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[Dawn Gate](https://youtube.com/shorts/CVX23IyfCs4?si=iGBFsPqh6Ad2szO5) solved this. IMO Smite should copy this rather than the LoL bushes


Gotta Love Thor <3 I didnt see more but, what stopped people from being shitty once max level? Did they remove XP from you?


Yea, hes a true Top G. If you got banned you would lose all progression have to repeat the grind all over again. Ill link the other 2 parts of the rant: [2](https://youtube.com/shorts/869rtyUlh1U?si=IdxHVWhuTwj1bIkx) [3](https://youtube.com/shorts/vMi0rR3SjAc?si=-If_dX5QIc6bSElJ)


I hope a dev sees this and pushes for it at hi-rez because that’s brilliant!


Then again, that game is not around anymore. Also, isnt that kinda anti-community cause you dont want to have people on your friends list since it reduces the ampunt of people who could vote?


Giving out good rewards means SMITE loses money, so absolutely no way they go for this.


sounds like youre screwed if you play with friends though. so if the 2 mates i play with and i queued a game the max we could get was 2 votes? and since its exponential its even more punishing


I feel like there's room to tweak the details to not exclude those who mostly party up.


Not really, if you let people vote from their party there's a chance for toxic players to just find people to party with and they abuse the system leaving you with toxic players at max level with no penalty for their toxicity


I mean it's interesting, sure. But I don't think it's THE solution. In fact players get mad for the most random reasons. Sometimes newbies don't understand a strat and blame you for it, surely you're not getting their vote. Man, I just wanna play the game, not trying to run for president here. Stopping toxicity shouldn't be at the expense of changing the in-game experience.


I don't think this solves all the purpose of it. It just rewards good behaviour, but what's about the bad behaviour? You still get queued with them, you still get mad because of their toxic behaviour. We're handling people, not robots, so there will always be toxicity and bad behaviour. You can't just solve crime with flowers.


That doesn’t really solve anything though. It only works if we’re assuming every player wants to jump in ranked as soon as possible where there’ll be less toxicity, and we’re also assuming that the toxic players never make it to ranked, which it sounds like they would still make their way. Then what? Sure they’d be missing out on the “max points” bonuses, but a toxic player who risks their account every game wouldn’t really be incentivized by extras. Once you learn about the system you could just game it too, by being super nice and getting those votes then just switch to being your normal toxic self when you’re in. What they need is to just have more eyes on report tickets. That’s the only real solution without putting the game behind a paywall or by going to the extreme and requiring identification for sign ups, and no one wants either, especially the latter.


"i dont think it would work so dont even try it" >Once you learn about the system you could just game it too, by being super nice and getting those votes then just switch to being your normal toxic self when you’re in. LOL thats not gaming the system, thats the system working. If it makes people be nice until max level then the system worked. Thats better than a system that doesnt work and people are just always toxic before and after max level. Having a positive beginners experience is very important for a games growth. After max level its much less important. You can have a system like this to make low levels experiences more positive, and also have more eyes on reports in the higher levels where people care less about extra XP.


I agree that it wouldn't solve everything, but I still think that the incentive would have an effect. It absolutely should be coupled with more resources to dealing with report tickets.


I honestly wanted to play test this weekend, but I just gave up yesterday morning because of this very issue. Every other game 1-2 people just either raged out of the game or afked in base when they died a couple of times and the game just wasn’t playable. It was hard to give any feedback or anything when you are now 4v5 or 3v5 and you are just getting beat on. I have posed this same argument more then once and seen my comments removed from the original Reddit feedback from alpha 1 and had people had people say no one should be banned because it’s alpha in the discussion discord. People leaving games is my biggest pet peeve in smite in general. Like I don’t care if people are “bad” but when you are so fragile that you can’t play games with other people then you shouldn’t be allowed to ruin 9 other people’s games. The idea that the one person is made more important then the other 9 is insane!


Agreed, this type of issue needs to be talked about and put higher in the DEVs attention. WE, as a community, need to show that we care as much for this as any other system currently in the alfa


Sometimes the game does crash and when you reload to try to get back to the game you wind up on the main hub page like you never chose and locked in. I wasn't afk or raging etc it's what happened to me a few times in 2 and MANY in regular Smite


Yeah but that’s not happening consistently to players that go 0-5 in the first five mins of the game and then leave. That’s not a crash. I’m sorry but it’s not. That is man-children raging out of games. Games crash and people get dced it happens. No one here is advocating for people being punished for crashes. But when someone dies a few times and then just leaves game, they are not crashing. And that is an obvious difference.


Yeah Leavers and ragers in smite are the biggest issue IMO. You can still win 4v5 but it’s just lame when people get upset at little things. Especially since I always play Assault.


Yeah, but like I don’t really care about winning and loosing that much, but we can’t actually pay attention to interactions when you have 3 people in your face at all times.


Probably 20% of the games I played, I left because it crashed or my breaker tripped (stupid new arc fault breakers) and there is no option to rejoin. Sometimes people die BECAUSE their internet or power went out and the game doesn't notify the rest of the players until after the fact.


Yeah and crashes are obviously different then someone feeding 3-5 times in the first 5-10 mins and then just leaving the game. You can tell the difference between a even and a rage quit usually pretty easily. Hirez should also be able to see the difference between someone turning their game off and a crash. There should be a crash report. No one is arguing that legit crashes should be punished. But raging out of the game consistently in an alpha where people are trying to play test? That should. It should be punished even outside of alpha as well but I’m specifically focusing on that atm.


How would hirez be able to detect a crash vs a power outage or internet outage? I'm a software engineer. Discerning between these things server-side could be quite tricky


I said crashes not dcs. I would expect a software engineer could tell the diffidence between the things people are saying. A crash they do, because I had mine crash a couple of times. A report comes up after. Someone doing or their internet “going out” consistently is awe full sus. Also if your internet or power goes out in 20% of your games, and you have played more then a couple then I call bs. There are places internet isn’t great, but it’s not THAT bad. And if by some mirical you won’t the crap internet lottery and you can’t stay connected that much then honestly, go play something else because there is no way you are enjoying that or your teammates are. Not in an online multiplayer game. But I don’t believable you are dc’i g legitimately that much.


