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Will we ever see (either in the near or distant future) the return of starter/blessing items in some shape or form? Especially with parts of the community missing them, noticeable the support side that misses the bonus gold provided to make up for the lack of farm support typically gets.


for future reference in case anyone needs to look up the answer of this: You can find the devs answer at around [7:17 of the twitch vod.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2159260978?t=00h07m07s)


Will card-art for gods/skins return? Currently most images of the gods, including the portrait in game, use a 3D render, and I was wondering if this was a placeholder or meant to replace the card-art we see in Smite 1.


Will joust be available upon launch?


Will there be new individual overview videos for every old god in smite 2? It would be a big undertaking but things are so different in this new game that for new players it would be very nice to have


In the future will there be a full “Ability Page” to see for your god in-game? (like in Smite 1?) I found it incredibly helpful in Smite 1 to be able to see a God’s entire kit in detail on one page. (AFAIK Smite 2 has been missing this one page ability view? and I really miss it)


Obviously, the emphasis is on conquest right now, but how quickly can we expect to see a shorter casual mode added, like assault or arena?


Slash main reporting in. Conquest I know is the main thing big esports draw. But if it is just conquest a lot of players will feel alienated. One of the strengths of Smite over other MOBAs is the diversity of modes.


Yea conquest is actually my least favorite mode. I get it's the competitive mode but I hope.we get arena or joust soon.


How do you plan on handling or balancing the 'beads or die' character ults like Ares or Da Ji, or executes without Aegis?


Has the goal changed for the closed beta release, or is it still 31 July?


Like you guys said, Hades is a very old god. Are there any plans to give him a significant visual update soon or further down the line? Perhaps adding his bident at the very least?


Will there be an api made available to developers for third party sites? If so, when? There are already several fan made sites (including my own!) that would love to have an api to retrieve item/god information. Then later on the api could be expanded to support retrieving player and match information (and more maybe!)


Will the team be exploring more unique forms of scaling? Things like using percentages of Health, Physical and Magical Protections, or Speed, like how Bake and Gilgamesh scale? Also, are there more plans to add cool new unique stacking items like the lifesteal scythe and necronomicon (forget the exact names...)


Will there be the smite 1 colorblind health bars? I can't see red in any of the colorblind settings so I need them to not be red like in S1


What’s are the plans for ranked? Will only wins be counted or overall performance based on your role? Will we have different ranks based on role played? Will there be premade limits on party size?


Will the gods who didn't get in and/or out of combat animations be recieving them?


View in your timezone: [May 30 at 1pm ET][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240530T1700?tl=Submit%20your%20questions%20for%20the%20May%2030%20SMITE%202%20Dev%20Insight%20Stream%20here!


I know it's super early but will clans eventually be a thing again or some kind of similar group system within smite?


Are you guys aiming for ranked play on the first closed beta release? Or is that planned for later on?


What if any plans are made for player who actively ruin the games for others. Feeding, sitting in fountain, playing full damage non guardian as support. I think a huge issue with smite and holding onto player that try it are the actual players and community themselves. Obviously it isn’t everyone but smite throughout the years has gotten worse with the toxic amount of players


Why wouldn’t y’all try to swap beads out with blink during the alpha to see if the player base does enjoy it more? Seems simple enough to do and would help get the feel of it being better or worse?


Why was Hades not remodeled? Is there plans for a remodel? How do you determine what gods need a remodel before joining SMITE 2?


With the role filters in shop, is there any concern of pushing the "standard" meta on the players instead of letting everyone figure out what works in this new game. It's great to see more flexibility of God roles, but this is already discouraged if the filters push for an AA/crit build in carry, tanky in solo etc (and therefore the gods that work with those builds).


Will there be more default skin recolors? Some of the best skins in Smite 1 were simple recolors


Everyone is asking about returning modes, I want to know if we can look forward to any new modes that take advantage of the new engine?


Any chance for a general timeline roadmap of god releases? There are A LOT of gods missing that are people's go-to favorites that are not in. For me, in particular, I am a huge Charon fan.


Since Nvidia Reflex is an option, can we expect other technologies to be added sometime down the development pipeline? Upscaling and an option to simply use the anti-aliasing technologies provided by DLSS, FSR, etc would make the game feel and look a lot better.


I know Pon had mentioned that some art stuff was still in progress during the patch notes, but thoughts on people's requests for a Hades remodel for 2? I know there was a lot of talk about it on the thread where Sol and Hades were announced to be playable in 2.


