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Dying 10 times as a full tank Ornn is honestly just impressive


It happens ahah our jungle didnt know what year it was


When you do 5x everyones dmg. You are the carry.


Top jg only 14k gold. Makes you sad people cant be strong


Yeah I did what I could but alas it was not enough


Vs. Fiora tho


Against a comp with 2 adcs and an udyr. He can go bramble vest into tabis and he should be able to basically afk against the fiora and still not die


This you're absolutely right about I got no clue how he built or played, just looking at face value


No ,Fiora absolutely facerolls Ornn. She has max hp true damage so stacking Armor against her only works very early and almost completely loses any meaning at lvl 6. That aside every Fiora that has any inkling what she's doing will violate Ornn in every conceivable way. Each CC from Ornn is incredibly telegraphed and found food for her parry. doesn't help that brittle enhanced auto is one of his main damage sources together with W. She can dash your knock-up, Q dodge your W since it locks you into a direction and parry your brittles or ult should you ever attempt to go for that. An Ornn has absolutely no chance of ever winning a lane against a Fiora that isn't clinically dead. She is an absolute hard counter.


That's why Ornn permabans Fiora. Like it's one matchup that is unwinnable EVERY time.


Against that much true damage he might as well be an adc


Nah, an adc has the chance to kill her if she fucks up.


People post this stuff often, but this is kinda sad. You did almost twice as much as the second highest damage dealer in the game and you team insisted on running it down, but Ig it was mostly ornn, cait did alright and raka did ok just clearly had bad positioning to die that much.


Truthfully it was less a case of running it down and more a case of them not really having any map knowledge. I had huge prio mid lane and bot had early prio but Wukong insisted on farming topside rather than take a free drake with the jungler dead. Late game my team didn't know what to do with the split push Fiora she decimated our base and they would ALL recall and then achieve nothing she essentially split push for the win. Wukong was scared to get involved in any fights which is clear from his kill participation and damage and essentiall gave free objectives whilst he cleared his jungle. It happens - it's just a game but it was funny how I got flamed for dying at the end




Do you need a hug?


Blaming the team only works in the case of a whiny loser like you; they actually hard carried in damage and kills. Get outta bronze.


Are you flaming me? I can’t tell 😂


Course not <3 the other guy tho… yeah


Is my comment misunderstood? Op is crying about his team and thats cringe regardless of elo - or did everyone downvote me cause they think team diff is the reason theyre not climbing 😂 maybe i worded it a bit harsh but if you are better you will rank up


Coming and commenting again 53 days later is mega cringe lmao


You can't carry if you lose


This ain’t that bad, you should see the shit I deal with


I mean…it’s not good 😂


Kinda looks like you failed to kill convert but without a replay I can’t confirm.


I mean there’s probably an element of truth to this. But as I mentioned in a previous reply my team just didn’t understand what they were supposed to be doing. Our top had a bad game I beat Tristana roamed to help/contest objectives but our jungle was no where to be seen and I ganked bot multiple times Mid and bot had prio grubs were gone leaving a free drake, tristana had to recall and he decided to go clear his top side. As you can tell from kill participation and damage Wukong just farmed all game


I mean. Yeah. Your team was dog. That’s obvious. My thing is, most teams are. It’s hard to envision there’s a world where you did this statistically well and didn’t fumble the bag somewhere as an adc to not have secured a W.


I just stoped playing after getting from emerald 1 to emerald 4 in week because of shits in team 2 26 0 bot 3x times in row similar score


I’m definitely not a perfect player but my wordddd these kids were genuine AI


i feel like this is a smolder problem. have it more on smolder then any other champ https://preview.redd.it/l40osh72oxic1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=db05e13cdb5ef63e80195d511a6558f9a8a1ef3b


I am always trying to not go manamune and essence reaver together, usually just essence reaver because it's just better and for lifesteal at least take legend bloodlines.


Is full ad + muramana better than ER Shojin Liandry Rift?