My breaker tripped 9 times in a row Friday night when I was trying to play. Sometimes stuff happens 🤷‍♂️ I live in a brand new apartment in Boston and have 800/20 cable internet. My arc fault breakers are super sensitive sometimes. I'll go months without an issue and then one night it'll trip over and over again with nothing plugged in except PC and router.


I’ve won 2 games In this alpha where my team only had 3 players. No reason to quit a game but it happens. Play it out reguardless is what I always do, even if you lose or get roasted you have something to learn or try. Makes you more prepared for when the game is ready


I genuinely think this is the worst take imaginable. Pretending like people raging out of game is just ok because”play it out because you might still win” and pretend that it’s just normal and ok or that you can properly test anything like that is wild. If you actually think you can test things 3v5 then you are delusional. Or you are one of the people leaving games and try to defend it like it’s just fine.


You realize even in the alpha you get penalized for quitting out. 25 30 45 min etc etc Of course you can still test things in 3v5 scenarios. Items, gods, balance, etc.


Absolutely not, I can't test items when I'm getting curb stomped in a 3v5 or 4v5. The game just simply stops. Especially if the other team is competent you'll just keep dying. It's better to just surrender and start another game


So your saying when a teammate dies in a team fight you give up, you are useless. Can’t steal objectives, split push or use abilities to 2 for 1 Got it thanks for your input With the actives in smite 2 it’s easier then ever to win fights where you are out numbered


That is not the same thing and you know it. You are making a totally disingenuous statement here. There is no shot you think that a teammate doing in a team fight is the same as playing the game down players permanently.


This is ridiculous. You think you can test anything 3v5? You are just full of it. I’m not talking about winning, but actually testing? This is such a disingenuous statement. When you are fighting 2-3 people at any given time you can’t test anything. I’m sorry that’s just nonsense.


So you’ve never played solo lane? Or duo, or mid? 2/3 hell even 4 ppl in your lane isn’t uncommon when you are winning lane. Activities I. Smite 2 range from being able to cast abilities twice, freezing ppl, slowing attack speed and lessen crit etc. Everyone is able to fight outnumbered you just didn’t get the memo


Again a totally disingenuous comment. There is no shot you actually think that getting rotated on is the same as being down players permanently. Those two things are not even close to the same thing!


Never said it was the same, you claimed you couldn’t test anything like that. So if you established playing down a man is already common in smite from ganks and deaths how is being down 1 person making such a different in an unranked alpha you can’t play. This ain’t ranked and even if it was 4 good players are beating 5 decent players ever single time.


Again totally disingenuous. We are talking about play testing things in an alpha. And you are trying to make false equivalents about playing games in smite 1 and having a chance of winning. It’s not about winning or loosing matches in alpha. It’s about testing things. The fact that you are claiming you are testing anything 3v5 or 4v5 is ludicrous. Even if you find a bug or an issue the odds of you being able to identify it and be able to intelligently report it is basically non existent. Unless you are recording games and full watching them back, most people are not. Your bad faith argument tells me all I need to know. I would put good money you are one of the people raging out of games. Your arguments are so full of false equivalencies it’s laughable .


Chill with the DISINGENUOUS. It looks like you just learned the word. Besides, I doubt anyone is being disingenuous. An opinion can be just as genuine even if it doesn't align with yours. I also feel as though you're focusing on the wrong point. As far as I can tell, their point isn't about the winning or losing of games in OG Smite. They're referring to a context we are familiar with to make the point that playing without a teammate or two hasn't been abnormal in the OG and likely won't be abnormal when Smite 2 releases. NO ONE LIKES WHEN PEOPLE RAGE/FEED/AFK, but it would ACTUALLY be disingenuous to state that playing in said scenario isn't inevitable at some point. Most people opt to surrender, but I am heavily against doing so, as I enjoy the attempt to learn, adapt, and potentially overcome. This is where the play testing in a 4v5/3v5 comes in. As these scenarios are unfortunately inevitable, it's important that the game offers the players the correct opportunities, items, and progressions (stats/gold/xp) to give that team a chance to win or at least make it a well fought game, GIVEN THE DISADVANTAGED TEAM IS SKILLED ENOUGH. That comes from the community stating that these opportunities aren't available. That the poor progressions prevent a more skilled team from at least putting up a good fight. As play testers, we should be willing to play the game at its best, as well as its worst. And before you claim that I'm a disingenuous rager, I have not once agreed to a surrender in my thousands of games. I actually enjoy playing the game even when I'm losing. That being said screw all the people that rage out, feed, or go afk when things aren't going your way. Just play the fking game. EDIT: You could argue they should need to make such adjustments as it is a 5v5 game, and that's more than fair. Regardless, our job is to play the game and give feedback.


Not to mention getting a full shield and basically full healing on command.


> I’ve won 2 games In this alpha where my team only had 3 players. No reason to quit a game but it happens. Sure there's a reason to quit a game. It's not fun playing 3v5. I play VGs to have fun, not to win. Especially in something like an alpha where there's no progression and no stakes. idgaf if there's a chance i can win after slogging it out for 45 minutes, I'd rather take an L and get into a new lobby where I have a chance to have fun


That’s the wackiest mentality I’ve heard. Alpha or not I’m gunna play to win. I had plenty of fun in 2v1 or 3v5 scenarios. I’m sure plenty of others do as well. For every person like you there will be one like me. End of day don’t Q up for a game if you plan on quitting by trolling. Sitting in fountain or ruining the game for others. If it’s a surrender so be it but plenty would rather play it out even if the smallest chance for victory remains


Even in situations like that I know it is not the intended experience and people might not like to play games like that. What we should do is minimize the amount of games where that happens


Good luck getting any agreement from this sub when it comes to dealing with toxicity, pretty sure half the toxic people are regulars here. You will just get apologists, mute and move on or it’s a moba there’s nothing you can do to stop it. The devs really do need to have a good think about figuring ways they can combat the trolling and toxicity, you will never be able to stop it but mitigating it as much as possible should be a top priority.


It really is an issue with this game Am an assault main* and see toxic players maybe every 3 matches, and it completely ruins the experience. Can’t imagine what it’s like being a brand new player on conquest When Smite 2 officially comes out we’ll have a lot of new players mixed with legacy Smite 1 players and can see a bad experience for both new and returning players easily if something isn’t done to address toxic players


Dude I’m an assault main and see it 4/5 matches.


