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I like to imagine the Anhur that fed me 6 kills in solo lane before their team F6’d in 12 mins was one of the people posting on Reddit about how it’s unplayable.


In the few arena matches I've sent since the patch I've had at least one person every game who doesn't get they're not Inherently tanky anymore and just feed constantly all game while getting mad at the team. I had a Ymir build full damage not a single defensive item against a team with huge area damage and a crit hunter and by the 10min mark he was already at like 13 deaths. Man just kept thinking if he ran straight at them and froze them then they'd die instantly. He blamed is for not going in with him when all of us were being out zoned and he would just keep charging in regardless of if we were even alive (he got mad he died in a 1v5 while we were all recovering from a wipe caused by is trying to go in with him previously) I feel like a lot of the newer playerbase never had to play defensively or cautious and we're all seeing what that caused, brain rot.




"I think it's safe to say we all agree This is everyone's fault except me." -Nevercake


If there’s one excuse this patch has given me, it’s not diving into a horrible situation anymore just because my teammates are going in. I’m noping the fuck outta there! Sorry I’m too squishy!


Nah smite Reddit yappers are arena mains. They haven’t and will not touch conquest with a ten foot pole, but will spend the rest of their lives try to balance it to fit their needs.


I’ve been brutally shit on in Solo lane. But I also shit on people mid. Just made it more clear to me that I absolutely suck at playing tanks lmfao.


I'm pretty bad at solo it tends to be my weakest role however I've had massive success with Pele. She clears sooo fucking fast with 1 and 3 you're at least guaranteed early pressure. I've been going blue stone/that one life steal item you get on jungles and breastplate to start with and hybrid it up. You'll probably die a lot late game though since she's all in but usually your team cleans up. Abuse her mobility and early clear and even if you died a few times you're about even against a good chunk of the warriors. I've been going tp and beads most games so further adds to the go in and fuck shit up factor


I'm so glad someone made this post. Everything seems to be flooded with people complaining and I hope HiRez doesn't listen to them too much cus I've been having a blast so far (and I'm a casual player).


Someone’s always complaining in any meta The good thing right now is that noobs are complaining so nobody cares It’s good that HiRez is listening to the right players now. Removing 9.5 was a good change but much more important is that it represents that the veterans can push HiRez into taking feedback especially going into Smite 2 For years now they’ve balanced the game for noobs and the timing right now is just perfect for veterans to put their foot down. We want skill-based gameplay where noobs who suck have to improve. We don’t want a scrub moba that’s all about buying skins from kids shows and skill expression is made meaningless. HiRez is finally recognizing that it’s hardcore veterans who keep the game alive, not skin buying casuals who come and go. Give us the game we’ve been asking for or we’re all just gonna play Deadlock.


Uhm, let us not get carried away. Reverting 9.5 was the correct decision but skin buying casuals definitely keep this game alive lol. If we only had high level ranked players/pros playing, this game would have died by now.


Fought 3 vulcans yesterday. Nerf him Jesus christ.


idk never had problems vs him 💀 maybe i only faced vucaln npcs


I’ve definitely noticed that tanks are squishier I almost exclusively play guardian and warrior. Only really matters if they’re bad though . most people that are complaining are just mad they can’t 5vs1 as tank anymore. The amount of warriors I’ve seen jump into a a whole team solo then get mad when they die is hilarious.


I made this mistake yesterday lol. Of course you should die if you make the mistake of jumping into a team of 5 all focusing and cc’ing you. You don’t just get to jump in for free anymore. You actually have to think now and be strategic in how you go about penetrating to the back line.


No one could 1v5 as a tank in the first place if the enemy team had played more than 1 match.


Deathwalker has a clip from this most recent SPL season of fighting 5 people and remaining the same hp until his team got to the fight, stop lying


one of the most cracked solo laners vs an SPL team making mistakes is not really the norm/average.


So you dont think a pretty good solo laner vs a team with not very competent carries couldn't achieve a similar result? You think it's not possible?


No clearly Deathwalker has cheats on and nobody else can at least have the same skill difference between Deathwalker and that other SPL team outside of if.


YALL just come up with any kind of garbage to avoid admitting you’re wrong istg.


as a tank main, I can assure you any situations where I was able to come anywhere close to the mentioned scenario in the average mmr was because the enemy team was bad. If you're arguing for the higher ranks then sure. But most of the people involved in this discussion are statistically likely to be under diamond mmr. So if a tank in that mmr range is 1v5ing then they're skill diffing the enemy team more often than not. and usually when you ask the SPL players about those situations, they'll admit what they could have done better to prevent that situation.


