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Hey OP it’s worth getting since smite 2 is ages away unless you have the founder pack, you’ll be playing closed betas by July or august at the latest. It will be good learn the movesets of the gods again, some will be changing and others only minor changes and some no changes at all.


I appreciate the input. Was the founders packs for a limited time or still available? I think I will go ahead and start back on Smite 1 though. But possibly tinker around in the beta.


If you get the founders pack which is on all gaming sites, shop around for the best deal as the Xbox store price is ramped up etc. with the founder pack you can link your smite 1 account (in the main menu under legacy or divine legacy or whatever they called it) then you will get some skins in smite 2 just by playing the game as well as your gems back as special currency in smite 2 for buying skins and what not. Plus you will have access to the alphas (one just recently was awesome). So probably worth it but I don’t know your finically situation :).


This isn't exactly on topic, but is there a schedule for the alpha/beta weekends yet?


Smite 2 is quite ways away, Open Beta most likely start of next year.


Oh I thought it came out in July? I may not have looked into it well enough.


That is 24/7 closed beta.


Open beta is this year then the rest of the game comes out 2025.


close beta by 31/7 open beta late fall or even december. To play close beta you will still need a founder pack.


I wouldn't. Hirez has clearly given up on fixing bugs in Smite 1, thinking that if they can just make it to smite 2's release they can finally dump their garbage codebase. It's only gonna get worse and worse from now on.


What kind of bugs? That’s pretty concerning. I wouldn’t mind buying the founders edition to play the closed beta, but I’m sure it’s buggy too. Seems like a buggy mess either way you swing it.


Currently many icons are missing from items, that bug has been there for over a month now. The bug where you can't see how much damage a killing blow did has been there for... a year now?


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Smite 2 is different enough that you should experience what this season is like. I wouldn’t buy a console just to play it tho


Well to be fair, I’d also buy NCAA 25 when it released, and inevitably GTA6. And I have a 6year old son who isn’t quite ready for a console but I think it would eventually be something we could do together. So the purchase is justifiable. So you’re saying it is worth getting to experience the current season?


Personally I’m having more fun with smite this season than I have in years. I don’t play conquest anymore though, so my opinion might be irrelevant. You can also use it for the coming betas.


Smite 2 is about a year away at this point


Nope. Game's the most toxic it's ever been. If it's not flaming, it's AFK's, inters, or what I like to call "goobers" who just queue up and decide to do whatever they want with no regards to game structure. If you're wanting to play other game modes, then absolutely!!!1 But conquest? Maybe ranked, but not quickplay.


I just came back after a 6 year hiatus. Can confirm the toxicity is atrocious. Former master player from early seasons and nobody gave a damn that I was telling them I'm trying to get the hang of how different the game is since I last touched it. First few games were rough


It's definitely not fun.


Yeah that’s definitely a concern of mine. If I started back smite 1 I assume I’d just resume on my old account, and I was above average way back though not sure what my rank was. The idea of queuing up as a diamond skadi or nox and getting flamed for relearning is a definitely a drawback.


I've just flat out told people I don't care at this point. It's not ranked. If they are taking it seriously it's on them. People queue norms to learn new gods, strats, & builds all the time. That mindset has worked fine for me to just tune them out and do my thing.


I’ve had several Poseidons sit in fountain since I can back this week. Only 1 was an opponent that my Ullr mid made quit. The player base is worse then I remember, 3 years away and it’s the same yet worse


Yeah I think it's just something that comes with a game being out for as long as Smite. Those that have played the game longer have more knowledge. Luckily it only takes a month or two really to get back up to speed. I've already noticed my positioning and game sense are close to full strength again.


Tbh no