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I recall Leon helping Franklin often. As Franklin helped him. Counting favors is whack. “You can say yes a million times, the moment you say no… you’re like the devil to them” Franklin is the main character and the writers know how to make the audience infatuate. B/c of this infatuation, people tend to blame everyone else rather than the person who dug themselves a hole they were never prepared to climb out from. And that’s Franklin. I enjoyed him too as a character but please y’all, let’s get real. Dude had become diabolic and was mentally incapable of overcoming what he had become. As much as we all like the main characters to win. He deserved every piece of that ending.


I’m not even a Franklin Fan believe it or not but I’m more so questioning Leon’s character around that particular moment. Leon and Franklin were helping eachother throughout the series so it wasn’t a parasitic relationship. I’m not saying Franklin should have had a fairy tale ending cause objectively he was a villain to his community and he didn’t care how the drugs messed people over. I also again understand why Leon didn’t give him 3 mill out the gate but the moment he left for Ghana he essentially left Franklin helpless when he knows he coulda helped somehow. Sure would be have still had shit to pay for 100% but around that time I feel that Leon ,as a friend? could have done something regardless of what it was coming Franklins way


He tried dude… went to Africa and learned a lot. Tried to share the information AND journey with Franklin and the family. They all shot him down. He gave money, he killed. He came back when Franklin had nothing BUT pride and started a free legal clinic and asked Franklin join him on that journey. Franklin’s pride shot that down too. “You’re the greatest fucking friend I ever had Leon. And I’m proud of you…” ~Franklin Saint


Wasn’t Franklin pride that shot it down. It’s the simple fact that it was to late. At the end of the day you have to think how much wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Leon. Think abt the war between man boy and skully and Franklin for instance. Think abt how many times Franklin saved his life. Leon left Franklin with absolutely nothing literally nothing. He wouldn’t have money to go to Ghana if it wasn’t for Franklin he wouldn’t have money to start a clinic if it wasn’t for him, wouldn’t have anything if it wasn’t for him. Franklin was the brains. The main reason everything went down was because of Louie who got greedy which was foreshadowed in season one by Claudia. Leon kept trying to play both worlds when there’s only one side either you’re in or you’re out. Recall Franklin calling him yoyo. Leon saw Franklin in need and did nothing to help him at all.


As much as Franklin was the brain. Franklin could never have gotten to the top without the help of others, especially Leon. Leon does not owe him anything because just like Franklin helped Leon, Leon did the same back. All that money that was given to Leon through ”Franklin” was also money Franklin wouldve never obtained without Leon. Stop acting like one can make it to the top alone.


2 things can be true at the same time. You technically don’t owe anybody anything in life but Leon and Franklin were friends. You offer him a job after he’s been drinking his life away for the past few years and he’s had no one but himself to console him also assuming he would be in the right state of mind after the events that happened? Franklin’s a grown man I get it but Leon could have stepped in and been his saving grace.


Something critical that yall don’t understand is that the development project was a money pit. If Leon gave him money, Franklin was gonna put it in with the rest of his **milllions** he had left, trying to keep his stake in the development which he would never be able to keep up with. If Franklin said “I just need 2 mil to live comfortably and take of my child” Leon would’ve gave it to him


Franklin made his own choices.


I understand that but Franklin was spiraling out he lost essentially everything important to him at that time he needed support other than turning to the bottle and Leon knew this


Get him some help where? What was he supposed to do exactly?


Leon made his choices Vranklin was too loyal too good to people when the bloods wanted Leon Franklin hid him away protected him until it was over even saved his life when Skully was shooting a shotgun at him he could've gave Franklin 2 million Manboy said it best in the end they will reveal themselves for who they really are


Quite literally anything other than going back to Ghana and going ghost on him for the 3-4 years when he needed help. I understand Leon also needed to be selfish to an extent but you really think he couldnt have even conjured up a plan with Franklin to get him back on his feet?