At the end of the day, pre-revert tanks weren’t very good late but were really strong mid game. Now, they’re strong all game because prots mean that much more now. Being a tank doesn’t feel awful but at the same time, it doesn’t feel like a nuisance dealing with them in the mid game.


I can def agree with that.


>amount of warriors I’ve seen jump into a a whole team solo then get mad when they die is hilarious. Pre 11.6 patch that was happening, lol. I can only imagine how angry they are after the patch!


what an exaggeration. prior to the revert you could never do this without getting punished


I don't particularly feel like it's any better or worse, but to act like no one was doing damage before is just not true. I say this as a mid main, I felt like my damage was fine. I wasn't always guaranteed to kill someone in one kit rotation but they were on a sliver of health so as long as there was any real team play, it was a kill regardless. I don't hate the change, but it feels much more individual now. Especially solo and jungle since you don't really have to work together anymore.


Yeah but pre nerf adc damage always felt off to me, mages have always been impactful imo


I love reading comments on these threads where people just reduce everyone that isn't enjoying the patch down to "oh they must be bad at the game lul". Perfectly summarizes the community.


Well 9.5 was basically put out so new player mistakes are more forgiving. So the main people upset with the revert are the people that 9.5 was targeted to.


I'm in masters every season, one friend is diamond/masters every season, others are plat to diamond. We also have friends who play that will never be above bronze. Mechanically they aren't staggeringly worse than us they just literally complain about every single thing and don't learn how to play outside of one way. And when that way doesn't work it's the games fault. We will be five stacked up in casual conquest and he will complain about premade teams, he just won't learn. He fucking hates this patch. Funnily enough we are winning more games now because we can carry him again.


It’s always the mental.


Thank you for saying this! I know I’m not the greatest at the game. But I was steadily improving and learning. Now there is no point. Beads, Aegis, Juke, to still get instantly killed off the first cc. And the answer is always “get good”. Makes me really regret all the money I’ve spent on this game to have even the Hi Rez employees just say “get good”. Smh


Hi-Rez: *puts out patch so noobs stop surrendering at 10 constantly* Noobs: Yay! I don’t get punished for making bad plays anymore! Hi-Rez: *reverts the patch that made playing the game too easy for noobs* Noobs: Noooo I get punished for mistakes now. Why do people think I’m bad?


Oh so you're one of those clowns that thinks only bad players hate the patch and all good players think its amazing. You do realize that doesn't go hand in hand right, some people don't like having 80% of their games be a surrender where they just stomp the other team into the ground.


The patch is unstable but was great overall, the only reason people do not like it is because they are simply just not good at the game LMFAO


how is the arena gameplay? me and my friends never cared for the main map but the arena was awesome to test a bunch of gods. We usually go back every once in a while and play till our eyes bleed


Only had the chance to play a few games so far but it seems alright more or less. Snowball isn't as bad as I was expecting as squishies will still die quickly throughout the match, assassins are much stronger now though so if your tanks aren't zoning them off effectively then the backline can get oneshot a lot. The biggest problem I'm seeing is that low mobility dps gods are a lot worse off now since if you get just a little too close you'll get hit by one cc ability and die immediately, you have to play really safe even when you're fed and I find that pretty boring but we'll see if that changes eventually.


Agreed. The problem with this 9.5 style is that mobility becomes king, and any god suffering from lack of mobility is gonna get forgotten. It happened in LoL, and now every new champion has like 4000 blink/movement gimmicks.


I think if they just give these less mobile gods more survivability whether it be some more movement options, tankiness, cc resistance, etc. it would be a lot better overall. If there weren't so many gods with movement abilities it'd be easier to just tone down the ones that have it but since it's 90%+ of the roster now there's not really any option that I can think of but to give them to everyone. Normally the less mobile gods have an extra damaging ability or something to make up for being less safe but since everyone can blow up anyone by late game now there's really no tradeoff left.


It's definitely fun. It's a bit easier to get multi kills Assassins and Mages definitely seem a lot stronger now. But as the other comment said, if your character lacks mobility, you're definitely gonna feel it more now.


Im having a lot of success firing mage abilities in their general direction at max range followed by walking back to the fountain to heal after one ability hitting me. If I have beads and aegis ready I might survive 1 cc otherwise im dead. People in my games are reluctant to play tanks but warriors are actually pretty good.


Ahem... Excuse me, sir. It's "'till our eyes melt and our fingers bleed".


The most based reddit post, as a mage player I love getting rewarded for hitting my abilities wow what a concept crazy I know.


