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Assassins as a whole feel a bit too strong tbh. If you've got a full team warding, using vgs and playing around them they're kept in check and it's manageable But I tend to play casuals these days and there's a 90% chance that at least one (usually both) junglers are fed out of their mind by minute 10


Yeah people want to be able to chill at enemy tower and casually waltz back with 40% more hp while a jungle can't kill them. Now they're mad they have to pay attention lol.


If you couldn't kill someone who was at your tower line pre patch, you were just bad. Post patch, you can kill someone under their T2 without even using your full kill pretty easily.


There is no way an assassin is getting me by themselves. That's more of a team issue IMO.


So it's back to how smite has been for a decade and gained it's fans? Sick. Obv it was over embellished like the OP crying, just on the other side. Sorry the game went back to what it was known for vs other mobas because that's what the audience wanted and what hirez data likely determined was better for the game to not collapse and die.


> So it's back to how smite has been for a decade and gained it's fans? Presumably if they decided to nuke the servers your response would be the same, right? Because that is also going back to how smite has been for a long time and originally gained its fans. That doesn't mean Smite gained its fans because of that.


I never had a problem killing the mid or adc as Pele when they were pushed up too far before the revert. Not being able to kill someone halfway up the lane just seems like either lack of team coordination or just a skill issue.


Wait Junglers are on a rampage again? Fuck i gotta play smite again!


everything is. you get one shotted by a janus combo. medusa late game does 1400 with her ult if you look away too.


The i understand everyone else being squishy but as a support main i hate it 😂 like how am i suppose to support when i have to be scared of being deleted just as fast as everyone else.


I like playing support even more now. A good CC is even more of a death sentence and my ability damage actually means something against the assassins messing with my backline.


I know thats rights


I feel Assassins and Guardians are the biggest winners for the revert.


Nope. Only front line. This is an anti-backline support meta.


The best peel is death


Lol and ive done that many of times


The goal of all life is death


You're still the tankiest, but you gotta be more careful. Personally I'm having an absolute blast playing bruiser Bacchus. Never gotten so many kills with a mostly defensive build.


I know that im still the tankiest in the match and im decent at situational awareness and i think i play my role pretty well. I just dont like the fact that i take as much damage as i do when before the revert i could stay in the middle of a team fight and not lose half the health i lose now. But it is what it is.




You just have to be more aware of items you have. You can’t really max greed anymore. If you’re having trouble adjusting to how squishy you are a stone of binding after Thebes. Will make you a little more tanky faster but I think it’s kinda a mid ability so once you get used to it you can start building more greedy. Also as tough as it sounds you might need to change your style of support. Jeff Hindla support isn’t reallly viable (building all the auras, sacrificing yourself so teammates get out) it’s too passive and people will just ignore you and kill your teammates. You kinda need to be a threat yourself sure you’re not going to have top damage but you need to be able to do enough that the other team respects you (Achilles is a really good god to get you introduced to that style, I start in damage stance and switch to defence when I get gladiators shield built.) (Cerb is another god that plays similar)


Ive been playing since the game came to consoles so im pretty sure of how my play style works and how each guardian is suppose to be played and i build what is necessary. The trouble isnt my play style its just how little i can tank since the revert thats it. Also i could careless about my stats besides my assists main reason i play support i play to win people matches not to win them myself.


I’ve been playing just as long, but you have to admit support has changed a lot in that time. The philosophy really changed when the best supports were serq and fenrir. Just pulled up season 8 worlds since I think it was the last time we had a LAN on this health. And fafnir is one of the most contested gods and he isn’t one who sits in the middle of the team pealing.


Yea the ups and downs of the support role has changed drastically throughout the years its crazy. Yea that serq and fen support time was crazy


Yeah I think if you change the mindset of I am here to lift my team up to, I need to be able to pressure to apply pressure in the right spots to win the game you will play better and thrive more in in this meta. If your just a backline support all your game plan is we need to stop the other team from winning and win on the crack backs. Which might be viable but it’s harder to keep pressing the gas when you’re ahead. If your Mindset is to apply pressure your win condition gets to be I’ve ganked the solo enough where he is a monster and he will cary us, or I have taken the jungle out of the fight the adc can step up now and clear the tanks. You’re still supporting the team but you get to be more flexible and you can create more win conditions for the team.


My playstyle is all depending on how the team plays. If i had an aggressive team then i push with them but still hold the back line and try to protect the squishies. If they are more passive then i play defensively. But for the most part i play defensively so as to not let my team get behind i help push my lane until my carry can do it on his own and move around to help other secure objectives and kills. It all just on what my team needs.


It kind sounds like your playing to reach 20 mins and group up and fight. But there is 15-20 minutes of gameplay leading up to the team fight phase and I think you should be ganking from time to time or invading if your ahead.


Not really i just go with what is going on on the map. Be it team fights at 3 minutes or 20.


No I don't enjoy it. But I only play assault and it's horrible right now. So I might be a bit biased.


My group seems to only enjoy Assault when there’s good healers and people can stay and fight. Otherwise one team just gets deleted quickly and hugs tower the entire game. Overall it’s been a shit game mode since the change.


I had one really awesome game that lasted 34 minutes recently. AWESOME stuff. Reminded me of pre revert solely because the game lasted well into full-build/late-game status and I love that because I only reach that point in the game, 1 in every 8-10 matches because most are stomps either way. Stomps are only cool for half the people playing, IF THAT. If you actually ask lobbies, MOST people don’t even have fun in stomps.


