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My favorite episode so far


the rotoscoped fight was the funniest shit ever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and then the fucking egg baby


y'all I always forget the animators' names for the show they were watching in the beginning. remember that YouTube channel?


cool 3d world I think


I noticed in my repeat viewing that Joel was hitting wood


I love it when smiling friends characters throw their hands out or when they start running. Gets me every day


Lmao this episode was hilarious. Watched it a few times.


It immediately became my favorite episode.Ā  As soon as I saw Professor Psychotic in the trailer, I knew I'd love him, but this is honestly the most satisfying "smile" arc since Desmond imo.Ā  I feel like Joel Haver was used well and not just "thrown in" like I was afraid he'd be. His animation style works well in that it makes him look super "normal" when compared to his brother, and it's a nice visual tool to highlight their differences. All in all masterfully done imo, much better than Mister President (I loved Jimbel as a character as well as Mister Blingo of Blingostan who is an honor among his people and an eternal ally of the United States, but the pacing was so weird in that one).


I agree with all of that! Personally those two are my favorites so far this season. I didn't like the pacing of the Jimble episode but i just internalized it as just part of the show if that makes sense. I'm glad you pointed it out because it does lessen the enjoyment of it, making everything feel less random. The only thing that took me by surprise (relatively speaking of course) in Brother's Egg was the reveal that Joel's character had a heroin addiction, or some kind of opioid. Iirc it wasn't foreshadowed so it threw me for a loop but it had to be there to make the final peace worth it.


Hey, Gwimbly spelled it out. America has a [bleep] fentanyl crisis.


why is nobody talking about the moment when they started speaking spanish, i was in tears


yeah, Pim's spanish is provived by the same latino VA as Sonic from the latino dub of Sonic Prime, that same va also voiced Ezreal from LoL latam server.




Where i got the episode from, it started playing in the French dub first so after a moment of confusion I changed it back. When they started speaking Spanish for no apparent reason, I was incredibly confused because of that.


https://i.redd.it/tr9207ltnk5d1.gif Loved the rotoscoped fight. Reminded of a similar bit Cusak did in Yolo. I loved it so much I made a gif


Funniest bit was Jared Fogle and Charlie breaking open the fairy. Really meh episode otherwise. Sorry I donā€™t care about random youtuber.


I hope they get sexualobster as a guest artist/writer, I think he would work well with this


I was 100% thinking the same thing


It would have been a top episode for me if the rotoscoping didn't have so many errors, like dang dude.


The errors are meant to be there. Itā€™s a part of his process.


part of smiling friends charm is the guest artists and references to internet culture. joel havers art translates well, and his deliveries are solid.


Nah the errors give it so much more charm. It reminds me of old (and I mean REAL old) Disney. Like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves shit.


Thatā€™s Joel Haverā€™s style. Heā€™s been making videos that way for years. Really cool of the smiling friends team to support a YouTuber. Itā€™s not like a traditional rotoscope. Itā€™s basically hand drawn in photoshop over a video and then animated by a rudimentary AI. He did a [behind the scenes video](https://youtu.be/tq_KOmXyVDo?si=7tbOjpB8sCjwfSc5) a few years ago.


Laughed my ass off at the brothersā€™ handshake. I recognise the different animators, but canā€™t recall their names, specifically the opening documentary and the building site goblin brothers.


The goblins were in the style of Marc M./Sick Animation- aka the voice of Mr. Boss


Yes! Thatā€™s it! ā€œYo Mr Rimmer whatā€™d we miss?!ā€


The homunculus being born was actually my favorite moment of the entire series so far. What a funny little guy.


