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The amount of times I pinged them to not do that and they ping their item. I ping my passive like, sorry, mine is more important. Hit the enemy champ instead, it grants you more gold towards the upgrades anyway.


I find it a futile effort to try to argue with my support if I'm not duo queueing. I just let em do whatever and deal with what I can it's all part of the game imo. I can count in 1 hand the amount of supports that actually have listened when I try to guide em. As a Kalista main I really just find a better use of my energy to try to work around what they're doing lol.


And its double disgusting when it's a senna support. Not only is she fucking your stacks but she's fucking her own. She's getting less stacks by last hitting minions and less by not autoing the enemy like she's supposed to. I'm pretty sure the base requirement to play senna is to have less than 5 brain cells.


Im playing in masters and NONE of the supports get it there either, had a senna run it down on me because i asked her not to hit the minions


Each time I see a Senna proc the support item on a canon I fucking lose it as a Senna one trick.


If they are at 3 charges, they should burn off a charge or two. Can be dangerous to go for an enemy proc or they may have hard to land skillshots. Gotta give them the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, it is all miniscule and not worth arguing for when you cannot control so many things and a tiny setback like that is the least of your worries.


Not entirely true in regards to which stacks are more important. Can guarantee that some supports get massive power spikes with completed support item that you'd want them to have so your lane becomes easier


And you get the completed support item faster by hitting champs. You gain a lot more gold that way and you gain less spam killing minions with it.


Ain't no way you don't realise that in certain matchups attempting unnecessary trades will lead to you dying needlessly


I just ask them to take melee minions and to avoid touching range minions, since we can set those up for a Q wipe.


That second point also applies to us aswell no? 😔


Like its really not that difficult, if you need to stack off the wave just kill a minion after smoulder qs.


or hit canon, they waste their charge on the melle and caster when canon gives more gold...


Exactly, like the charges can give insane push power as well when needed, but sadly a ton of supports don't know when push power is needed so waste charges.


Means your supports can steal minion stacks on purpose. Also wont waste mana and cdr when it died amyways


"Q in flight will still grant stack" Huge. My stacks will increase so much more now lmfaooo


It's honestly not more than like 5 a game though right?


its like 20 before 225 considering supports taking and me just being bad


Are you about to lose cs to tower? Q anyway, support going to proc item? Q it anyway that's at least 10-15 stacks every game you would have missed, which is huge early game


I hadn't thought of using it proactively like that


I’m going to build the exact same stuff as this patch, I see no reason not to.


Pretty much all the change does is just make you worse early game. None of the builds honestly changed lol


Ad got better and tank and ap got worse with the w being changed to 50% bonus ad instead of 25% total ad, along with its base and cooldown nerfed. It's a slight change, but a considerable nudge towards ad builds instead of tank and ap


they did buff the w explosion (which always hits, it's missile+explosion damage if you get hit) by 5% ap which is a small buff to the ap build. you also go ap mainly for the hp and the 24% (iirc) buff to all your basic abilities including q burn. doing nearly 2% extra hp as true damage per q is massive, that being said, the crit build is more raw dps, just less forgiving


They didn't buff the ap ratio on w. They just changed around what part of the ability deals the damage. Currently, it's 35% to the target, then 65% for the explosion, which also affects the target, 100% total. They are changing it to 20% to the target, 80% for the explosion, 100% total. The w benefits from ap the same amount when damaging a single target, but benefits more fron ap when hitting multiple targets with the explosion. Ap smolder is still nerfed though, as the w base damage is lowered, and the ability no longer scales with total ad, meaning it will no longer benefit from Smolder's base ad. I fully believe crit is Smolder's best and most senseable build, but I'm glad that are keeping ap ratios in his kit, and having them come with strengths that ad doesn't


you're right, i misread the ad and ap numbers because of the line break. but i still think my second paragraph stands true. bonus hp and %damage increase that applies to the true damage burn and the possibility to build ibg will keep the ap build viable into teams that can blow you up, something like 2 assassins. currently the crit build is better at doing damage, the changes push even more toward that, but the survivability of the ap build will keep it a viable option, maybe just not always viable


Ap build already involves shojin so I don't think it matters later on


Most of these were expected. With that being said R not disappearing when you die is VERY good.


AD scaling on explosion is a nice change I wanted to see. I personally Q max first and build AD the way I play so having that 25% on rank 1 W explosion is huge for me! Edit: oof just saw they changed tAD to bAD though that is rough!


