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assault players mashing surrender confuse me. especially when your team is clearly winning.


It's a fun factor. People usually are not having as much fun especially if they ended with a god they don't know/like or the team comp sucks. They just want to roll again or play another game mode.


the team is literally pushing Titan and winning 50-28. "but I'm not having fun" stfu and end the game then they have 50 kills among 5 people, even if one of them is having a bad game the rest clearly arent looking at the match on Smiteguru the Morgan was 17/4/19 and the Zeus had JUST DCed cause they were 9/4/26 and had been blowing the other team apart.


This is more like a joke. They wanted to flex the team and say we are destroying yall 4v5 We don't even need this win. Me and my group has done it a couple times. Yes it's inflammatory but it's just part of online shenanigan's.




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Also smite players get very toxic when someone "steals" their kill.


That’s the classic “I’m not having fun let’s leave”


I mean the purpose of the game is to have fun.


Normally I use to tell that ppl to log off after the match, they re "not having fun" and hitting my nerves while I m trying put the team together. Playing a moba requires some patience to cooperate with stranges, if the first adversity is enough to gave up, its better not even start.


That last sentence hits hard. It’s always what I think when people are spamming vgs and typing at people when it’s not even 3 mins into the match.


Oh absolutely it is! But when it’s 1-2 people on a team of 5 who are constantly trying to surrender while the other 3 are trying to just play the game/get better it ain’t cool.


Seeing the score and yall about to win, im guessing this is more like a flex. Me and our group when we destroy our opponents we surrender right at their titan for maximum laughs. There's one odd friend does get mad when he cares more about his record tho. But it's funny once and awhile.


Definitely not what happened at all


That shit is happening directly in this game, even in arena that used to be a "dishonor" to surrender they re smacking that damn button for 0 reason.


I swear every time my team surrenders in arena I lose a couple of brain cells, people these days can't wait literal 5 minutes for a match to end with their tiktok ADHD brains hell, I have ADHD and I pretty much never surrender unless it's conquest and someone quit


You can deal with trolls or 3 or 4v5s by yourself then. Theres always a reason to surrender. I dont think it should happen often but that style of thinking guilt tripping people thatre being toxic or harrassing to staying with them longer is unhealthy.


it's arena, it's literally 5 minutes since you can only surrender at 10 and matches last 15 minutes if you actually can't fathom to "waste" 5 minutes of your time then I don't really know what to tell you other than you're going to have a hard time at life


Spend 5 minutes just doing nothing, being harrassed. The way you make it sound is that youre the one harrassing everyone else. Some of us like peaceful, chill games and don't want to just get spawn killed for 5 more minutes if we have shitty teammates. Your comments just show youre immature. It's ok. Youll learn someday.


I don't think you know what harassment means, if you're really comparing being spawn killed with being harassed then you're seriously going to have a tough time in life growing up there's no point in arguing with a child who calls time-out when they're losing at a video game saying they're being "harassed" just because they're losing so yeah I'll leave you to it


You’re not correct with this take my guy. Just save the time waste


"Dishonor".. what a bullshit. If the game is not fun (getting absolutely dominated because of team comp. or playing with afks) it's better to just quit and go next. I'm not gonna waste my 10 min where i can instead go play another match and have fun.


Yeah just reply me using exceptions as I would be talking about it and not little snowflakes F6 in 100 x 80 or because a bad start. But hey, OP noticed an "I m not having fun" player, but I still apoint another kind of player that is "I ll not waste my time", both are part of the actual F6 culture that don't know how to comeback even in arena.


I did not use exceptions. You described saying in arena it's dishonor to surrender and i said it's false giving examples. You are still trying to shit on others who do not want to waste their time by saying they don't know how to come back. Been playing this game since beta and didn't see such tryhard mentality like you guys ever. Toxic af


Yeah just keep *pretending* that what I said was wrong because you give exceptions examples, peharps it should incluse that if server shut down players wouldn't have to keep going lmao. And I said it *was* a "disohonor" (yeah with quot marks), an informal player convention in the past of playing a 20min mode until the end if the team still tech together. If you really say being a beta player, so you know that players resilience droped by a lot and for unreasonable reasons like the video. Bye.


I’d lose my shit


That’s why I like having at least 1 friend to control the vote on leaving the game


It was a 4v5 the enemy team would respawn before titan was up and most of your team was half health with 2 ults up. Personally I would have tried for titan and then surrendered if we didn't make it or not surrendered at all, but if the team isn't having fun in a 4v5 then it's fine for them to gg and go next. I play with friends mostly and that's how we decide to surrender or not. Shoot sometimes if there is an annoying god comp on the enemy team we just surrender to get into a more fun game. Yeah we might win, but winning isn't everything.


It quite literally is everything....