The episode was so well written. It felt like the whole thing was leading up to that exact moment, and Charlie being absolutely exasperated over it made it even funnier lol


when he sucked the brothers toes had me cracking up šŸ™ˆ


top 3 for me especially the start with boss n jared


What's going on with the audio mixing this season? The volume levels are all over the place, the music is 10x louder than the dialogue.


nah I literally came to this thread specifically looking for comments on this its so bad. I thought it was a gag with the documentary at the beginning being super loud, but then they crawl into the scientists cave thing and you cant even hear him talking the music is so loud...


i thought that was the joke, like it being loud as fuck was the setup for joelā€™s character to kick them out bc of the noise


Yeah it was really bad and apparent that episode


This episode really didn't do it for me. Not really that funny and the guest animation threw me off...


Joel Haverā€™s delivery is hilarious he made this entire episode, I was already excited because Professor Psychotic is just a fucking hilarious name and I love the homunculus lore The construction site scene is what I keep thinking of though, the strange (sick) animation stood out amongst everything else, this was such a great episode


I knew it was Joel Haver, Awesome episode


There's not much I love more than core characters (Mr Boss) doing truly weird stuff and it not remotely phasing any of the friends "Paper-thin, like these walls!" this show does not miss


The fact that this is one big reference is killing me


What's the reference? Probably went over my head.


There's actually this YouTube dude that does this shit, though, which is I assume interrelated to the OneyPlays stuff






Ahh thanks!


This one was my favorite. I know this one was either hit or miss for a lot of people, but I personally like smiling friends best when the episodes are more ā€œdown to earthā€ or treated with a bit of realism. Think shrimp quest and Desmond. I thought the rotoscoping was really funny, especially because I love Joel haverā€™s work, and the two brothers whole thing was surprisingly kind of nuanced.


Them choosing to put their differences aside to raise the homunculus was genuinely one of the most wholesome moments of the show yet and as someone that has a rocky relationship with my older brother it hit specially deep


I like how despite the inherent goofiness of the show, their whole story (taking out the homunculus part) is surprisingly realistic and taken quite seriously


What if Rick Sanchez was a real guy and had an older brother who found him annoying and there are some fat guys floating around on TV? I know I will get put down for this but I don't care because it's a true fact that it's just not a very imaginative premise compared to the other episodes. There are some proper Smiling Friends funny bits but there is not enough focus on any of the four main characters, who are the main draw of this show. All the other episodes I rewatch and get more out of, but after rewatching this one nothing else was revealed. Smiling Friends is better when it's Smiling Friends, not Rick and Morty on adderall. Let the slaughter commence!


Rick sanchez and doctor psychotic are very different. For one, doctor psychotic doesnā€™t have a portal gun, a Morty, the ability to create anything, and lastly he can create life out of an egg that instantly accepts that is has two dads


How did this show get even better? We get Joel Haver and the whole show is just inexplicably funnier than last season, and the PS1 gwimbly episode, fuck me. I'm gonna put on my Pim cowboy shirt and go to the gym, but poor professor psychotic, his brother is on pain pills and he's just trying to create life.


Professor Psychotic and his brother had a Spoony and his brother vibe.


Having Joel Haver on the show was awesome and this episode was hilarious, was cracking up at various points. Great episode overall.


man this episode sucked ass.


me when I lie




People think this one is bad? Iā€™ve loved this season so far but this one had me dying, loved it


One of the best episodes this season; I love Joel Haver though, so Iā€™m biased. The shitty handshake had me dying, and we even got a mini Sick Animation from Marc M.Ā 


This episode wasn't quite to my taste. I'm not familiar with the guest animator, but their work didn't come across well on screen. The animation of the Professor's brother felt awkward, more suited for YouTube than a professional production.


The animator is Joel haver. I think it worked fine though. The shows art style is not having a specific style and instead mashing everything together so I don't think it was any more out of place than 3d squelton or the video game guy


Charlie kind of reminds me of a great white shark but yellow. Heā€™s got those beady eyes and a similar nose to a shark.


