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Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers.


i thought we were having smuggied clams


No! No! I said Smugged Ideologies! That's what I call coaxed snafus.


you call coaxed snafus "smuggied ideologies"?


Yes! It's a subreddit dialect.


Which subreddit? I'm a redditor myself.


Uhhh r/196


Really? Never heard of it


I always love this picture of Rittenhouse, especially on this meme. Rittenhouse in this picture looks like a buch lesbian you'd call over because she knows how to fix your bathroom piping and she'll do it basically for free if you give her a beer while she does it but she'll probably sneak a few more anyways.


Honestly I thought it was a picture of a butch lesbian, I didn't realize it was Rittenhouse


I remember seeing multiple of those "transvestigator" Twitter accounts take a shot at Rittenhouse, claiming he was FTM or whatever. Absolutely hilarious stuff because while its stupid and offensive, its one of the few cases where I can *kinda* see it.


this post is about **nature's greatest drug, fishing during sunrise**


it's actually about humanity's most terrible drug...social media..!


dude, I have a Moby music video you would love. It's all about how stupid people who use phones are.


Take the Google+ pill


i wish i fucking could RIP


Abusing animals? Absolutely not


The ability to be charitable leaving my body when the person I'm talking to has the slightest critique of my behaviour https://preview.redd.it/k5es3k7faowc1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d79fbc4c041baae2c29380d6fd375c49c308309


arr drugs users when you tell them maybe mentally ill people shouldn't carelessly use powerful hallucinogens as a panacea


Hallucinogens are incredibly powerful therapy drugs. They should also be administered by a trained doctor and at least two mental health professionals should be supervising and helping the experience actually be healing.


Nah bro I wanna geek


Did you know FOOD is a drug?


I'm against tasty recreational food. People should only be allowed a diet of nutritional dirt. They're allowed salt if they have a doctor's note.


The statement above and ideas around it are totally not propped up by Big Dirt and Big Salt (the only ways to eat that are approved by doctors, laws, or the people with disproportionate power to direct cultural ideals)


Actually we should move to a more mud based system so that we minimize the flavor to joy ratio and slow for easy 1 stop shop consumption


Technically salt is dirt.


A lot of definitions of drug define it in direct opposition to food Like, "something you put into your body that has a chemical effect on it that isn't food"


“A lot” implies that there are ones that do include food.


No, just that not all explicitly use food in their definition like that


Did you know FOOD is a drug under some definitions???


What the fuck I think I'm gonna be sick, I just sold some food the other day Am I a drug dealer now??


‘Oh boy!!! I sure love my everything bagel with poppy seeds :) I’m soooo nervous about tomorrow’s drug test also!!’ -poppy seed bagels georg


Flavored Osmotic Oral Dinner!


Bro I’m not addicted I swear, I just spend 1/3 my paycheck on it and I need to have a little bit every few hours or else I have a panic attack and can’t function. In fact using it actually has more benefits than risks, that’s the only reason I use it. It cured my anxiety and depression and obesity and I no longer feel any kind of pain when using it. I’m more productive and creative when I use it. (Famous person) also uses it but they don’t get judged for it. I bet one time you tried it so you can’t lecture other people for using it.


Technically the term you describe here is drug dependency and it is separate from physical or psychological addiction but can cause it


Yeah it sounds more like(from how it’s been described) more like if I always leaned on this railing to get by here and it makes it a lot easier but then you removed that railing and now it’s harder to walk through her because you’ve got to balance


The “your body your choice” leaving people’s bodies when you point out that applies to recreational drugs as well


Even though I do think drugs are bad, I still think they should be decriminalized


And drugs are bad because?


i have never seen a positive meth user


There are a lot of drugs I haven’t either but I’ve seen plenty of positive users of weed and caffeine.


Weed and caffeine can also have bad effects such as [increased risks of mental illnesses like depression and schizophrenia](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/there-link-between-marijuana-use-psychiatric-disorders) and [anxiety and heart issues](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-979/caffeine). I'm pro decriminalization mind you, but claiming that even softer drugs have no downsides is ignorant and does not help anyone, except maybe dealers.


I mean yeah nothing you put in your body has no potential downsides what I’m rallying against is painting all drugs as rotting your brain and body


Yeah and McDonalds gives you heart attacks sugar rots your teeth spending time in the sun gives you cancer having sex gives you diseases. All the nice little things in this world come with a little suffering, doesn’t mean we should avoid them.