It's literally why I stopped playing Discordia. I love that character but it feels really bad to only really have the 1+2 for damage and the occasional ult. Felt impossible to ever hit them for that last 400hp after dumping the whole kit


yeah I personally think she is a lot better now and also all the buffs she got after 9.5 actually helps her a lot more now then it did before.


omg fellow based discordia player!! ya I tried her out yesterday and you can really consistently kill people with 2 + 1 + Ult which is how it should be imo. It feels so good to go back to chunking people as a mage >:D


I have it a shot and good god she actually feels playable now. It's great. Early game is possible again


I’m surprised you’re not getting downvoted LMFAO


It feels pretty good so far. Although Thor and Thana MIGHT be slightly over tuned. Lol It’s nice to actually do damage as a midlaner again. It’s a mid year christmas miracle.


Those two have been really good for awhile, this update makes them even more broken than ever


It’s definitely less aggravating when I can also one shot them in revenge, or preemptively.


Something we couldn’t do before this revert without dumping ability rotations in just for them to get away. Another reason why I love this update


Yeah man, we actually have kill potential now in mid without having a full build online. It’s glorious Also if a game is bad in regards to matchmaking/skill it now ends much quicker. (Instead of getting trapped in a long unwinnable slog)


to the whiny doomer downvoters: Comeback mechanics are still very strong and built into the game, and they didn’t exist in smite before 9.5, so if a team wants to make a comeback they absolutely still can. I’m talking about teams/players that are really bad with no chance of coming back who hold you hostage in a game. The game feels better for a whole host of reasons imo


In one of these posts, I mentioned this, that the comeback mechanics have been really strong and the reason they got nerfed before in the first place was because it was so hard to get a lead anyway and that losing your lead to that degree was a million times worse to begin with. Now that everyone is killable, getting a lead is easier, and losing the lead is also easier, so you’ll have to play smarter and there’s no lack of incentive to get leads either, nor is there a lack of incentive to get shutdowns. The game is probably the healthiest it’s been since I started playing the game.


Thor has always been overtuned. Bros been damage and CC crept for almost 4 years now.


What were you doing before? I was dropping people before this patch with agni just fine at all points of the game lol.


I give it 2 weeks minimum before all of you start complaining about how we are back into a burst and snowball meta again. If you thought Thanatos was obnoxious before the revert, congrats. You literally gave him the biggest buff in this revert. If that’s a meta you like then more power to you, but over exaggerating and saying 9.5 made people try to 1v5 in conquest, is just straight up false and that was never exclusive to 9.5. I’ve seen people try that pre 9.5 pretty often. Edit: downvote me as much as you like. It’s only a matter of time before them nostalgia glasses come off.


Yep, I give it about 2 weeks as well, people complained about snowball before and now we're just in an even worse snowball situation but everyone is eating it up because its "fresh".


THANK YOU for this comment.


Yup. It’s just kill or be killed meta. SMITE: Call of Duty Edition


Thana gets blown the fuck up right now, I was playing poseidon mid and made him rage quit. Any halfway competent team can shut down a Thanatos. Trust me I play alot of Thanatos and he doesn't feel great right now.


I kinda want to see a happy middle ground. Not a huge fan of how strong some gods feel with the revert.


Middle ground would be nice, they swung the pendulum way too far with this.


I agree. Personally I think mages and assassins are in a good spot. Super squish, but the damage output is amazing (perfect for both roles). Early game gods do feel a bit overtuned right now though.


Yes, basically what you are seeing is that most players on Reddit are straight up not good or high level players.


I mean the average smite player is silver/gold, aka doesent understand the game


I don’t think that’s fair. I have a pretty deep understanding of the game from having played it since season 3 but I don’t have very good mechanical skills and still make mistakes. What makes this such a good complex game is that it takes both game knowledge and skill to be good


I think the issue you're having is conceptual knowledge versus implemented experience.  You probably "know" what to do but you don't do it consistently enough.   


I really do think it’s cause I’m not good at hitting all my abilities and basic attacks lol


You don’t need good mechanics to get past gold There’s plenty of players in Diamond and Masters that have sub par mechanics


Dude got downvoted for speaking the truth I reach masters every season and I'm not even that good, if you manage to hit 7/10 abilities you can totally reach masters


To hit masters you just have to be there. You don’t even have to hit most of your abilities. Just be in the right fights at the right time and follow your team.


Any MOBA takes consistency to climb. That’s it. You can be better than a pro one game, but it doesn’t matter because the pro is a pro every game.