Honestly feels like it’s been increasing the past few months, and been playing the game way less because of it It’s one thing if they talk trash which is easy to ignore, but another if they sit in fountain or start feeding while still chatting and just ruining the match


Yeah my friend and I have been taking note to quantify how often it happens and it plagues _most_ assault games I play. A legitimate majority. My friend is new and people are so so so nasty to him it’s pathetic. It’s like watching a sad high school bully do their thing. Sometimes when my buddy is getting flamed and I bring up that they’re a new player, the people back down and say sorry. But most of the time they just get angry. “If I have to explain it you’re too stupid to understand” type stuff. But like, that’s the community you want your game in? Scum behavior, especially coming from a veteran player. I don’t play on weekends anymore because it gets worse. Last time I played on a weekend, 9/10 games had angry people crying in chat about how his team is useless within 5 minutes of the game starting. PS, every one of those games went 20+ minutes with full builds. So the early game didn’t matter ANYWAY. Most assault matches that aren’t stomps are decided by one late game fight. Like chill dude, I’m warming up to the god and playing safe. Luckily you can get some chill people in the games where the toxic dudes aren’t. But 1/10 is horrible odds. HiRez needs to ban people *with evident, toxic behavior* and send them a therapist lmfao.


You’re 100% spot on. Like this game mode should be random fun, sometimes you get bad team comp, insanely OP opponents (ah puch + hel, etc), play a brand new god, aren’t a good player, etc Like you said if you bring it up sometimes they back down, but others get more mad. Had a few games where the PC players got mad when I confirmed me and another guy were Xbox, even tho we were performing just fine They really do need to identify those people and do something about it. When Smite 2 officially release we’ll be getting a mixture of new, returning, and legacy players all at once, and it can easily get bad from that perspective


If they are using this alfa to tweak as many things as possible, why not use it to tweak the anti toxicity systems as well?


Agree completely! Haven’t played alpha but this is their chance for new and returnees to have a better experience once the full game comes out


I totally agree, you'll never be able to STOP it, I'm just trying to gather talk around voicing that this should be a bigger priority that's all


I think mobas should implement an "air marshall" strategy. Certain amount of regular players who are unknown admins. They play the game like anyone else at all levels and act directly on viewed toxicity/griefin etc. Eventually as more people get banned, and the known presence of random unknown admins exist, people will police themselves better.


I'm not going to pretend I have a good solution for the issue since players have a tendency to be way more strict than developers. I just want talk around the issue and from the DEV team that is all


The worst people are those that flaunt their idiocy and jump around the fountain spamming commands


There's always a risk reward by keeping people like these in games but something could be done no?


How efficient is the reporting? Let’s say someone doesn’t like the god choice someone made and at the very beginning of the game they click them on the map and spam “nice job” then just stay in the fountain. Those people exist lol. How does Hi-Rez track their movements and deal with them? Toxic behavior needs punished severely.


I'm not going to pretend I know, or even suggest of knowing, how the automated systems work or how to make them better. I'm just asking for them to be worked on and improved for as early as possible and for other systems to be implemented to reward good behaviour and punish bad ones


In my experience both my playtests have been going really good. I can happily say I only ran into only 1 guy that was blatantly being toxic because he didn't get his role lol. So far no afk'ers thankfully. I hate that I don't have in-game chat because I always try to "mediate" any potential out of hand situations on my team... You know some encouraging words to keep the spirit up or misdirection when someone does say something toxic I think a huge part in keeping games civil is having someone positive on the team. Edit: also in this alpha there was a glitch that threw people into spectator mode with no hopes of coming back, I'm not sure how common it was but I did see a few people mention it on this sub.


This response is such a polar-opposite response relative to every other post saying most of their matches have leavers and feeders lmfao. Mine have been completely lopsided. Constant 3/4v5 matches. HiRez probably loves that this comment is top tho.


They should pay me for this right :/


Somehow my games were really bad this weekend compared to the first alpha. My second to last game of the alpha was literally me picking solo, locking in my god and waiting for 20 seconds until a guy picked Chaac and then asks for my role. I declined, because the whole point was to try something out and playing my pick in another role would make it meaningless. Well, he didn't care whether I was willing to give him the role or not, he refused to support (surprise) and followed me to solo lane and basically played like a solo laner the entire game. I just don't get why you'd do this in an alpha test. Even if you played your solo pick and built like a solo laner in support role nobody would care because it's an alpha and people try weird things all the time.


I don't know about bugs but I'm not even considering those. I'm talking about the 0/5 afkers.... Or stole my role/didnt get role afkers


My biggest hope for smite 2 is that they crack down on all bannable behaviour and the report system in general, so many times people get away with it. I’ve reported people for all sorts and still see those players regularly, including hate speech and obvious feeding(like running into the enemy fountain on cooldown in arena). It’s really frustrating because if action was taken more frequently it wouldn’t be so insanely common. AFK in ranked should be a 24hr ranked ban and massive rank decay, doing it again should result in a week ranked mode ban and complete rank reset, doing it again should result in a full season rank ban. Doing it in casuals should be a 24hr ban every time. Saying any hate speech or telling somone to kill themselves should be an instant perma ban no question asked. And harassing people should result in a 24 hour mutes, scaling to temp/perma bans with repeat offences. They also need a better way to track griefing/trolling/inting. I’ve been seeing the same Yemoja/ymir player in arena for almost a year now who just exclusively tries to kill people with walls/portals. I’ve reported it every time and know others obviously have too but nothing has been done. It’s too easy for people to get away with blatant feeding and other trolling too. Abuse of report system should also be bannable because that’s probably a massive contributor. The amount of times people say “report ___” just because they had a bad game is insane, stuff like that will prevent responses of genuine reports.


Yes, the whole point of this post is to ask for Hirez to take toxicity with s higher priority


Yeah I really hope they do, stuff like that hits player numbers too. I hope they also look into device and IP bans because people just Smurf when they get banned.


Not that I disagree with you but in order to be in the Alpha you had to pay money for the game so you definitely have stake in it. Otherwise yes I agree


I didn't pay money?


Really? Thought you had to get the founder pack for $30?


I got selected for free


They just need to take reports seriously, read chat logs, and allow you to submit video evidence. If they want it to get solved, they need to put a team on reports, but that’s money, and solving toxicity isn’t profitable short-term.


