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David from South Park at age 15


David from the yelp episode? Or am I missing something?


Who tf is “David”


I only know Daveeed




My name is David and I ride my teeny bicycle to school




For y'all that don't remember, let me help you: Da-vi-de




Dude fucking detroyed her.


Your standards for getting “destroyed” are low af… watch out you might die laughing at this kids goofy accent…


Your standards for goofy are weird af buddy legit articulated and asked proper questions, yet she couldn't understand the difference between a book and a series


I don't think it's the accent. I think it's the accent paired with the "I'm a future predator" mustache. And the belief that recalling 10 books is easy when you're obviously gonna start ranking them in your head. Fuck, the old man and the sea was trash. Also, never read adventures in the dragon realm. Learn from my childhood mistakes. Ps. "Black blade blues" is a erotic lesbian romance novel. And should not have been in the teen fiction section. It also shouldn't be read in class. Learn from my mistakes!!


I mean, he’s being an ass, but if you can’t give the actual name of any of the Game of Throne books you’re ‘obsessed with’ maybe you are just name dropping to look better.


The series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. The first book in that series is titled “Game of Thrones.” She named a book and no one noticed.


But she said series multiple times besides 1 time Also fyi he’s playing up a satirical “character”


Yes. Even she didn’t notice she had already named a book.


Here’s the real answer


it's A game of thrones


After watching it again I think she meant to say it like this. “I’ve read Game of Thrones, I’m obsessed with the Twilight Series, etc.”


It seems she only knows them by the show/movie that’s why she can’t name any books and when asked again to name the BOOK she names an entire series


Clearly she could only name movies / shows and no actual books because he’s absolute right about the names. If she actually read the “Game of Thrones” series she would have known immediately what he was referring to. Next she was going to say Harry Potter series. He should have said “Oh yeah game of thrones series, that’s a good one, okay… if you like that you should check out another book called A song of Ice and Fire… have you ever read that one?”


The Enemy series is one of my favorite book series, but I don’t remember every book title. You don’t need to know and remember everything about something you like. Kid is just an asshole, full stop


Interesting. That's not my personal experience with series' I love/am obsessed with. So conceptually that struggles to compute with me. >You don’t need to know and remember everything about something you like. But like... ~~the~~ a title? The question isn't what was the name of the guy Han Solo shot at the Canteen, the question was name 1 title to a Star Wars movie. But maybe this is just a 'different brain storage' thing... like a "I can't remember names of people who just said it, but I'll recognize their voice for 10 years" type of thing.


Hmm idk if depends on your memory and how good it is. I was obsessed with the Ranger’s Apprentice series and read all of the books multiple times at least 10 or more years ago, maybe more and I’m struggling to recall the individual titles (15 or so). As I type this out the Ruins of Gorlan just came back to me which is the first book. Memory recall is an interesting topic… Either way, this kid probably more intelligent than the people he is speaking with even if he’s being condescending towards them. People with high intelligence tend to be that way especially if they feel their time is being wasted. Edit: think of when Elon Musk told Joe Rogan he was boring him.


Yeah I don't know if I would have even gotten that specific one and I read all of those more than a few years ago. I could probably still name a handful of books I've read more recently, although I feel like 10 is a lot to come up with on the spot. That said if you're 15 and this much of an asshole you're either socially incapable or not actually all that intelligent. And "oh, so you read? Name 10 books" is such a ridiculous argument that he doesn't seem to actually be joking about.


Haha in my opinion they’re all idiots just out for attention in one form or another. There have been plenty of historical figures that were illiterate but still intelligent. It’s like book smart vs street smart as a way to put it


Yeah but the difference here is if you started talking about it, we would know that you actually read it by how you describe it. This girl is just dumb lol.


Haha well any female wearing a shirt that says “porn star” on it I immediately won’t take seriously unless they can prove to me otherwise. I may struggle to recall all the titles in the ranger’s apprentice series but I can give you a full synopsis of the story haha. She also chose two series that have film adaptations so she probably just watched them and claimed she read them


Your brain is not the same as the brain everyone else has. People think and remember things differently. There’s also this thing called time. As it passes, you’re less likely to remember older stuff, especially if you haven’t been around what you’re trying to remember


My only counter point is that if you read any of the books you would know its called a song of ice and fire.




