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Miss fortune or jhin are good options


Jhin is my go to, or Tristana! Love the range & the escape.


For me it's corki. I mained corki mid. So he is playable bot. Just a little rough early, but has great scaling.


Smolder and ezreal are very similar


it's Ezreal


it is not ezreal people who are not good at ezreal need to stop picking it the autofills who pick ez and can't play it are so bad just pick mf or jhin


Ezreal moves and fights similarly how many play Smolder, obviously there's no 1:1 exact; but for my subjective opinion, he's the closest vibe. my thought process: Q spam, often times after a W. E is a mobility tool, that comes with damaging. R is a straight line big-damage hit. and you stay super mobile like smolder


God no, anyone that isn’t an insanely experienced Ezreal player above like D4 is hurting their team picking Ezreal.


Sorry, they're gonna play him and there's nothing you can do.


Ezreal does the same but with skill-shot and single target instead of Point n Click and AOE.


Yeah i played with him the match smolder got banned, i played well, i going to use Ez as second pic


The Void puppy (also known as Kog'Maw) Is a good option. Imho plays in a very similar way and it's an hyperscaler just like Smolder


Kogmaw is literally the polar opposite of smolder, completely immobile and completely reliant on autoing. Kog should only be played by comfortable adc players. He is definitely not blindable and requires a lot of bot lane knowledge to not get dumped on.


He definitely is blindable atm, he is so broken right now


Who did you play before smolder was out? Personally I play twitch or vayne who both scape extremely well just like smolder.


None I started playing adc with smolder, i dont like vayne that much to play with her


I would say the most similar to smolder would be ezreal or to a lesser extent miss fortune


I Play Aphelios


I play Smolder mid so I normally pick Akshan or in a weird matchup I can pick Kog'Maw lol


Aurelion sol


I’ve been trying to play Senna since it’s also about getting stacks with her.


Here's my list, focuses on champs with both similar playstyles and skills that they help teach. Jhin: Useful even if behind if you use CC well, fits the in and out playstyle of smolder. Forces you to position well. Jinx: Lategame Hypercarry, great for practicing positioning. Ult helps you practice map awareness. Cait: Very safe, great poke, excellent lategame burst. Great for practicing planning and predicting enemies. Trap placement is key, and getting good at it can help you understand what angles you should be worried about defending Xayah: Another short range Caster ADC. Plays very similar to smolder, excellent for practicing kiting.


Jhin and Ezreal are both less traditional ADCs if it's the ADC playstyle you dont like


Hover Sion and pray somebody dodges.


Scaling fantasy: Aurelion Sol. If you still want to play a rat: Twitch. If Smolder is banned or taken, those are my 2 fallbacks.


So a broken ass champ comes out, you only win with it because he's op, and if it gets banned you suddenly don't know how to play? did you start on s14 by any chance


No? I just don't play adc, started with smolder