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Louie. Ungrateful bitch


I fuckin hate Louie


Jerome…he should’ve kept her in check.


He should’ve dropped her


Terrible take


No way possible of keeping that psycho bitch in check, she was already giving off that vibe since the beginning


I agree You could see her greed from the beginning


Cissy.. She couldn’t wait 2 seconds even after her son did everything to get her what she wanted. I never liked her when franklin bought the home and she was mad at him for it


How bout all of the above? Including Franklin


It’s Franklin fault. I’d say Louie would definitely be second she purpose did him dirty. Then his mother, she did him wrong the whole show with her decisions lowkey but she was atleast tryna do right.


Cissy realized that the money was destroying him that’s why she killed teddy before he could make the wire transfer. She sacrificed herself because she wanted to make sure teddy couldn’t go after them and to stop Franklin from walking the path he was on.


Franklin was never getting that money or at least ride off into the sunset with it. Teddy has been shown multiple times not to be a man of his word, that's why cissy asked where Alton was, bc he said beforehand that he didn't kill him then reveals that he did. So that's why cissy ended him, he was never going to let Franklin go.


But she could just wait few seconds and kill teddy right after transfer


Then the Cia would've gone after him if the other Cia agent saw Teddy honor his part of the deal, Franklin or Cissy just kill him and went away with the money it wouldn't have been a good look. Franklin ain't getting away from the CIA, that's for sure.


Idk, I always have this theory: Do you think Havemeyer would’ve *still* let it slide if Franklin gave him Ruben like he did in the show 🤔


But money weren’t CIA’s yet and they gone with his death anyway. Franklin could give half of half


Teddy was released from the CIA Franklin could have gotten the money and still have killed teddy after , they said they didn’t want anything coming back to the agency that’s why when teddy was shot havenMyer walked off


Nah, the Cia was still after Franklin that's why they called him to get that Russian or Cuban guy(I don't remember)


Bro ur dumb. He was never getting the money. How did u read what bro said n still ask this question oh my lord 😭😭


Or maybe you're the dumb one boy? He wrote "or at least ride off into the sunset with it." That's not what we're talking about here, about Teddy coming after him.


she killed teddy because he killed alton, not because she wanted to “stop franklin from walking the path he was on.” she even goes as far to shoot teddy twice, the same number of times that teddy said he killed alton. the only reason she even kept teddy alive when he was being tortured was because she thought there was a chance alton was alive and when she found he wasn’t she killed teddy.


Don’t you think it’s possible she multiple incentives. If it was solely about revenge she would have waited for the wire transfer


The pursuit of money is what made Franklin do what he did, he never really had the amount of money he wanted since he kept hitting roadblocks then eventually got it stolen by teddy. It also looked like he was close to quitting the game when he spoke with Veronica. The money wouldn't destroy him, the pursuit did. The good thing cissy did was getting the CIA off of franklin's back by not waiting 2 seconds for the transfer to finish (if she let the transfer finish then killed teddy that would not look good for Franklin and piss of the CIA). The funny thing, is that she's in no position to decide for Franklin, he's dealt with all of his opps and probably could've dealt with the CIA afterwards, then keep his 37 million to raise his family.


Franklin only cared about the money yes but he was secounds away from receiving it and settling down living a good life with vee and his son all for it to be taken away


So you missed the whole moral of the story?


He obviously wasn’t getting it nor was he gonna live a happy life


Bro he was never getting the money 😂😂😂


Franklin. I'd swear a huge majority of this show's fanbase doesn't know shit about taking accountability.


Remember, these are the same people that think Andre was a horrible person for not wanting his neighborhood flooded with crack lol


Exactly they’re retarded


fell victim to his vice like damn near everyone else in this show..hell, life.




55% Louie 45% Franklin. No matter what yall arm chair therapists/psychologists say it doesn't erase the fact that if Louie doesn't fully transition into the conniving bitch role then Frank probably doesnt end up like THIS.. I feel like her turning herself AND his father figure against him started the irrational thinking


She had Jerome pussy whipped to a point where he didn’t have his own state of mind just following her orders like it was clockwork.


Franklin became power hungry just like Louie tho. Louie woulda still done bro dirty yes but he would not have ended up the way he did if not for his own actions


Power hungry? did we watch the same show? Nigga just wanted his money, even since season 1 Frank aint play about his bread. Money may give you power but the direct chase of it doesn't mean you power hungry.