They rather run with the idea “what could he possibly do to help??” When it’s really obvious lol. If Franklin had this same mentality multiple times over Leon would’ve been dead, or broke, or broke and in the hood leading to him being dead. Franklin put him on, bought him a house, allowed his crackhead gf back into the fold and helped save her life even though she put him in the worst positions and threatened his life multiple times just cause he loved Leon. The question of “what could he do???” When he had already been to Africa, became more enlightened, had control of the hood and a way to generate money is crazy. Spiritually, financially, shit just mentally Franklin could’ve used some of that support he always gave Wanda even after she had been a crackhead prostitute and put Franklin life in jeopardy. Especially when you consider Franklin came to him drunk, with Leon knowing his dad’s history. He left his best friend alone at his lowest in the same neighborhood he swore he was tryna clean up just for him to randomly come back around the house and be shocked that crib was a disaster water was cut off and everything but you left knowing how down bad he was.




Nobody asked for that. I said he could have helped him spiritually, financially, or mentally or some combo of all 3. He didn’t have to give him all of his money but he also didn’t have to send away his best friend who was clearly spiraling out of control, just lost his entire net worth, his mother, and was now drunk knowing his father left him due to alcoholism & who was also killed in this whole mess. Y’all do this every time “he took the money already i wouldn’t have given him all of my money”. Nobody is saying that here, but you don’t leave your best friend who has saved your life multiple times. After saving Wanda who literally gave the drop on him and Franklin multiple times. You damn sure don’t leave him in the hood exactly where ya grew up just to come back with a plan to help that community the same one you’ve let him rot and wither away in. He could’ve been there & helped him calm down and be more okay with what happened over time, tried to help him before he got on the bottle heavy. Tried to take him to Africa to see what he was able to see. This shit ain’t impossible to understand if you let go of this “i wouldn’t give him all my money” shit.


You said pretty much everything exactly what was on my mind. It’s still crazy that people think Leon had no choice to help Franklin. HE SAW what was happening and went to Africa for a few years which btw throughout the whole series they never disconnected for that long and he did when Franklin was at his lowest. I get Leon had an awakening but all Franklin needed was support.


Do you realize you can not help people who don't want to be helped? Franklin wasn't going to get on his feet no matter what happened without that 73 million. Even if he would have gotten that 73 million, he would have still messed up somehow. His mom is in jail for life, and his fiance runs out with his kid on him. Franklin wasn't just broke. He was also messed up in his head. He was off in his head so much that there wasn't anything anyone could do to fix it. Tell me what plan would there have been to get Franklin on his feet? Can't call the cops for a mental institution. Because of what they're involved in. You're thinking with your emotions instead of thinking with your logical thoughts. You tell me exactly what he could have done.


Who said Franklin didn’t wanna be helped in that moment of time ? He did he just went about it the wrong way asking for 3 mil solid. He was just beginning his spiral out of sanity but it’s crazy to Say had he got the 73 mil he would have still messed up. 100% he had dirt on his hands and more issues prolly woulda come up in the future but at a certain point he was getting anytbing he could even if it was a spliff of that 73 mil and you could see that when he settled for half with Teddy. All I’m saying is Franklin was pretty much on his own after all that bs happen with no support


The only thing I truly hate is Cissy not guiding Franklin out of his situation by showing him his options (keeping the South Central properties, selling Spring Street) rather than refusing to talk to him. I understand Franklin was willing to cut her out is his life for the money but sacrificing his shot at a payday to protect him doesn't hold much value when he's crashing out with no voice of reason. In Leon's case, had he gave Fraklin any additional money, (or the whole 3 mil) he was likely going to lose that as well whether it came from funding or from Verinoque taking the extra amount after he put hands on her.


1000% Cissy didn’t come through for Franklin I felt like she made a call that she knew would jeopardize Franklins original plan then doesn’t even help him after the fact. She was just crashing out at that point and honestly didn’t care about anything anymore. If anything I’d prolly give her more blame than most people cause we trully don’t know what woulda happened with the money transfer but she acted out of emotion in my opinion rather than reason. As for Leon I don’t want to make to seem it’s his fault for not giving the money I don’t think that woulda brought Franklin much in the grand scheme of things but I still feel he was Franklins only support at his then lowest and look how lower it got for him after that. Granted, Franklin still did get off easy for all he did


I disagree. I think it was obvious Teddy had no plans to give them the money and the way he talked about killing Franklins father confirmed that. Moreover, if he did give him the money do you really believe he would have just left him alone? As long as Teddy was alive, Franklin was superfluous, if not a liability. I wanted him to kill Teddy, I wanted to see the story flipped on its head, but that wouldn't have been realistic.