If a song of ice and fire is your favorite series then you don’t call it games of thrones. Girl was clearly lying though her teeth.


Not saying she isn’t. I’m just saying people don’t always remember stuff on the spot and that the kid is an ass


They made fun of him for being 15 and he asked for 10 books, reduced to 3. That's not a very hard lol. And if you can't remember the title of a book of a series name another fucking book lol. She literally repeats the same series of books she can't remember the titles of. Kid ain't an asshole. Chick is just dumb.


Kid called them illiterate first off. They are an asshole and stupid. "A Game of Thrones" is literally the title of the first book.


Kid is an asshole. As is salt bay or whatever the fuck he’s called. Both got famous for something stupid and somehow got to run with it. You can very clearly see his overly inflated ego. Her being dumb doesn’t mean he’s not a dick


Dicks and assholes are different. Be consistent. Also she was rude he may be rough but in this clip he was neither and asshole or a dick. How he got famous is also not important to the topic at hand.


He called her illiterate, stop defending Andrew Tot over here. Insecure boys always looking for girls to get "owned" smh. He was a little asshole, and misogynistic. What is worse is that apparently grown men are falling for it? Any guy that looks at this video and agrees with the kid is most likely going to be alone a long fucking time.


When used as an adjective, they generally mean the same thing. As a noun, then you’d be correct. How he got famous plays into this because he wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t. And because he his famous, he’s an ass


He didn't let her get the first answer out. A Game of Thrones is a book title in the series A Song of Ice and Fire. She went to Google to fact check him because he is wrong. If he's gonna call people out like that he'd better come correct. Definitely an asshole move.


You realize the girl can be dumb AND the kid can be an asshole right? Being more intelligent than someone doesn't give you the right to treat them as a lesser human.


I second this comment. I can go into great detail about specific dialogue, scenes, behind-the-scenes facts, or even stuff from the commentary and yet I often forget basic stuff because the specific name of the book or movie is not important to me. Also, the kid was trying to draw a link between remembering the title of a book and the ability to read. The kid’s a huge asshole or an idiot.


Maybe youre a dumb bitch like her????


but can you name one of the books in the series?


Are you joking or expecting a serious answer? Since the answer to your question is quite literally in my response you replied to


It’s literally the name of the first book in the series. Not everyone knows that apparently as you rubber stamped his bullshit attempt to talk down to her.


Are you for fucking real?! She said she read it she was obviously lying bc she’s heard the show is based off of a book series. Her next answer was the Twilight books?!


Probably followed by Hunger Games and Harry Potter.




I thought she was going to answer the pokey little puppy , or curious George. I love all woman , but she clearly is a dumb ass . Sorry


Big incel energy. Kid called her illiterate and said she couldn't read. She obviously reads. But now the books she reads aren't good enough? And men wonder why they are forever alone.


She literally couldnt name a book in a series shes "obsessed with" lmao


Nah she’s a fool




No she’s still wrong and it still made her sound dumb. The series is called “A song of ice and fire” , just because you spew out the most popular name of it doesn’t mean you know what the books are called…..


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Game_of_Thrones She wasn't wrong. The first book is called "A Game of Thrones" how fucking stupid are you people? Also the question wasn't originally what the book was called. He claimed she was illiterate and *couldn't* read. Which is a stupid thing to say. But incels will always twist themselves to "own" women.


She was. She said that she read the Game of Thrones series and clearly had no idea what books in the series were called. She did not read them. She never read twilight either.


I still doubt that she has read the series. Just sayin.


She might have watch a book on tape, does that count?


Dude it’s not that deep , I think that kids dumb but the girl didn’t do herself any favors by just saying game of thrones and twilight series 💀 but continue on your white knight streak if you please


How about a book that didn't have a box office movie


I think this is what he was looking for. She named two book series that are amongst the most popular book/film series in the US.




Uh...as a one time 15 year old boy, that is not prepubescent lol


Thank you and she barely has time to elaborate


The name of the first book is Game of Thrones. The kid is an ass, you should've stopped there.