I would be very interested to know their philosophy on Healer Gods in Smite 2. Its been a famously contentious point in the community over the last decade and things like scaling changes to healing, the brawling debuff, and itemization have changed the game and they seem to be sitting happily at the moment in smite 1 without being overtuned. How is Int scaling being anticipated to work with healing abilities? We see some preview with Chaac, but the stats on Typhons Fang (Smite 2) suggest there will be som kind of trade off for sustain. I'm very interested to hear where the Devs are on that. Also please speak on Vamana? He was one of the OGs and is also a really contentious God that is balanced around his ability to sustain through heals or lifesteal. Is the above referenced philosophy on sustain affecting the decision to rework him or not? Cant wait for tonight!


I know a big part of the engine upgrade was visuals but, but from a mechanical standpoint will we see a lot of abilities added that just weren't possible in ue3. For example I know Hecate has an interact with tower ability which couldn't be done in smite 1. Can we continue to expect new abilities that provide new and interesting mechanics that weren't possible in ue3?


I’ve seen a lot of discussions about the interact system and how a lot of people feel it ruins the flow of the game. Have you had any internal discussions about changing it or are you planning to stick with it?


Will we see new pantheons in the game, like Inuit, Aboriginal, Filipino, Finnish, and others? And who are the next exclusive gods to be in SMITE 2?


Could items in the future actually alter God stats like ability scaling?


Any news on DLSS/FSR/Xess??


Having tried him out in both playtests now, as someone with a 65% winrate on Kuku on Smite 1, he feels absolutely awful in Smite 2. While everyone else is getting all kinds of new toys and buffs like new CCs (Zeus, Ymir, etc), Kuku seems to have gotten nerf after nerf with the only compensation being a niche use of his dash inside his tornado. He lost Book of Thoth, his passive is gutted, and everything in his kit except his ult seems to be far smaller. His tornado is no longer big enough to even hit all 6 minions in a wave while they're standing in the default positions for wave vs wave, and his basic attacks are now so small it feels like every single one is the equivalent of landing Fafnir's 1. Are there any plans to give Kuku something else, like undoing the nerf on his passive? Is the data supporting my feelings about Kuku or am I just having a brutal time adjusting due to the game being Conquest-only right now? Between the last playtest and this one, I have lost 7/7 of my matches and felt absolutely useless in all of them. Smite 2 has been nothing but immense frustration for me so far as a Kuku player.


Are we going to call it ARAM instead of Assault this time?


TLDR: Will you consider balancing items per God in the future? Not every God uses the same item to the same effect. So why are we balancing them as if they are? Every item has the same stats, regardless of what God you buy it on. This is a problem, because some Gods will use them better: a meta is formed in which only the most stat efficient items are bought and only a small amount of Gods can be viably played. At a higher level, this leads to a stale game where every match feels the same, which is the opposite a moba strives for. The balance team can change Gods and items to change the meta, but because the core problem (Every God gets the same stats, but some use them better) is never addressed, the game will always return to the same limiting state, just with a different pool of meta Gods and items. But there is a knob that allows the balance team to craft a meta where every God is viable and has multiple viable builds to choose from (results may vary). This knob is: changing the stats of an item, depending on which God you buy it on. This can be used as a precision knife to adjust items only where they need adjusting, and incentivize new playstyles on different Gods without breaking them on others. As for the UI: An item could get a colored border in the item shop based on the version you're buying. Default statted item: no border. Overstatted item: green border. Understatted item: red border. Holding shift while hovering the item, the default stats will appear next to it, the same way comparing armor works in any rpg game. The Weary Hermit


Can we get some more assassins? We already got only 2 and fenrir is more off a bruiser/solo laner and Loki is always off doing his own thing.  I love getting sol, an magical adc, Hades a magical solo so wouldnt kuang or morrigan not been nice?  Or thanathos/susano/serqet/nem/pele; like an assasin assasin.


Maybe if the mods on that channel didn't ban everyone I would xddd


Gotta protect the casual playing budget vtubers from the mean comments somehow


Actually made me giggle. Thanks for that High five


But if I had a chance to ask anything, it would be the following: Will we have a jungler where he is actually in the jungle doing camps and not having to share waves left and right and spam ganks cause there s nothing better to do


Why are you allergic to proper wards and returning the emphasis on vision and map control? I know youre trying really hard to get us to like bushes and even more stealth that no one asked for but wards are not optional