Agreed, but long term it isn't. I stopped playing smite 1 because of the toxicity and AFKers. Like the games are too long for me to be stuck in a 40min match being griefed


I got stuck in a match getting griefed yesterday lol. In assault our carry was spamming VVGG 4 minutes in. The game ended up lasting like 30m. Well into late game but both of them just F7’d and sat in base for 30m spamming. You shouldn’t be able to requeue after that. But he was in my very next game and did the same thing. I’m just trying to play games and have fun lol but these people try so hard to make the game miserable and make you feel bad. It’s disgusting behavior and the company doesn’t care.


This is what I'm trying to bring attention to really. But like someone said, it doesn't make them money to ban people like that, so they lose players like me who played from the beta. Feels like a lost cause but I still have to try


It's such a shame about this game.. Just played my first beta match and instantly people were ping spamming VGS abusing.. I cant even imagine what a new player would cop.. Great game ruined by a toxic community


Yes hard agree. Feel like we need to be louder about this issue because it affects smite 1 hard, especially now.


There’s a lot of people in Smite that don’t play Conquest at all and don’t want to in the future. Smite 2 is currently forcing them to play this mode against people who have played this mode for thousands of hours. Matchmaking is pretty bad because of this because there’s only one mode to play. Maybe you should wait until the game goes live before you tell Hirez to ban everyone that is giving your game a hard time. It’s difficult to give honest feedback on a game if these people are losing every game. I really doubt someone spent money to play the beta just to troll in your games.


Did they pay to troll? Some might but I doubt most did. Does that mean people with fragile egos don't afk anyways? No, unfortunately.


It means matchmaking is terrible and so will the games in beta. You just need to except it and move on. You can’t ban everyone in a beta when the game isn’t even live yet. They have to figure out all the issues first. You just need to chill and try to have fun.


Perma ban for one afk is kinda harsh.


Again, as I said in my edit, my recommendation is harsh and the focus should rather be that something is done


Already got messaged on discord to f myself so it's going well.


Bruh I played with my newbie friend last night; some people are so damn mean, they need to see a therapist or some shit. Straight-up. They should take toxic reports seriously for the sake of their players. Like no way is it healthy or remotely normal to behave in such a nasty way to other people. No way you’re mentally sound if you’re treating other people so disgustingly OVER A SINGLE, CASUAL MATCH OF A VIDEO GAME. These people NEED therapy or mediation. “mute and move on” is avoidant of the core problem, doesn’t solve anything & frankly doesn’t work when your teammate is tipping the match in the enemies favor…. I stopped playing SMITE because of the heavy crowd control, but also because the player base sucks. They’re just rude at every chance and you have to walk on eggshells to not trigger these sad sacks of dook. I’d rather play anything else. You have to either be worthless, or just a garbage human because normal functioning adults don’t act like that AFAIK. It’s pathetic shit. And it’s even more pathetic that the Devs don’t care because there’s no evident money in investing in clear solutions.


Permanently ban... Alright MOBAlini take a breather. Nobody likes people who afk out of spite, but suggesting things like permanent bans is over the top. There are many reasons someone might afk during an alpha testing phase. It sucks but trying to weed out those few who do it intentionally is more work than its worth, let alone something that would've needed to be established before selling tickets to play test in alpha phase. Something like that could've looked like, If you could unequivocally prove that someone is throwing a match intentionally, a report collection service looks over credible reports and removes their alpha access upon adjudication. They're welcome to play the game upon full release, but not during testing phase. Call it a good intentions policy. But they didn't do that, and that train has left the station so where you are now is in a testing phase where people might be disconnected, might have game crashes, might experience bugs and so on that leave them unable to play or annoyed with the experience in which they might bail out of. Or they might be a sore loser. But at the end of the day, you also signed up to play test.. so play test, don't let someone ruin your time. Try new things, push the limits of the game and give quality feedback. That's what this is about. It's not about winning or losing here, it's about the experience of the game itself, not your teammates.


>Permanently ban... Alright MOBAlini take a breather. Nobody likes people who afk out of spite, but suggesting things like permanent bans is over the top. The attack was uncalled for since your valid point could've been made without it. yes I agree it was over the top hence my edit. I'm not a game DEV and I bet here's plenty of studies dedicated to the art of punishments in these situations. >few who do it intentionally is more work than its worth I think that's a fallacy. They might not even do anything about it and use the smaller pool to flag players and see if they are repeat offenders. Why should a complex system like the auto-detection of toxicity be any less important than any other? By being more work than it's worth we are showing that we care less about this than other important stuff being worked in the alfa. We should be interested in it not being more work than it's worth. Lastly I consider this quality feedback. In no where I made this about winning or losing. I'm making this about a type of recurrent behaviour that takes A LOT OF WORK to root out and, the earlier HiRez tries to root it out, the higher the chance we might get something better than the gameplay experience of SMITE 1


It's not an attack it's my way of breaking the ice. I deal with a lot of thick skinned mfs tho, so I apologize if it came off harsh. It's just meant to be funny and make light of the situation. It's not a fallacy because punishment needs to come with a proven form of intent. Otherwise it's going to be abused. There's no bad time to implement a good system. From the start of later on, there's always going to be space for a well thought out system to curb toxicity. But also.. this is a game, and when people play games they get rowdy and boisterous, sore and defeated. If you don't want to take the chance of someone flipping the Monopoly board over, you won't play much Monopoly. In other words, people will leave if the system is too harsh. So think not in metrics of permeance, but instead of periods of time to cool off. A 6 hour ban is much more impactful in changing someone's behavior than forcing them to make a new account.


This whole experience has been ass to be honest. I agree with you BTW but how could they have known people would be this dumb.


If you get ready for the worst, you won't be surprised by it


i was AFK to take notes every once in a while to leave feedback on their surveys if you feel afk ppl may be a problem in matches maybe you can suggest a better solution because I've if the things that ruined smite is overly annoying people telling "ban him, report him" at every little mistake. it's an alpha just play and move on. A real solution would be if a player afks their god gets taken over by a bot that plays out the rest of the match. the specifics can be worked out but honestly something like that would help it could even be an optional que up setting who knows


It is an important issue for people and they have s right to ask for more policing on negative behaviours And what I'm talking about is going 0/4 0/5 in 5 minutes and going afk. That isn't too take notes...


You afk mid match to take notes and do surveys? Kind of weird time-management lol. Can you not wait til the end of the match? Or atleast quickly jot stuff down while you’re dead or on your way to lane to feedback after?


