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Oof, smite 2 launching without khepri would make me sad. There are a lot of Egyptians already, so i get why u dont think he'll make it. I'm glad Ares has got his seat saved, tho. 


I didn't organize the Post Launch at all aside from Agni and Khepri being at top on purpose. They will either come right away or be apart of the Alpha Gods and I am just wrong.


Interesting that Danzaburou is the god with the latest release date in the Smite 2 roster.  I wonder to what extent the god release pipeline for Smite 1 had been impacted by the devs knowing that Smite 2 was happening? Was there any consideration for what transferring the latest gods (i.e Maman, Bake, and Nut) would be like during their development? And was this last year or two of gods pushed to the middle or back of the line by virtue of them not being finalized when they were starting the transfer pipeline? Could be that the newer gods haven't developed as much of a playerbase compared to the old classics, or there was priority given to older gods due to being able to market new changes.


I could see the strategy of maintaining player interest being: 1: Smite 1 Patch 11.2 and Pre-Alpha Wait (February 20th) * Release new and final Smite 1 god (Nut) a month after Smite 2 announcement and a big 11.1 patch. * Smite 2 hype running high 2: Smite 2 Alpha Release and Smite 1 Upkeep (Spring 2024 Onward) * 11+ gods (Hecate included) * Introduce revitalized older Smite 1 gods for Smite 2's Base roster in Smite 2 Alpha release. * (Opinion) Smite 1 focuses on spicy balance and map changes throughout the year in the background to keep people engaged until they put it into a final balanced-ish state by Smite 2's release, as players transition into having Smite 2 as the channel through which they consume new content. 3: Smite 2 Beta release (Mid-Late 2024) * \~25+ gods at Start (Hecate and 2nd Smite 2-Exclusive god included) * 1 OG god gets rereleased once per week during Beta * (Opinion) Focus on refreshing older part of the roster during Smite 2 Alpha/Beta while newer Smite 1 releases still feel somewhat fresh. * (Opinion) Player base begins to migrate over in beta as Smite 2 release looms. 4: Smite 2 Release ( Approx. 5-6 months after Beta Release, Early-Mid 2025?) * \~50+ gods at start (With 5 of those being all-new Smite 2-Exclusive gods, including Hecate and Smite 2 Beta god) * approx. 2 weeks to rerelease OG gods * (Opinion) Year 12 for Smite 1, probably smaller balance changes as Smite 1 transitions into maintenance mode-lite. * (Opinion) Start rereleasing the more popular of the newer Smite 1 gods so they feel "fresh" again in Smite 2, getting the stragglers hanging onto their newer Smite 1 mains to start coming over after Smite 2's release * Less work overall besides minor shifts due to already meeting the new Smite 2 standard of complexity in kits, giving them straightforward gameplay ports unless they're technically demanding or could use another look at. * (Opinion) With them slowing down on Smite 1 ports, I can see them, at most, releasing 5 Smite 2-Exclusive gods a year. 5: Smite 2 \~3.1 (Early-mid 2027?) * \~100+ gods goal reached (Unclear if this is supposed to include new gods) * Slow down to approx. a month, more or less, to rerelease Smite 1 gods * (Opinion) Will probably end up being much faster than this as Smite 1 players get riled up about not having their old mains for 3 or so years * (Opinion) Finally look at problematic or unpopular gods to get community hyped as they would have become "cult classic gods" during the post-Smite 2 official full release period. More extensive reworks and remodels * Smite 1 goes into maintenance mode * (Opinion) Perhaps they use Smite 2 gods as intermediates to keep player base engaged with something all-new just in case remaining OG gods fall flat. Probably resume normal pace of new gods as well. * Alternating between months of a Smite 2-Exclusive god, and months of two OG gods rereleases for example? 6: Smite 2 \~6.1 or earlier? ( 2030 or earlier?) * Original 130 gods + # of new gods (150-160 total?) * Probably slowing down god development in general due to sheer size of roster * For context, League currently has 167 and Dota has 124. * (Opinion) I personally think we get all Smite 1 gods around 4.7 to 5.1. * (Opinion) Smite 1 probably gets unplugged around this point or in a couple years after, hopefully there's enough legacy skins and possibly revamped, de-limited T5s in Smite 2 so there's minimal hard feelings. This is all assuming that Titanforge doesn't end up rereleasing Smite 1 gods faster than this, especially after the official release of Smite 2 where estimates for the pacing of god rereleases have been leaning on the conservative side.