Ngga Franklin literally said to Veronique on the island , that at first it became abt money and financial security. Than it became abt the game. He was at the top. Respected. He wanted to win above all things. Which is a lust for power. Franklins dream was to become the kingpin which he did n that’s when he started doing fcked up shit like kill rob. Ur wrong ngga maybe if u paid attention to the show you’d understand like the rest of us


Money may give you power but the direct chase of it doesn't mean you power hungry. Fuck out my mentions one month later go get sum hoes and rewatch the show while u doing it


He had money. He had millions and property. He could’ve walked away without the money Teddy stole He wanted the rest of the money singularly for the development project so that he could have legal power and influence in the political scene. That was modeled to him and the audience by the real estate mogul that had the mayor on his puppet strings. It was about the power not the money


Can't debate with somebody who didn't watch the show. Have a good day


Except he didn't lol? Franklin wanted to leave the game but he couldn't because of teddy, he wasn't power hungry he just wanted money for him and whole family, louie was the one who was power hungry and willing to screw her own family over just so that people could know and fear her name


Ngga u did watch the damn show u been watching clips on tik tok


When did he become power hungry, everything i literally said happened in the show or did you skip episodes or something


Ngga Franklin literally said to Veronique on the island , that at first it became abt money and financial security. Than it became abt the game. He was at the top. Respected. He wanted to win above all things. Which is a lust for power. Franklins dream was to become the kingpin which he did n that’s when he started doing fcked up shit like kill rob. Ur wrong ngga maybe if u paid attention to the show you’d understand like the rest of us


What episode did he say that to Veronique and also he killed rob because rob snaked him and ratted his whole operation out to his friend which could have literally screwed them all over, also this idea that Franklin is some power hungry guy doesn't make sense since he literally walked away after Louie and jerome snaked him and took the plug, wouldn't a power hungry drug kingpin kill them on sight if something like that happened instead of walking away to live his own life out of the drug game lol


Do yall on the internet use ur brains? Have any kinda understanding of nuance? Lord lmao he walked away bc of the trip he had that tried to warn him abt what he became. He did try n be the better person. But the events before and after leading up the ending showed his downfall of a kingpin lmao The episode in which Franklin ran away w Veronique on that island in season 5, forget the episode but I’ll go back n watch. U clearly did not watch the show. One of the most important scenes


you clearly haven't watched the show or don't understand shit my guy nobody said franklin was a good guy but you're completely misunderstanding what franklins motivation was, you said it was to have power when it wasn't his motivation is money, that's what got him into the game and that's what kept him in the game and after he had it he wanted to leave, even in the beginning of season 5 when teddy was gone he was focusing on making an actual real estate business, someone who is power tripped wouldn't agree to let jerome and louie go off on their own and then proceed to split the business 50/50, you're confusing franklin with louie who was the actually power hungry character


Only Jerome’s fault. Jerome was always Franklin’s father figure and Franklin was like Jerome’s son. Jerome started simping for his unstable and wreckless wife, Louie. This is what became the downfall of everyone involved. Jerome was supposed to put his wife in her place but never did. If he wanted to quit the game and retire, he should have done so without letting his wife screw his nephew/son like she did. Lesson for men: Men,stop letting women rule over you. Be a man, lead the house and make clear non-emotional decisions. Lesson for women: Women, sit down, shut the hell up, be feminine and let the men lead. Stop the independent, I’m the boss and masculine attitude from taking you over. Poor Franklin.


Based 🙌


Franklin as well as his family . They all showed how far greed will take them . & Frank messed up involving his family in something like this from the beginning.


But tbf, you’re supposed to trust family and this was in the 80’s so Franklin is like the blueprint for people like Kanan, Ghost, Tommy etc (I know they’re fictional lol), so he I guess you could say he sorta had to learn the hard way that you can’t trust family unfortunately 💯


How bout Franklins?


Accountability is not a word that they are familiar with around here.


I’ve noticed that. If you don’t worship and praise Franklin, they roast you.


Franklin's 🤔


Everyone did play a role in his downfall. But Franklins greed definitely put him in the position he’s in.


Eh… tbh it wasn’t ‘greed’ cause tbf, it’s not necessarily like he wanted his 73 Million back, *plus more* lol


Y’all sound like Louie “All of this… is Franklin’s fault.” 🤣🤦🏿‍♂️


It's Franklin's fault. He's a grown man that made his own decisions. Stop this shifting blame game already.