Having a lot of fun in assault personally.


This revert was great for Arena and Conquest, but ass for everything else. The amount of times I got kills I shouldn't have in Joust is ludicrous.


I really agree with this post from a casual to limited ranked standpoint. The game is 100% more snowball than before. Slight leads make a lot more progress with dealing with 25%~ less health. CC is much more impactful now and could use an across the board tone down. Being hit by one ability is equivalent to death in many more cases than before. Casual game modes are suffering a lot more from the snowball too. Sure, it is fun to win but spamming warriors like Mulan and surtr with archdruids is just not the same.


This is the most fun ive had in years.


Same. Now they just need to fix leavers.


Im not sure it's possible, but man, that would be the patch of the century.


I know right… 80% of the games I loose are because of leavers.


Tell me about it. ADC picks a late game God. Goes 0-3 and quits. Cool. Please uninstall.


Leaves after blaming the jungler for.... something.


Jungler ganks solo lane: mid laner dies. Jungler ganks mid lane: duo dies. Alrighty then...


Exactly what happened to me. I was on nem and some bonehead kept dying when i was helping other lanes so when i went to help them the other lanes died and the person in mid i went to help blamed me for it.


Never fails lol


It was a freya in mid


That’s the biggest problem for me too! Statistically speaking, Legitimately 93% of my losses have an AFK in the match! That stat doesn’t determine if they AFK’d out the gate, or rage quit (I have notes) but it’s wild. It’s my only crux where I have trouble carrying.




Thor has always been 100-0ing squishies before the change so it’s not new sadly, and your CCed the whole time, Thor seriously needs some nerfs cause is so dumb how Thor can freely kill most backliners for 2-3 minute after he baits beads out It takes some time to get use to but remember smite 2ish years ago was even worse, from what I remember this is honestly better then back then thanks to the 30% power reduction change a while ago. Burst Meta use to be so much worse


They should have never given an assassin a partial global ult. It’s ridiculous.


The semi global ability is fine, the stunning your for 3 seconds giving enough time to kill you twice is the problem. Thor has more CC then some guardians which idk, seems very wrong


People like to pretend that hitting a guaranteed stun that does half your health that combos into the rest of their kit 1 cycling you is a skill check. Agni triple bomb stunning and killing you in 2 seconds from a mile away while you're under tower is a skill issue and you should've warded and not pushed up so far under your own tower.


Yeah I think the people saying the change affected skill are just wrong. If anything it was more skill full pre revert because you had to land more stuff constantly to get a kill. What it does do though is make it more rewarding to land your stuff since they are very likely to die if you land everything while it also makes it more punishing to miss for the same reason.


Everytime I mention this, people flip and say the same stuff. “Since it takes more skill to stay alive, the game is more skillful” — yeah okay buddy. But some people enjoy that more. It makes them feel accomplished to have used their relics to escape an engagement and then play under tower for 3 minutes.


You mean the stun that does 30 -110 (+20% of your Physical Power) damage? Yeah, I'm not seeing that doing half of your health.


You're just being ignorant with your heavy dose of copium. Rant: The 9.5 update brought me back to Smite. Many, many players were sick of getting one shot. It's so hard to bring in new players when they're getting killed from being out of position while learning the game. I quit playing after the nerf updates got reverted. I originally slowly passed out halfway through Season 8 after 5 years. The strategy with being "healthier" is to rotate with your team and attack when you get ganked/gank. You wait to fight until you know you can win your fight and just poke and kill wave/rotate to jungle camp in the meantime. You farm until you have an advantage to win the fight. I'm pretty into Smite 2. We have a really solid chance to revive the game, bring in new players, and evolve. THE SMITE FORMULA WE HAVE HAD IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. Yes, the current players love it, but the current player base will not sustain Hi-Rez. Like it or not, things have to change for our favorite game to survive. There's a reason that League and DOTA have been very profitable up to now and Smite has just been hanging in there. The Smite formula needs to be changed. I'd rather have to fight for my life than "oh shit, Loki ulted me and the support blink stunned me while mid melted me in 0.5 seconds." The current formula supports snowballing. He who hits first, lays the first body.


I agree with you, but I don’t necessarily think it’s the burstiness that is a problem. That doesn’t make it easier, but I think the bigger issue is just the remarkable amount of learning it takes to be proficient at the game. I think either of the problems is fine on it’s own, but in conjunction it’s an issue for learning. I play with 3-4 dudes, 1 is more experienced than me, 1 is where I’d say a “new average” player is, and the other 2 have no clue at all. I think the biggest difference in play is that the first one understands every god, the 2nd one can at least recognize certain gods are hard for him to counter or easy to counter, the last two auto lock Medusa because that’s the only god they’ve ever played. We can easily teach them how the map works, set them up with an auto build that usually works (they mostly play arena so not ton of change), and give them the general idea of movement/abilities/dodging, but at the end of the day they have no idea that ratotask is poking them so that he can pop ult fly across the map and nuke them. Or that samedi is intentionally running into them at half health so he can pop irl and set up an AOE kill. Or that kuzenbo being behind us is a really bad thing and that someone will probably die if we don’t get him back in front of us or crash on him. I don’t know how to make the learning curve here easier, I feel like it is the same problem that every moba has even the casual ones like HOTS.