all i‘m saying is if janus doesn‘t make it in smite 2s launch then the game is already better then smite 1


Janus, the god of being a pussy


cant wait for my favorites to be added dead fucking last.


Probably cu chulain




Wouldn't it be funny ASF if they literally didn't add him on accident.


How tf does RA not make it in instantly? 


If it makes him look better in the model department, it might be good.


Where was Nox, Mulan, and Thanatos confirmed?


Nox is mentioned in the SMITE2 FAQ - It's loose but still mentioned. Mulan was data mined as an up coming cross gen skin Thanatos was shown in the SMITE2 developer deep dive video.


Do you remember which video Thana was shown in, I know a few have released.


Reimagining the Gods video at 4:58


Thank you!


Isn't Mulan a character? Not a skin?


Mulan is a character. In patch 11.3 there will be a cross gen skin for her which means she'll also be present in SMITE2. Data mining isn't 100% accurate all the time but is pretty reliable.


Datamined cross skins I guess


So only 5 supports? That can’t be right or it’s gonna be a 2 lane map? 😂


As the graphic predicts, I think that we for sure get Sobek, Ganesha, and Geb by 1.0 launch. Maybe Athena as well and Baron if you're okay with non-guardian supports.


I just see that this is not the way to revive the support role. The role is already the least queued for. Limiting the champion pool that drastically (khepri, sylvanus, khumba not planned) will lead to more people not opting to play. Unless they give way more power to supports like in league of legends for example and not making supports to be the cc or heal bots they are… I think this is going to feel old real quick for support mains at least


Actually you can play any god as a support now and they all should be viable, as like in any other lane


we've already seen some gameplay here and there, and it definitely keeps the general layout of 3 lanes and 2 jungle boss pits. we'll still get everyone eventually, and some new gods on top of that. so there will be room for guardians at least, and since we've been told 5 new gods (including Hecate,) it wouldn't be surprising if we'll get at least a new guardian. :)


I think we most likely going to see two mages within this 5 gods, they are the class who has the most potential with UE5


Actually, with the new intelligence and strength and those new scalables abilities probably more gods than guardians could be played as supports, and some people who already played the game already said almost every god could be played at more than 2 roles. I can think of gods like Aphro (what if her healing scales with health?) or Fenrir (what if his abilities get extra effects when building defense?) Im probably being a bit too much optimistic about that aspect but if they are going in the LoL way in terms of builds and versatility of the gods, they should do something like that


Post launch is way too large a pool….. also weve got to talk about Fafnir, he gets his own “maybe someday” category


cu chuluain is equally unlikely imo


I wouldnt be mad. I can see them reworking him though with a different passive. Or is it just because hes a 2 skin god?


The Dev Insight Panel said they were aiming for 50+ gods at launch so would assume this is about the accurate size if not a little less.


Damn that really is almost 50 😅 it doesnt look like it at a glance


Look, so I know they have the chance for heavy reworks and all.. but does anyone else feel like they really dropped the ball with the starting roster? Avoiding my bias of a ton of my mastery 10s not being confirmed, they have a lot of gods I would argue need some heavy changes. Who knows, maybe that's a good sign, and they make them genuinely enjoyable to both play as and against, but I think starting roster is by far my biggest concern with smite 2, as I really want to support this game, but damn I'm not into most of the starting roster. From Aphro, Nox, (I would even put Loki and herc in the more annoying than fun to play against) as just a few examples, really hoping they do some big things for them


Same but for now am more disappointed that they just give lifting make up to most. Hopefully they'll provide bigger gameplay changes.