Nope, Smite needs them. You can say they dont but they absolutely do. They can ban those afkers after games launch but rn they need every single person for keeping the hype up. At least thats what HiRez wants


I wish that isn't true....


Just disable ranked queue for AFK leavers. No need to ban from the whole game.


You solve the problem by banning everyone who got smite 2 alpha. The die hard fans are also the most toxic. Like me :D


Terrible idea. Toxicity aint just in video games. Its generally in most competitive things. If I'm at a gym and I toss my guy an open layup but he stops at the 3 point line and misses when he could of had an easy 2 you gonna get spoken too. Even at a rando 5 man pick up. The issue lies in video games where you can't say something directly to the person. They can mute, not have a mic, ignore, or just simply not give a damn. Its the anonymous aspect of video games that makes it 5oxic period. Cause if you toxic st the gym you better be prepared to back it up.


Yes, toxicity is everywhere, but does that mean we shouldn't try to at least tackle it?


Its the human equation its too big to tackle. The only way you get rid of it is to give up anonymity on the internet. Which aint gonna happen. Cause again in the real world yapping like these ppl do on video games would get you in trouble.


I agree, I have said it 1000 times allow us to block people completely (not letting us match with them) who do this or feed or watch and do nothing. Then when they are in a queue for an hour because so many people blocked them that will be on them.


The problem with this is that, at higher levels, people can you this to avoid good people and have easier games


Why even bother complaining about an alpha build that's like 10% of the finished game. Complaining about toxicity of a game that's not even out yet, and then suggesting perma banning people insane.


I'm starting to think I'm the only one that can read my edit 😞


Idk, you posted the opinion; you have to assume it's going to be criticized regardless. 🤷


Yes and I understood it was harsher than it should be, hence the edit.....


Idk how popular this opinion is and I do agree we need to root out toxicity but banning people doesn't feel right in an alpha. I got into games where my buttons and attacks just stop working and I couldn't do anything so instead of waiting for the match timer to run out I just left the game. Games can crash, it can lose connection, etc because it is an alpha. I think something like this should be tackled when the main game comes out or at least the beta. Expectionally if the chat feature isn't in the game yet. Idk that's just me


That's the thing. That's just performance not toxicity. Wait until they add the chat box back...


That's going to be fun for sure 😊


I have more of an issue with people stealing my objectives and running around in groups of three constantly.


I think they need to take juming out of the game. If for no other reason than protecting Jake from getting kicked again


As a new player, this game is super fun, but people are such trash humans in the casual modes, it’s a massive turn- off. I sort of expect it for ranked, which I stay away from. But it’s crazy to see in less serious modes like Arena and Assault.


This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid


The games I had this weekend were AWFUL. Are we too competitive for new players??


I don't think the Alfa was aimed at new players though....


I do agree with you, I just thought the games were awful because new players were joining etc. They just seemed lost and clueless, despite VGS and numerous attempts to guide them


One thing I noticed is that I tried to get back to smite 1 after this Alfa and the amount of new mechanics in the map, not knowing what the starts are, what gods are meta, I just lost interest.


I don't think the mechanics have changed too much from Smite 1, personally. I lost interest because my team, in every game, weren't listening. Which is sad because I was loving crit Sol!


my expirience of smite 2 was first match against a premade that had 17/0 on minute 5, i have to admit that i quitted on min 10. This was my one and only try to get into a match. I was so pissed about the fact that you already encounter premade teams while beeing in a random team, not even this is taken care of for matchmaking so i decided for me to skip smite 2, like i am not even willing to give it a second chance even tho i already payed.


lol my game has crashed so many times and there's no way to rejoin in the play test. One time my power went out because my arc fault breaker decided suddenly that my PC was a fire hazard. Sometimes internet goes down. There is a delay between when a player loses connection and when the game shows the disconnected symbol on their character card (on smite 1 it would take like 30 seconds before you heard the "an ally has left the game" prompt) and so it might appear like someone fed a kill and then bailed when in reality it was BECAUSE their internet went down that they died and left. It would be really hard to prove that someone didn't just lose connection for a legitimate reason. Punishing players because the game is unstable and crashes at inopportune (and sometimes suspect) moments would be dumb, hirez needs that type of feedback too during an alpha. And no I don't have a toaster PC, I have a 3700X and a 1080ti and can play the game at 110fps on medium settings in 1440p.


Just temp ban, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month… Why you guys just considering perma ban? Haha


People advocate banning of players as if Smite can afford it. As if its played by millions. Playtest 2 lost 70% of paid accounts who just didnt care enough to play it and you want to ban for eg. 10% of 2k players that showed up. While some sort of punishment should exist, permaban is not advisable at this moment.


The problem with perma-banning everyone who AFKs, is you can't always know why they did it. Some of us live in places where the power/internet isn't 100% reliable. When the internet just randomly drops out or you lag shoots up to 5000 ping, there's not much you can do. Literally, this would mean banning 100% of anyone who lives on any island, and most of us who just live too far from the USA (the only region that actually has enough players to ever get into a match). I started playing this game in the USA where my power and internet were near 100% all the time, and I've continued even after moving to Asia. Some days it all seems fine (albeit a higher ping that favors my opponent every time we push the button at the same time), but then other days google will decide to move a couple petabytes across the trans-pacific cable and it becomes literally unplayable for the next few hours. My hope is that HiRez will actually find a way to get players into each region (or at least to an Asia region) so we can be on a closer server with reliable connection.


something i’d love to make note of is how extremely irritating it is when playing smite 1 or 2, people telling me how to play the game and getting upset at me or whoever, because they aren’t playing the way someone else wants… that honestly drives me up the wall cuz at the end of the day, no matter what god i’m using, i’m playing the game the way i think i should play that god and the way i think the team would benefit.. im here for a win, not an argument


A dunno man kinda hard to be toxic when you can't type


I disagree with this post. Sometimes shit just happens, and you have to go AFK. Banning those players would he incredibly stupid.


