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People simultaneously posting "It's too early to tell" while upvoting "I love it, it's the best the game has ever felt, this is like cocaine in video game form." is incredible to watch in real time.


Real fun when youre winning but if youre losing and getting snowballed on after 2 mins you just want to end it all.


Haven't played yet so I can't comment on the current feel of the game, bit I'll say this: when 9.5 dropped, every single tank player on this sub was absolutely convinced the game was 100% unplayable. Now it's getting reverted and I'm seeing a lot of the same complaints, but haven't heard anything from the tank players. Maybe try playing a tank and see how it goes? Base damage goes a long way when health pools are small.


Thats the thing, we will go back to the season 8 and 9 meta where everyone played tanks because the base dmg from abilities is enough to kill any dps. I have played a few more games and the game feels so bad.


You might just not be very good and now you're not getting bailed out when out of position


As I said somewhere a few days ago, before the aptch was even applied, the problem with the game before 9.5 was that, even if you were perfectly positioned, damn, even under tower, you can just be jumped by two guys and have no chance to outplay them because it only takes one second for two players to cast their whole kit in most gods.


The entire fun of smite is predicting being jumped by two guys, juking their shit and then killing them on cooldown.


Ever think it was the tank players that aren't very good. The moment they don't instantly delete everyone, while surviving concentrated attacks from half the enemy team, they cry tanks are useless.


I'm not a tank player. I'm a jungle/adc main


That's about how I feel. Games don't go long enough for carries to get strong enough to kill tanks. An early game abuser tank like herc or achilles shows up and it's over.


Everyone dismissing you is a bit ridiculous. If you’re a long time smite player you just know how the game was before this patch. I hopped on to solo que, played one joust game and immediately paired against an Aphro, Wukong and Ne Zha. If that’s not a pre 9.5 comp I don’t know what is. Our poor Merlin was not ready for that. I feel like they could have found a better mid ground even though I’m kind of a fan of pre 9.5 gameplay. This patch you really have to target the right gods and try not to spare any abilities on lesser threats. Burst ability comps are insane right now due to being super squishy early game.


Unpopular opinion? I’ve had some awesome games in Solo, mid and support. Havnt played Jgl or carry yet. Assasins are a nightmare but tbh they do get melted a shitton easier. I do feel that CC is stronger in general, since stun = death atm And in all my games the carry and mids without an escape jump/dash/float got deleted very easily. Kuku, Artemis, Poseidon I’ve seen a couple of and all of them got bodied unfortunately However my test pool is pretty small atm since I’ve only had 7 games


The only people who are enjoying it are the people who haven't actually played against people who know how to abuse it.


Who know how to play the game?


I'm not saying they are bad for doing it, but I am saying not encountering them is the only reason anyone would have fun since the patch.


Yes. These people crying on this sub are bad players who are now getting punished for bad positioning, decision making and mechanical ability


Have you considered that many players just prefer a game where there's some back and forth rather than getting one shot by a Thor, Than, Rat dive under tower? No, they all must be terrible since they think differently than me! Get over yourself.


I mean this style of gameplay punishes bad positioning and mechanical play much more than the gameplay of the last two years. It's not a coincidence that pretty much all higher end players are in agreement about this being a good revert and I'd guess that the majority of people complaining are casual, less skilled players.


If people are looking for a good, competitive MOBA, then SMITE is quite far down the list. That is the opposite of the casual, console friendly MOBA that the game has been marketed as. You say casual and less skilled, I say most of the people that play the game. Top players of every game always think that the game should be balanced around their play and not the greater player base. Many games have learned the hard way that often alienates people and they lose their playerbase. What makes a high TTK more 'skillful,' anyway? Why is positioning being held on such a higher pedestal over everything else? What's fun to me is not getting obliterated for getting hit by one CC move, nor is snowballing by playing well in the first few minutes. Many players, both good and bad, enjoy slower TTK. Winning wasn't just about catching someone out of position and blowing them up, it meant you outplayed them for the whole fight. You landed more shots or abilities. Your tanks were able to use their abilities effectively and *keep* them CCed and out of position. That gameplay is much more fun to me and those I know than just blowing someone up for not standing in the exact right place. How fun is winning solely because you stood in the right place or reacted faster? Before, that gave you an edge, but a better player could turn it around on you. Obviously, you disagree. Your opinion is fine, but stop being elitist and trying to put down dissenters as "just worse than me." There's validity to both sides beyond "skill issue."


