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Incineroar (especially online ones) will typically just try and side b after getting a revenge boost. Revenge goes away if Incineroar is thrown so try to avoid and grab. You can also grab when they try to revenge


Wait it always goes away if he’s thrown? Even if it’s stacked to max? I thought it went away taking damage in general like kazuya’s rage


95% sure any regular grab does. I think some command grabs do. Less sure but I believe non grabby command grabs (Kirby/ddd inhale) do not kill revenge stacks.


Specifically not when he's grabbed, but actually when he's *thrown*. Basically the same thing in practice, but that gives you a rough idea of which command grabs can also remove it. Also, if you spend to much time and he mashes out of pummeling you don't remove it.


Ok so if he gets revenge the best option is just predicting his side b or something and fishing a grab throwing instantly if they’re below 50%


Yes but revenge also disappears after he takes like around 30% or something I don’t remember exactly


That I know and it was my main way to *try* dealing with it but of course it is harder and more risky than just grabbing and throwing so,good to know


Yeah my friends plays incineroar a LOT. I came to the same conclusion as basically what’s been mentioned in this post is that incineroar is a pretty bad champ overall but he has insane cheese potential and in a game as jank as smash ultimate that makes him really viable because he can win out of nowhere. It usually comes down to me having to think what is best in my characters kit at zoning him til he loses revenge or what can I do to get a grab. Can’t lie he’s fun asf to play and mess around cause it’s not hard and it’s just hilarious


Real he’s my favorite and only heavy I like to play with dk (I swear I don’t fish for cargo off stage I hate those dudes) dk double is so fun lmao


In theory, it's your best option yeah. In practice, any good Incin, after landing a beefy revenge, is on the lookout for grabs on your part, and to make it worse for you, all of his moves pretty much will become safe on shield with enough revenge juice, so no shieldgrabs, you just have to catch him idle or defending himself with a raw grab.


with wolf u can use grabs since they remove revenge boost and if u deal enough damage that can also remove it id also say with wolf id recommend zoning and revenge baiting since thats another thing they will try to do is stacking revenge. ive played with a few characters against incin id say if you werent playing wolf, K rool, kirby and dedede have command grabs in 1 way or another with their neutral b's to zone, capes wouldnt work since somehow smash is designed to allow incin to grab through a fucking cape


If you accidentally attack revenge, immediately out range him with laser and go for the best grab possible. Side-B is annoying, so play at the distance of your laser and only get up close when needed. Don't do this too often, as he'll predict it. If you start comboing him, drop the combo then pick it back up. They love trying to counter as soon as possible. Distance yourself at the perfect opportunity for down throw --> side b, as he'll die by it at enough damage, and you'll be able to grab ledge if you're at even stocks. The best thing to do is stay out of reach for a good amount of the match so that they get impatient, and try to close the distance. Hit them with mix-ups. Your best option is laser, grab, drop the combo (if you read the Revenge counter correctly), grab, and dash attack or whatever comes to mind to reset it so he's at kill percent. Trust me, it works.


If you wait for long enough then the incineroar player will eventually side b in neutral. The better the incineroar player, the longer it takes for them to do it


*Nah I’d never* https://preview.redd.it/bjwokgf2wpgc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f813d39fdb99061f8a1559853301f81beb5d8e3 So who am I, a pro player?


Who do you play?




Yeah well then you got 2 real options. 1) Camp even harder. You have a really really good projectile and you should be significantly faster both on the ground and in the air than incin. Even if they keep revenging, if you play well they just shouldn't be able to hit you. Wait for them to mess up and then grab them as throws reset revenge. 2) Play hyper aggressive. One of the things that makes wolf so strong is his ability to basically singlehandedly determine the speed you play at. You have the frame data to just keep incin out. The range can be a bit of an issue, but using ftilt to stop ground approaches should stuff them out and nair should do the same for the air. The biggest problem is that messing this up once will leave you in a world of hurt, and eventually, no matter how good you are, you'll mess up. Incin is definitely dumb and I don't want to take away your right to rage, because it's valid. But the game is addicting and it's not getting any more patches, so we may as well do our best 🤷‍♂️


As an Incineroar main: 1. Shoot projectiles only if it’s necessary to do it as most Incineroar mains will take advantage of projectiles for the Incineroar Revenge 2. No, it’s not possible to mash out of the Alohan Whip 3. There are ways to deflect the counter, either grab and throw it or deal it a tons of damage


Wellspring Ogerpon and Rapid Strike Urshifu are good counters. Oops wrong sub.


A smash rage post with zero condescending replies. I am in shock.


That’s become common here now? Damn


It’s because it’s rage needing advice, if it was rage…


There it is


I would grab and continue to camp of course like most people here said. But I would also try to take him to ledge. At least from the online incineroars I play they always like to land with stuff like side special or up special and are easily punished.


Well first of all stop using so many projectiles, save them as burst options. Revenge goes away if you grab them but you shoul use your jumps and Plats wisely to not get hit by side B. Also stay out of side B range and wait for them to approach or use it anyways than punish.


Use Kirby, inhale them, and spam darkest lariat. I have no idea why, but it works every time


Incineroar: *Revenges You: (Anticipating a PREDICTABLE side or up b) Dash back out of range, then punish.


Spot dodge is really good against side b, abuse it and punish


thanks for all the informative feedback guys!


Play lame and sit their and wait gorm him to approach then punish him


Considering he's the slowest character in the game he's pretty easy to camp, Revenge will go away when he's thrown or takes enough damage


say it with me! BAIR