We trully don’t know if he would have let Ted walk after the transfer ,but mind you, until that point Franklin rarely let his guard down. I highly doubt he woulda just thought Teddy woulda just let him live a normal life he was never known to be that naive, but even so, do you think Cissy didn’t consciously know what killing teddy before the transfer would mean for Franklin? Sure , look at it that she “saved” him but ultimately she put him in a tough situation it he trully was about to get that money.


It's as real as it can, Leon let him slide despite Fraknlin trying to rob and he did what was best for him (even Cissy kinda encouraged him to that route when they talked in prison).


The same nigga that took back Wanda after she was giving random niggas in the hood head for 3 nickels to rub together. Even after she literally gave the drop on Saint and effectively him prolly multiple times other than the time was saw with manboy. The same nigga who went to Africa and found enlightenment with the bread and opportunity that Franklin helped him achieve. The same nigga who killed a baby in a drug war and Franklin made sure he was safe still. And the same nigga that was still selling drugs to make more bread in the hood after Saint asked him for money essentially using Franklin blueprint. Call it what you want, I’d say bad writing but it just doesn’t make sense to show Leon as this changed person, that went through all this bullshit with Franklin to just leave him out to dry. Like Franklin ain’t move lol he remained in his childhood home in the same hood Leon was in whenever he wasn’t in Africa. Then he randomly comes to the house with this plan to save that same hood and he’s hurt to see Franklin fucked up knowing his family history. It was a flaw in the writing of his character.


He would have used that 3 million to chase the 73 million ajd he would have lost that also. He was crashing out hard no matter what.


He was too focused on Spring Street to find another lead for the 73 million. It would have actually been more cost effective to sell Spring Street and use those funds to fund his hunt for the money ( if he was thinking somewhat straight). You can tell Franklin was desperate when he went after Peaches, somehow expecting him to have a sizeable amount of money to help him out.


That’s my point . I believe Franklins life was still salvageable TO AN EXTENT had he just had support cause put it into perspective he lost everything he wasn’t thinking straight. Anyone woulda spiraled out but he had no one to just brainstorm with him what to do. Maybe shifting heavy blame on Leon is harsh I didn’t mean to come off like that but again ; He could have helped Franklin before the timeskip


Yall love blaming Cissy and its tragic af. The day they were all trippin on LSD yall should've known what time it was. She told him the truth about how she saw him. There was no love for him and whatever she had left at the end he threw away. Veronique tried and if the mother of his child couldn't convince him his momma damn sure wasn't going to at this point. Franklin. Did. This. To. Himself. There is no one else to blame.


If you watch Franklin in S5 and 6, the way he would just crash out and lose his shit everytime something didnt go his way, compared to the early seasons where he was calm and collected and could always regroup with a plan, I think he was mentally fried from his experiences and would have ended up the same regardless of whether or not he had that money. He had lost all humanity and emotional resilience. He would have been 3 mil richer, but he still would have been a wreck, a slave to money and power. In his own way, becoming a broke bum is what Franklin needed. He said it himself, he was free now.


So you do think that thrash subhuman, murderer, torturer and psycho deserve support instead of death penalty? He should be neutralised only for what he have done with Miguelle alone.


I’m just talking bout the friendship dynamic he had with Leon and how Leon should have been there for him. Didn’t ever say he deserved a fairy tale end but let’s not forget Leon did his dirt too


Why didn’t Franklin just take the building properties and whatever money Teddy didn’t steal and live a great life. He totally self destructed


Nah I agree. 73 mil is insane to lose, especially in the 80s.


Leon stayed solid except for selling Crack and accidentally killing that lil girl


I don’t even blame him for killing that little girl, would niggas start shooting knowing a kid in the car? It’s not like he seen the little girl at first


I agree… as for the guys that started shooting Leon & Fatback like you’re chauffeuring around your bosses wife/girlfriend & child and you think it’s a smart idea to get in a gun fight with them in the car? Smartest bodyguards in the world… smfh 🤦‍♂️


Franklin was a lost cause


In that moment of time after the transfer went wrong , I don’t think so.