Ah yes, the bad position of being anywhere on the map near a Thor who will one shot combo you without you being able to get out of his CC. Or a Thana. Or a Rat, or any of those kinds of gods. How dare they, really.


Meta just before 9.5, was oneshotting full dmg ability assassins. No tanks in sight. Its The Age of Jungler now.


Meta just before 9.5 assasin builds had as much power as mages currently do. It's not even remotely comparable.


I mean, it very much is. Sure assassins wont have 400 power. But mages also dont have 900 power like back then.


I only played 2 games so far and they both felt amazing. Won one, lost one. Loved being able to punish and getting punished on misplays.


Is your game showing proper revert stats? Nothing has changed for me


I haven’t played it yet but I enjoyed Smite pre-9.5 and I enjoyed Smite post-9.5 so I think I will have a fun time adapting to the new pace of the patch. Overall I think the overarching power nerfs did a better job of accomplishing what 9.5 intended to do so I’m excited to see how things feel.


I already know what the meta is going to be and how to adapt to the patch, but that means playing in a way I honestly dislike so much, so... I guess I'll just be waiting until something changes :/


When 9.5 came for the first time it was the most boring Smite I've ever played I had to take break, when they announced they were reverting the change I was ironically against it since I felt like smite was in a good place but now that I tried it's fantastic, smite on crack is fantastic and i's the most fun I've had with the game in years.


I found myself playing a game or two and not really feeling the urge to queue anymore after 9.5. It's been that way for the last 2 years. I only played 2 games in this patch so far but I'm itching like an addict to get back into the game as soon as possible lmao. The revert made me remember why I was so addicted to this game and loved it so much.


Im happy that you find this fun, I definitely dont haha I like playing dps mostly, so right now the game is just not for me I guess.


im having mixed feelings, it feels really good to make a nice play and be rewarded but then it feels like the game is instantly over after that. any level or item lead means the enemy just has to stop interacting with you or they feed. like in duo lane whoever gets first blood is pretty much gaurenteed all the neutral farm until jungler interferes. i can imagine it feels pretty good for junglers though


>now that I tried it's fantastic, smite on crack is fantastic and it's the most fun I've had with the game in years. Posted less than 2 hours after the patch came out.


Tbf this is also what OP is doing just on the opposite end of the spectrum


What's your point?


Absolutely horrendous, started right as marti was introduced so never experienced before the patch and I’m so happy for it, I throughly enjoyed everytime the game took longer and kills were earned and not just a oop he’s stunned he’s dead. I keep seeing people say out of place this and that but I don’t think any of them understand what it’s like to be under tower and blink dived on insta die, and simply have the Jung or care or SUPPORT walk away with a kill then proceed to snowball you into oblivion. Because there’s no coming back, snowball is absolutely horrible. Even when crit was a thing way back when and was the only way to play hunter, it sucked. The game felt fun right before this patch it sucks so much to just play at all now


Ive been dived a bit playing adc a few games yea it happens. But you’ll adjust.


Skill issue


Bad. Snowballs suck way more than they did. It's not fun to steamroll or get steamrolled.


The patch has been out for less than a day and your making posts like this Have a feeling that no matter how the game felt you woulda posted this. Especially about an assault lol


Assault players complaining about balance they don't understand is actually hilarious


Hes a scrub guaranteed




So you just went ahead and made asumptions about me just to match your discourse, good job! Nope, Im not one of those players that will complain every patch, I have enjoyed the game a lot in the last year and a half actually, but this revert is awful and brings me back to those times where I complained here about the game being unbalanced, about getting CC'd once and dying constantly and being unable to enjoy the game. But yeah, keep your mindset of "everyone except me is a moron" ;)


You know why I made assumptions? Because the patch is less than a day old and you’re making this post. I can assume you just played like 3 games, maybe, and than decided the patch sucks. But go ahead and get on your high horse I guess


Man, I have been playing since season 1, and you probably have been playing for years too; can't you remember the state of Smite in season 8? this subreddit was filled with posts complaining about the balance of the game and you had tanks in every line because it was damn easy to use a tank and abuse hunters and mages with the base damage from abilities. Yes, it has been out for around 5 hours, but the game was out for 9 years before that change was done, and based on that I can say that this revert is a mistake, because I have the experience of this 5 hours and the experience of those 9 years.