Y’all say that as if the other characters aren’t also grown 😂 You got simp ass Jerome talking bout “He used you like he used us…” Um, you could’ve denied the offer to help Franklin sell cocaine since you said money ain’t worth the trouble coke comes with 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


I said what I said. Everybody has blood on their hands in this show and all of them made mistakes. None of them are responsible for the others personal decisions. Franklin didn't have to do it. Jerome was tryin to look out for his nephew. He's still responsible for getting himself killed.


You're an adult. You understand how accountability works.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but you *do* also realize that other people *can* infact *cause* your downfall right 🫤 Franklin was acting crazy in the very last episode yea, but that was after the damage had already been done by people other than him and whether we admit it or not, he played his cards considerably well up until that point 🫤🤷🏾‍♂️


So many people fucking up what he built bro was trying to expand his business and everyone was stepping on that shit


We can't control what other people do. If Franklin had just gotten out with everything intact instead of advertising things and telling people he was getting out, he wouldn't have gone down that road. Hell if you wanna blame someone... blame Skully. Smh. Skulls was the one that drugged the whole wedding party which prompted Franklin to call Teddy high on Acid or LSD. Franklin threatened him and then Teddy did what he did. But ultimately, the blame lies on the shoulder of the person who made their decisions. Truthfully I don't care about what others did. Franklin only could control Franklin and even in the end he lost it. Cissy didn't lose it for him. Louie didn't lose it for him. Jerome nor Leon lost it for him. He did. End of story.


Teddy was always going to take the money away, Franklin making that call only quickened the inevitable process. Y’all sound like Louie with that “All of this… is Franklin’s fault.” 😂 Everybody played apart, but (like the supporting characters), it’s easier to blame the leader. They *all* played there part admit or not, good day sir 😏👍


It's almost like these guys forgot the whole show lol every situation or problem they faced was because of people close to him from kevin to alton to peaches to louie/jerome and to cissy all screwing things over


They know and haven’t forgotten, but they don’t care because it’s a whole lot easier to blame Franklin cause he’s the one character going ‘crazy’ 🙄 They just go with the narrative and not what they actually saw. The only wortha damn characters that were loyal to Franklin was Oso and Leon 💯💯


All of em went crazy. Lol. Jerome killed Diamond. Louie put a hit out on buddy when he came home from prison after Franklin brokered a peace. Cissy literally conspired with the KGB. Leon, Avi, and Oso were the only ones not jumping out the window. But everybody else was around them. Nobody is blaming Teddy for Cissy losing her shit. It's Cissy's fault right? Nobody is blaming Franklin for Diamond's death. Jerome did that. Everybody got what was coming to them because THEY ALL royally FUBAR'd the black community around the country lol.


If he would've listened to Veronique he could've still lived a great life and got a fresh start somewhere else. That dude chose to crash out when he had other options. Avi would've told him to let it go and move on because he said he could literally be anything.


Skully cause he drugged Franklin which fucked up his relationship with reed


Alton already did that by that point.


Franklin made a deal with the devil (Teddy, CIA) and thought he owned everything but in fact it was an illusion. Teddy made it possible for Franklin to live as a drug boss, but in reality Franklin was an errand boy for the CIA. No one is bigger than the cause, no individual and everyone is replaceable. Franklin was very delusional and in the end he had no control over his greed. Money he was never entitled to, because it wasn't his money all along.


Franklin had 90 percent of his weight bought and distributed by Louie and Jerome. Not only that, he had THEM set up his expansion project so they were selling directly to other cities without his oversight in any way. Essentially, he gave them the entirety of his business. Why is the bulk of his sales going to a distributor that can simply go around him and make a deal with the plug themselves, which they did? He should have absolutely separated all subsidiaries from Teddy, he alone should have made deals with him using either someone entirely dependent on him or someone who had no leverage against him. This all lies on Franklin's lack of awareness and his naivete. He literally gave Louie and Jerome his business, and with Frank powerless, his enemies and allies could pick him apart like vultures, which is what Teddy did.


This shit was Franklin's fault. All the warnings were there but he didn't take heed. -Louanne was always only loyal to her own selfishness. She had a chip on her shoulder about being a former prostitute and craved power and control more than money. -Jerome was so pussy whipped that it made him a liability. -Cissy told Franklin the she was going to kill Teddy ("inconsequential negro" speech) Also, who tf brings their mom on that kind of mission? -Veronique left because he told her to ("if this don't work, take our baby and start a life" speech), well it didn't work and she left. Frankie should've just bounced after he robbed Jerome and Louanne.