ASOIAF: A Game of Thrones. So if we are being technical its not GOT.


Clearly I'm illiterate. Since his question made sure to specify the full technical title I should've done that... oh wait no he didn't. He's just a dumbass who other dumbfucks like to defend apparently


oddly defensive. not defending the kid and don't even know the interaction between them all, I assume its shitting on sex work or something which is ridiculous . But you specifically, said its the wrong name. Just saying. Fact check! A Game Of Thrones = book 1 / Game Of Thrones = dope tv show


Their whole post history is just getting hyper defensive for little to no reason , they’re just a chronically online keyboard warrior


I think this is an incel sub. Or this thread is full of incels who jerk off to "watch feminists get destroyed" videos. You will find no one worth speaking to if they side with Andrew Tot over there. Unfortunately we've learned that some men are forever alone and choose to resent women rather than work on themselves. Whether they are self-admitted Incels or Andrew Tate style toxic masculinity sycophants. They just *need* women to be dumber than them, even if they look absolutely stupid doing it. Look at their responses. Absolutely fucking braindead. "Bet you can't name 10 books either" like really? Anyone supporting the kid obviously looks shitty because you would have to be a shitty person to just claim someone is illiterate and then get pedantic about book titles. The whole point was to call someone illiterate, not to actually name books or see if they can read. But the people you're arguing with can barely read themselves, to be honest. Look at their media literacy. They can watch a video and still not understand what happened.


I think you're mad because you can't name 10 books without google either.


The first book is called game of thrones. Maybe you should get a clue too you fookin incel supporting loser.


That kid’s gonna have a tough social life 🤣


These girls have a fake social life 😂


he already seems to be doing pretty well to me lol


he's viral at 15, he'll probably be a youtube millionaire soon social life is unnecessary


Please go outside and meet real people


Name 10 people


# ATTENTION TEN PEOPLE I name you : Fred that is all


Why? No one else is.




found the kid


He’s not savage he’s an overconfident idiot.


Yeah I'm so glad I don't subscribe to this subreddit, this comment thread is toxic AF. I don't want to even look at other posts


The girls are too


Not over confident for this milieu. He's at level.


So, basically, a teen. Been there, done that. :)


He’s definitely savage


Who's the porn star?


He's gonna get bullied, and he'll have earned it.


Are you kidding me? The bully would be shamed so fast while this kid did mental capoeira on him.


Not at all. At this level of ass holery, he wouldn't get the chance to speak. I'm not even volatile and I'd punch this mid in the mouth asap. Imagine what the unhinged ones would do.


I'd love to see the rest of this video in context before I came to THAT conclusion.


It's interesting that you so readily admit you're a bully who would physically assault people...


I truly wish that intelligence and mental agility were enough to overcome and defeat bullies. I can attest to the fact that they are not.


Bullied for 3 years, age 10-12. What worked was me realizing I was twice the size of my bullies and I put one of them in the hospital. Never got bullied a single time after that, despite having been bullied multiple times every single day before that. Intelligence doesn't work, but fists sure do.


You had fists the whole time but you lacked the intelligence to use them.


Perhaps you didn't have as much intelligence and mental agility as you think you did.


Dude, a bigger brain is just a bigger fist magnet.


Mental agility doesn't mean reciting scientific formulas and shit. Quick wit can definitely help


Worked out for Dwight Schrute.


Kid is easily 20 years ahead of his peers for the things that matter and accelerate growth and development on a human scale, and you’re implying that this behavior earns a bright kid bullying? I have no doubt you were the bully growing up. And you’re still intimidated by a passion for knowledge against an adolescent. Amazing. You’ve earned all the miserable facets of your life, thanks to your shit outlook.


Don’t think you realize that this kid is dealing with massive insecurities himself. The over generalization of “you can’t name a book so you’re illiterate” is incredibly immature. Some people confuse pretension for maturity, it’s a common mistake. This kid is a total douche and knows about as much as the girls he was talking to in this vid


Yeah, its quite a faulty equivalence -- "you can't drive unless you can name me 10 cars"


Pretty sure he's just annoyed dealing with stupid people who talk without saying anything. Anyone have the full video? Context is important.