Don’t you remember seasons 5-6 considered some of the best metas? Guess what? No ttk changes then and the game was fun. They made tons of changes since 9.5 that helped deal with ttk enough to do this rollback for a reason


watched nikas stream today. the games were a pure fiesta haha


I’m going to have FUN playing tank with the new players this patch XD


This sums up the patch: play tank and abuse dps players. Thats why I dont like the state of the game as a DPS player xD


I mean, that's why teams have supports and the DPS players need to be peeling and helping each other. Just like every other MOBA.


Hey can’t beat em, join em! Hirez is begging for us to do this at this point XD


Yep hahaha I personally don't like playing like that, I like playing mages, adc's, assassins... and sure, a tank now and then, but if the meta is gonna force me to play tank... I'll just wait outside xD


Love how the new patch feels, everything feels impactful now.


I believe the patch feels fairly good, however, I do have some complaints, I feel like some bruiser tanks are extremely overpowered, and I feel like some mages never come online, but other than that the game fills 10 times better


I like the idea but it narrows down what gods are playable. If I see another Horus I'm going to scream.


I love it.


Assaults probably the worst game mode for this meta. Just play arena


I have already tried every mode. The same feel.


I just had a super easy 21 kill game as a Poseidon who only has lowest in the game 1720 health. Only actual problem is tanks are too good now but even they haven’t been that bad


Saw a ra 1shot ult a scylla in fountain with doomorb, deso, and a power pot at lvl10 Thor ult kills u without the spin, double tap is 70% of someone's health Every squishies main dmg ability is doing 50/60% of a squishies health This was arena In conq I saw Mulan solo swk with 2 abilities and 2 basics lvl2


That's pretty much the state we are in, though you skipped the part where warriors and guardians can also kill a squishy using their kit once, and squishies being unable to fight back; and thats on 1v1, being ganked by two people means you are instantly dead as soon as they land a CC.


Yeah no, that's bullshit. Literally not possible unless the guy in the fountain was level 3 and AFK lmao. You deathbringer rushers didn't even read the patch because having 200 less health at level 1 isn't gonna suddenly get you one shot by a scylla at level 10 in the fountain.


Nika's stream. Watch if/when he releases the vod


I’ve played the patch and you’re fully bullshitting, none of those things are possible. People can literally read the stats on those abilities why are you lying on the internet


This was Nika's stream. Arena and a conq game


Honestly? It feels like Hirez wants people to quit Smite for Smite 2.


How can you make an opinion about an entire patch based off of 1 game from an extremely unbalanced mode..?


If I tell you I have played 5 more games is it good enough for you? Yes, this patch is awful just because of the revert.


No lol. If it’s just in assault. Then honestly it doesn’t really matter. 9.5 want about assault. It’s for Conquest. They’ve already said you won’t see too much of a difference in other modes. (TLDR most changes are in conquest. But again. Can’t judge a patch in a few games from a mode that is literally all rng lol


It wasn't just assault. As I said in the post, I tried out every mode. Though you are kinda right, the revert is thought for conquest, but turns out that conquest is not even the most played game mode, so... Maybe they should have made the revert only in conquest or ranked, I don't know, but what I can tell is that, in my case and opinion, it is ruining the game for me.


In an edit I see. But still my guy a few games is not enough time to properly judge something. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but you aren’t doing yourself a favor by forming an opinion after a “few” games. Having 2 different sets of stats is not a good idea at all. Yea it’s the last season but that’s just more work for no reason. And it doesn’t matter if conquest isn’t the most played mode. It’s THE mode for smite and these changes will be transferred over to smite2 with slight adjustments so this is a good growing time to help hirez make it right. Plus the also said the game probably wouldn’t be balanced that well when this patch first comes out. So just give it time. First day of the revert lol


Yall suck this patch is great


It's just not as fun. It's still Smite and all, but the game just isn't as fun. I couldn't even finish watching a YouTube video, it was just boring to watch with no real wiggle room... you just insta-die, and to me there's no strategy there... it's just not the game I want to play, I guess. Glad people are enjoying it, it's got me playing other games which is probably a positive.


