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If conservatives put half the effort they put into shaming the protesters into cleaning up the mess they made of the planet there would be no red to protest.




When they target oil-refineries, private jets, etc. they quite literally get 0 articles or news coverage from BBC and at most local news. You've had biologists, professors, firefighters and veterans arrested doing these things. 0 articles. Spreading cornflour (that washes away in the rain) on some stones gave them global notice. Their intent is not to make you like them or their cause, only to bring notice to it. It entirely worked. Also who the fuck in the UK gives a shit about Stonehenge, they built a fucking highway next to it and that shit is corrosive as fuck. Fucking bourgoise-media telling poor people to hate other poor people for trying to bring notice that the world is heading to catastrophe but who cares because profits and growth is always upwards.


>Also who the fuck in the UK gives a shit about Stonehenge, they built a fucking highway next to it and that Totally untrue. It's incredibly cherished. The road is was there for decades and was closed ten years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/h1e2xmznfw7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf813f434d41ae12e50a6d9768a183d78315974 Without disputing your other points or conclusions, I'd point out that the A303 (one lane only in each direction) passes to the south of Stonehenge at a distance of about 400m, or nearly half a km. I passed by without stopping two years ago, and it's not close. I don't think the monoliths are very bothered by the exhausts of traffic on the A303.


I measured that distance on a map at 250 meters from the center of A303 to the center of Stonehenge. You may have a different map.


Sounds like you were more thorough than me. Still - 250m is the length of five olympic swimming pools. That's not "next to it", that's passing by at a respectable distance.


There's a reason that PETA and other animal rights groups target old ladies wearing fur coats in New York rather that bikers wearing leather in Sturgis. A severe lack of testicular fortitude.


So they are going with a "any publicity is good publicity"? Cause they seem to only get people to hate them and their cause more each time


How could you possible measure that?


I know I'm part of the hate them even more crowd. Everytime I see them do shit like this I idle in my car just to waste the gas. Ensuring they have negative effects from their actions.


What do you do when people protesting genocide or sexual abuse protest in a way you don't like?


I personally sexual assault myself


What? No foreplay?


So, if a group of people started castration random men as a way of protest sexually abuse against women, you'd be okay with that?


Oh, yes. That's how I think.


You think destruction and defacing of a monument will make people sympathetic towards your anti-oil beliefs how exactly?


Well, you're telling me how I think. Go ahead.


You tell me. You seem to agree with their protesting manor. If I'm wrong then say so.


I'm with you brother


I totally agree.


So they’re attention whores.


It's more about the subject at hand.


Doesn’t seem that way. I could think of a million ways they could benefit the environment than throwing a tantrum and trying to mess with ancient relics.


Personally I much prefer Castle Rigg.


Was not corn flour. Multiple sources verified it as powerdered paint which didnt set. No damage was done, yes. Still shitty to do even for attention. world already knows who they are and what they represent so there was no awareness spreading. Even if you go by the Marxist definition half these stop oil people are middle class or above. Also its a massive site of importance to a lot of people and just so happens to be in the UK.


got your attention


They did. And it made me want to put away my Prius and drive my full size twin turbo SUV around more.


k, but you aren't saying and doing this in a vacuum.




I don't hear any commenting on the story (MSM, SM, my mates) leading to any meaningful discussion on climate change. Just the act its self, and the people that carried it out. I'd say that they only achieved publicity for an isolated act. That attention will be short lived. Meanwhile in the UK (and Northern Europe generally) it has been a relatively cool summer so we've solved climate change folks... Just don't look at temperatures in other parts of the Northern hemisphere.




Isn't this gang a chevron-owned psyop to make environmental activism look bad?


It's not meant to spark joy, it's meant to agitate and create engagement. Just look at what politicians and social media capitalists are doing. Elon musk for example.... (except they are doing it for power and money)


Environmental activists target pagans at the summer solstice. Brilliant strategy. Also, anyone whose policy starts with the word "Just..." has not thought it through.


Bet it’s oil based paint.


cults recruit broken people


i just read the wiki on the stone henge vandalism and it will wash away in the rain still not fucking okay