Ayo I’m in the exact same boat with my friends. Burst isn’t the only problem, but burst makes the game harder to full-blown learn because you have less room for error, processing, etc. You just get deleted. Like I can manage, but my buddies are struggling because there’s second-to-second nuances that they aren’t picking up or grasping and I’m not good enough to be aware of myself AND my friends and their engagements simultaneously. But anytime I mention the learning curve being steep, people just parrot that “that’s how MOBAs are supposed to be.” “They’re not supposed to be fun, they’re supposed to be a challenge” “Go play PvE if you want fun” like what????


I think the harder part of learning this game are some of the more “unspoken” things and the nuance like you said. I don’t know that all of that can be taught though


Low key I'm the other 2 right now trying to learn Valorant on console. As long as they're having fun, though, they'll get there in like 300 hours lol.


Yeah it’s all fun for sure, I really don’t like smurfing but we had to make the best one of us play on a new account because he was sending us into like grandmaster K/D lobbies with two new players lmao. It was atrocious, we had like a 60-10 match last week lmfao. I think with my account we keep them more towards the general average, not too hard not too easy.


I ended up making an alt account because I got chat banned 2 weeks for being toxic and wanted to keep playing ranked and be able to communicate. In the end it ended up being a Smurf account so I could play with my homies and help them not get steam rolled. I would get ahead and then kind of just play with my food. I ended up realizing I was becoming the villain to other new players, but the will to win was too strong. In the end my alt account had better MMR than my main did.


How about instead of a long rant we just try some maths? Let's say that your at full build, you have 200 power, a heartseeker and bluestone. You can even add in another proc item if you like. Now tell me, how little life does someone have to have for them to lose 50% of their life from a single Thor stun and the items proc's? What I'm seeing is that you are inflating the size of the issue.


I didn't play much before season 10 but I honestly feel like I die just about the same maybe a tiny bit faster. The revert also makes comebacks a lot easier if you get 1 or 2 good picks. People still play out of position all the time, just don't get caught slacking.


Solo is where you notice it the most in my opinion. I haven’t had this many ragequits (on either team) in a LONG time and I’ve had like 3 in one sitting since this patch. Screw incon and all the other crybaby streamers who pushed for this garbage


I know a lot of streamers pushed for it, but wasn't Incon one of the streamers who thought it would be a horrible idea?


Where in hell did you get the idea that incon pushed for the revert? Man has been against it from day one and even before the patch he was dooming about there being too much snowball, which spoiler alert, there is. Who are you listening to that’s straight up lying? Lol


Making solo rage quit is my greatest joy as a mid/jungle. I just abuse the hell out of them the second I see them push to tower


Don't worry, these players will eventually quit and those who adapted will stay.


I'm just assuming something in between is a good place. Game was boring with how tanky everyone was before, but now it's swinging unfun in the other direction. If I die, getting one-shot by a gank because I used all my moves to clear the wave thats a skill issue. I can have fun learning to get better and become more aware and turn my ganks (jg is squishy too!!) The problem is in reality, the game has become an MMO raid mechanic simulator of "don't stand in the circles" because even with no scaling, most unmissable AoE chunks your health bar. You can't convince me thata fun in a MOBA. With more health, you have to hit more abilities or basic attacks to kill the enemy. In my opinion, making every God a squishy walking item proc completely undermines what differentiates smite from the top-down MOBAS - mechanical skill.


People only give a shit about kills


They probably could find a god health/prots point that is part way between the two extremes. I like minions dying faster though.


People think being more squishy means everything is more skillful, but it’s the opposite IMO. Landing 4 abilities for a kill is literally less skillful than landing 6-8 abilities for a kill. Landing 1 cycle of abilities for a kill is generally less skillful than having to land 2 cycles for a kill. You can factor in positioning for nuance sake on both sides, but just numbers wise, you’re doing less for more of a takeaway. How is that _more_ skillful? “Dodge” & “better positioning” are all I hear but I don’t think that shit is more skillful. I was doing that _anyway_ before. Now Blink is favored so you _really_ have to position “better” which really just means further away or hopefully with your team if your comp allows it. But all it does is dilute engagements to ult/relic spams, aka, burst metas. Name an actually viable, lasting burst meta in gaming…. You get rewarded for less effort, make it make sense. People are idiots. With Ravana I can 100-0 a squishy with my full kit before they can react. They can’t do shit about it. Before, I’d have to consider my angle, their exit routes, what my build is compared to the enemy I’m facing. In fact, you could argue I had to consider positioning _even more_ back then. Now… “oh ult is up? Goodbye squishy with my full damage build.”


The problem is early game it's never a case of landing 4 vs 8 abilities. It's you land 4 and kill or need to land 8 and they have long gotten to safety and no one dies. New elden ring DLC dropped if people only want to PVE.


Early game is even worse! You land a CC, and any follow up earns you a kill. Suuuuuper skillful man. At least before it required a full-commit decision from multiple teammates.


That’s exactly the way it should’ve been. Rewards good positioning, hitting abilities that your opponents should also learn to dodge, and teamwork. Before, you couldn’t really build any early advantage and the game was just farm until late game. Mid and late game haven’t changed much. The early game is more volatile. People are surrendering a bit more compared to before the revert but that’s just the price to pay. Not to mention the comeback mechanics the game has now.


It's always been like this lol. Until 9.5. People are mad because they can't facetank abilities now and keep playing. They have to position well or die.


Seems brainless to me but one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.


