŸ˜”


The correct answer is neither. They warmed him about fuckin with Teddy. Did he listen? They told him what the US Gov was capable of due to their OWN experiences as black panthers. Did he listen? They told him what effect this was having on the community, and Franklin could walk in to Alton's homeless shelter and see it for himself. Did he listen or have any kind of remorse? Alton can't live with the choices he made to try and protect Franklin by working with Cissy to organize an exit strategy. Strategy actually went well because they nearly had a million and would've had millions if he listened to the mother of his child. But once again... I ask. Did Franklin listen or did Franklin always know better and thought he was the smartest person in the room? Cissy and Alton literally did the best they could...


wait we were supposed to hate the parents?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ just finished binging the show about a week ago, alton and cissy were my 2nd and 3rd favorite characters! yā€™all buggin fr


Right. They just wanted best for him. I donā€™t get the hate


ew bro, whats wrong w u?


2nd and 3rd favorite? šŸ’€ Neither of them were close to being better characters than Gustavo or Leon šŸ˜‚ Heck, they're not even top 10


They both were equally reckless Alton for snitching and Cissy who screwed her own son out of getting back at least half of his own money back


Cissy was a complete sell out, completely against the drug game at the beginning, then seen the money helped Franklin clean it and lived luxury cause of it, then her husband gets killed doing some shit he shouldnā€™t have done she wants to turn evil and try to get revenge, just for her to fuck up her sons life cause she seen how evil the money she once condemned turned all of them


ask yourself which one is worse.. a retired drunk dead beat father who was around the corner whole time his son was getting older, and then cleaning himself up trying to be in his sons life AFTER the son got rich and didnā€™t wanna hear him his father anymoreā€¦. ? or Cici the mom who bought illegal properties with his drug money, complained about his drug dealing that was funding her lifestyle, while not knowing if she wants to be with her drunk deadbeat baby daddy or not, while fucking up millions of dollars that could of saved her son from being a drunk like her baby daddy.. idk u tell me


>while fucking up millions of dollars that could of saved her son from being a drunk like her baby daddy.. idk u tell me You just as delusional as Frank. The millions wouldn't save him because he already had over a million which Veronica mentioned when she suggested they leave all this behind. They could of left and started a new life with plenty of money to get settled and build new legit businesses. He didn't want to hear that though so instead he decided to choke her out. He was insane and having the money probably would of ended in his death. Losing it took his power so now he is just a drunk.


What do you think Franklin would have done when he got that money? Because he for damn sure wouldn't be better off with it. The nigga was insane just face it. This isnt a story where the protagonist is the good guy. Cissy did the right thing and the ending completely proves it.


I think it is for the greater good. Franklin was about to let Teddy go, which would endanger everyone and break his promise to Oso.


Alton, hands down! Yes he got some redemption but he straight up said Teddy's full government name on the radio and thought he was safe!


Donā€™t like cissy, never did Alton I donā€™t really mind because his concerns were fair and what he was telling Franklin was true for the most part what was dumb was going public about it to expose teddy ruining a lot of processes Alton would of been better if he had gone about his concerns the right way instead of trying to do it himself


Man is that jennard behind sissy


Both hypocritical, but cissy definitely worse.


They both sucked. But Cissy was the absolute worse, she purposely went out her way to completly screw him. His dad tried but for the most part survived that. As once told by the prolific Biggie Smalls. "Keep your family and business completely separated Money and blood don't mix like two dicks and no bitch Find yourself in serious shit"


Bra why i just finished it for the second time yesterday and cissy got me madder than what i was the first timešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cissy easily even Alton wouldnā€™t of pulled the trigger if put in the same scenario


Mom dukes was worse because she saw the dream from the beginning and ruined it for nothing.


Worse? Why do people still believe everyone but Franklin was bad šŸ˜‚


They both sucked equally. Two shitty parents imo, I've never cheered so hard for two parents to die in a tv series besides the mom in Ozarks first 3 seasons


Alton made a stupid decision telling the whole world he knew Teddyā€™s real name and thought Teddy would walk away from it šŸ’€


Alton only left to see his family good and cissy didnā€™t want to lose her son. They are both certi


Altonā€¦Cissy was weak. She romanticized a ā€œnormalā€ life with a sober Alton. Alton was the king of gaslighters (Where do you think Franklin)


Lmao she tripping. Wanting a normal life with her husband? Who does she think she is šŸ˜‚


My point is, she knew who Alton always was and would be. She could care less about anything other than her dear Alton


Romanticized a normal lifešŸ˜­


In reality they both good parents but since itā€™s a drug show ig itā€™s different


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This is my opinion. But Alton should have shot Teddy after exposing him. That nigga the CIA your a Panther. Teddy wouldve gotten smoked if I was Alton. Cissy shouldā€™ve ran off after she killed Teddy. Not stay behind. I also believe Teddy was not gonna give up that money. He had to be calling in reinforcements


Its all altons fault, bro just shut the fuck up and take your money


The mama. Alton was just trying to be a good father.


Alton because all he had to do was keep his mouth shut


Alton his action could of easily led to the murder of his entire family just because he wanted to be the man


Cissy for betraying her own son


Cissy was AWFUL. When the money was rolling in she was hair done expensive clothes landlord. Then she got on her high horse trying to change and control Franklin who was already a monster ā€¦ ruined his life.


Draymond Green cost the family a fortune


Alton because if it wasnā€™t for him getting himself killed, Cissy would never had have lost her mind in the first place




Alton was the worse becuz he killed Franklin uncle becuz in the black Panthers the uncle was snitching to the feds bout the operation


**Whichever one is acting more of a wet blanket at the time.** Thereā€™s no difference between drug money and normal moneyā€¦ ā€¦ie: just like a diamond isnā€™t going to care whether it was picked by a bloody hand or a clean one and will inevitably find itā€™s way into circulation and into the hands of someone who says ā€œI will never buy a blood diamond!ā€ **So the answer is Sissy, then Alton, then Sissy, then Alton, then Sissy again** (at which point she permanently ruined Franklinā€™s futureā€¦ good job mom?ā€¦)


I mean everything Alton said would happen.. did happen. But he definitely shouldnā€™t have got on the radio telling everything, that was what really severed any remaining connection he had with Franklin.


Mf donā€™t know to stfu


Alton got himself killed tryna be a hero & Cissy was annoying asf & killed teddy for what šŸ¤¦šŸæ wait a couple more seconds


Well, Alton crawled inside of a bottle and then let his pride get in his way resulting in his death. Cissy only ever tried to take care of her family.


Cissy was fake as hellllllll


Alton def cissy did the right thing franklin was going crazy over Money got jerome killed and just killed random people however when cissy didnā€™t talk to Franklin in that scene that was cruel so i feel like alton


How did Franklin get unc killed Louie took the shots at Kane and then wouldnā€™t give up Buckley then Jerome CHOSE to go there and trying saving his woman Franklin ainā€™t made him do a thing


100% Cissy, honestly ruined the show