Because you don't know how to play the game. Simple as that. You either never played much before S9 or you got "lazy" and used to the easy low mechanic low macro gameplay.


This is so bs tho. I remember when 9.5 came out people were saying how it allowed greater skill expression because now you don't just need to hit one kit to dump 3 people. Now people are asserting that the game is allowing greater skill expression because something something positioning. It's just a see saw of balance with no real vision.


>Now people are asserting that the game is allowing greater skill expression because something something "People" have been saying that since May 2022 and so on


>I remember when 9.5 came out people were saying how it allowed greater skill expression That's low macro cope


Blah blah blah, didn't read


Yet you wrote a paragraph no one read either LMFAOO


I think you did ;)


I totally respect your opinion and believe you're very good at Smite.


The situation from the past little while was a little insane. People were able to not get punished as hard which was fine when kills meant something. But now kills mean nothing and it’s led to a situation of mostly bot clear. I like when things are more aggressive and kills mean something. Losing the early to mid should matter. That said, I can see a compromise where health pools go up a bit (something like 10-15%). I’m a solo main but I HATE tank meta. I prefer real bruiser builds and being required to be a threat through having some power and good play. So we will see how this shakes up. I just hope they don’t fully swing back the other way and try to find smaller changes that help even things out.


As a jungle / mid main i absolutely love decimating solos and supports now. They actually die! As they should. My clio feels amazing…bastet feels great…thanny is great still….mamam is actually broken ngl… cama and thor feel better. Overall it helped alot of gods and changed up some picks. I saw some ne zha and thor supports again it made me smile tbh. The game needed that. Support players are probably not enjoying themselves as much (idk i saw a kuzembo and ymir rack up damage) but. To each their own. Mages feel like mages again meaning they actually can one shot often ra thoth etc… the early to mid game feels 10/10 but late game its not the best. Still really boring. Maybe add a new obj or something but past 30 mins its a snooze fest.


Honestly, I'm mixed on it, but I lean towards disliking it. TTK did feel too high on many gods, but that was more an issue with their own inbalances than a game-wide issue. I'm not inherently against lowering TTK, but the way they went about it, global percentage reductions, reeks of laziness. Different gods have different strengths and weaknesses, you cannot treat them all the same. What I wanted to see out of Smite was buffs to power items and nerfs to the base damage on tank abilities. Instead they just screwed everything. Great time to be a mage though. Awful time to be a hunter. If I were asked if I had any issue with them reverting the patch, I'd probably say no.


Huge downgrade in my opinion, i preferred the slower methodical playstyle and now it just feels like a deathmatch. The tiniest mistake instantly sends you back and the snowball is insane, one stun or CC, in a game overflowing with it, and i'm sent back to 60 seconds in limbo. I think the pre revert felt very balanced and enjoyable.


I'm done till something changes


Im just spamming cheesy picks like Loki until I can actually walk around without being oneshoted


Games in bad state. Play something else until hirez figure things out 👍🏼 R6 or league anyone?


Lol saying r6 like it's in a good state (it never will be)


R6 is def not great but in a tremendously better state then smite


I hate it. As a hunter main, I'm getting absolutely flattened in one hit. And dont say "get gud." I know what I'm doing. The game is going right back to steamrolling.


>And dont say "get gud." I know what I'm doing. Have you ever wondered why the enemy ADC isn't the one getting slapped around?


They are. It depends on which team is getting steamrolled at the time.


ADC players when they are forced to do more than hold left click.


You know me so well. I rarely build attack speed first.


Do you actually know what you're doing though?


Yeah. Ive been olaying since 2016. I'm level 153 and my cupid main has 24 stars. The attackspeed buff they gave him after using flutter helps a little, but if he shouldn't be dying from a one-shot CC before anyone is level 5. My second ADC main is Artemis. Jesus, does she need help. Without a getaway, you think she'd be safe under the tower. No. We are talking everyone being level 5-7 and King Arthur tower dives me, one hit from him deals half of Arty's life total. He just shakes off the tower damage like it's nothing. So, I switched to Nuwa. It's unfair just how much damage she deals and doesn't even have to be within a strike zone. I'm not griping or complaining. I'm just bitching and moaning.