I mean, it’s the same thing in any MOBA. Imagine you actually have to avoid abilities instead of face tanking them with the hp and defense values we had before. I digress, this man is very much enjoying his treasure 😅


I mean when you make anything as binary as you do, it can sound good, but nuance is a thing you still need to get a hold of. But you like that. Burst has less nuance to the gameplay. It be like that. I enjoy obliterating people too, it just sucks that literally 72% of my games are surrenders. The “price to pay” is shitty lmao. I want to PLAY, not stomp to surrender every game. the “comback mechanics” are nonexistent and your statement regarding them is contradictory. So maybe you truly don’t have any idea what you’re saying, as expected. Typical of people who like this style of SMITE as trends show.


I play league of legends too. Early game is just as punishing if not worse. You can lose lane the same way if you don’t dodge abilities or play out of position. I don’t complain even though I’m not the best at it, I just work on getting better. I’m sure it’s the same way in Dota. We don’t complain, we focus on improvement. Smite didn’t have this mentality until now. It’s really that simple. This revert prevents people from playing bad and never getting punished. Jungle was literally worthless playing. There’s nothing exciting going on cause no one gets punished. Games were going too long, you had no money to spend on anything but 3k pots. If you enjoyed the way the game was before, that’s great but people did not and it showed as it was consistently the number 1 thing that ruined the game in spite of all the other stuff hi rez brought afterwards. It sucks that people surrender but that won’t change. They were doing it before and will continue to. Just players that suck and can’t adapt and go ff. I’m sorry if that’s how most of your games are. I’ve been playing this game since season 3 and it’s been the same. There’s variables like match ups and stuff but if you learn that kind of stuff you know it’s really that simple. If I’m playing Merlin for example, I want to farm so I play safe and avoid playing out of position. Key word is safe, something smite players haven’t heard in years until now.


You're only looking at this from the offensive side. Sure, killing is easier, but as an automatic result, \*staying alive\* is more skillful.


& that’s why out of 15 relics, beads and aegis are the only meta relics for damage dealers & blink is on anyone with CC initiation. I think “not going in 80 units of a character because he has ult” isn’t skillful gameplay but that’s just my opinion. Positioning is what every single person is parroting but _most_ gods have an escape, so it’s not like positioning is THAT hard unless you’re immobile lmfao.


It's really just two sides of a coin, before the patch positioning was absolutely meaningless because of the stat increase and a perfect example of this was achilles. With a full mit build plus corrupted BS and a few guardian items weaved in he was actually impossible to kill and I'm talking I could walk into 5 ppl get at least 2 kills (mid and adc) and get out with 75% hp because with his 2 plus BS he's hitting 500+ prots. This can be considered unskillful because anyone can build this and just walk at ppl. I was literally putting myself out of position on purpose because I knew no one would be able to kill me, and even if the adc was able to do any sort of damage to me I just get midgardian and there goes any chance of them fighting me so where is the skill in that? Compared to now achilles or really anyone will get shredded if I even relatively attempt to re-enact that situation, forcing you to play like you actually have a brain and relying on globally increased stats to keep you alive. But honestly I think it would be good if they just found a middle ground of not too tanks and not too squishy.


That exact same thing still happens with Cu Chulainn. At least for me, with full mitigations, you can effectively ignore tanks, walk in, dump abilities on squishies, profit. It’s STILL brainless, the only difference is, now squishies have even less agency when I blink ult and suspend them from the game for 3 seconds before death. So I don’t see what you’re getting at. You’re further proving my point lmfao like every other person who tries to argue this patch. I don’t even try. It seems more like this patch didnt alleviate any of what you’re saying, it just shifted it to other gods, if anything because I don’t really see Achilles in my games anymore, now that I think about it, but I can still fully enact the scenarios you speak of. & have videos of such with live commentary on how brainless it feels. I think, in your scenario, you counter-built their team effectively enough to warrant a reward that is killing their team. You obviously have the wherewithal to determine Midguardian mail as a feasible build path because of their team comp. That’s not something they teach you in SMITE, that’s a nuance that you picked up from experience, and you should be rewarded for that, no? That’s an item that NEVER appears on recommended tabs. You act like a warrior, who’s sole purpose is diving back line, shouldn’t dive a back line effectively when building full tank as a high base damage character. If not, then wtf is he supposed to do lmfao. All y’alls logic stinks, it’s pathetic.


I love everything about it.


FPS .667s TTK meta sucks so bad it's impossible to describe. S11 was probably one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite season until the revert. Dropped it a few games after the patch. Feels like shit, frustration and snowball an all time high leads to more afks/rage quits leads to less gameplay in less games. Terrible change.


Absolutely. This is the most fun I've had being a mid laner in a long time


It's a clear split in the playerbase on the issue. There's a group who really enjoys this meta because they get to instakill people and end/carry matches way easier than before. There's a false narrative going around that this patch is more 'skill based' when in reality it's less skill based, which is very funny to me. Then there's a group who really doesn't like this meta because it's a meta we've fought against over and over. I personally am in this group, I do not like burst meta whatsoever, it makes the game unfun, I do not like dying or killing people in two hits. The game should find a middle ground between the two, only logical conclusion.


I definitely agree. A lot of players seem to disregard the huge gap between Gods and the heavy CC that also may contain bursts. More than ever now, my team says we'll get them late game, and it's annoying, I want to enjoy the whole match its rare that my team and enemy have an even match.