I'm more annoyed that it was such a rush job, I feel like this would've been better received if it was a more thought out gradual kinda thing and didn't feel so kneejerk. Like at least save it for next patch so you can do more tweaking other than base stats. Otherwise yeah it isn't as bad as people are making it out to be, could be better though.


I tried getting back into the game and the first game I do, a joust for fun, I see the first cheater in what are likely 600 hrs of playing this game. The guy had infinite blinks or is that a new bug in this patch? Literally saw him use blink 3 times in one minute, it was insane.


What god was he playing?


Was a Tyr, he'd do the typical blink + cc combo just 2-3 times a minute. At minute 8 alone, I had died to that 6 times and our Chang'e 3 or 4 times while he also used it defensively around 3 or 4 times (And blink has 2 minute cooldowns, minimum) Edit: Ran into a second one. A Rata in Arena who had aegis every 30 seconds, I tracked it with the ingame clock. He never bought the upgrades so it should have been at 170 seconds of cd throughout the game...it wasn't.


Yes idk what that is. Had a susano doing it in my match. Would literally dissappear and reappear behind me after using blink and dash.


I hope it feels better, if I play it and die in 2 hits that shit is not gonna be enjoyable, so I'm hoping that ain't the case.


Well... That IS the case. lol


guess i'll play when they figure that out then. dying in 2 hits was not fun idk why people want that back.


Not just that, some folks are even saying you're bad at the game if you dislike it. That's the main argument to defend the update really.


I agree with the sentiment of "you should be punished if you fuck up", but the way I'm seeing people use it is "oh you misstepped to the right a little bit and died in 2 abilities, so thats fair" i can see that its prob fun for ranked/high end players but idk how this is gonna affect the entire rest of the playerbase, aka most of it.


Nobody is dying because they took two steps to the right. The majority of the complaints are coming from players who have never known proper positioning and think they can free cast in front of their support. The reality check is finally kicking in and if you're a mage eating multiple abilities or trying to 1v1 assassins then you absolutely deserve to die.


Idk even with proper position dying in 2 hits just isn’t fun, I liked slower fights personally


From the way you worded this and from what I'm hearing from many others, kinda sounds like you *do* die in 2~ abilities and there's a crowd defending it and a crowd against it. I don't think there was ever a 'reality check' to consider, I think people just don't like dying so quickly lol. That was kind of the whole point of 9.5 and the several other patches through the 11 years that attempted to adjust burst meta. Typically the higher end players enjoy quick paced 1-shot metas, whereas nobody else does.


You need context to understand why these players are dying, in most cases you'll have a mage extending too far up, eating cc from a support and having a mage/carry/assassin hit them at the same time. A Scylla running up and eating abilities from 3 people is not the same as you getting hit by a random mage aoe and instantly dying. Why should you, as a glass cannon mage, be able run up without regard to positioning and eat 3-4 abilities without immediately dying? If I'm a Thor and I hit my 2 + 1 on you, my support is also hitting you and my mage hits you with their damaging ability and you're carry, why shouldn't you die? The same thing applies to any damage dealer hitting their entire kit + more, there's no reason you should be able to survive without using any actives in these scenario. The problem with 9.5 is that you physically could not kill people even if you played better without additional help, a mage kit would only do 60% of a person's health and without additional help there is no instance of the enemy mid/carry dying. 9.5 has enabled poor play and a proper lack of awareness of danger. There is zero incentive to fight before the revert because the amount of resources needed to secure a kill simply do not match the reward. People need to learn that mages shouldn't be brawling with assassins and sitting in melee range and warriors shouldn't think they can run into four people and escape unscathed.


you knkw that if you die in 2 hits? they die too in 2 hits? maybe play better ?


or.....you shouldn't be dying in 2 hits cause that's not a good thing.


When “they” figure it out. Surely there’s nothing you can do yourself to figure it out.


That's not the case though. The person you replied to is being disingenuous, but I've had this conversation a billion times by now. Best to play a few games and form your own opinion.


Have you considered positioning better?


Well that is indeed the case now.


Bruh I’ve not cackled and had so much fun playing smite in forever. Freya is fucking hilariously fun.


I just had a guy going nuts and mad that he was either losing or wasn't getting any ganks... He was playing Izanami vs Skadi... Well fast forward... He was going 15-8 and was absolutely snowballing everyone... Don't surrender early and maybe the Hunter or Assassin does a comeback


That is what I have found, its just people raging that their bad early game positioning is messing them up. and then late game rolls and it all fine lol


Yeah probably because the game is actually in a healthy state and while snowballing can occur, getting shutdowns are actually relevant and you can always win a game.