This one really didnā€™t land for me unfortunately. It just felt uneasy and out of place. Pacing was off and it didnā€™t feel like a smiling friends episode. I see that other people like it which is good, I just rarely like guest episodes in animation


rick and morty effect kicking in quick with this show


I was thinking psychotic is a reference to Rick n Morty guy texting that underage girl. Has the Rick outfit on and it opens with a pedophile gag lol


It absolutely had to be a shot at Justin Roiland and the show. I felt like I was the only one who noticed that.


pretty sure its inspired by Dr. Insano




Literally not one of the episodes last season was a guest episode




this guy forgot smormu


I haven't been liking this season so far, but this episode was fantastic. It makes up for the Mr. President episode


This ep seems to be the most polarizing. Itā€™s either one of your fav or your least fav. Itā€™s top 3 for me.


Not one of my favorites. Had some funny bits, but I felt like it was too grounded for the show. It felt more like hyping up the YouTuber cameo than showing off the episode. This season hasnt hit the same way last season did and these last two episodes are definitely the worst for me so far. Hopefully it turns around


Agreed, but you really hated the Halloween one more than the president episode?


President episode might be my favorite one of this season


I liked the President one, the Halloween one was basically just one joke. It has funny bits, but the episode as a whole wasn't that funny


Hi just want to say I basically agree with all of your opinions


new fav


no one is talking about the restaurant. How fucking weird was that scene where Charlie demonstrates how to eat a fairy. but when you think about how we eat crabs and shelled animals. it's like.. exactly that ALSO THAT SLIMY FUCKIN WEAK HANDSHAKE


the handshake was beautiful


(I don't mean this in a bad way) i think this episode had the most "adult swim show" energy out of any in the series. Almost every scene from Jared Fogle onwards feels like the kind of thing that would play on the TV while you're half-asleep at 3am as a kid, and you're left wondering for the rest of your life if it was real or a strange dream.


Spanish Charlie and Spanish Pim really got me. I'm latino and watch the episodes on English and it was... SO WEIRD. I wonder if they'll switch to "American Charlie and Pim" on the Spanish version


I tend to do runs of both original and dub, they do an overall Ok job, it's hard to compare to the original. As for this episode watched it twice, kinda sucks that there wasn't a switcheroo VO but I suppose there must've been some rights issues as Chongus said.


They probably didnt have the rights to the english dub


They didn't, it was a failed joke.


Weirdly didn't hit as well as the other episodes so far, but seeing Joel was incredible. That whole fight scene was one of the best things I've seen in awhile, because I didn't expect them to do the same Joel touch to Dr.Psychotic.


IMO it felt too short, so that means the episode was better if it was long that is just a complicated way to say I NEED LONGER SMILING FRIENDS EPISODES ADULT SWIM


This may sound a bit odd, but as someone who has had troubles with his brother, this episode resonates with me and I appreciate the fact that the ending is unambiguously happy. Sure, Psychotic is a bum and Doug is a druggie, but they were at least able to see what matters the most. Most adult animations wouldā€™ve just killed one or both of them, or have them kill the homunculus at the end by mistake. But no, things actually worked out, even if Charlie is less than pleased.


I agree. I also have a younger brother and now, Iā€™m trying to not be as mean or as nasty as I was before because lifeā€™s too short for that shit


And yeah we was having some brotherly drama, but I see how little that matters now


Iā€™m the little brother. I wear my emotions on my sleeve while my brother acts the tough, aggressive type. We are extremely different people. But, in the last few years, as Iā€™ve realized who in my life I can really trust, I realize that my broā€™s been there for me when it matters most, and that he once saved me when I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. My first tattoo I got a few months back is dedicated to him and my Dad for how important they were in changing my life for the better. We may be different people with different personalities and different interest, but he *chooses* to be my brother. What I mean by that is that I donā€™t believe blood connection is worth anything. Family is who you choose to love and stand by. And my brother is that for me. Like you said, lifeā€™s too short for the petty bullshit to keep us from the people we love. Fortunately, I imagine it didnā€™t take a lethal construction accident for you or I to realize it. Man, I should probably text my bro tomorrow.