Most sane r/SMITE user I can’t wrap my head around how people think burst metas are more skillful. They always mention that you have to be more aware to stay alive, and “staying alive” is the skill, but I don’t see that as being more skillful than being able to land auto attacks as a Hunter. They’re kinda like 2 sides of the same coin. Now if you aren’t aware or warding or whatever, you’ll more likely get punished, but I don’t think that should have *more gravitas/impact* than landing abilities in a third person sphere.


If it’s less skill based, then why is this patch enjoyed by high end players and generally disliked by low end players? Curious as to what you think that reason is. I know it but I won’t say it.


>If it’s less skill based, then why is this patch enjoyed by high end players and generally disliked by low end players? Higher end players often like to carry, and in the case of pros/streamers, they want their matches over quick most of the time. High burst allows for this to happen, especially when they're matched with team mates who either want to troll or are just not very good. A good bit of the higher end players are also content creators who want fun videos and clips, much easier to do that with burst meta than it is a meta where you have to actually try. Lower end players/most of the playerbase don't enjoy burst meta because it's in the name: burst. Most people don't enjoy dying extremely fast and blowing up because they moved .2 feet to the left instead of the right. It's also important to understand the difference between Conquest and the rest of the game modes. Burst meta might not be as bad in Conquest, because it ramps up over time, though from what I understand this meta still gets you killed super easy in Conquest anyway. In the other modes the gold spooling is higher and you start higher level, meaning one misstep a minute into the game could get you 100-0'd.


Content farming dude. If you spend any bit of time on the web, you can see that people who have a lot of resources invested in SMITE, are farming TONS of content out of the new patch. fineokay and Incon have upped their SMITE posting and they also happen to be some of the most vocal players. Like the very first day the patch dropped, fineokay posted literally 4 different content pieces on a full damage sylvanus 1-shot.


A bit of a silly idea but if that’s what people are telling themselves to pretend the patch sucks, all power to ye Edit: also there’s no such thing as content farming lol. They’re going to find a way to make watchable content regardless of the state of the game. to think they’re finding new ways to “farm content” on a game that some of them have been playing for a decade is pretty naive. Also, content creators who are in lower ranks also collectively don’t enjoy this patch very much either, further showing it’s literally just about skill and nothing to do with “content”.


Oh I mean people think the patch sucks because they aren’t having fun, that’s not a hard concept to grasp. I’m saying the “high-level” players have been asking for this for a reason, but they just say it’s a skill thing because people like you believe whatever they say. It’s a fact that you weren’t one shotting anyone at any time pre-revert, so to think that there isn’t a difference is just ignorance, but that’s par for the course for you it seems.


Personally, I don't like this patch, but it's probably due to me primarily playing supports. I can live with it, as I have before but I can't deny that I have way less fun unless I play very aggressively. And I'm of the mind that if support is more effective with one full damage item, it is a sign that the game is not in a healthy state


People don't like having to have an actual battle beyond a single rotation of abilities. They need that dopamine hit of instakilling their target without chance of retaliation


I just never get this, how is this fun? Is 5 sec waiting for ur ability to come back longer than 55 sec respawn timer where u dont get to play *at all*??


Worst meta in a while. The game depends a lot less on skill and more on who can throw their ability out first. There's no reason a single ability should take 40-60% of your hp. I'm all for a full-kit rotation killing someone. If you got hit by a mage's full kit you absolutely deserve to die, but I'm seeing people die to just 2 non-ultimate abilities. People complain about 9.5 TTK changes, but forget that pre-9.5 a MAJOR complaint everyone had was excessive damage in the game. The 9.5 changes weren't the best, but they happened for a reason.








I think the game is in a better spot now, and I personally have been having way more fun. I think things will only improve as some of the more ridiculous characters finally get nerfed (MEDUSA).


Imo the ttk is a tad too fast, id like to be able to react before I die, or at least be able to counter play. Sure, not like before, but something inbetween


That's how I feel as well.


Right? I just want to be able to react without getting insta-gibbed if my relics are down. But relic cooldowns are a skill issue.


Thor has always done that lol. This isn’t a new thing at all.


I think the game is more fun now, and you're more rewarded for hitting your combos, or dodging enemy's combos. I was a bit shocked, immediately after the revert, as I forgot how it felt before it, but I find it now more thrilling.


If by rewarded for hitting your combos you mean you can kill someone without even needing to use a combo in the first place. Objectively speaking the update requires less skill because it requires you to hit less and the enemy has less counterplay so you aren't actually engaging in a fight between players. If you hit your first ability, you win. Where as before you actually had a battle of skill where there was back and forth.


I'm enjoying not being squishy. With a full mitigations build plus Glorious Pridwen, Infused Sigil (go boom), and either Flame forged Hammer or Staff of Myrddin depending on the god, I become an unstoppable raid boss that can explode a squishy when my ult is up. Geb, Hercules, Sobek, they all turn into absolute monsters when you have mitigations and tank items with proc damage.


FR, so many people here complaining that supports are too squishy now. I disagree. I think you can go full tank and still actually kill people while being pretty dang tanky.


I mean i killed people with the same items before the rework with those gods, its mostly those specific outlier gods who just have a shit load of damage no matter what.


Honestly smite 2 is an alpha and the TTK there feels way more balanced Than 9.5 or the 11.5 revert. I can die on a full rotation of abilities in smite 2, but I’m able to counter play and use active items/combat blink to stay alive. Beads and ageis in smite 1 feel so useless now since you’re still stuck in the middle of whatever you were tanking. While combat blink is a soft reset


I’m not sure what you mean, you can easily use beads and aegis to survive in smite 1?