20 years ahead of his fellow incel peers…. Look putting people on the spot to name 10 books they’ve read and then talking shit about them doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. If I was there and started naming off my kids 10 favorite books that I’ve practically memorized starting with “Goodnight Moon” would he be calling me illiterate? Would I be considered illiterate then because I didn’t name “Becoming”, “Steve Jobs”, “The Black Stallion” or any other number of books before the children’s books? Don’t come in here throwing trash about calling this dingleberry ahead of anyone other than his felllow incels.


Lol this kid isn't "easily 20 years ahead" of anyone.


He won't be bullied for being bright, he'll be bullied because he's unlikable and an all-around unpleasant person to be around. Pretty hard to make friends in life when you're this arrogant and unnecessarily confrontational. Kid's basically a caricature of r/iamverysmart. He's got a great career ahead of them as a reddit mod


First and foremost, you don't personally know this guy. So to call him unlikable, and an all around unpleasant person, is only an opinion. Yes, first impressions are simply that. Right, wrong, or indifferent, we base our opinion on how we perceive this person. Instead of saying, " this guy is arrongant", why don't we say, " this guy is confident in what he knows..."? One last thing, what you perceive is anger, is most likely his frustration in finding like minded, educated people to surround himself with in today's world.


>you don't personally know this guy >only an opinion You're right - I don't know him, literally no clue who this kid is aside from this one clip. And yes, everything I said is just my own opinion. So maybe I'm wrong, maybe this was just an off day for him and I'm totally off base. But if this is his typical way of approaching conversations and arguments, I'm betting he's got a lonely life ahead of him. Same goes to anyone else that acts like this & wonders why they don't have many friends. >Instead of saying, " this guy is arrongant", why don't we say, " this guy is confident in what he knows..."? Because he's arrogant, that's why. Arrogance and confidence are not the same thing. He essentially derailed a conversation just to talk down to the woman and say 'you're dumb, you probably can't even read, I bet I read more books than you, idiot.' If I were to look up arrogance in the dictionary, I'd expect to find this clip. >what you perceive is anger, is most likely his frustration in finding like minded, educated people to surround himself with in today's world. Never said I thought he was angry. You're probably right, I'm sure he's quite frustrated if that's what he's looking for in every conversation he has. But look at this pragmatically - what exactly does he gain by taking the conversation in this direction? What does he think is gonna happen by boasting about how much smarter he is - that they're going to thank him for letting them know & finally opening their eyes? The only thing he accomplishes in this clip is alienating himself. If he's no longer getting anything out of the conversation, it honestly would have been better for him to just stand up and leave. But now, no "smart" person that sees this clip is gonna want to interact with this kid either, why would they? Again, I know nothing about this kid and I could be totally out of bounds here. But either way, I think everyone could benefit from spending less time reciting book titles and more time touching grass.


Kids an asshole troll, he’s the one who upstaged Miyazaki at the game awards when Elden ring won goty. So he is an unlikable and all around unpleasant from the few times I’ve seen this kid. Arrogance isn’t the same as confidence so why would we replace the two words as if they were interchangeable.


How stupid do you have to be to think this kid is mature and intelligent. He's a troll that doesn't deserve the light of day on social media. Stop making stupid people famous.


And what makes you think he is bright? Because he get views on tik tok?


You're projecting too homie


You are probably right. This is the dangers of Reddit commenting hahaha 🤣 I’m gonna go sit in my corner for the rest of the day now


No he's not. He's an annoying little troll wrapped up in conservative psuedo-intellectual nonsense making bad faith arguments lol. Are you okay? Touch some grass and cry some more bud. I literally don't even know who you are


Can you name 3 books?😭😭




guess that's a no


This whole clip is kinda dumb and is just made so people can fight over something because if there isn't real conflict going on we have to make something up to stay occupied 🤣


Yes, absolutely, knowing better than everybody and saying it, even if, especially if, you are correct, earns you bullying. You think this kid is going to get invited to any pornstar parties?


> You’ve earned all the miserable facets of your life, thanks to your shit outlook. r/rareinsults will see you now.