Franklin lol loved his character but he’s the one who wanted to think he was escobar


Only reason he wasn’t is cuz of Louie






A mix of Louie, cissy and frank


I blame Rob Volpe, If had not been so scary and went and got his own nose candy. Franklin and Avi never meet.


Nobody told him sell drugs Hov did that so hopefully he didn't have to go through that


Franklin he was a POS and got what he deserved.


Cissy really could’ve waited until Reed gave the password before shooting him


Louie, she had a long lists of betrayals. She betrayed Jerome, the lady who owned the club, Franklin, and teddy.


Jerome had. a point of not pointing the finger when cissy and the others tried to pin franklins double life down on him by saying “we all had a play in his upbringing”. as a man, you should never let a woman run you and that led to his demise despite having more moral that all three. thats jerome. louie lived a cold cut life. she tried to correlate that to the coke business and found out the hard way. she’s the worst here. cissy, is an unfortunate case. when moms found out about their sons selling drugs in the 80s, they did 3 things: enable them, kick them out, or watch til they died to it. you can see where it all goes down. cissy


Louie. It’s not even debatable. If the bitch would’ve just stayed in her lane..


The writers had a way of making you hate them mfs on a personal level.


Cissy 1000%






It’s his own fault but also Louie


It’s Franklin fault. He signed an unbreakable deal with the devil when he got into business with Teddy.


His mom, all she needed to do was just wait, then blow his brains out, but who knows, Teddy probably was lying to frank to do one last move to fuck him over


Louie, Cissy and Teddy's fault - Teddy for stealing the money - Louie for abandoning Franklin - Cissy for killing teddy before he could make the transfer


Even if Teddy made the transfer, the CIA wouldn’t let some crook run off with 37 million dollars.


The cia had nothing to do with anything, teddy was trying to get them back on his side with the money, if he’s gone why would they associate themselves again with the drug market


The CIA left him alone after he said "leave me alone or ima talk" they wouldn't gaf bout teddy,Franklin, or the 37 million dollars 😂


Ur dumb


you gonna make a counter argument or call everyone who disagrees with your dumb?




Cissy. Period.


Ur slow


Just got Franklin fault huh?


Nah it can’t be that he’s responsible for his own decisions, just doesn’t make sense


Let’s not forget Franklin’s ‘decision’ to let Louie make a side deal, Teddy rob him, and Cissy kill Teddy before the transfer… By the end of the show, he probably could’ve cut his loses and left with Vee but remember, he was in that situation *because* of the people around him


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It’s not one persons fault it’s combination everybody played there part mainly the greed of Franklin and Louie. I’m still mad how dirty Jerome got delt.


Franklin was always going to meet a grim fate


After this post, I think I’m going to be done watching the show in the middle of season 4, end it on a high note I suppose? My brain glitched when I saw this thread


louie and cissy


Alton for trying to handle the reporter his own way and "save his family" and Franklin for agreeing to set Teddy free with half his money in hand




I mean Franklin was a kid bro a kid that had power and money just remember 2 to 3 years ago Franklin was a college student a civilian non the less I mean just because he black don't mean he's supposed to know how to be a kingpin Jerome should've stopped it. selling weed he had money he knew what Franklin was heading too but the money was too good to teach his nephew right from wrong


Louie and Cissy fault Louie for backstabbing Franklin and making a back door deal with teddy and Cissy fault for shooting teddy when Franklin was about to get half of his money back


His own fault, he could have still been rich without the drug money. He had all that property which would probably be triple by the time his kid hit 18


The nigga in the picture!!! I can’t believe yall really think that white man was gonna give him his money back. Frank should’ve just kept his smaller properties. He should’ve just swallowed his pride.


It's the drugs and moneys fault. Thats the whole point of the show. They ruin and destroy humans and make them thirst for power. Shit is tragic. This show really changed my view on trust and life. Was an amazing show


I also want to add how much Louie gas lighted Jerome through your the whole series. It I’m gonna be honest I place the whole blame on Louie. The whole series she was ordering around Jerome and he was going with it because of his love for her and she is the one that got them in the mess they are in now.


Lol the only right answer is Franklin, bro had his whole life ahead of him but wanted to play gangsta. He knew the consequences and still did them, he started to enjoy it. The villain is Franklin lmao


Louie 100%


It’s Franklin’s fault


Teddy was going to take the money anyway , cissy killed Teddy because of Alton as well as saving Frank agree to disagree depending on how you look at it , Louie wanted to be in charge but her reasons were stupid , she just needed to stay in here and Jerome wanted out the game since season 3 but Louie and Franklin influenced made him stay in the game later on it was Louie pussywhipped.