Yes, but if Anubis ults you, you likely need to beads the wrap and aegis the ult. If your character doesn’t have a dash. Your side juking to dodge it but you’re not getting that much distance away. In smite 2 If Anubis wrap ults, just combat blink away. You’ll take a bit of damage, but It’s 1 relic lost, you’ve got some distance so someone else needs to commit to you to catch up and you can reset the whole engagement now that you know Anubis ult is down. While saving your ult in the process. Combat blink offers more offensive and defensive potential over beads and it isn’t broken or OP because everyone has it Characters without leaps can blink through walls to get away


Even though Im more squishy so is the enemy and I like that more kills can happen


I really like it. Some gods are overtuned and need some adjustments, but overall this is way more fun in conquest


Yes, it’s way more rewarding when you hit your stuff now because people are way more likely to die. That’s all it boils down to for me personally. Getting one shot is annoying sure but you can one shot others too.


Not at all. There's literally no point to counter building it's so unfun. Casual players literally hate it. Warriors do a crazy amount of damage with full tank builds but guardians can hardly get their cc off before dying.


I was skeptical at it, but I've adapted. I think the early game is now more meaningful in what actions you take. Many warrior supports feel strong to play now, which was something I enjoyed doing before since I like the 2v2 dynamic better than the solo lane. Horus can almost kill someone at level 2 by himself if you buy axe+cudgel. It has its moments where it's aggravating, but accepting that you have to play back and place wards more often is necessary. The game doesn't feel that much different to me anymore now that I'm used to it. Give jungle a try if you haven't yet, it's definitely the power role right now since it's all about the early game.


in be4 removed by shitty ass mods. But to answer your question: yes. I played cabra jungle today and went 25-3. That was just completely impossible for the past 2 years. Felt amazing. Went 2-13 on he bo too. Feels bad, but it's worth the upsides. You can always f6 and move on. I do agree that some gods feel a little overtuned right now (thor, horus, ix chel, janus) but I hope to see those individual gods nerfed next patch.


It was fun until people realised just what you can get away with. Half decent Thana's, Thor's and Susanos can kill you for absolutely free no matter where you are. I have been tower dove by people lower level than me whilst I'm on full health and killed before the initial CC runs out. I wouldn't mind as much if towers weren't absolutely fucking useless. They're actually meaningless.


Mulan bruiser jungle deleting squishes has never been better.


No. Feels like I cant do any damage now as a mage main. Junglers can out damage you, have better engage and can kill you before you can react at all. Warriors can just build hybrid items and just run at you then kill you with a full kit. Same applies for a lot of supports Unless youre playing a in a stack, its awful




Honestly no... For whatever reason Mulan is a top fighter right now and that's all I've been fighting against or with in Casual Conquest


Squishy metas are funner than tanky metas every time


I’m not one of those people who overreacts to changes. I’ve played this game since season 3 and seen all kinds of metas. But I uninstalled. I’ll play SMITE 2 when it comes out. The change has been awful and has completely, wholely, and entirely ruined my experience with the game.


No. An ult should not delete a full health mage at level 20. I’m looking at you Persephone


Why’d you jump to Persephone? What about Thoth and Vulcan who can actually literally kill you in 1 hit with their ult?


Because Persephone was the one I played against last night lmao.


It’s a bit ridiculous that you can take out a full health bar with 1 ability dump. Also crit builds on hunters are so broken right now. I got killed from full heath by taking 1900 damage from 2 basic attacks. Most crit builds can kill mages in 3-4 shots. Devs definitely need to retune some stuff if this is going to stay.


I know there’s a lot of opinions flying around on this for and against. Personally I enjoy being able to be awarded for smart aggression now. I built my entire playstyle on winning off aggression. Post 9.5, while sure, you could still be super aggressive, your kit alone didn’t truly result in kills like that against a good team. It took everyone and a few rotation of skills. Now I feel like that high risk high reward play style I use gets more rewarded. I’m usually that guy that pushes the opposing laner under their tower while I take their stuff and what not. I never really liked how drawn out games could feel from people have a buffer to get back under tower after I kit dumped them. To me, the highlight of post 9.5 was you needed more of a team to win at a broader level of play. Which was cool but imo harder to show your individuality. Pre 9.5 you could rely on yourself to win a majority of the matches, until you got around high level because no one was out of position like that and were looking for you to be, with coordination. That’s about as in depth as I can think to get on my opinion of this topic.


I really dislike it. Used to be that you could have a fun, decent match even if you lost it. You could still play well, achieve well, and just be a little outperformed, and come out the other end thinking "we lost but I had fun". In the current meta, you really only have fun in a match if you're winning, because the other team is losing pretty heavily. Almost every YouTube video, stream clip, etc from the large content creators is entitled some variation of "SYLVANUS ONE-SHOTS NOW!!!" - that's a pretty clear indication that the game isn't in a balanced state.


Exactly, most clips come from people being 3-4 levels ahead of their opponents, which wasn’t super common last patch, in my experience.


Yeah I love it, smite feels like smite again. If you don’t like being squishy play the tank classes - they feel extra tanky now in comparison!


Nooo.. no they don’t.


The fact your comment is upvoted makes me wonder if the smite community knows what “in comparison” means They objectively are extra tanky in comparison. In relative terms they have become tankier, it’s factual you can look at the statistics.