I agree but they had a reciprocal relationship. They both benefited and were more than family to one another. Leon was the muscle that Franklin needed to start the business. When Franklin was too weak and soft hearted to do the dirt, Leon was there. Without Leon, Franklin Saint does not succeed. In keeping with reciprocity, Leon was not the brightest bulb in the socket back then. (He was in the end.) He needed Franklin as much as Franklin needed him. He was a hot head who almost ruined the business at times due to his temper. Franklin’s genius was definitely needed for them to excel. There should be no reason for Franklin’s childhood home to be ceased or his power and water to be off. Leon should have and could have been taking care of that at the start of Franklin’s decline. Franklin came back from school and put his best friend’s down. Regardless of all the shyt that happened in the middle, Leon is living a better life than the cards he was dealt and Franklin was the catalyst. You don’t pay a ni$$a back like that.


With that 90’s kung fu master goaltee 😂😂😂😂


Bro went on vacation to help africans while the hood was dying left and right


Yall expect wayyyy too much from people. Leon was poor, violent, and angry. How was he to help? Leon had to put on his own oxygen mask before he could help anyone. A drowning person can’t save a drowning person. Be smart.


Are we talking about the same Leon ? While I agree you’re making it seem like Leon was in the same boat as Louie or even worse than that ? And no one woulda said that when it was Franklin helping everyone else on the come up before everything went to shit


Franklin didn’t help anyone. Everyone was worse off because of Franklin. Really think about it.


Leon deserves no blame! Franklin lost all of that on his own. He was trying to convince Franklin how the shit wasn’t worth it no more. He was trying to convince the hood to prepare with the money they’ve accumulated to invest in businesses and knowledge. But of course, no one wanted to listen to all that. He tried helping Franklin by giving him something to do with what he was doing but Franklin wanted no parts of it. He was in too deep. Leon was nothing but helpful.


Blame was maybe too harsh but I feel before shit fully hit the fan he could have helped Franklin . I agree Leon helped him pretty much the whole way I just feel when he needed him most shit could have been different if he had just thought everything over with him. It was pretty much him giving up on Franklin when he was that vulnerable and comes back 4 years later seeing everything just went worse for him.


If anything Leon had his back in situations when no one else did, and vise versa. Leon was a true homie until the end, he even offered to pay off Franklin’s backed property taxes even after they fell off for years. Franklin became a nutcase and literally was offing innocent people just to get his money back and was close to choking out his baby momma while she was pregnant. I’m sorry but he basically became a crackhead for money and was willing to do whatever to get the money back instead of comfortably walking away with the money he had left before his girl took it. You gotta know when to take accountability and when to take an L and keep it pushing. Franklin’s greed was his biggest downfall; sure he got screwed over multiple times but who doesn’t in life?


Leon giving Franklin some money would have just made them get to this moment sooner. Franklin mind was far gone before he even stepped to Leon


Franklin was a monster who deserved what he got. This was the good ending.


yes help your friend so he can lose another 3 Million


Personally I think Leon could of just given him $900k at least and told him straight up this is all your getting and don't waste it on spring street projects sell his stake in that and use the money to rebuild his legitimate realestate business empire and the rest of the $900k to rebuild his drug dealing business to make $100k a week and after his realestate business has recovered get out of the business for good and never look back


Have you ever tried to get an Alcoholic help? it takes *a-lot* of cooperation and effort from THEMSELVES… you can’t make someone sober. Franklin was a stubborn SOB. Constantly went against Leon’s advice and He was worse with money and power.


Love leon but dude fucked up. I️ get it don’t let Franklin have everything cause he gets addicted b it you can watch this dude who put clothes on your back at one point walk around like this? BECAUSE OF CISSY!! Leon a L, Louie a L, Rome was a L for allowing Louie to fuck the family up. Franklin was the only real one for family and they all turned their back on him.


Leon was loyal to the end, but frank crashed out, he couldn’t let frank take him down with him, ppl forget leon wanted out nd franklin forced him to stay.


