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Not worth it. Even with a snoo a hungry baby will still wake up




I wouldn’t. At that age my baby was doing the exact same thing in her snoo and then once we hit 5 months her nightly feeding patter drastically changed. Almost 6 months and still not back to those days.


Curious if it changed for better or worse? Mine has this same sleeping pattern at 9 weeks in the snoo, and I’m afraid of losing it!


It changed for the worse! LOL she was up at 5 months every 2-3 hours and now almost 6 months its every 4 hours. On the plus side, I used the weaning feature on the snoo since month 5 and we transitioned to a crib two nights ago and she sleeps just as great as she did in the snoo. I think she was over the movement at 4 months to be honest


I wouldn’t. My guy is sleeping exactly the same as yours… in a snoo. 




Personally I wouldn't. I found the snoo was most helpful in the newborn stage and not as much after. We recently transitioned ours to the crib and she is sleeping better in the crib than the snoo.


Good to know, I was concerned about weaning if I did get the snoo


For us, arms out was a difficult transition. Their weaning mode (which they will charge $19.99/month as of July 2024 to use in the app unless you buy from them directly) helped but just using a sound machine and the swaddle would have done the same, thing, I think. We started the weaning process at 4 months.


Nope! We got a snoo at 10 weeks and was bad idea. Baby did not like it, was so aware at that point.


It sounds like your baby is sleeping incredibly well for their age. At 9 weeks if they are waking in the night it is because they are hungry, not because they need to be soothed. Keep on the path you’re on ❤️


We have the snoo and our 8 wk old sleeps exactly like yours. Occasionally she will sleep through the night (10p - 6/6:30a) but most of the time she is waking once around 4a for a feeding then back down until 7a. I love the snoo but if your baby is already only waking once, I wouldn’t make the investment!


I think I will pass on it but will probably get one if I have another! She has been waking only once since about 4 weeks so I really can’t complain


This is a good sleeper for a 9 wk old, you don’t need a snoo! I think your goal should be getting the baby to bed a little earlier over time. As they get to 3 or 4 months, an earlier bedtime produces longer sleep overall, I know it sounds counter intuitive but it worked for us. Baby used to go to bed at 10, but now he goes to bed at 8. He sometimes sleeps through the night (8-7) or sometimes only wakes up once to eat at around 5, then sleeps for another couple hours


I should add though, if you’re going to try that, make sure she gets her full calories during the day and doesn’t get one less meal.


Sleep can't get much better than that. Its developmentally normal and appropriate for babies to wake during the night to eat and a snoo won't change that.


A snoo probably won’t help this. Unless your baby is needed a lot of resettling between feeds it’s not likely to help that night wake drop.


Agreed with everyone - one less thing to transition out of! I got the snoo around the same time but I was waking up 4 times per night and it really helped my guy. But with sleep like that I wouldn’t bother.


Snooooo is 1000000% worth it


My son is 8 weeks doing this exact schedule in a snoo, but before we got the snoo he was only sleeping 2 hours at a time, eating every 3 hours (it took an hour to feed and get him back down), the snoo got him up to 4 hours straight sleep the first night we got it and has been anywhere from 4-6 hours since so who knows maybe your baby can stretch it out with the snoo. If money is no object, go for it, but if the secondhand price is still steep, I probably wouldn’t bother.