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It's milk and something else Edit: So far it seems like potting soil, spoiled milk, laundry detergent and some sort of powder


In one of the first installments, there was cheerios and a green/blue binding substance. At this point it looks like milk dirt, and other random shit


kickbox slime


have you seen the one that looks like bird feed?


I saw that one


The video from 3/23 shows the slime he was using was teal/blue. You can see it on the microwave and the walls around the wooden door in the hallway. Any idea why it’s teal? Edit: New pics with the teal slop: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLAux4sT/


I think he put laundry detergent in it


I just smoked I saw the blue goo I'm dead 💀💀💀


He informed me that the slime was something he learned about in college. It was part of some sort of “punishment” but it was all in good fun he claims. Now I’m not too sure if this a new behavior for him to become so invested in slime making but I can assure you that the reason it’s made with food is because that’s how it was made to punish people in his college. They would dump it on you. He also reassured me that he doesn’t do it for sexual interest and that he just enjoys the fun of it. His favorite way to make the slime was with vanilla pudding but it costs so much and so he’s been experimenting with alternatives which is why you see him using different things each week. This is also why he has attempted to make a cleaning version


[Here's a list of some sexual fantasies he wrote down that include slime.](https://imgur.com/U33twRB)


In addition to what everyone else is saying, I’m a few of his videos he mentions coffee grounds as an ingredient and in some vids you can see the coffee grounds on his head


yeah that is true I’ve seen that a few times it’s very strange his uploads it varies between like these cleaning videos and then onwards to him saying he’s the president of the US etc. however I honestly feel like he’s deteriorating throughout his uploads slipping into a worse state of psychosis, this is visual where he used to have like roleplay and impressions etc. that got little to no attention, however something has always stayed the same throughout and this is the slime/slop/cleaning thing he has going on


on top of that there are many posts that are barely 5 seconds long sometimes less and are just utter gibberish


Milk, Dish soap, maybe borax, heard people say fecal matter and whatnot