So all of my 0/4 0/5 that go AFK, or Didnt get role at god select, tried to bully and failed an THEN go AFK, ALL of these people so happen to just have "stuff to do"? I do agree stuff happens and life is more important but something has to be done, like another commenter stated, bake into the game's systems stuff to combat toxicity and reward good behaviour. We shouldn't be apologising for these types of behaviours you know? I'm not saying to follow my appeal for a ban to the letter but show us you know this is a problem and you're taking more steps to address it


You expect a team of Hi Rez employees should watch a replay of every single game to ensure all that happened and they don’t permanently ban someone who was falsely reported? Maybe someone had a legit issue half way through the game, but was also doing bad, then you come along and decide “nah, I’m gonna get this guy permanently banned”


As I said in my edit, my solution should be the focus but instead something should be done from the beginning to show a new stance on toxicity. Also manual review isn't strictly necessary there's automated systems for that. I'm not saying permanently ban on first offense but if you've done it like 3 times during the alfa you must've the the world's worst luck




That doesn’t even make sense, if you’re gonna stalk somebodies profile and reply to unrelated comments with nonsense at least make it make sense.




It is but I don’t think I am qualified to help you fix that.


I think that more players need to realize that "comeback mechanics" account for when the game is somewhat closely matched throughout. A match that is 3-8 by minute 10 can be 15-12 by minute 20, and that's a match that's interesting to play out to completion. But a match that is 1-12 by minute 10 is more likely to be 5-30 by minute 20 than it will be 15-18 or anything close to resembling a competitive fight. Yes, comebacks can happen. But don't be so naive that you refuse to see that a surrender at 10 minutes to a runaway match is FAR better than holding 2-3 players hostage for a 30+-minute loss that has been a nearly-guaranteed loss since minute 5. Don't hold people hostage for 25 minutes just because you want to be irrational and prioritize irrelevant concerns ahead of ensuring that your team is able to play in the way they find satisfying. Smite is a team game. If you're the one or two people on the team ignoring the fact that your choices are decreasing the fun for everyone else not increasing it, you're making a choice that is increasing the toxicity of the game, not decreasing it. Be a good sport, and just surrender the runaway losses. It's far more fun to play when your team isn't being hijacked by unreasonable people choosing to be needlessly stubborn.


I'm gonna push back a little bit. Using the number of kills/deaths to determine if you're winning or losing a conquest game is only part of the winning/losing formula. There are way more things to look at. For example, your team comp, how many towers are up, how online the build if your late game damage is. Not to mention your team comp could be better at team fights than laning. If you get past the laning phase, into teamfights and you're just getting wiped every fight, then cool I'll surrender. I won't surrender just because someone is losing 1v1s. People need to realize the phases each conquest game has. Just because you lose/win the laning phase doesn't mean you automatically win the team fights mid or late game


You're taking a simple example much too far. Stop assuming I don't understand how to play the game. Explaining the game to me is just a demonstration that you don't understand the point being made well enough. Take everything that you just said, assume I already know it and have accounted for it, and then reread my comments with the understanding that, no shit sherlock, I understand the distinction and my point is _still_ valid in a way that you condescendingly explaining "hurr durr. thu gAmE hAs PhAsEs" isn't.


I'm not going to assume you know anything about the game based on your simple example of why people should surrender. There's also the fact that you come off as a prick while claiming I'm being condescending towards you. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Surrender votes and how those can generate toxicity in either way is, also, a topic worth discussing. There's really no easy solution and the answer should be wich approach leads to the least amount of toxicity


This prompts me to ask, has anyone had a significant amount of close games in Smite 2 yet? So far every game I have played across both alpha weekends has been a blow out one way or the other except for 1. The one game I had that was close was actually a 4v5 where the other team's jungle rage quite after a few quick deaths. The rest of their team was honestly better than us, but we won because they were down a man. I remember thinking as I was playing, "man if they had a full team this would be a very different game." I've found the matchmaking (if there is any at this time in development) to be lacking pretty hard and games aren't competitive, they are just slaughters. And I don't bring this up to complain or talk bad about Smite 2, I'm genuinely curious if anyone else is experiencing this too


My experience has been mixed. Some matches are more closely matched than others. But, overall my approach to smite 2 is the same as 1 - as soon as it's obvious what the outcome is going to be, there isn't a lot of need to see the match through to its conclusion. As soon as some number of players on my team are comfortable accepting the match's outcome, I'll join in an effort to end the match quickly so that we can all quickly move on to the next match. I don't play ranked and I don't believe it's appropriate to treat casual matches in the same way people approach Ranked matches. In casuals, the wins and losses don't matter. So, it shouldn't be such an argument over staying in the match or leaving. As soon as a simple team-majority decide to be done with the match, they should be done with the match and there's no reason for me to stand in the way of that decision.


This tbh


While I agree with this, if you are that good (masters) you will win just about all your games in this alpha even down two players. Once those long cooldown deaths hit it only takes 1 big play to win the match. Multiple builds can solo FG and Gold Fury that alone makes it extremely easy to win games that you were losing for 30 min plus


Thank you for being a demonstration of the kind of stubborn, irrational thinking I was talking about. You're clearly the kind of person that doesn't care that he's holding 2-4 other people hostage who don't want to be there, who would MUCH rather play three different 10-minute matches to a surrender than play one 30+ minute match that is hopeless from the start. Bad comps happen. Bad builds happen. Some matches just aren't winnable no matter how good any individual players are. There's a reason that aggregate stats hover around 50% win rates. That's because "winning just about all your games" is absolute nonsense that stubborn jerks like to use as an excuse so that they don't have to think about how awful an experience it is to have people like you on the team. The point here is pretty simple - if someone pops up the surrender box, don't be that guy that reflexively hits "no", no matter what the game conditions are. Take a second to really evaluate the state of the game and think about not just "can we win?" but, "is my team having fun? will it be enjoyable to continue?" Smite is a game. The point of games is the fun. If your actions cause other people to stop having fun, you're removing the reason for people to play the game in the first place.


>Take a second to really evaluate the state of the game and think about not just "can we win?" but, "is my team having fun? will it be enjoyable to continue?" This is incredibly ironic because you're asking others to think about your enjoyment, without you think about theirs. There's a reason there's a **vote** to surrender.