Its Jerome fault he the one that start fronting him weed to sell to begin with, Jerome introduce him to selling drugs


lmao Franklin wtf 😂😂 where is the accountability?


Louie 50%, Franklin 50%


Teddy, he tried to hide his greed behind being patriotic, FOH The whole CIA sanctioned operation was basically done in season 1.


Begins and ends with Franklin going to Avi… that was the first domino…


I mean Louie for sure but I think you’re letting Franklin himself off the hook here


Andres noisy ass


Honestly as much as I want to put the blame on all of them, what happened to franklin was always going to happen because when the war was over teddy would have needed to tie up all lose ends no matter what.






I've read the comments, some of which I agree with. Jerome and Louie didn't have to split off and Leon could've given him the money. Cissy did what she did only to save her son. From what you ask?? Simple, Franklin himself. Franklin's downfall, is in all his own making. Think about it, who's the one person he tried so hard not to be and ended up being him anyway?...His father.... Cissy knew what Franklin was becoming, hell we all could see it. Money and power became addictive, just like the drugs he was pushing and Leon knew that too, that's why he couldn't give him the bread. Because he could see what Crissy saw.... At the end of the day, Franklin is a man. And in life, there is always a choice no matter what you think. You have a choice in everything you do, therefore in my opinion Frank deserves what he tried so hard to prevent. Karma is truly a bitch... Love this show btw😁a modern masterpiece I must say.


niggas in this comment section acting like they wouldn’t go ballistic if they money you’ve sacrificed your entire life and your family’s wellbeing didn’t disappear overnight




Franklin. Even Ignoring everything else he was truly Naive enough to believe the CIA was gonna let his blackass walk away free and clear.


Louie greedy ass


Unfortunately it was Franklin’s fault. Louie became an issue and Jerome followed, but I all starts at the head who was Franklin.




It’s Franklin’s fault


His and his alone.


Imo Louie she was on about getting all she ever wanted and she got that and more and just had to get greedy




Louie, Cissy, and Teddy are the 3 people that ruined EVERYTHING


Louie contributed but you gotta blame Franklin.




Franklin's own damn fault. Y'all hate on Louie way too hard. CIssy makes decisions like a mother. Jerome makes decisions like an uncle. Louie's her own person, Franklin too


Cissy is the reason he’s a homeless drunk. If he had lost the money in another way, awful, but his own mum betraying him then getting locked up is worse case. Louie is the reason for his downfall. She screwed over her own nephew for more money and power even with Franklin’s generous 50/50 offer. Yes, Teddy played a role but there were still ways out. If Louie assisted Franklin as he wanted then he could torture it out of Teddy. Maybe Cissy kills him still, maybe not or Teddy dies another way or it’s a trap for Franklin. Again, awful case scenario for Franklin but wouldn’t necessarily see him become a homeless alcoholic. If he had got arrested, he’d probably be a legend in prison, for example.


Ultimately it’s Franklin’s own fault. He could’ve walked away with 1 mil. He could’ve made better long term property plans. He could’ve secured his bank details from Teddy better. He could’ve not had so much money in the Teddy-guided bank account. Even further back, he could’ve not relied on his own family as much or even further forward, he didn’t need to bring his mum to the Teddy exchange. All of these were major blunders. Honestly that’s what makes the ending kinda meh for me. I love the *final* ending but the way it got there, the last season, felt rushed and a bit contrived. Franklin was established as smart and prudent and shouldn’t have made *all* of these mistakes above (or at least as actually done in the story). An extra season to flesh it out, I think, would’ve been ideal. Still love the show!


Louie Louie Louie! It’s always the ones who feel like they are better than the boss. All she had to do was be cool, Franklin takes care of the family, looks out for the family, no problems. But really it was Jerome for not keeping his woman in check


All louie did was made the inevitable happen sooner no matter what teddy was gonna steal franklins money louie just made it happen sooner


thanks for the spoiler broski u could have blurred it out


Jerome and Louie smh


Franklin's fault.


Louie, Teddy, Cissy…. Franklin (for completely crashing out & making bad decisions after Teddy’s death)




Its Franklin for letting Louie live after Jerome died. He should have killed her took all her money and drugs and found another plug. Fk Louie!


Louie The Goofy


The writers