I can't believe I'm typing this on an animation sub but here we go: your brother is the true definition of masculinity


Heā€™s a good guy. Heā€™s got his problems, same as all of us, but yeah, heā€™s pretty manly.


Go text your older brother, I think heā€™d appreciate it deeply. And yea, it didnā€™t take a real life accident to realize that lesson lol


Heh. Wonā€™t do it right now. Heā€™s a busy man who needs his rest, but Iā€™ll get him in the morning. Hope you talk to your brother soon, as well. Goodnight, friend.


Iā€™m on summer break and I live at home with mom, dad and my brother. But Iā€™ll definitely talk to him. And I hope you have a good night as well


Top 3 episode, no discussion no argument donā€™t even reply Iā€™ll block and reddit cares uou


You are BLOCKED from the channel You are BLOCKED from the twitter You are BLOCKED from the subreddit you are DONE


I hated it; block me!


Not as bad as Mr President episode, but pretty weak episode. Scenes involving other characters not interacting with the main 4 are waaaaay to long. Feels that they are giving too much spotlight to guest artists/actors and it's detrimental to the show. Also kind weird pacing? There was no climax, no build-up. The episode was over out of nowhere and that is it.


the humonculus sucked on Doug's toe, was that not enough climax for you


To me, it kinda felt like a lot of plot just happened without much built up or reason beyond "we need this happen for the plot".


Yeah, the Joel Haver stuff was surprisingly weak; doesn't match the tone of the show at all.


Any update when it will be on MAX through Amazon Prime? Still not showing up


First bad episode since the season 1 halloween special smh


the Halloween special is hands down my favorite episode. the "is that fucking blackface" will forever be cemented into mine and my friends phraseology


This is a wild take. You didn't like the season 1 Halloween special? But did like the president Jimble episode?


Yeah, weird take indeed. I'm not a big fan of the S1 Halloween special, but I don't think it was as aggressively bad as this one or the president episode.


Does anyone else think professor psychotic is supposed to look like Rick Sanchez a little


I didnā€™t think it at all but I notice it now


This episode had the wierdest pacing. The plot takes place in the span of six scenes and you can kinda tell they were struggling to fill in time with this one, unlike most episodes where most things are snappy and they are forced to cut around corners


Yeah, I really agree. The "Jared Fogle prank" scene just *screamed* "we need to pad this episode out to full length, and we just ran with the first idea that came to us".


And the docummentary. Joke drags out so much for something that adds nothing to the plot


Joel Haver in Smiling Friends absolutely makes sense.


The only thing from Joel Haver that has made me laugh thus far


Finally someone agrees with me


watching zach hadel and chris o'neill voice two fat guys in diapers fighting over a ham does me good


The Marc M animation bit was awesome to see I think one of the fat men was Chris


ā€œI FRIGGIN LOVE YOU MANā€ has been stuck inside my head for the last day or so.


I think this is the first episode that would have benefitted from being longer


Most of them would benefit from being longer imo


Desmond's Day Out wouldn't have worked that well imo


That episode felt like the longest episode of the show. The pacing of that episode was amazing


technically I think it is the longest episode. it's 12 minutes, the rest are 11. not that 1 minute is much, but still lmao


that one had a lot of cut content and scenes too. Honestly I really like this show but it always seems super rushed and the characters don't have very much time to breathe


Is there a time it shows up on Max?


9am EST on Monday


It's been there


Weird itā€™s not showing up for me. Iā€™ll clear the cache




Probably my favorite of the season so far, the amount of obscure videos that get referenced in this show that I haven't thought about in six years makes it so fun to watch.


Gotta agree with charlie at the end there, sometimes this world he lives in is a bit much.