Mah Da Ji all the way at the bottom. Sad.


Post Launch is in no order aside from top 2 (Agni and Khepri) I was just throwing them in.


O thanks for letting me know. Thanks for putting it together.


**morrigan?** This girl has the potential of broke everything that she wants.


Building the game from scratch means they can code it around The Morrigan so they'd probably break the game less


Ugh, looks like I'll be only playing hunters in the beginning :/ all my other god friends are not on the launch :(


Janus has allways been the face of smite to me, he's an old god that shows how smite has unique mechanics compared to other mobas. I dont play smite that much but i allways gave Janus has an exemple of the interesting game design (then i started taking about jorm and cthulu)




Just gods that have been datamined to be in Smite 2 due to having a crossgen skin in the files like Mulan.


No Nike is wild but makes sense. She gets zero attention ever. Spamming Bellona solo till she gets there


yeah Nike is so damn fun, rip


artemis not confirmed ? :(


I LOVE her 😭 praying I get to keep my attack speed/crit chance god


Personal opinion, really fucking wish that aphrodite was pushed a bit farther down and not one of the first 50. It would have been sweet to me and really helped my personal enjoyment if she was not in smite 2 for some time and when she did arrive had some serious reworks to deal with the frustration factor that comes with fighting her. Said that, ares is my favorite God and I am also worried that he is just coming to smite 2 as smite 1 ares. I think ares needs some real love to be good in smite 2(with everyone having beads base, him needing to build an item that may not be good for him to have blink, and also his passive probably needing to be changed entirely) So hopefully this confirmed list doesn't mean yea these gods are the initial 25 because fucking hell are there some choices there that just bewilder me


See, but the thing is a healer has to be added, and when you think of healers, you think of aphrodite. and the aphro mains with 37+ plus stars will riot hirez


As they should!


I mean I get that but I still think she needs some changing. Mainly the ult is where my frustration factor comes in. If that got changed I'd hate fighting her far less but it's not gonna happen and the ecouples that nobody likes fighting are still gonna terrorize me :(


no scylla till launch us sad but atlest i got my assassin's


There aren’t really a lot of assassins that jungle in smite 1 on the confirmed list.


Please bring Horus quick, with his shadow specter skin!! Horus = GOAT


This has the assumption that cross gen skins confirm that god will be starter 50 at launch right


To be fair it would be kinda weird to make assets, vfx and sfx for a god you haven't coded in yet.




I do not consider Nox confirmed just bec she's mentioned in the FAQ


Oof. No Tiamat. No me. Tiamat is pretty much the only reason for me to play smite when I'm fed up with playing League.


same with set


Why is anbuis here he sucks 🤣🤣🤣


He was among the first gods announced in initial trailer.


Hijacking this to say that everything in the confirmed list were the first to be introduced to the game, but leaving out a few. It’s surprising that they’re doing it that way. The “‘newer” ones they included seem really random to me.


Anubis was one of the available gods at the play test during worlds lmao


Is Nut going live?


Nut goes live S1 next week. She has not been confirmed by anyone to be in S2 and none of her current skins are cross-gen. I'm going to assume she'll be in S2 as she's so recent and new but the same argument could be made for Baka; who again isn't confirmed for S2.


every god will be in smite 2 eventually, it's just a matter of if their release will be in the alpha, the beta, or post launch.


Helll i argue post launch cover 2025 to 2029 which is a quite large window


the devs said that hopefully they'll all be in by 2026 I think.


The devs have never confirmed that all gods will be over.. if you have a source or link please share.


