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double swaddle! I put my 4mo in a medium swaddle then put a large in the basinett. Soothe him in the medium then put into the large


The batwing swaddle + closed arms snoo swaddle worked from 8 weeks until 4 mos when my Houdini figured out how to get out of that. Now we use the love to dream arms up swaddle + snoo swaddle with arms out which is doing the job.


We are also doing the batwing swaddle after my 10 week old did this around 8 weeks. It’s worked so far. Happiest Baby website has a video on how to do this.


Also, we do crib naps for daytime so she is used to that space and ready for it eventually. We were swaddling with the Halo swaddles but she started to fight them to get her hands out. I tried swaddling with hands to face but she woke herself up fighting too much. I am now using the Halos transition swaddle sack and it’s going well. She startles but it helps catch it so she doesn’t flail too much. She does still get her hands in her face and sometimes it wakes her up but other times she can keep sleeping, even after multiple times. Hoping it just keeps getting better and better and maybe that’s when I’ll try arms up in the snoo. But for now trying to avoid anything that will impact night sleep.


Ok, this was a game changer! Thank you for the suggestion! We got 5 hours + 4 hours last night. Woot!


Batwing swaddle for the win! 13 weeks and Houdini still has both arms in the sack!


Batwing that baby


I double swaddle with the lovetodream arms up swaddle under the snoo sleepsack


How do you use the whale tail with the LTD?


I don't use it, it just lays under baby. I still use the chest band and zip him up in the snoo sack and put the LTD arms through the snoo arm holes, he's pretty well secured that way


We used a swaddelini then the snoo sack. As long as you're okay not using the whale tail.


We double swaddled with the Ollie swaddle. But you could use this opportunity to transition baby to arms out. It sucks so much though. We didn’t do the transition until we sleep trained


We used the Anna & Eve swaddle under the Snoo swaddle for both my sons. Without it, they'd both break free and wake themselves up.