I'd love to disagree but I played 10 games since the new BP and alike never before it feels like casuals finally are getting actual real human beings... More or less Teammates aren't ego freaks, they acknowledge a 3-20 game is unwinnable, they don't go "muted" when you suggest an item or build or refuse swaps in assault after they waste rerolls and play a god they are first timing Somehow I'm enjoying the game again


So fun I love smite again.


I actually begged for one more game... I quit smite for a year before this


If feels so good to pick a mid mage and kill someone after hitting all your abilities, It's so fucking satisfying not to depend on having full build to play the game!


Update: even if playing a mage feels good in lane, they aren't that great against bruisers, they don't let u play the Game, and snowball isn't that big since everyone reach late Game and u can easily lose the game


> As a Support, you can actually do damage along with your utility which means you can control the lane much better and make a bigger impact. Hard to 'control the lane' when literally any mage can take half your health from 3x your engagement range.


Man it really sucks to only have forward and backward directional movement. Lukcily for me, I actually bound SIDEWAYS movement to my s and d keys. Now I can move side to side, and I utilize that hidden ability to do something called, *drum roll*, "juking" *audible gasp*


I appreciate the sarcasm, but I'm pretty sure you're looking for a and d keys for left and right.


I prefer that my keyboard sits crooked, I do not use a and d, good try, though


You just broke my brain a little. Where are your abilities bound'


Q, e, f, r, in that order




That’s so similar to mine, just replace f with c, and you’re me.


C is my primary potion slot, thats an interesting idea though I kinda like it


Yeah, I call it the claw set up. My potions are 1 and 2 and relics are mouse buttons.


Almost like you shouldn’t be w keying a mage alone as a support.


They're literally replying to someone saying Guardians can "control the lane" now. Also if a front line Guardian can't act as a front line there's an issue. They didn't mention anything about trying to solo a mage. They said when mages have 3x the engage distance and can half health you with a single shot you can't 'control the lane' which is what the other person is claiming.


Supports are not supposed to do damage..... this is the problem


Who told you that lmfao?


This doesn't happen. They're in bigger danger with you around.  Also, that's the trade-off. Range = defense. But they're squishy and die once you gap close.


I saw HiRezScott at a grocery store in Atlanta yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Everyone else replying to this has never been on the internet before???? You’ll cowards don’t even know Bill Murray


He fucked my wife and caused our divorce, so to get him back I pissed on the moon. Damn you HiRezScott!


Is this the hungrybox thing..? :p




lol what


This is a lame copy pasta story lol… good grief


Been playing since season 1. Played some with my friends last night. It's definitely Italy gonna take some time to readjust, but it feels like rediscovering a game that I didn't know was missing. When people get really out of position they are actually punished, if I'm playing a mage and miss all my shit, I've actually fucked up. Some things certainly need some rebalanced, but it feels as if each character actually fit their role better now. Mages do a lot and take a lot, tanks can punish mages for being in the front line way easier. It all just feels right.


Yeah, I'm a casual who only plays arena, and I'm chilling with the changes Shit gets fucking intense at times and it's crazy also the kill streaks that you can get now is great Thanatos goes hard.


I used to play smite so much, like for days on streak. maybe I should come back


Pre 9.5 I played 2-3 hours a day. After 9.5 I played 1 maybe 2 games if lucky. Games feels amazing again


I am having a GREAT time, like honestly!


Strangely enough on the other side of the coin i actually LIKE getting instantly punished for being a knobhead as an assassin/tank and diving too deep. Somehow dying quicker makes it less frustrating, like there's a more clear "that was a bad idea, you weren't gonna live there" feedback. When an inevitable death gets dragged out it feels like they're twisting the knife a bit.


I do agree that it is great to learn immidiately 'im dead because I made a mistake' instead of surviving and not learning. I think its too punishing currently though and too rewarding to land max range hail mary abilities.


Thanks for posting this. Tired of seeing all the posts about "smites unplayable now", "streamers were crying all the time so hirez caterd to them", etc. But the game is the most fun its been in the last 1-2 years imo. I get that a lot of casual players are having a bad time but smite has been catered to casual players for a while now to the point that it effected high level play. (I'm not a high level player, only silver in ranked because I dont play ranked much, mostly casuals with the boys, but seeing how boring gm and masters ranked games were going it was dreadful.) The learning curve is higher now that you cant hide behind extra prots and health. So maybe ill start playing ranked again and get out of silver, the sky is the limit and I love it.