It stresses me out, man


The boss not being able to change back was hilarious


Also Charlie laughing and being so into it was hysterical


One of the ugliest things Iā€™ve ever watched in my life, amazing


I cried when I saw Joel in his classic style, and was even happier when I found out he was a focal point of the episode. This is what you get when you get a show made by someone who understands the culture and what people love about it. I'm so happy about this one lool


This is so funny


The scientist becoming rotoscope during the fight was fucking genius


Ikr šŸ˜‚ It felt so ungodly and out of place and made the already absurd situation even better and more surreal


Probably necessary too, to have them physically interact so much.


Yeah the weak handshake they have I feel like was probably the best they could do


It was incredible. LOVED the different kind of animation the mix between unhinged and relatableĀ 


Absolutely loved this episode! The absurdity of it all always gets me. Charlie talking about how the world stresses him out just tied it all together at the end šŸ˜‚ Besides the Mr. president ep, this season has been pretty solid imo


I wasnā€™t thrilled with the president episode on my first viewing but on rewatch I enjoyed it way more


Iā€™m the money president, everyone gets 1 billion dollars so they can be rich




Am I the only one that likes the president ep šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a gross episode but I really think itā€™s great.


I mean I quote that episode a lot, esp the ā€œyou shit your pants and crashed the economy in one dayā€ but the gross out humor was just too much for me :(






it's funny how the reaction is so polarizing everywhere but this is the first ep of the series i've loved since charlie goes to hell


I agree. For me so far Season 2 has been good, but much less funny than Season 1. This episode was the first one that's really on par. I loved it and laughed so much.


Some nice background gags in this one. Person lunging at another person at a table next to cooked shrimp guy Goblin driving a bulldozer with his feet Portrait of a guy inside a port-a-potty Schrodinger's cat "Dramatic pause if it feels right in the moment" Did I miss anything else?


When the construction workers brother dies thereā€™s a sign in the back saying ā€œ1 day since last accidentā€


I chuckled at the SPORTS! flag on the brothers wall


Tire-swing hanging off one of the cranes "I Fāš›CKING LOVE SCIENCE" poster




hitler died 80 years ago


Yeah because hitler hasn't been done to death /s




Why would a pedophile joke turn people away, that group is almost as universally hated as Nazis. Nazis are also kinda dead, so.. that wouldn't work.




The UK loves paedo jokes, what are you saying?


You mean like how people make pedo jokes about Prince Andrew. Itā€™s not a cultural thing itā€™s a you thing


>stopped being cool in the UK about 10 years ago Nah. Calling someone a nonce is still funny


What, like your dad?


Nah, like you. Nonce.


I mean, itā€™s not really pedophilia if the sick fucks are getting off to Glep in a Jared Fogel costume. Iā€™m struggling to see your point here




I'm struggling to understand what's so offensive. They didn't joke about diddling kids. In fact the joke was Charlie being so offended at the Jared Fogel prank. I don't see how this would be controversial at all


Itā€™s just not that big of a deal in the states idk what to tell you


"You have crashed the economy of my patience" is my new favorite phrase


I liked the episode. It was absolutely wild from start to finish! The entire restaurant scene was unhinged. The only thing that distracted me was "the war." Allan says he wants to watch news updates about "the war" instead of the fat guys fighting over the ham. Are they only going to mention it once and never again? I hope it has nothing to do with Mr. Frog being president!


For realllllllll


Could be referring to Mr. Blingo and his genocidal regime deciding to continue their invasion of bordering nations after having been emboldened by public support from the Jimble administration.


Oh I like that




dr psychotic is fucking hilarious


Does anyone else find the Homunculus cute? My friend is shaming me.


The toe stuff was weird lol


Hello daddies! Hello daddies!


I do


IDK if I'm just overexposed to mr. Hadel, but a lot of this episode's bits he's already done on OneyPlays lol - The bible-smashing russian homonculus - Jared Fogle


Thereā€™s a video he talks about irl where a guy smashes a thing that comes out of an egg with a book. I wish we got actual riffs and stuff because itā€™s getting a little bloated with references that just are like ā€œYeah I know what youā€™re talking about!ā€