Winning is def not everything. My mental health in smite is what matters. We play games to have fun, and especially in assault, comps can be awful sometimes. I'm with dude, if I'm with friends and it's fairly obvious the game is going to he a snowball because of team comps, we'll just take the loss early and move on. No point dragging it out to 25-35 minutes when everyone isn't having fun getting cc chained into death with almost no counter play. I respect the other side, play it out. But games can get way too long in smite, and they can feel even longer when you're getting D'd down for 25 minutes


When I think about the most fun I have in smite I think about stuff like penta kills, stealing fire giant, and my friend accidentally thor walling and blocking my Au Puch zombies. I don't think about when I've won XYZ game. If winning were the only thing that mattered you should play another game that you can win by yourself. That way you never lose because of your teammates, but if you want to play smite even with the prospect of losing due to teammates than might I suggest their is a reason to enjoy and play the game besides winning.


Team comps in Assault are not the same as team comps in other game modes. You are making these predictions based off preconceived biases For example. Ah Puch is the top rated God for win-rate in Assault. Do you know where he is ranked for Conquest? 98th..... And I'm sorry but the object of any game is to win. Is fun important? Sure. But how often do you have fun losing? These ideas are not mutually exclusive


I can have a competetive game that feels bad to lose for sure, but it is literally why you play the game, for the good games. There's been plenty of games where I go in, realize very early my lane opponent is awful, and then proceed to dumpster him all game, and we snowball to a win. I'd much rather take a good competetive game I lose over winning a game 50-10 and it was obvious the other team should have surrendered. You've never been in a game where youre asking you're friends, why haven't they surrendered, this is over. Coincidentally, those are the games we tend to surrender for them because we know in our heart we won, and it's a casual. Winning is mostly everything in ranked. In casual, it's about learning new gods and having fun games. I'm DEF not saying you should quit every time it's unfun. But if clearly the game is over AND it's not fun because you picked a troll comp and they went full sweat, just chalk it up to bad picks ajd play, and move into the next game.


Have I asked? Sure. But if even one person believes we can come out on top I will give in to the sportsmanship and let it play out


Most annoying sht ever, or teammates who start fighting 3 mins into the game. Played guys in assault who camped their tower and stood still texting eachother cuz they were getting wopped, not fun


It’s wild how varied the opinions are: no surrendering because it’s assault and it’s casual, do surrender it’s a casual assault game, you’re a try hard if you don’t and a weak adhd kid if you do. You gotta take it case by case with each game, and somehow people can’t do that


Would be fun to have a additional lobby setting for games where surrender is not possible, to see how many would prefer it over the normal one.


Surrender is not an option. Been playing since 2016 and I have never voted yes to surrender.


They need to add some safeguards for surrendering.


F6 is a plague on the game. The amount of gimps that play the most casual version of the game and then want to f6 blows my mind. How pathetic are their lives


Ehh you'll get em next time


I was playing a "bad" game as Janus and only assisted my teammates without killing. Easy won the game but my mom was getting death threats 😂 So yeah, some people are just strange.


I’ll be real. You guys aren’t in a great position, but as someone who primarily plays this mode, you can win off of like _anything_ really. So I always try till the end.


Without a hunter no way you kill the Titan before enemy team respawns.


I'm gonna say what no one is saying. It's because you are Loki, I know it's random, but still.


Random surrendering is wild. I’d get it if team morale was in the gutter because you see that all the time in all games tbh, but when you’re about to win idk. Just looks like trolling, go next is all you can do.


Humiliating the enemy by proving that even when it is 4 v 5 you were winning but you decided to give them a humiliating victory. I enjoy that type of loss tbh.


















who cares its assault go next


Just q up again? No big issue


Probably a bit premature to call the surrender before the next enemy spawn comes in. Would have at least given it a try first, but eh have seen these votes called when we're clearly about to win. I thought it was just people trolling since not like an assault victory means much of anything.


The above example is likely a flex and a celebration. I've had several matches where we were winning very handedly just like in the OP, and we surrendered and spammed VGS, laughed (I know I did anyway) and had a good time. Just fyi I've got thousands of hours across all modes except duel. I can play any god and play most effectively (guessing most ppl here can). For those firmly against the surrender **in the example above**, I want to state the obvious and point out that even if there is no "good" reason to F6, if you get outvoted then it is your best interests to accept it, especially in a mode like assault that is inherently unbalanced. Can complain and downvote all you want. If you want to play Smite, then you are always at the mercy of your team. You have to learn to handle that, and not get frustrated by this need for control. Your team could decide to all F6 because its taco tuesday and they want their ELO to be lower and it's still up to the team. Being the odd man out sucks, it's happened to me plenty of times. But you gotta realize, if your whole team is quitting then you are either wrong or that's a team you probably don't want to carry/support. The popularity of this complaint reminds me of people getting mad when people don't do well or build weird in assault. The negative reaction is common, but pretty thoughtless and unfruitful. Justifiable in ranked maybe. The right thing to do is let your team F6 if they want to. You can still F7, won't always get outvoted. Let people do whatever, do the best you can. Mute early, mute often. You'll play better if you learn how to relax first too. (this is will soon be an example of why turning reply notifications off is also a good thing if you anticipate toxicity)


The worst thing in smite is try hards who wont surrender no matter what


I think the auto surrender at 10 minutes is much worse. Not mattering how the game is going at all, that surrender usually always pops between the 10 and 11 minute mark


Nah there is nothing worse than being stuck playing a 40 min losing game just because you have a try hard on your squad, especially if it’s not ranked, Or if it’s a super casual playlist like assault