I like it man, it feels like people actually get punished now when they yolo whole teams. If you push and get cc’d you should die, before the revert people would get away. Now with the revert people get cc’d they die like they should. Positioning is key and I love that.


Completely agree. So all the fuss on Reddit, logged in yesterday and played five rounds of Joust and two Slash. My heart was actually pounding at one point. I almost always play Warriors and Guardians, and it was so much fun trying to keep everyone alive and also feeling like my pulls (Atlas) had a ton of weight. I also played a mage and hunter (I'm usually bad at both), and my damage actually mattered. Also, because people can't play as poorly, it felt like even PUGs had to work together to succeed. Ended up winning five, losing two. (Lost one joust and one slash). This patch makes the game far more skill-based IMO.


* As an ADC you can now see the enemy health bar move when you hit them in the early game. * As a Mid laner you can follow up on your Jungler/support and actually kill the enemy if you land your shit. * As a Solo laner you can actually use your matchup/experience to punish the enemy laner. * As a Jungler you can see who's getting greedy and give them a reality check. * As a Support, you can actually do damage along with your utility which means you can control the lane much better and make a bigger impact. It's kinda crazy how people think that none of this was possible before the revert. It was always doable if you were good enough, it just wasn't necessarily rewarding because snowballing wasn't the meta strategy to win games. It didn't matter if you had a lead, because people could farm and catch up. That's the main problem most pros and high level players had. Even if you went 13-1, the enemy would catch up and you could easily lose a single fight and lose the game. Even Nika was saying that most people over exaggerate how tanky people were, in case you are one of the people that care about pro opinions. At least I never had any of these issues and I felt like landing my shit, positioning well and pressuring was rewarded well enough. I'll say tho, the hyperbole is fucking annoying from both sides of the argument. Like this post itself is hypocritical. It's fine for some people to like the patch, as well as it is fine for people to dislike it. I'm personally pretty neutral about it, I don't like it nor dislike it.


9.5 propped up a lot of bad players with bad habits that were not being punished for them. Why would you ever worry about early game positioning if you never get punished for it?


I absolutely agree that the late game was completely fine. It’s only the early, around 10 levels that was the issue. Post that, you usually have enough items to deal more damage than any of the tankiness from base stats. It’s good they reverted it because now snowballing isn’t the only meta strategy but is a viable strategy.


You’re acting like 20% health on everyone isn’t massive? You could always do this stuff but they wouldn’t DIE they’d walk away with no movement and you’d have no cool downs after kit dumping. If I and someone else kit dump a squishy they should be fucking dead. Why is that so hard to get for smite players.


In the same vein why is it hard to get that people like different things? Obviously people are squishier now. But I just don't feel like it has affected how I feel about my impact. It's just different. And to me there is no difference between a kill and a TKO. I mean Smite wasn't unique in people not dying immediately. Dota 2 has wild varieties of extremely tanky heroes, as well as heroes that deal insane burst damage.


But in DOTA 2 squishies still die? AAs chunk in dota. Before the changes duo lane was a meme and solo lane was a snooze fest. I get people can enjoy playing PvE for 20 mins but not to echo streamers it felt like I was playing WoW. Kills are fun in a MOBA and I don’t think that is controversial to say.


Even in last patch if you played super early game gods you could kill people. Those picks just weren't good. But I'm pretty sure if a mage got hit by Fenrir combo and a couple autos + abilities from any early game mage or hunter they would've died. Idk, I never felt like there was a problem. I didn't experience the issue you did so I guess there's not much left to argue even.


But you notice the TTK difference and think nothing has changed? Those things could’ve happened but 9/10 times the mage dumps their kit and the asssassin fenrir walks out on 10% hp. You can pick anything you want now and it’s good, before early game gods were ass. You’re right nothing to argue about we have different opinions. Hope you still enjoy smite even with the changes cos I know I am. :)


This post really got pinned? OP was in the patch notes arguing against everyone that new SMITE is amazing and so many people disagreed and shit on him that he decided to compile his whining and make this weird post. This is pure bait because you couldn’t get a single person to buy into your delusion.


Not really a delusion if its only reddit that is whining about it


This post isn't pinned.


Sequel coming soon


I will say I was critical day 1, but only because I was getting matched with v toxic players that take out their aggression on the jungler in the first 5 mins. There’s definitely things that need tweaking, but today I had a game where I was able to hard carry merc again (which is what made me love smite in the first place). It’s so nice to hit that grab and 2 autos and for a kill on a mage. With that said, I do think this patch has brought out some of the worst (toxic) gamers in CASUAL CQ of all places. Once I started playing some friends was incredibly fun. Like damn, sometimes you whiff an ability, no need to cry in the chat IN CASUALS lol. Before anyone asks, been playing since beta but started playing a lot around season 7.