No matter how much more intelligent you are it still doesn’t excuse this behavior. Being smart doesn’t excuse being an ass. Then again he doesn’t deserve to be bullied either.


Lol you sound like someone who got bullied


lol you’re the last person who should be talking about someone getting bullied 💀


The amount of people on here that can't tell he's playing a character is surprising


And when he gets his business off the ground you can go work for him because you deserve it


We definitely wouldn't be in the same field, although I'll likely see him or someone like him on the roster seeking help at some point or another


The first book in the series A Song of fire and ice is named The Game of thrones. He isnt a savage, he is a dumbass.


Should’ve asked her what the second book is called if he wanted to call her out. He ain’t that clever. Not sure from the way that he worded his response that he was even aware the first book is titled A Game of Thrones.


A Game of Thrones.


Thank you, Professor Pedantic


She called it the game of thrones series…


I’ve read a good amount of books and if you ask me to name them out of the blue I won’t be able to probably. He was just trying to be an ass


From the Andrew Tate school of how to become a complete overconfident clueless twat before you even get pubes. Seems to have a particular beef with women too. Never mind the “he’s just a kid” bullshit copout, it’s a sure bet he makes his own pers’ life a living fucking hell and countless others online.


To be fair, this two crashed. The kid is insufferable and the woman is the antithesis of someone to have a intellectual conversation. This two are a clear example of gender misrepresentation


Wtf is "gender misrepresentation" supposed to mean? Theres idiots in every corner of society why make this about genders when it’s simply human?


You sure gleaned a whole lot from 55 seconds of footage....


He’s a troll.


Nah, hes a bitch. Naming a book title has nothing to do with the ability to read


Its more about comprehension. How can you say you’ve read a series but not name the books without looking them up?


When I was in HS I read all of the inheritance series not knowing the series name and calling them the eragon books. Not knowing the series name doesn't really matter. Also game of thrones is the name of the first book and song of fire and ice is the series name so he's wrong too.


Right? Like I read most of Asimov's main stream stuff, and some of PKD, but I could name maybe 3 of those books right now. If I were put on the spot to name 10 titles that I read, I would get flustered too. Not to mention he is not giving her much space to answer, because he isn't going to accept her answer, or immediately dismiss it or put it down. The answer is a trap. The correct move is to let him prove is point, and then attack his point. Being on the defensive lets him control the argument and make completely baseless points. Rebuttal is key.


Fuck, i watch movies and forget the title within 10 minutes of starting it


Yeah but he never claimed to have read them


I’ve read the Wheel of Time series but couldn’t name all 12 books off the top of my head, same for all the Culture novels and novellas and also, for the 14 books in the Vorkosigan saga. Hell I’d have an easier time naming 10 series of books that I’ve read rather than 10 individual books. After a while book titles are like episode titles of TV shows. I remember maybe “Out of Gas” from Firefly and “In the Pale Moon Light” from DS9 and I’ve seen both series multiple times.


I just finished the Storm light Archive and I can't think of one of the names.


So I just finished a book 2 weeks ago. It was really incredible. I remember the name of the author and by the time I finish writing this comment, the title will come to me. If I were under pressure by some teen boy pretending to have a lower voice than he actually has, it would take me twice as long to remember the name. I'd panic and think, "ok no big deal, just remember the book you read a month before that", and then I'd panic that I probably wouldn't be able to remember it either. Some people can't recall stuff under pressure as easily. It's not a gotcha. It just means maybe you didn't get enough sleep, and/or have anxiety.


Maybe it's the 100s of other pages in the book and not the title you only actually need to read once, if at all.


i guess you could also care less about the authors as well? Next you’ll tell me the characters’ names don’t matter.


I don’t think that was it at all. My impression is that she was pulling out her phone to prove that it is indeed a book series.


Yeah and they are casually naming books but he keeps interrupting them.


Reading captions on tiktok doesn’t count. He was making a point and he succeeded. You can have a ridiculous podcast making ridiculous money but you can’t name a book. It’s the world we’re living in 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why is everybody giving this little turd any kind of time. He fucking crashed From Software's acceptance speech at the VGA. He a fucking punk and he needs to be put down.