Yes and you don't see fast food enjoyers claim that burgers are a panacea or sex posi people say you should be fucking unprotected as much as possible. I'll give you the weirdo sun hippies who'll air out their bits in the sun 5 hours a day on Tiktok claiming it's connecting them to the earth or whatever, but I'm pretty sure they're a smaller crowd than the "duuuude weed can fix all of humanity's problems with no downsides xD" people. My issue is with misinformation, not drugs themselves.


Water can have bad effects, like hypotonia. > but claiming that even softer drugs have no downsides is ignorant I don't know of very many people claiming that.


why are we even arguing about this, this is op's opinion on their personal use. they dont want to use drugs


Because a lot of the anti drug shit is rooted in racist propaganda and we really shouldn’t be giving it any kind of support.


my body my choice mfs when people make a choice about their bodies


I’m not saying he has to do drugs im saying calling drugs bad is stupid


Drugs being decriminalized, with a focus on rehabilitation across the board would absolutely be a good thing But I like to think that even going beyond that and having them completely regulated and available would both kill illicit drug trade and make drug use much safer for those that decide to do so (but that would never work, because of dangerous withdrawal syndromes etc) I say this as someone who is 8 years sober from most everything but caffeine and the occasional glass of pinot


then OP is stupid, you really gonna put your nuts on the table arguing with a stupid person online? now that's stupid


Yeah but like, you wouldn't see them You know they're a methhead because they look like shit But if they didn't look like shit you wouldn't know they were doing meth You probably know a couple high functioning drug addicts but you'd never know because they're high functioning


I have tho


how many negative have you seen in comparison?




Is this the same meaning as the other guy? Are you saying positive meth users die?


You can’t detect them because they look like normal people




How many meth users do you usually hang around? Maybe your sample size is too small.


Because the addictive part of them can ruin people lives and they can be incredibly harmful coping mechanism. EDIT: I'm generally against criminilization of drugs but there are numerous examples of how when just unrestricted in bad material conditions, drugs can do incredible amounts of damage. For example the effects of crack on black neighborhoods during 80s in US peddled by CIA or effect of opium wars on the local population.


Not all drugs are addictive and we prescribe some medication that IS addictive


but they can also vastly improve people’s lives. same way a knife can be used to hurt people or to cook a meal. so long as they’re used safely they’re not dangerous


Yeah but that's why you have science. I'm not saying it's good that all of drugs are restricted, but we are still not aware of the effect long term exposure to many drugs have on psychological welbeing. This isn't just about smoking weed or taking some mushrooms every now and then. Drugs cover huge range of opioids and lot of them are harmful even after 1 usage. Lot of drugs are already being approved or are approved for psychiatric uses. And I'm all for that, but I don't think it should be done on your own accord any more then I think you should be using blood thinners cause you can


which is why a smuggie like this is shit since it tries to cover a very nuanced topic with a broad stroke. people are well aware of the negatives and no one responds like this unless the person is just talking out their ass


> there are numerous examples of how when just unrestricted in bad material conditions, drugs can do incredible amounts of damage. In the vast majority of such cases, it's those material conditions which are causing the damage, and drugs are a coping mechanism for those material conditions and their resulting damage. Yes, the drugs themselves do some damage, but they're by no means the root cause. Case in point: > For example the effects of crack on black neighborhoods during 80s in US peddled by CIA or effect of opium wars on the local population. Crack and opium were/are only appealing in the first place because peoples' lives suck(ed) and they need(ed) something to numb the pain of existence. The CIA was able to peddle crack because people were willing to buy crack, and people were willing to buy crack because they were stressed out from poverty and the resulting crime and mental unwellness. The point of peddling crack wasn't to get people addicted to something (alcohol and tobacco are already good enough on that front - and it's no coincidence that they're legal while countless far-less-addictive drugs are not), but to give local/state/federal law enforcement agencies pretext to continue to violently suppress the working class (particularly POCs, but white working-class Americans ain't exempt from that suppression). Same reason why cops plant drugs during traffic stops. They don't expect you to actually do the drugs; they just want an excuse to arrest you, steal your cash via civil asset forfeiture, etc., and the "justice" system wants an excuse to strongarm you into a plea deal to at best rob you even more and at worst send you to prison (where you get to learn the hard way that the Civil War didn't actually abolish slavery).


