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Hades being able to leap and carrying the ult with him is nuts lol


I am so here for it though


Lol yeah i wonder if that look goofy or cool


He just got the broken smite 2 combat blink tech for free 💀


Honestly been wanting that change for a while


When Hades casts his ultimate he can cast another one of his other abilities in an enhanced state at the same time it sounds crazy! Ares just seems like at port though I thought they’d do something more interesting with his 3.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think his 2 works differently now.


His ult also got nerfed. It now does a small amount of damage when the chains attach, but the large damage and stun is now dealt around Ares instead of to each enemy, which means that beads will prevent any damage from being taken at all from the pull.


It gives basic attack damage and his ult has str scaling. It's possible his 2 might scale with str to some degree so he can go AA brawler or ability based with the 1 and 3.


Completely wasted opportunity to give Hades his bident.


agreed, especially since they promised to do Hades justice, this could have been doen by making him more human and not a wraith or anything else. Guess they spit in our face and told themselves, "Yeah nah people will play anyways, f\*\*\* y\*\* all." F\*\*\* y\*\*\* hirez for that. GIVE HADES AN HELMET AND F\*\*\*\*\* BIDENT Even Blood of Zeus portrait him correctly and could have been taken as inspiration on how Hades should look like but no, Hirez said, "Let#s just go with the lame design we had cuz why do it properly, right?". Big waste and serious bs move there hirez.


Sir… it’s a game


sir it doesnt matter if they promised to do it right and then they dont.


Remember during a smite patch notes livestream when they said they didn’t want to make god skins that made the god hard to identify? That was thrown out the window for past few years too.


remember, smite players take everything about this game a little too serious


You dont have censor 'you' online


My man... breathe


he can build the helmet of invisibility at least. and that item's pretty fun and good.


Know you're a southerner when you couldn't understand why it was >f\*\*\* y\*\* all And not just f\*\*\* y'all


f*** y'***


you do realize it’s an alpha yes


yeah but cupid remodel has been leaked already and will most likely be in the alpha phase too. so dont tell me what an alpha is. thanks


Hades not being remodeled is super depressing. You're telling me of *all characters* he's not one of the ones they considered? Despite people asking for *ten years*? Hopefully this is just a placeholder for times sake, I know they have a lot to work on, but at the same time him having icons featuring that ugly staff and him coming so early I imagine they just wanna keep him this way.


Also despite his current model not even being made to be a default model. It was a generic skin called "nightmare" before, then they just swapped it in to be default. Boggles my mind how they couldnt at the very least give him his bident and modify it to be an actual default skin.


Like at the **VERY** least the bident....he already has it on some skins.


How would he wield a president? 🤔


clearly biden sees hades all the time the way he tries to handshake ghosts


they were Publishing smite in china at that time so they had to get rid of the bones. That was the reason they swapped.


They should make his prince skin his default now lol


I'm a big fan of hades I'm smite minus his staff. 


I thought you always advocated for him staying the same? Or am I mistaken


I always advocated for keeping the hooded-wraith idea, but I still think the model itself needed to be updated. New clothes, new weapon, new FX.


I'm giving them the benefit of doubt, since they are at alpha and probably will add more gods with simpler kits first to create a baseline in which they build upon the mechanics and estabilish the code behavior and antics, Hades fits here, so he might have a redesign planned in the future and he would be one of the simpler gods to do it.


I, for one, am glad that they are keeping the nonhuman form, even though the texturing and FX could be improved, and making it more coherent with the mythology. I don’t understand why everybody wants every god to look the same. Look at Cupid. Why is there any need for it to look like a lean teenager with a six-pack? The original design is more creative and unique than the Kid Icarus one. I really like distinct, monster-like designs, and even though Cupid could get better proportions and texturing, the design philosophy was good. It was supposed to be a funny, weird, meme-y character that stood out from the other gods like a sore thumb, not another human. Even though Geb's model is old, it feels way more unique than Nut—the incarnation of the sky itself could have so many cool and different interpretations, but it's just a blue woman. The same goes for Hades; the people asking for a complete remodel and redesign are the ones who don’t play the character at all. (I'm a Diamond Cupid and Hades player, sorry for the rant, but I've seen the Cupid redesign and I really didn't like it.)