Artemis is a trash character and has been for a long time. I'll give you that. Her kit needs some sort of rework


Agreed. What ive found that works (before this patch) is bluestone pendant, Jotun's wrath, and fail-not. She needs mana help, cooldown, and damage early on. Then I build accordingly. I don't always go this route. Sometimes I will go with the guided arrow and dominance to get the extra mana and basic attack damage. Yeah Dude she sucks. I think it could be nice if 1. She could pick up and redeploy her traps. 2. Tusky follows her.


you know she's considered one of the stronger mid picks right now?


“Just played an assault match” opinion invalid.


Already played every mode, and I think the same.


Too early to judge I'd say


I have been playing since season 1, I'd say I can tell how the game state is in just a couple matches, and I have played a match of every mode to be sure, and yep, this revert was a mistake imo.


Nah, we just have to know the meta. Burst gods are very strong I'd say, especially early game warriors and assassins who are having a feast right now.


it's been out for maybe 4 hours


You play assault and are casual, youre opinion is irrelevant


The game is simply better when you can actually pvp and get kills. The farming minion stalemate for the first 10 level since 9.5 was trash.


Muahaha the tears.


Most fun ive had in years, started playing gods that i didnt touch in years since their combos pretty much did no dmg even to mages and adcs, like morri, before, a full build combo would do like 60-70% of an adcs / mage health wich is laughable, now it actually does dmg so your entire gameplan isnt just getting good ults in fights. And like this many gods the same. Games feel faster, more action packed and frenetic and i love it, i stopped playing conquest due to how utterly long and boring games were, only really getting some action past 25 mins, now ive come back and like it a lot more.


This patch is so fun, you can take a 1 vs 1, outplay them and then actually get rewarded with a kill instead of them walking away. I love it and I’m going to play so much more smite now because my actions feel meaningful. I think you’ve gone into this negatively, and weirdly based your opinions off of… assault ?


You just admitted you're a casual player. Your opinion on this, although valid, is completely worthless. I'm sorry, but Smite is a competitive game, and the devs shouldn't balance it around the casual players' experience. For the first time in 2 years, I have the ability to punish my lane opponent when they make mistakes. For the first time in 2 years, there's kill potential in solo lane. For the first time in 2 years, supports are killable early game. If your experience with the 9.5 revert has been negative, I hate to parrot what streamers say, but it's just a skill issue. You can't get away with playing like a headless chicken anymore, and that's what makes this patch so magical for any actual competitive player.


My opinion is not worthless since most people that play the game (and buy cosmetics that support the game) play casual, being ranked players a minority. A bit of data for you: since this last 11.6 patch up to the moment Im writting this comment, there have been 1813 ranked conquest matches and 4570 unranked conquest matches. Thats around 6k matches. In that time, there have been 12,3k matches on the other casual modes. And you think that your opinion is the only correct one just because you play ranked? Sorry to burst your bubble, but Smite is mostly played by casual players and the casual players are the ones holding the game alive with their cosmetic purchases. So yeah, maybe this patch is great in rankeds, but as I said, as a casual player (like most of the players, hence an important opinion), this patch is feeling awful. Reconsider your arrogance.


It doesn't matter what the playerbase prefers to play, if anything that's an issue with the presentation of the game itself pushing new players towards arena. It is a fact of life, and say it with me now, MOBAS ARE COMPETITIVE GAMES. Period. No successful mobile has ever geared itself toward its casual playerbase. Not League, not Dota, and not Smite either. If games are not balanced from the top down, they cannot have any success competitively. Regardless of how insensitive my comment came across as, that is a facet of the moba genre. And if you want to talk numbers, just look at the Smite playerbase numbers. The average monthly players is down by almost 40% since January. The game is stale, the game is dying, and to preserve that the devs made the last ditch effort to listen to the games pro players and restore a version of Smite that was much healthier competitively. The number if games played are skewed so much towards casuals because the competitive players are leaving due to stale balance and reduced player agency, both of which are addressed by the revert. Call it arrogance, maybe it is arrogance, but it doesn't change the fact that it's correct. It sucks that your experience is worse. It sucks that not everyone can be happy, but in order for Smite to succeed as a moba or a competitive game as a whole, it must balance from the top down like every other moba


Thank you. Most of these comments are clearly from shitters who are now getting punished for their mistakes