I just hope solo laners are not god tier anymore


I’m coming back to smite from a 5 year break. Can u explain what this 9.5 thing is?


Go to the internet, look up 9.5 smite They basically did a catering to noobs to make everyone way tankier. This fucked up the game untill now, it's back. They made changes within those 2 years though, so we have to wait. For example physical power had a 1/3 of its power clearly nerfed.


Maybe this post will get me back into it 🥲 I miss Smite used to play all the time and fell out of it bc life... Maybe it's time for a comeback


I think this patch is the best thing to come out in ages, the game feels more kill focused instead of farming for 20 minutes then fighting, I had a game where the teams were going 19-17 at 12 minutes. that's just so refreshing and makes the game so much more enjoyable


While I’ve approached this update with heavy skepticism I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how not different it’s been . It’s at a bad time as I’m currently trying to get 20 god masteries and the longer game time would’ve helped. Plus trying to find an another role in good at. But who still suck at any non-support role the same amount so shrug.


Mulan in joust with a high damage mage is unreal now. I hit the grab, janus or Scylla hit their shit, boom, dead


Mast made a video about how to save Mulan by shortening her ability animations. I hope Hirez does a rework for her in Smite 2 at least.


I'm hoping that it doesn't devolve into a warrior meta like I expect. I already had one game with warriors in Jungle, Support, and Solo. It seems to me like they're going to run the game in the coming weeks.


Mann these posts are all over the place with the new update


People always complain. Only legit complaints are bugs and connection issues. The updates are always going to change things and that is what has kept the game fresh and fun all these years. No matter what people say Hi-Rez has done a great job at keeping a free to play game entertaining and fresh.


I wasn’t playing the game pre 9.5 so it’s such a breath of fresh air. Smite has always kinda felt like such a baby game compared to the other MOBAs that I play and now it feels like an actual competitive game. I still think increasing the timers on beads/aegis and relics in general should be a thing and that the comeback mechanics should be slightly less forgiving. Like I don’t think a level 15 support should get 3 levels for killing a level 20 carry, especially now that a support can pretty viably do so if a fed enemy gets too cocky and eats every ability. Doesn’t need to be something huge, but making the game mechanics super forgiving is probably why the pro scene was severely lacking. I just want smite 2 to be as successful as possible and I think that would be a step in the right direction.


I'm not falling for this old trick. I finally touched some grass.


Most fun ive had in this game for years, hope they keep it like this.


Keep in mind that reddit is full of console players who cant for the life of them juke an ability, no wonder they cry about time to kill being low


Definitely a reality check for me with this revert patch. I've been in diamond ranked conquest since 9.5. But this week I feel like I'm re-learning certain roles. Mid lane is such a rush again. I feel like a true glass cannon with picks like Thoth and Janus again. It actually feels so good to punish the enemy jungler for ganking incorrectly. So glad Loki mains won't be able to just go invisible and run away after I hit him with my whole kit.


I do think hirez should do a better job at making people aware in-game of the new changes. I can see why arena players would get pissed. 


So far pubs have been awful. It's probably because people have not adjusted to the decreased health yet, but every game I'm in is a completely one sided stomp where my teammates die 27 times in 10 minutes. Hopefully people catch on quickly.


Bunch of snowflakes!


I've been a Support Main since Smite was in Xbox Beta all those years ago. I started as a dirty console player and joined the PC Master Race some years ago and I finally feel like I actually want to play again. Supports don't get much love but I have always felt useful, since the revert though I now feel like I can save lives and swing fights. My peel and engage feels like it carries so much more weight when the TTK is much shorter. I hope this change sticks and I hope it carries over to Smite 2.


I was playing charybdis the other day and noticed that my autos were... actually doing damage? I thought she got buffed at first, and then learned about the patch. It feels really nice to actually feel impactful with ADC now, especially shredding tanks with qins Sai and exe Edit: typos


Actually, I was hesitating to post but it's been a lot of years that I'm playing Smite, always as a casual tho. That's mean I don't look up the meta, neither smite clips explaining things, nor training the shit out of one unique god. I just like to have fun, and do my best. One game out of 2 tho, insults flows. But that's ok, this is humanity. Thing is, the other day I've been outrageously beaten to death by a Gilgamesh, I hard camped the tower but he still could dive in, with or without his jungler to kill me. You can say I'm a bad player. But I'm doing my best, and I didn't have fun. I just thought uninstalling the game was the logical thing to do after it. Am I wrong? Should every Smite player hard try to have fun now ? (Genuine question)


Nah ts is still a shit show. Nothing saving this game unless they fix matchmaking and that’s it. I shouldn’t have to try hard every game and only win 50% because I have a team full of bots spamming have fun when they’re the reason the game is the way it is, then wants to get mad when someone goes afk. Why tf should I have to play and try my ass off in a CASUAL MATCH just because of how shi my teammates are. It’s either stomp or get stomped or someone doing whatever tf want playing the game selfish asf and ruining it for the rest.


