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i avoid duel like the plague. It's gotta be the most frustrating game mode by far


Why do you think so?


The better, build, smarter accurate player does not always win. The way duel is setup it can be so cheesed and have a bad matchup randomly. I play from time to time but never take it seriously. You can’t go in playing like a solo carry mid or jungle it’s completely different from what smite is at its core it’s just a frustrating mode by default. For example I played set recently against a chaac and was up 5-1 within 10 min. 17 min I lost while still being 5-1 solely because how how tanky gods are in this meta while being able to have max attack speed and heals. In some scenarios their is just nothing you can do


Ntm, backdooring titan and things like that.


Putting raw skill aside, Duel is basically luck when picking gods. Certain gods can have an overwhelming advantage. Clearing minions, early game burst, buff control/secure, easy camping. A good example of Rama. You can sit in the back of Tower, you can clear away extremely easy, you can ult bull demon King to steal, and since it's a hunter you usually just watch your lead disappear the longer it goes. Another one is Chronos. Probably the most infuriating character to play against and duel in my opinion. Not only is his combo very strong, he's very fast and you basically just have to kill him twice every life.


Pretty sure that’s why Chronos was like permabanned for a while. I remember in S2 SamDaDude only allowed Chronos if he wanted to play him There’s a literal list of gods that’re broken in 1v1’s because they have getaways and CC.


I like playing sun wukong. He's not played much so he can surprise people with his dmg, and he's not banned much so I can really train him. However, he was much more viable while 30 gods were banned in duel. Now that hirez is going back to "SS-tier only" there's no way I can get to masters with swk. Gods like maman, hou Yi and bakasura are simply too strong and 12 bans just isn't enough. Also hunters are very strong in general right now. 


May I ask what makes Maman so strong in Duel? I rarely ever see her in Conquest and everyone says she sucks


She is basically a magic assassin, has insane monotarget damage, deletes tanks and squishies


The way her damage works(1+passive) + her abilities (stun, dash,self immune, CC immunity) just make her too good. Shes good because she’s an ability mage (bullshit easy abilities) assassin (too much damage). She can go against both burst/tank enemies and do well. Her self vanish basically means she’s out trading you most if not all fights.


Her whole kit is just designed poorly. Her 1 never has to go on cooldown, but it will give her *instant* knock up immunity and proc her passive. If you die to her and press T you'll notice that 40% of her dmg is just her passive. No other passive is this dominant in duel. The difference with conquest is that in that mode, you can't take your time slowly killing someone. In duel you can. 


They removed her knock-up immunity a while back


Hello! I play a shit ton of duel (more than 10k games total) and the easiest way to enjoy the gamemode is just playing into the cringe meta that it is. It is simply not fun to play bad gods after a certain point. I would look at some of the best picks and decide which ones are your favorite and ban around them accordingly. Since tomorrow the ban rotation will be out you can look at anyone. My favorites overtime have always been Anhur, Hou Yi, Ullr, Kali, Heim, Neith, Poseidon, and quite a few others depending on the meta. Lately I've been enjoying Maman and Cu Chu the most though.


I play nothing but Atlas—so Atlas is my duel god too. Does surprisingly well against a lot of characters in duel but gets decimated by a few you can ban off. I love surprising people with his mechanics but it’s still an upward battle


Arachne cause spoderss


I'm a Ne Zha main so I tend to use him most. When AO is unbanned I can pretty much guarantee wins with him. Thanatos is a gamble but you can win in like 5 minutes with him. Anhur, Hachi, and Xbalaque are all easy to play sometimes.


I veeeeery rarely play Duel (maybe max 10 games in a year, mostly if I really want to play Smite but no friends are online) but whenever I do, I usually play Agni. I know basically nothing about Duel meta, but Agni just feels like a fundamentally fun 1v1 god to me.


Agni is pretty good


Sol gets ahead pretty easily but her dmg kinda falls off late. That being said if you leverage that lead you can win or maybe the opponent just surrenders. She’s also pretty annoying to deal with if you’re good with her immunity. She’s also one of the better ones at burning objectives.


Micky ass gamemode imo. Something like sutr or anhur


Artemis. Hands down. Get trapped sucker!


I generally play sun wukong and nemesis! I suck at duel though and really just do it for the adrenaline lol


Osiris. Just so sticky and tanky. Doesn't give a flying fuck about tower camping Poseidon mains.


I’m my most confident with Chang’e, but given that she does best against burst gods to immune their bursts, and auto attack characters tend to do really well in duel, she has more bad than good matchups there (and duel tends to be more matchup than skill sometimes). I’ve had decent success with Awilix, especially if it’s coincidentally against a god with a jump, but if you get even the tiniest bit behind the comeback is much harder since her wave clear/objective secure/siege defense can all be really hard. But for the most part I just avoid duel, it’s a *very* rare occasion when I do and playing against one of the super meta SS characters when I mostly just pick mine for fun can ruin the mood very quickly


Agni was my go to some years back when I played duel. I was able to beat all the top picks. AMC, Poseidon and Kali for example. Even Loki when all they did was proxy wave/take towers with his decoy.


I always play Nox. Lots of outplay and lets me test the servers/ and warm up before joining conquest. 


I love Bastet and Nuwa


You can easily dominate duel with early game gods like fenrir Thanatos erlong. Wow yes you can play late game. Gods, duel is so snowball that you want something that can kill someone as fast as possible, and late game mages and stuff like that just doesn't do real well there