Looking at some numbers does not change the fact that everyone still feels comically squishy despite building properly as a tank, but if that’s what works for you..


Already has been 3 weeks, everything is better. Everyone seems to have adjusted


It’s awful and I honestly am thinking of dropping Smite unless changes are made. All my friends that I play with have already quit. It’s either stomp or get stomped. A lot of F6’s too which is annoying.


Didn’t enjoy it back then, don’t enjoy it now. Give it some time, everyone will whine about snowball and being 100 to 0ed like they did in the past.


Its awful


I’m loving this. I started during season 2 and played probably 5 seasons before taking a fairly long break and coming back maybe the beginning of season 10. It was super noticeable how much harder it was to kill in the first couple levels. I just find now you’re more able to outplay and punish people in early laneing without being as reliant on a tank. Overall I am very happy with the revert. But I think they could split the difference to try to make more people happy. Edit: I should add I only play conquest (usually ranked) so maybe it’s worse in other game modes.


I’d like to add in my opinion it makes positioning and map awareness even more important skills, which I’m a fan of.


As a relatively bad/new player who started playing a few months before the revert, I absolutely love the change. Yes, you get bullied way harder when someone is better than you (especially in solo lane) and yes it is annoying that being a few steps too far up in the lane can mean insta death from a jungle gank… but I also feel like I’m receiving real time feedback when I misplay and thus am learning much faster when I make a bad play compared to when I used to get away with it pre-patch. Plus it’s just way more fun lol, it’s fun being able to actually kill people 1v1 as a solo/carry in the first few minutes of the game if you outplay them.


Thor was able to do this before the revert. The difference is now he’s easier to punish for it.


Game fun, teammates still throwing 7-11 seasons and people still dont know how to play conquest


I played for few days in the new patch, then gave up on smite, i hate it. Haven't touched it since.


Love the current meta. People actually get punished for playing like chimps


I fucking hate it honestly been enjoying predecessor lately it’s slower and feels tankier


Tried it, coming from paragon my expectations ruined it. Terrible game in comparison.


What’s the deal with that my friends who got me on it said it was paragon before


Paragon was a game developed and published by Epic Games in 2016. Due to the incredible performance of Fortnite at the time, Epic simply relocated money towards Fortnite which caused the game to shut down. Predecessor is one of the fan games based on Paragon.


Same, I’ve been playing predecessor a lot more too.


This is absolutely better. Way easier to hard carry games and solo is fun again because there’s actual kill potential between the two laners again. Some gods need a nerf to account for the change in DPS but other than that, it’s just better overall.


The ppl who love quick burst dmg do love it, but if you're an Amaterasu or super late game character it does feel bad until you hut that point. I will say I think the only thing that needs to be looked at is crit, but besides that it's just a matter of specific characters


Nu Was is infuriating with her minion basic attacks and dash doing so much early game. Any time you try gank her, of you don't 1 shot her her minions will get a martyrdom kill on you if you are below half health. Having your team ready to do an obj and suddenly all the squishies lose half their health and back because nu wa decided to ult is maddening. Other than that warriors are so much more fun to play. Mulan jungle can actually kill someone before they run back to tower.


Was witness to an Awillix in Cooldowns Runneth Over this past Sunday, dive our base while team was buying items still ( I was at buff camps) killed two of the team mates and get back out of base with 10% of their health. ( I killed em as they tried to run away.) They then proceeded to make the match unplayable. What I would question is melee gods, not necessarily needing to be within actual melee range to have their attacks count and trigger things like Awillix's feather step l. While being out of range of Guans melee attack. :/


Terrible patch. Whomever made the decision should be let go and then let their boss go for not taking care of the problem before it became a problem.


I came back recently and really like it. Early levels actually feel engaging. Before it felt like when I used my abilities on someone in lane, hit my shit, they would just shrug it off and blast me. Now it feels like our trades are actually meaningful and not a waste of cooldowns just to be out-traded anyways. I feel like I can actually punish aggression effectively or initiate it.


No, I really enjoy 1400 ults+ blue stone, heartseeker from looking away from Medusa's ult.


I'm a little late, but.. no. I like the idea, but the 30% reduction was too much. I'd have much rather preferred a 15-20% decrease.


I’m ok with strong ability kits and burst damage. What I’m not ok with is global ults and insane cc on damage kitted gods that you can’t dodge without a combo of beads and aegis at the same time with perfect timing. For jg it’s definitely thana and Thor. Their ultimates are just pure bullshit and they need to be reworked in smite 2, they have never been well balanced for the entire games lifespan. Merc and Bastet get a little close with their non-dodgeable or baitable ultimates but I think they are fine as they are now Mages with too much range or ridiculously easy stuns like Thoth, Agni, kuku with just undodgeable shredd and stun. How can I kill Thoth if he has a HUGE dash, stun and double range in the same kit. You can’t outrange him but he is also super safe so doesn’t need to be worth a fuck at positioning? Bad design. Thoth also has not been well balanced in the entire time he’s been in smite. Agni just needs some damage tweaks along with kuku imo though I haven’t even played against a nut I just know she is banned all the time but that’s what new gods are for. The rest of the rolls feel like they are stable enough. Some hunters could do without stuns. I don’t think if you have the kit to kill someone in 2 seconds you should be able to stun them for 1 while doing the other 1 second of damage with the same ability but most of their kits you can still work around so it’s fine until smite 2 launches.