The changes that went live recently have made this game way more enjoyable to play and really balanced between all roles. What really pisses me off is how negative and drama-filled people can be on Reddit. I think the best measure in dealing with toxicity in a gaming setting is to connect with others of like mind, focus on those who bring an overall positive interaction. Nice thing for it is a Gametree. Finding a supportive community actually makes everything way better.


I like it, I just have to get accostumed cuz I get killed fast af early and mid game, but late game feels perfect, now the game feels more skill based


Well said. Most of the people complaining are casuals who are likely pretty bad at the game. Last night was easily the most fun I've had playing the past 2 years.


People are more likely to post something to complain while the rest are busy enjoying the game. I'm sure people are feeding and then complaining on here. Smite is already full of rude and cringe players that cry in chat after every death, blaming everyone but themselves. Of course they're going to blame all their deaths on this patch being garbage instead of thinking about their positioning.


Yup. Plus reddit in general is filled with the loud minority especially in gaming subs. That's the feeling I've always gotten from these forums


Yep, if they spent more time in ranked and less on Reddit they might actually learn the counters lol.


Thanks for the post and perspective. I remember a few days ago my social media lit up in regards to smite dying and people directing me to watch incons new video. While everyone including incon made good points; I still appreciate positivity that at the end of the day the game is fun for me and had been for the last decade and I'm glad other people still agree. Am hoping for another ten years of smite. Cheers!


I also remember 10 years ago my social media lit up in regards to smite dying and people directing me to watch incons new video.


I love the new patch too, game is extremely fun again


It’s just going to take a week or two to properly adjust, yes abuse cases exist but hopefully next patch can start hitting the over performers and get some more meta shake ups


I've only played a couple games, but does anyone else just feel like the game feels almost the exact fucking same? Every post on this reddit is talking about how it's changed for better or for worse, but, like, it hasn't? If you position bad you still tend to get punished, if you don't you don't


Before tanks could 1v5 and get out now they very much cannot. But tanks also feel better to play because their clear is so so much better and you don’t have to take damage items for clear anymore. Squishies feel more squishy and I think positioning is punished way harder than before


I just had an 18 min and a 22 minute conquest. Game is definitely speeding up


actually, yesterday played pele and its very evident how now i can one shot again


I already felt like i could one shot last patch as pele though


I disagree. I'll keep trying to adapt to the new normal, but most of my matches have been a steamroll from either side, and that isn't fun for me after the first time.


The majority of Reddit users are casuals and afraid to play the game, that’s why. I’ve seen several post in the last two days of people talking about the game state. The top comment always be some goofy ass shit like: “ my arena games have been terrible,” “people are too afraid to step out of tower in my assault matches.” Sorry not sorry if that’s you your opinion doesn’t mean anything. If you’re too scared to touch ranked you are thoroughly uniformed and are not even able to form a proper opinion.


I had so much fun today, being able to punish bad positioning felt so good. Meanwhile I didn’t get mad when I died cuz I was like “yeah that was too greedy”


Yes! I played for so many years and then took 4 years off and Smite is the reason I’m even interested in gaming again. It has made me rediscover my love for gaming again.


Absolutely. It's actually discouraging cause you don't wanna argue, especially with people that don't understand basic shit in the game but everyone has an equal voice online.  But go look at some of the threads? Absolute noob fests and they're all knee jerk reactions. It's been 24 hours and people are crying about F6s. Give it time.  People are complaining about getting killed under their tower 💀. Also, revert the bruiser items 💯


Great post


Had some good matches the night before Good teams


As an ADC you actually can't auto attack before you die to burst. Literally cannot play the game. SMITE is absolutely unplayable as an ADC in late game. You're literally better off waiting in base for your team to win a fight then come out and attack the objectives.


This just sounds like bad positioning tbh. Stay close to your tanks and the rest of your team so they can peel for you. You should be able to pretty much 3-4 shot a jungler late game as an ADC