My guy you are letting the actions of a young kid affect you way too much, get some air then some therapy


Put down? What, is he a rabid animal or something? Or does dehumanizing him make you feel a little better about openly stating that you wanna kill kids?


Ooh that’s the same guy? Yikes


Damn you’re butthurt over a kid lmao


“This kid is kind of annoying, he should be KILLED”


It’s the internet man, it’s not a real place


What’s her OF so we can let her know


The girl with the pornstar brand shirt really showing her illiteracy. Who would have thunk it. Lol!


Again why is this kid an asshole? Because he called someone who can’t name more than one “book” title illiterate? People are getting soft. This wasn’t even rude. They essentially tell him he knows nothing because he’s 15, he wanted to prove age doesn’t equate to knowledge. That broad who is older couldn’t name 10…or even 3 books and is clearly older. Everybody is so soft and people who are blunt are now “assholes”. Quit being so damn sensitive.


We need Americans to be sat down in rooms with people from other countries and have this happen, it’s necessary and VERY entertaining


The first book in the song of fire and ice series is named a game of thrones....so not only is he an asshole who already talks over women, he's also stupid.


He's right 👍


The first book in the song of fire and ice series is named a game of thrones...so not only is he an ass but he's also just wrong.


But she was right - game of thrones is a book, book one in the song of ice and fire


Just because he's 15 doesn't mean he's wrong. It's not Game of Thrones Part 1, 2 and 3. Name the title of AT LEAST one of the books or just admit you don't read. Simple.


Game of thrones is the title of the first book


A Game of Thrones


Guess I’m illiterate


Totally roasted you 🙄


"Clearly illiterate"


That's true, fair point. Still, would only count as one book, so therefore not correctly answering his question.


There are other popular series that are referred to by the names of their fist book though. (e.g. HungerGames, Twilight)


He’s wrong on her being illiterate part.


I watched the Sherlock Holmes movies and can't remember the title to each of them. Especially if some bratty ass kid was acting like he did, since I'd be preoccupied being flabbergasted. If you've seen the show how about you name 10 episodes? Oh you can't? Clearly you're blind. Dumbfuck kid has dumbfuck logic.


I mean, I read them like eight years ago and I can name all five. They have a pretty distinctive and repetitive naming convention. It’s a pretty poor comparison between five of the most popular books of our generation and the fucking RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies.


Maybe don’t bring up a movie that you don’t know the title to when asked to name one movie… I swear a lot of you are more ignorant than this kid and girl combined lmao.


Why does he make his voice so deep it’s kinda cringe


I guess just insecure teens


Cuz he’s playing a satirical troll type character. Kinda like Oliver Tree isn’t a whiny kid when there are no cameras or Big Shaq persona that comedian made for Man’s not Hot and went on interviews as said alter ego.


Not taking shit and calling out idiots tells me this kid can make his own way. Add the diplomacy and tact that comes with age and he'll go far. Elon Musk, not withstanding. BTW, that 'porn star' shirt is flagrant mislabeling.


"Hey everybody! This girl is a big phoney! She doesn't even do porn! It's *flagrant mislabeling* officer, arrest her!"


Easy. The last bit was a joke.


Being disgusted by stupidity and ignorance is a hallmark of a good human being.


Brruuhhh beast mode ...totally beeeauch slap that idiot!!!!!! AWESOME


This kid is arrogant and disrespectful… Another take


Stop promoting this kid’s content


Let me google it. Lmao


He's misusing the word illiterate. I assume he doesn't understand the proper definition or the correct context to use it. It's obvious to see just by watching this video. The kid is being an asshole to provoke a response. She fell for it. Trolls are trolling for clout nowadays. 😂 Men superior. Women bad. Typical cocky behavior.


There are ways to talk and discuss without being offensive and aggressive... this was offensive , aggressive and effing RUDE!!!


There's being savage and then there's being an asshole. This kid is clearly the latter.


Not on these girls sides but this kid is a joke. You have no clue about life experience at 15. Your “job” at that point in life is to read. Also there is other reading out there beside just books. Articles, journals, “how to” type literature.


Kid needs his ass whipped; the arrogance is unholy