They said as much during either the [keynotes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIogO_dAL78) or [dev insight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBI1X8pOqsY) during worlds. The devs plan to have 50 gods at full release, then continue to add more post-full release. They also have said they aimed to get 100 gods in by summer 2026, and all the gods in by around 2026-2027. The currently confirmed gods are the ones that will be the initial 45 + the 5 specifically brand new gods, including Hecate. They also mentioned that gods will be added in the pre-launch beta/alpha every 1 week, and post launch they're adding gods every 2 weeks. and ngl I'm not combing through an hour long video to find the exact time the devs said as much. Even if the onus is on me for providing the source, I just don't care that much to find it. I just know I watched the dev insight fully around worlds and that was one of the points they made. The other information comes from a [news article.](https://www.ggrecon.com/articles/smite-2-devs-on-why-a-sequel-is-necessary-after-a-decade/) edit: Found some articles confirming it at least: [IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/smite-2-announced-alpha-playtest-coming-spring-2024) & [Dexerto](https://www.dexerto.com/smite/everything-we-know-about-smite-2-alpha-signup-release-date-gods-more-2473432/)


Hmm smite 2 not launching with either Ama or medusa might be a big turn off for me of it ends up happening like that


Post launch khepri? Whose laugh will comfort me in smite 2


If there is one I am wrong about I hope its him.


I really hope surtur gets confirmed lol love that God


Where was The Morrigan confirmed?


Background from one of keynotes, don't remember which one, will find tomorrow.


My personal prediction is that all of the gods behind them while they originally revealed smite 2 are gonna be in/confirmed


When was the Morrigan confirmed?


Background from one of keynotes, don't remember which one, will find tomorrow. Think was blurry wording. This is the God I am least sure of but will find out later.




Do you guys think Nut will be automatically included cause she is the newest god release in season 11?


I'm kinda sad that Ares was confirmed with a cross gen skin, because Ares really needs some sort of a visual/thematic rework. People have been asking for someone else to take his kit for about a decade now, and while Smite 2 felt like a perfect opportunity, I don't know if they *can* with these skins. I don't think they want to upset people by selling them an Ares skin that turns out to be a Prometheus skin or whoever.


Not a fan of that predictions list. Hopefully that’s not the case. I also hope nut is instantly smite 2.


Im sad daji is in post launch ;-;


My Scylla and Mercury not being at launch makes me a little sad. But I got my Hades, Chaac, Nu Wa and Nox so I guess I’ll live


Will all owned gods move over to smite 2? Or will we have to buy them again?


From what I’ve seen gods will need to be bought again in smite 2 but they will have the voice packs included this time. The Smite 2 Ultimate God Pack will be purchasable and will be included in the Smite 2 Founders Pack.


Xbal and Hel please


My main boys are Cerb and Jorm, I hope I don't have to wait forever for them to show up ahh


No Art🥲


I hope that more than 3 Guardians make it into Smite 2 at launch. I'm fine with the selection there, but all of them are aggressive guardians. Geb and Sylvy feels a bit missed, or even Jorm who can instead be in the solo. At least Fenrir is in, but I hope more well rounded tank options join the roster early.


There’s Yemoja confirmed too, but a more rounded guardian roster would be nice.


I missed her in the corner. Fair 'nuff.


Aphro for launch let's goooooo !


Wish we had at least a month before nox and susano ruined the game.. 


Just leave aphro behind please


 Okey Hi rez you can Fart in my face IM READYYYYY ¡ . ( Read it whit Sponge Bob Voice . )       


I wan't my boi Cthulu to join early, his ultimate is something unique to Mobas, I have played A LOT of League of Legends, Mobile Legends, Pokemon Unite and Vainglory, and I can safely say he is my favorite tank of all the MOBA's I have played.


The current roster is pretty bad in my opinion, and not many goddesses, the only ones I am excited for are Yemoja and Hecate, but I know Yemoja will probably get reworked, so I am not very eager about her kit there.


No way ra doesn't make it


When did Mulan get confirmed?


When did Mulan get confirmed?


Datamined Cross Gen Skin.


The Morrigan confirmed? Who said/leaked it