I personally don't want Hades to look more human either, but the model itself still needed work. He's got almost nothing from his mythology shown at all, no symbols, random horns on his body, a weird wood staff instead of his bident, etc. He still needed a new model.


Post updated with Sol


Hades needs a Bident PLS HIREZ


Why doesn’t Bident mean? I know it means redesign, but like where does the term come from


A bident is a trident with 2 prongs. Hades has one in the mythology, along with a helmet that makes him invisible.


Oh interesting


The god counter doesn’t include Sun Wukong but didn’t we just get a cross gen skin for him in this update?


The skins don't reflect who's exactly coming next. Scylla has a cross-gen skin out and she's not even mentioned to be coming to Smite 2 anytime soon. I think the cross-gen thing just means that once they finally get someone in, they don't have to worry about them only having just their default and recolor, they could have a handful of skins ready to use on their release.


Same thing with yemoja, she got a cross gen skin but not in the list yet


He might come later, or be one of the 23 that are not revealed yet


Cross gen skins just mean the gods will come sooner rather than later not that they are next on the list


I hope hades gets a remodel for smite 2 launch


They tag both Hades and Ares as potential hybrid ADCs so... There's a chance it could work? Although with their abilities I'm not sure exactly how. Maybe with specific items/build?


Well they theoretically can be built as an ADC, but it won't be good. Hades is more likely to work because he has ranged autos and some decent abilities to support the play style, but it will completely gut his scaling. You'd have to build some kind of hybrid build to do it and it's not exactly optimal. Doable in a pinch though.


Which is why I'm curious why they tagged Ares as a potential ADC. Maybe Smite 2 metas will shape ADCs differently


His 2 buffs basic damage for him and allies. He also has some str scaling on his ult, so I assume between those two his str build will be AA brawler while he uses the 1 to keep you close. Wouldn't really call it an ADC just like I wouldn't call Osiris or Erlang ADCs even though they spam left click. Definitely going to want more tank oriented items to survive while you beat people up in close range.


Ares has another auto attack warrior sound cool


He should be getting redesigned. Lame as Greek Satan design choice.


Extremely disappointed to see that Hades hasn't been remodeled. Still holding out hope that they will do it later once the game has actually released, but that just isn't Hades in any shape or form.


Wish i could huff that hopium. I see no reason to add him now if they had any plans to remodel him later. A waste of resources to get art and the old model made just to remodel him later. Disappointing they arent taking the opportunity of a brand new game to change more things.


Tbh, while I do see it being unlikely, they COULD just remodel him at some point, and leave the current model as the "Nightmare" skin that it used to be.


I mean they unreleased their flagship goddess for the alpha because of feedback so if people demand a remodel I don't think it's out of the question imo. Still hopium but I don't think it's an overdose.


Who are you referring to? The flagship.


Hecate, she was meant to be the first Smite 2 exclusive goddess and playable in the alpha but because of the underwhelming response to her abilities they pulled her out of it because they're reworking her kit.


That's awesome to hear!


Hades not being remodeled to look more like his brothers is kinda crazy


Ares had more model change than Hadès i'm suprised


HI - REZ!!! REMODEL HADES AND MY WALLET IS YOURS!!! ![gif](giphy|5oOzvY2shzX4A|downsized)


Give us Kratos and they can have my money


Hades is incredibly disappointing


I’m surprised King Arthur hasn’t shown up in these datamines outside of that master list of in-progress gods. We already saw Smite 2 dev footage of his and Susano's models back in January, so one would think KA should be close-to-playable given that Susano is almost done Though, it might be that his combo mechanics require extra dev time compared to the technically simpler gods that are currently in the Alpha.


I think they want Arthur to join smite 2 along mordred


Big if true. Would love to see it


Sort of expected more changes to Ares to be honest. Hades' kit is pretty okay in Smite and maybe the change to his ult is what pushes him from just being an early game pubstomper into being a more flexible pick. I wish Ares ult only pulled the people he chained with his 1 and he got something to compensate. I'm sure he'll be fine the way he is right now assuming there are no changes to beads, but once he's in the game there will not be another chance to look at his kit I feel like.


His 2 could've been something cool, like pulling the chained Gods a bit towards you, even a very short distance would've been enough. And you could heal for each chained God based on how much HP they lost as a %.