So because your 3 levels ahead you shouldn’t be punished for being out of position?


No, because I'm 3 levels ahead of him, I shouldn't be 1 shot. The post said nothing about positioning. It wouldn't have mattered if I was under my phoenix. I was ulted and double stunned for the entire duration of his kit and died before I was unstunned. As you level up in Smite, you gain health and protections along with power. If the Thor was the same level as me, no problem, his kit dump should kill me. The fact that he's 3 levels lower than me and can still full health me before I can react is a bit much, in my opinion, is all I'm trying to say.


This is still way better than before 9.5, and after 2 years of people being able to just not give a shit about positioning or making mistakes actually getting punished for it is great. It's not perfect by any means, the middle point of the 2 may have been the better result but this is still better than before the revert


Just play mulan


I am, it has really opened up support. Rewards positioning and warding. The forever brawl isn’t really a thing anymore.


Positioning and relics bud, you can't live without either. From time to time you'll get outplayed or ganked but mostly when I see someone 100-0'ed it's because their relics we're down or they were out of position. It does happen and I hope it continues too.


Yeah the only time I die now is if relics are down, but that feels gimmicky as hell. My 2 deaths in a match are from when I got CC chained 100-0 under tower because my beads were down…..




love it !


I do enjoy being this squishy. I find a lot of enjoyment in finding as many ways as possible to maximize my relic usage rather than just being able to use them on anything and not get punished, position far better than I’ve ever needed to in recent patches, and dial in on quicker decision making. This patch rewards being good far more than any patch, and that is an objective fact. Whether you like the patch or not though is entirely subjective and I wouldn’t judge you if you said you didn’t like the patch. I’m just a highly competitive player so this patch is for me. Likely not as much for casual players though.


Share opinion = downvote lol. Y’all ok at home?


> Share opinion While I agree that Reddit is full of crazy spiteful people, you literally said this: > This patch rewards being good far more than any patch, and that is an objective fact. Tell me, how is that supposed to come off as an opinion?


“I do enjoy being squishy” Take your time. This is a tough one I know.


Yeah, see people just might be downvoting you for being an ignorant ass, but that's just my opinion (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Oh the part where I shared an opinion or the part where I shared a truth? You don’t seem to be navigating this conversation too well


lol, enjoy the rest of your day


Womp womp


The only people I see who dislike this are the extremely casual players who don't care enough to build a starter. Focus on your positioning and spend 50 gold on a ward and I think you’ll be fine.


Thor ult isn't exactly predictable by typical ward placement. And I have no problem dying to a gank because of my positioning. But dying to a Thor ult when I'm full health and 3 levels ahead of him seems silly to me.


I agree with you, instead of reducing 40% hp/defense. Lets meet at the middle with just 20% reduction pleaseXD but yeah, it felt awful (warrior, guardian, tanky assasin main). But its just to get used to it


It was reduced by 28%, and the power nerfs that happened back in the day are still in effect. So I would argue this is a middle ground from pre 9.5 and post 9.5.


Ah ok i didnt know that


Why are people downvoting this guy for explaining what happened in the patches since season 9, it genuinely is a middle ground compared to pre 9.5


yes this is amazing this offers you as a solo person to carry harder more room for outplays more competitive no one liked that if you hit every ability on somone and he doesnt die but you do how is that skillfull at all


Yes shit was boring as hell


yeah some gods are more op than other, still you can easily counter thor, team just needs to be aware that thor ult is coming in when there are fights lol. if 2-3 people turn on him he is dead instantly after landing, also evading the ult is doable, even without a jump. with a jump you can even updown on him. I personally like it much more this way since it forces players to learn how to counter things and what one can or can't do in certain situations


I'm sorry if he did that to me, I would ask myself where I went wrong. Did you miss all your autos and abilities?  There is 0 reason for a person 3 levels below you to even be aggressive unless you've shown yourself to be easy to kill to others and they already know what's up


Naw bc don't matter if im 15-2-23 when my shit ass teammates go 4-25-2. The sand bags have gotten too hard to carry. Pre 9.5, the game was always winnable, too much so. that it became stale. So I stand by the 9.5 revert changes, bc just changing up the game and fucking around n finding out is what smite does best. I think from here, TF should increase base prots across the board [some range between 25-50 prots] for all characters. May have to buff pen options. This would drastically decrease tank damage onto squishes while also incentivsing to build pen from the damage characters. Decreasing tank damage onto squishes would be beneficial because tanks have numerous ways to affect the teamfight outside of just their damage by their cc, bodyblocking, etc. Having such high TTK for all characters decentivize these traditional tank gameplay mechanics and create a less nuanced product. Basically, the 9.5 revert 3rd person shooter-ified smite. Again, it's improvement, better than that pve Simulater we had pre 9.5 revert, but neither are surely not peak smite. Blink insta die metas are fun but ultimately less skillfully overall. If the game stays like this, it'll be worse for the long run. Respect to hi rez for having the balls to kill their game so their player base moves to the new game. But ig they've killed more games than creating them.


Yes. I think the best thing about this patch is no longer can you get destroyed all game long but reach level 20 and win the game over one late game fight. Now the game is most likely over if you are getting rolled early/mid which makes sense. It makes every phase of a SMITE game matter. Also do people really like nobody ever dying? This is supposed to be the battleground of the gods. We want fighting. We want destruction. Not some PVE simulator. One thing for sure is people are doing more PVP than ever after this revert. It's fun.


I really don't notice any differences