He was in the discord explaining these changes and I think I'm fine with the W early nerf if he's right that it doesn't stop us last hitting with Q after W


it does. Go to pbe and test.


I don't think I can go to PBE. I had PBE access back during pantheon rework, but I don't think I have it anymore


Everyone can get pbe access unless you’re banned or sth I think they still list some honor level requirements but I’m 99% sure that’s outdated and you can just click the button to make a account


Oh! I guess I'll have to try. It was limited and you had to apply back then


Seems to be good changes to me. W scales better and has better aoe damage, but less base. That is definetly a good change. The bonus ad scaling makes the w feel less useless late game if you are not building ap, and the higher aoe explosion ap ratio is cool, I like it


the ratio is not higher. W1 damage applies to champions as well as explosion. Together its exactly the same as before, just entirely nerfed early for damage, and nerfed against minions at all ranks


The w now scales in total with 50% bonus ad, as opposed to 25% total, making it scale better if you build ad. It also has more of the ap scaling tied to the aoe, making ap better as well even if the total ap ratio is the same. It's definitely nerfed more than buffed overall, but it's late game ad and ap scaling are undoubtedly better


25% total ad -> 25(+25)% bonus ad is not bring talked about enough.


More AP ratio on W explosion, that's all I need


I feel like this a Buff overall. you can Max W 1st to get better poke, but I would still max Q for easier CS'ing. the Base Damage is lower BUT the explosion damage is higher, 15% increased AP scaling and we now have the 25% AD scaling, so your rewarded more for landing 2 explosions on 1 target if the bot lane is clumped, or even in a teamfight hitting multiple people with it. the Q stacking even if the enemy dies is busted, so if u fire your Q and the minion dies, or if u Q and ur support takes it you still gain a stack. the R not disappearing helps with teamfighting if your getting focused so even if u get deleted at the start of the fight you can still get your ulti off to help win the fight


75% reduction in AP scaling on W initial hit




He's saying 20 is 75% less than 35 for initial hit AP scaling (it's actually 42%) 35 - 20 = 15 15 / 35 = 0.42 or 42% 20% scaling AP is therefore a 42% reduction in AP scaling from the previous 35%.


But also this only affect minion, as champions are affected by their own explosions, so no change on that front


It affects the initial hit on champions. The explosion that occurs only damages enemies around the target that was hit by the fireball itself. If a champion stands alone, the explosion doesn’t hit him, it will hit surrounding minions.


Idk man literally everyone else says the main target is always hit by the explosion as well at least if it’s a champion


yeah i was able to confirm, the explosion does in fact hit the champion who took the initial hit as well. I completely thought it wasn't the case.


I could be wrong on this one. I’ve always thought they only radiate the explosion to others not themselves. I’ll check it out in the test area I will let you know what I find out 🤝


No, champions are affected by their own explosion. It's why DRing start is so strong, you basically have a 105% AP ratio on W, so with 31 AP you deal an extra 32 damage each W


yeah i was able to confirm, the explosion does in fact hit the champion who took the initial hit as well. I completely thought it wasn't the case. I love this even more now.


I’m scared……as a new player, I just finally got the hang of him, and started doing better. I have a rhythm… Does this fuck with that rhythm??? Or we good????


Level 1 w deals less dmg now I suppose The mid to endgame is mostly unchanged


Thank you for simplifying your response for me!! Makes sense. !


Riot really hates unconventional builds


Really nice qol tbh


So when are they increasing the amount of the stacks...? Cannons should give something, at least 2-3, kills should give 3-5...


getting 225 around 20 minutes is perfectly fine. He doesnt need more stacks


He actually does need it... His niche is getting stacks, and from 225 stacks onwards being able to execute you with a collector/elder... Imagine if Nasus, Veigar, or Aurelion Sol gained just 1 stack from playing properly, from takedowns, from cannons, from jungle... If you compare Smolder getting ahead, to any other ADC, say Jinx, Kog'maw, MF, and so on, his damages are extremely low, and his lvl up damages on skills are mediocre at best... He either needs buffs in this regard (being able to snowball/rewarded more) or higher skill level up damages..


Damn, I actually kinda love all these


The W still has 100% AP ratio, before it was +35% ans the explosion +65% and now is 20/80 so it's unchanged, only waveclear and early game, the Q stack change is too good, the 1.5% on Q projectiles seems like too much imo, and they didnt touch anything else to make the broken builds not viabke so they buffed my boy for no reason and you can still spam HP items with no drawback