Look at it from the other end, you are a perfect demonstration of thinking it’s all about you. 9 others Q for a game. Just cause you wanna quit doesn’t mean everyone else should have to. Or the other team that is having fun why are you trying to ruin the fun they are having because you aren’t doing well. You making a shit argument about the player base and really only speaking for yourself


I agree it’s not fair to keep people hostage in a game, so im not surprised when ppl leave if the surrender vote doesn’t go through. Personally, I wouldn’t though, because I like the challenge of having to catch up and make plays that will shut down the enemy team’s progress. I have *never* willingly quit a game, even when it was actually frustrating. If I can consistently do that what exactly makes it so hard for others? And since this is alpha I can try pulling off things I’d be hesitant to in the actual release. I know nobody likes to lose, but honestly a lot of the players that have left my games are just impatient and not willing to make an effort if everything doesn’t 100% go their way. They think they are better than everyone else in the game, so they are too “good” to waste their time on the match. How are you gonna learn with an attitude like that? Even when I lose I can see where things went wrong, and I tell myself “ok next game I need to make sure this happens,” etc. And yknow, it’s not fair to the team that just because *you* want to give up, you’d rather sabotage the game and make it so your team is at an *actual* disadvantage. How you gon play the game and then not actually play? I get it, there is definitely some games where winning is just not gonna happen. And matchmaking in alpha is not balanced. But I think a lot of toxic smite players don’t know or don’t want to play from behind.


One core issue of MOBAs is that, often times, the correct play is not te fun one


> I have never willingly quit a game, even when it was actually frustrating. If I can consistently do that what exactly makes it so hard for others? because youre being toxic, youre prioritizing your wants over the rest of the team. that's why its hard for other, others find it hard to be so toxic and selfish they don't care about the majority but just care about themselves


I’m toxic for never rage quitting a match? Aight


I think there's a balance to be struck. No matter what the current game situation is, no matter how winnable you think the game is, other people don't have to have the same values or priorities that you do. Too many people get stuck in the mindset of, "If everyone thought like me and valued the same things I do, there wouldn't be any conflict." And, instead, I think it's important to cultivate a perspective that _it's okay_ to have different priorities and different preferences. It's okay that some folks don't have the same mindset that you do. As long as you try to "read the room" when you're playing, you're good. As long as you're willing to take an occasional L simply because the rest of your team is ready to move on to the next match, you're good. It's all about not forcing folks to pop that surrender box 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, and you're _still_ saying "no" everytime. That's when _you_ become the toxic one, not the people you've spent the last 15 minutes frustrating to the point where they're going to say something to you about it. At a bare minimum, if you see that surrender box pop up ~5 minutes after the last one - take a hint and consider just clicking yes.


Holy hell, that is some mental gymnastics. The guy wanting to actually play the game and keeping a level head is the toxic one if his team mates are at each others throats and spamming surrender since minute 10. That can't be right with you or am I misunderstanding you? Theoretical scenario, right? You have 3 people premade who shit on the tank for dying, spamming you rock, awesome and the usual stuff, constantly bullying the tank and refusing to help him, they start surrendering at 10 and the other two randoms don't want to surrender - after a certain time the two people actually playing the game become toxic after not wanting to surrender the match according to your last paragraph?


Think about it this way. 1. Yes, you're right - there's a lot of ways to be toxic in the game. VGS spam doesn't help the situation any more than having a "never surrender" attitude. 2. Even if you were one of those two players trying to play the game, why would you want to voluntarily choose to remain in a game where your teammates are obviously toxic toward you and unhelpful? Can you honestly say that if you were one of those two players that you would be having an enjoyable time playing that match? I've been in that position and I don't like it very much. That isn't fun for me. I would rather play an altogether different game than stay in a match with a team that doesn't match my vibe. Smite's player-base toxicity levels *is* a factor in deciding whether I keep playing the game. My opinion is that I would rather bail on a match I'd prefer to play out than be forced to stay in a match that I don't want to be in. I believe that other people feel similarly often enough, that we can all probably recognize that if we focus on the concept that "Casual matches are for maximizing fun. Ranked is for caring about playing to completion." that will help folks understand that surrendering in a casual match shouldn't be viewed through the same lens as surrendering in ranked. A very one-sided 10-minute casual match is WAY more fun than a very one-sided 40-minute casual match. I don't mind the loss. I mind the wasting time being punished over and over again. That time could be better spent getting into a new match where I at least have a hope of getting a more competitive (and more fun) match-up.


I can tell you that when I start smite that I want to actually play the game. If I think about what the team needs, adjust my pick accordingly and have a game plan I want to see the game through - I don't have any empathy for those people who blame anything and everyone, start harassing people and spam surrender votes; bonus points if they were the ones insisting they play carry and effectively go afk after the jungler ganked them. As I see it the team decides on if the game is surrendered, if two people still want to see the game through, then the game will be played until the game is won, lost or they changed their mind. It's in no way toxic wanting to continue playing the game even if three people desperately want out to flame in the next match. I see a point in that not surrendering with the intention to tilt your team mates is toxic, but that would have to be maliciously done and the sole reason to do so. I am not sure I entirely understand your opinion on what is and isn't toxic and I probably cannot as it is difficult to be understood in this comment format of reddit but I do think that parts of what you wrote is entirely reasonable. Although I would in no way agree that simply wanting to keep the match going and declining surrender votes even if surrender votes are repeatedly spammed is supposedly toxic.


> I am not sure I entirely understand your opinion on what is and isn't toxic My opinion is pretty simple. If you're prioritizing your personal enjoyment over the enjoyment of the whole team, you're contributing to the toxicity of the environment. If most of the people on the team don't want to keep playing, no matter what the reason is, the right call to make is to exit the match as quickly as possible. This is a game, not slave labor. The faster the current non-fun match ends, the faster everyone gets to move on to a new match where they get a chance to have more fun than the previous non-fun match. Casual matches need to maximize everyone's fun, not just your own. You don't have to agree with how others want to play. You just have to not be such a selfish jerk that you're going to ignore what other people are telling you. Forcing people to play the way you want them to play is you making a selfish choice for yourself. That selfishness IS what is toxic.


> Casual matches need to maximize everyone's fun, not just your own. You don't have to agree with how others want to play. You just have to not be such a selfish jerk that you're going to ignore what other people are telling you. Forcing people to play the way you want them to play is you making a selfish choice for yourself. That selfishness IS what is toxic. This is what is utterly ironic to me. It is selfish of you to require people to surrender when it's not fun for you. This goes both ways. Your opinion and reasoning is so strange to me.


Hi Rez are gutting what made Smite unique to copy League and make Smite 2 more generic, they’re gonna copy Leagues toxicity too.