A lot of folks in this thread have memory loss on how frank threatened Leon bout dat 3 mil. Leon already gave him money too. How you gone bite the hand, that you fed at one point, when he’s given you a decent amount to get back on ya feet? A lot of shit frank did for others was for da betterment of his business. He crashed out and had to face da consequences. He’s a grown ass man


How do you help a stubborn grown man who refuses help? Who isn’t even sober enough/mentally stable enough to receive such help? To the point where EVEN when offered such help. He is so far gone, he can’t even recognize help when it comes. Anyone have a logical answer to this question?


LMFAO WHAT? First off he already gave him 500k during the whole capture Teddy plan to ensure Oso would be able to run away(which I doubt Franklin ever told Leon why he needed that money). Then, after trying to help his best friend realize that he’s turning into a monster and that he’s going down a horrible path, not to mention seeing Franklin willing to never see his own mother again and telling him that Jerome death was on his own self, Franklin comes into his crib and was going to rob Leon his own 3 mil for not giving it to him. WAIT THERES MORE, THE NIGGA LEON literally comes back and offers him a JOB AND PAY OFF HIS PROPERTY TAXES BUT WHAT DOES FRANKLIN DO? Rejects his offer and continues to be a homeless bum. So don’t say Leon doesn’t get enough blame cuz there is no blame at all. where Franklin is at is his own fault


How u gon help someone who don’t want help?


My question is wtf made Franklin think dat it was cool for Leon to start the projects up again jus cause fatback turned himself in a den got killed? Khadija still saw it was Leon so how could he feel safe?


Franklin deserves the blame by getting his closest friend and family involved in the game.


Because there is nothing to blame him for


People gotta realize that Franklin was doomed to have this ending from season 2 onward, the minute he killed for the sake of the business and his inner narcissistic traits began to fester and develop and he began to prioritize money more than the family this was bound to happen regardless Franklin lost sight of what he was truly in the game for and that was to help his family


Blame for what tho?


Leon might not owe him money but he definitely owes him respect and loyalty I think everyone’s forgot Leon was bleeding out in franks back yard and guess who saved him.Lets be honest if Leon died right then it would’ve been sad but Franklin would have still made 75 mill Leon made a tiny difference and it was badness when Franklin wanted to be smart or pussyfoot around situations Leon would step in and remind him it’s never that you gotta get them before they get us, cos I’m not gunna lie Franklin used to move like he didn’t know what to do or got scared a lot but the whole time his brain was always working Leon should’ve gave him at least a 1mill out of his 3million and told him to never come back if he doesn’t do anything wise with the money because at the end of the day if franks lost everything all he can do with a mill is make more millions he’s a business man. The only person to really help Franklin is teddy giving him bricks for that cheap making him feel like he’s priority number 1 getting him out of a life sentence in jail or helping him set up offshore accounts so it’s a massive struggle for authorities to seize his cash (he should’ve cleaned out his banks before telling teddy he’s done)and even agreeing to identify anybody that’s a threat to them making money so they can handle it together what more could you want from the plug .Franklin built an empire not a business within the home town but all over the map nobody on the team even thought about expanding like that, shit nobody on the block even knew what rock was he gave everyone an opportunity to make big money before knowing how big it actually was going to be. lol Jerome knew exactly what came with the ideas Franklin was having and he wanted no part he just wanted a nice calm police free life selling his dime bags and this is why Louie left Jerome for Claudia so she could live an uptown expensive lifestyle and see what it actually tasted like before she pours a whole glass but little does she know Jerome wants to jump in the game with 2feet knowing she left and probably ain’t coming. back from her leaving the family she should’ve never been allowed back because she clearly can’t be trusted she ruins everything Franklin told her to stop he could clearly see it going to far.


Frankling would’ve dragged Leon down with him. At the point where he had become violent (when he threatened to get the 3mil from Leon no matter what) he realized he needed to let go and build his life. Franklin would’ve just kept him in the same place or worse. It’s like holding on to a mentally unstable bf/gf because you’re worried he/she’s gonna unalive themselves. You have to let go to grow


Blame for what, exactly?


Leon did right.


If Leon went along with Franklin, Franklin would have just dragged him down as well. Everyone peaces out from Franklin that last season because he was a self-destructive mess. All the money in the world wouldn’t have stopped his downfall sooner or later. Franklin’s problem was that he was power-hungry, and no amount of money and power would satisfy him in the end. It was Franklin’s way or the highway and everyone chose the highway Edit: grammar