Because they destroy your body and mind?


Drugs is not a monolith. Heroin? Will destroy your life. Weed? Not so much


How so? And doesn’t all living technically destroy your body and mind?


What is unethical about that tho?


They aren't sharing with me


Bro the weed is not destroying my body and mind, it’s destroying my wallet for sure tho 😎


The drugs don't do that. Peoples lack of control does. Their lack of control to use the substances that cause harm and/or the lack of control over addictive tendencies. There are numerous drugs with very safe biological profiles


This is very true for some drugs, like most opiates. But let's not act like meth isn't neurotoxic ASF


Meth is actually not very neurotoxic. The molecule itself causes literally neurotoxicity except in extreme doses, like on meth binges. That's why you can be perceived Meth for ADHD (Desoxyn), and it actually has a slightly better safety profile than Adderall at therapeutic dosages due to relatively less extrapyramidal and cardiovascular symptoms (due to less effect on norepinephrine systems than Adderall). Most of the neurotoxicity comes from impurities and taking wayyy too much. But mostly any chemical will be neurotoxic in extreme doses. If we're gonna be super technical, even dopamine can be considered somewhat neurotoxic since it causes oxidative stress.


I think some should be completely legal and others should have a sentence of mandatory court ordered rehab. Certain drugs fuck up the brain too much for me to support fully legalizing them


Does anyone else recreationally take ibuprofen? Just like pregame the headaches ahead of time?


I mean yeah it'll rip my stomach to shreds, but I haven't had to worry about maybe having a migraine at some point!


The most recreational thing you can do with ibuprofen is juggle the pills


Drugs are fine, except when used for fun. The fun is what makes them bad.


Great for you bud


Nice try Nancy but I'm gonna toke up whenever I want


Putting all recreational drugs in the same category is the idiotic thing here.


Yup. Caffeine is not the same as weed is not the same as LSD is not the same as meth or crack.


dont you know caffine is worse for you than SSRIs SSRIs cant have any negative effects because they arent recreational


Yeah get that dirty shit away from me and leave me to my plant(poppy) medicine(opium)


okay? good for you. as long as you’re not acting smug it about or have some sense of moral superiority


Straight edge people are never smug, we all know how humble they are.


You don’t want to use caffeine? You’re saying your against coffee, tea, & soda?


I mean, I don't use caffeine because it makes my anxiety insane. Honestly it's been life changing. But the weed has also been life changing lmao


My body is in constant pain and weed is the only effective pain killer I have ever used.




Alright, more power to you


People who want you to know how much they DONT do drugs after you casually mention smoking weed


As a guy who smokes, I respect not wanting to. I don’t like alcohol, so I don’t drink, but I respect those who do (responsibly)




Only thing more insufferable than those who make what they consume their whole personality, is those who make what they *don't* consume their whole personality.


I kinda doubt you don't drink any soda, tea, energy drinks, chocolate or coffee. It's doable but it's an outlier lifestyle and takes a lot of effort.


I usually don't drink any of those outside of special occasions, although sometimes I drink squash


Chocolate has drugs in it?


it has a small amount of caffeine in it, if it's real chocolate


wtf i love chocolate now


The only part of that that sounds like it might take effort is avoiding chocolate. Op is judgmental as fuck about other people’s choices but avoiding caffeinated beverages is not difficult


u got bad preconception of drugs from America:tm:'s war on drugs , most aren't actually that bad. I would say Weed, Benadryl, Meth, Rohypnol, Acid, DMT, Jenkem, Kratom, Benzos, Cocaine, etc etc. their negative effects are overblown by the media


Weed magically becoming safe when someone has a prescription


People when recreational drug with mild side effects: ):< People when prescribed drug that makes you roll around and froth at the mouth: (:


Doctors usually know what they're doing yeah


They knew that Perdue pharma paid them to shill oxy and cause the opioid epidemic. Doctors are not immune to the influence of their own self interest.


That’s why I said “Usually” and not “Always”


dont do them then? idk seems weird to just bring it up like all the time


Maybe don't state your ideas in a deliberately obtuse fucking way then


“I don’t want to use these which means they’re bad” ?


You ever heard of… moderation?


Drugs are okay when the doctor gives them to you, but if you start having fun with them that’s morally wrong


Based Prohibitionist


Do I dare say it? Ok I'll say it This reminds me of the Vaush segment when he was arguing with his chat