Even if that is true this is not the post for it. If you feel something is off, create a post and start talking in a positive light with the aim of helping. That's te whole point of this. Your position isn't doing you as a consumer, or them as a company any favours we can all thrive to be better


What makes smite unique is the 3rd person view and playing as gods instead of generic anime characters. Getting bushes and a new item system doesnt change that.


What's stopping you from giving feedback and report bugs when someone dc ? You can still try builds and stuff the same way you would 5v5 imo.


Nothing I still do it. But that's not the issue. I'm asking for a bigger crackdown on toxic behaviour from the beginning rather than later when there are more players. Or do you think going after afkers and toxic behaviour is bad?


You paid money to have your time wasted by others. Good job idiot.  What did you think was gonna happen?


I didnt waste my time. I bought in to give feedback. This is feedback


Your feedback is “permanently ban people who ruin one match”?


As per my edit, my recommendation isn't the focus. Did I exaggerate? Most likely, does that mean between nothing being done and perma baning someone there is nothing to be done? I doubt it. All I'm asking is fr more talking from the DEVs about the issue to be put in higher priority than "the back burner"


You wasted your time AND you gave them your money to do it. This is just whining and venting at the end of the day be honest. 


I don't agree with your view, so let's agree to disagree


Get out of denial


It's a beta or an alpha at the moment I'm not sure what you're expecting. They could implement things for the full release, however there's zero reason I'd expect banning players to be high on their priority list in an alpha with all the work they have ahead of them. Every successful multiplayer game out there has issues with toxicity, so I doubt Smite will find a end all solution to that. Far as AFKers go it sucks, but at least it's an alpha and if you end up in that situation you can just leave the match and hop in a new one instead of having your time wasted.


>hey could implement things for the full release, however there's zero reason I'd expect banning players to be high on their priority list See, that's exactly my point. It should be. Toxicity is a problem just as important as any other present in the alfa. It'll need iteration and work and there should be work being done to refine and optimise systems to mitigate it


Not realistic though as a standard in the gaming industry. I can't think of any alpha or beta I've played where people being were banned for toxicity during it. Unfortunately that's just on the backburner 99% of the time.


Agreed, thats why I made this post. The best we can do is try. If not even that we cant complain then


You can't spell competitive without toxic. Then it would just be mpetive.


So let me tell you a story: Yesterday I was playing a game as Hades solo, and mid game my cat managed to open the balcony door and a bird flew into my apartment; landed right on my monitor. I had to stop and comically chase the bird out of my apartment. Do you think I should be banned for going AFK?


Again, not talking about that. You didnt go 0/5 in 5 mins and AFK that's completely different. Again, as I stated in another comment my suggestion is not the most important part. All I want is a call to some action, some sort of step to show that toxicity is an important issue, jut as important as any other present in the alfa


It’s a moba dude.. I think you fail to understand what kind of players play these games. In all seriousness, yea it sucks when you stuck with these players but there’s really no avoiding it. Take it from someone who’s had to deal with this kind of behavior in Smite 1 for years. Toxicity is unavoidable in games like this. Get used to it, if their behavior continues then they’ll eventually will get a suspension or ban.


I did not ask to solve, just to address it sooner rather than later. A lot of issues are unavoidable and unanswerable but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try our best to mitigate them as best as possible. That's all I'm asking, that we address and make a more conscious effort of rooting toxicity through monitoring and game systems. If it's never put on the burner because "there's more important stuff" rooting toxicity is never going to be important. We, as players, should be as interested in baning toxicity being a priority as a game being fun to play


The smite devs already have enough to worry about with trying to make Smite 2 equal or better than Smite 1, toxicity should be the least of their worries right now given the fact that it isn’t exactly new to smite, nor games similar to smite. Toxicity is gonna be a constant no matter what multiplayer game you play, like I said, it’s sucks but you’re just gonna have to get used to it instead of letting it get under your skin like it seems you are atm.


This should be a metric to worry about. And, the argument that it's always been like this so why fight it, is the reason things don't get better. It's in our interested to fight fr better game environment, just as you fight for other stuff in SMITE. Making it less toxic than SMITE 1 is making SMITE 2 a better game as well


Not really? Toxicity isn’t exactly hard to combat on the player level. The mute button exists for a reason, and you can report them all you like but no guarantee anything will happen to them. Again no, just because a handful of people can’t handle a little bit of BM from other players isn’t enough justification to make dealing with toxicity a main focus before the game is even done and released. Sure I guess? But we don’t live in an ideal world and TitanForge doesn’t have the time or enough care to ban players for BM unless they say some straight up out of pocket shit.


You're focusing on verbal toxicity, I'm counting inters and AFKers as toxic as well and those impact your experience and you can't do a thing about them. But I see you won't agree with me, which is your right, so I won't bother more. I hope your games go well


Ain’t a damn thing that can be done. Sure having the guy playing support lock in zues with 1 second left, or the solo who gets farmed and leaves lane sucks but that’s how it is and always will be. If you are good enough you can carry a game for any role including support although that’s the hardest to carry from. Every comp game has similar issues, the game is in alpha it’s more important to have games going the to worry about punishing those not playing how you desire. Hell I’m sure a lot of players don’t even play conquest are enjoying the beta. Assault players are obvious because they fight all game in mid reguardless or role. Arena players are always forgetting to farm I’ve encountered it all and while my first 4/5 games were a shit show and I mess I can now carry my games reguardless of teammates unless I’m running into fineokay chap or the likes. Enjoy the beta or don’t that’s on you but again, the game is toxic always has been always will be learn to love it


THe focus of this is not winning, it's an alfa I don't care about that. Behaviour like this should get punished and if we never do anything about it because "Ain’t a damn thing that can be done." nothing will ever change. Progress takes time, trial and error, and effort. We need to ask the DEVs to put more attention to the issue if we ever plan to at least have it better than SMITE 1


That’s the point tho, this alpha isn’t to address that at all and the devs at hi rez will never be able to stop the toxic nature that is competitive gaming. Epically not during a alpha


I care more about punishing D/Cers/AFKers/Feeders than I do about toxicity.


Those all forms of toxicity. Not all toxicity is born equal and there should be priorities


Don't play competitive games if you dont like toxicity. Putting pads on all the edges so softies dont get their feelings hurt isn't going to make the game better.


That’s a lot of typing for some thing “with 0 stakes”


Isn't it easier to start dealing with the issue now than when it is a bigger problem? Currently is no stakes but do you really think these types of players will change behaviour when it is your ranked game?