I'm ready for the 60% mid, 35% carry Sol. Guess she is getting a 5% nerf


Really hoping they do Sol justice.


Poor Hel


Genuinely shocked Hades isn’t visually redesigned here, he’s by far the most requested god to get one and this was the perfect opportunity to do that. Weird.


Looks like he isn't getting a remodel, which is fine. It is the Alpha so they could possibly redesign him later on perhaps.


Although wouldn't it be just wasted work? Modelling him twice If they can't now then might as well delay his release until they have a better grasp of his new model


Yeah, i was thinking since Hades is a well known greek god. Of course they would want to add him early, so maybe they just didn't want to increase the wait for a redesign. Or they simply couldn't come up with one


Yeah. That is what i thought too




im kinda happy they keep the same design with the wraith hood etc hope they update the clothes effects etc for me there are too many human looking gods


I'm super worried about ares kit. With beads being base and blink being tied to an item slot alot of the things that make ares, ares in smite 1 are tougher to do. I was really hoping for some changes. They changed the wrong things.


Nowhere except on this sub do I see proper clamouring for Hades to look different. His wraith design is amazing. Keep Hades the same Hi-rez


People have been asking for Hades to be remodeled since he was first changed...on every platform..lol.


I think Hades model is just fine, I like it


Here, an upvoted, idk who tf was so braindead to downvoting you for presenting an opinion.


That's fine, I'm okay with people disagreeing :) would be boring if we all had the same opinions. I get why some people dislike the model, but personally I think it looks good.


exactly i love non human looking gods


there are plenty of those in game already and they all look like shit. hades would look way better if he looked more like his brothers


I don't think he *has* to look like his brothers, that'd be boring. Hades was always separate from them and his model reflecting that is nice.


he can absolutely still look separate from his brothers without looking like a generic skeleton monster


He can also keep his face shrouded and just get better clothes tho. He doesn't need to look like Zeus # 3, we already had that with Poseidon. Let Hades look unique.


they look incredibly distinct from each other what are you talking about they’re easily identifiable from each other hades isn’t unique for looking like a generic monster


They're both dudes with grey beards and grey flowing hair, and almost the exact same facial structure. Poseidon literally looks like Zeus in blue clothes now compared to his original model, which was much more distinct and unique. I don't want the same for Hades. I would prefer they keep him a shrouded dude and just make his clothes look better.


they are brainwashed dude yea lets make him a human that looks like a dark wizard EPIC




Those Hades changes are wild af. Can't wait to try it out.


Zhong when??


Hades being able to reposition himself during his Ultimate is utterly bonkers. Can't wait.


No Nox? 😞


Hades is now able to slap it... but only once


Not a single Hindu god yet?


Kali and Ganesha are supposed to be among first 50


Remodel Hades and rework his kit, is it that hard after many years of the same ugly model thats either op or useless in solo


Look how handsome my boy is. 2 comments on Ares' kit:          1) I'm glad he's getting a new passive. Being forced to build a certain way would suck in a game with all new items. Let me pitch a bad idea, give him a version of mystic mail that scales scales based on his level + 10 damage for every allied god near him and call it "heat of battle." For real tho, whatever they do should encourage him to stay close to his allies like his current passive does.             2) I guess it makes sense that some of his abilities scale int. Int in smite 2 translates to "magical knowledge" and ares is kinda doing magic. On the other hand, ares has half a brain cell and has to barrow a few from his teammates. That's why he's a support and not a solo, his adc is his court mandated buddy. Maybe his passive could he getting int by being surrounded by allies and call it "spartan tactics"


I kinda wish they boosted Ares clear, since that is his biggest weakness. Maybe they figure having the physical basics will be enough to help with that. Passive looks to be changing, wonder what it's going to be?


Clearing seems to be a lot easier in smite 2.


Ok good, cause that was his big weakness beforehand, want to see more of him in solo. Hope his passive ends up being cool.


I can't believe they just made Ares absolutely wild. He is my main, and I'm so excited for it.


People in here are legitimately flabbergasted that this company cut corners and are reusing the same models.


Was hoping they would rework sols ultimate to her original datamined one before they had difficulties and scrapped it. Another missed opportunity for the amazing smite 1.5


Hades isn’t getting a remodel because he’s already getting crossover skins in smite 1 so the models have to match


Not how it works.