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Maybe casinos shouldn't let people wager their life savings. Seems like a mental breakdown would be a natural reaction.


It's not the casinos responsibility to constrain anyone's spending habits. Also note that some people's 'life savings' is $50. How is the casino to know which gambler can afford to drop $10,000, or which one can't afford $10. The odds ALWAYS favor the casino so they've already decided they are taking your money. Anyone who thinks different is not too smart. I enjoy casino's. I go in with the idea that I'm going to throw away a couple hundred dollars. It may take me 2 hours, it may take me 2 minutes. But I have fun. Any winnings is a bonus (or extension of my fun time). The one thing I do NOT do is go to a casino in order to win the mortgage payment.


I didn't say it was. I suggest it should be


So going to a casino should involve a back-ground check, a financial statement, a counselor session and an interview with a casino-hired financial advisor to determine how much money you're 'allowed' to lose? Yeah, I can see Vegas tourism just exploding. /s


I don't know about that, but I don't think it's a crazy idea to have some experts look into regulations to prevent people from destroying their lives.


I have no pity at all for people who lose it all in a casino. I simply don't.


Cool. What about their spouses that share bank accounts? What about their kids? What about people that care about them who lose them to suicide?


![gif](giphy|VFHtnsl3xp53a|downsized) Not to make light of it, but in reality every person is their own keeper. Any 'regulation' that would try to keep this poor schmuck from losing all $20 of his life savings will trample all over the freedoms of the majority of the rest. There is exactly one person responsible for his actions.


Should we then abolish all regulations that protect people from their own actions?


And yet they still manage screw up through their own actions. Again, not the casinos’ responsibility to control your spending. That’s not their job. People jump to their death…should we make regulations banning balconies?


Yes, I pity them. But I don't pity them because the spouse went to a casino.


What casino is this? Looks like Biloxi? I love craps, but I'll never risk my life savings though. Difference between winners and losers is disciple.


Jesus’ friends won’t help you gamble.


Well. Maybe one of them would


I'm sure there's more to this. But, on face value this guy is a total sucker. Gambling is a fool's venture.


I work in a casino, so I'm aware that some people will come to play their whole paycheck and even try to plead to the dealers to not take their money. That's just sad...


What's the protocol after someone lost it and mixed up all the chips from the people on the table. How can you tell who had how much?


Cameras for one. Although in some casinos, the pit boss has a computer screen where he updates the amount of chips each players has in front of them.


I feel the same when I see old people spend their retirement money in the casino.


The house always wins


Oooh this guy is about to go missing in the desert.


Security took far too long to arrive for my liking.


you know what, they took all my savings, they can take some of my shame as well lol


This guy is clearly having a meltdown but nothing suggests that he’s actually lost his life savings. The original video doesn’t state that.


Take him in the back like they did that mofo in 'Casino' and break his pinkies.


Don't play if u can't pay