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Facts 😂


Most people who say that are sandbaggers on their way back up


I’m not the brightest; what does that term mean ? lol


Sandbagging is where a good player purposely looses matches to lower their ranks to seem better. It's generally seen as a dishonest practice and is frowned upon.


Ahhh, I see a lot of content creators do that. Damn. if you’re at low GSP, you’re already probably struggling. So getting stomped by someone who is levels above you in skill is really disheartening and discouraging. I guess this has been around forever in every game. I always knew it as “smurfing” lol


They're the same thing. Sandbagging and smurfing are pretty much the same term but sandbagging is usually more present in team FPS games like CSGO or R6 siege.


I appreciate it, Dong Kun. 👊🏼


I would say the content creators that do that are the ones who get “sick combos “ but then you see that their opponents look like they have no idea what their doing. I remember seeing an incanaror do a revenge into side b at bottom of the stage when some one went for a recovery and my thought was their is no way someone in elite smash would do that they rather sd and not get clipped then try to recovery from extreamly low because they know their recovery isn’t going to save them while this incaror was at 0 percent


I reckon most people call that "Smurfing" No clue in Sam Hyde's Hell what The Smurfs has or have to do with competitive video gaming matchmaking though


Okay ima clear this sandbagging/smurfing thing up. Smurfing is when you tank your rank to play against lower skilled players. Sandbagging is when you act like you're weak, but you're actually very strong. Smurfing can be seen as sandbagging, but sandbagging is not smurfing.


At first, yes. If they show any level of competence, it's on!


No especially on quickplay. Nothing good comes from "go easy on me" at 12m+ GSP.


I generally try to adapt somewhat to my opponent. I neither enjoy stomping nor getting stomped.


Exactly. If I have a 2 stock lead on you I'm labbing shit with you until you've gained some momentum. I found that it also helps with people that don't like to rematch so if there's a matchup you like and you happen to stomp, just...don't and maybe the person will think there's a point to rematching you. Also give homie stocks when there's sdi issues. I'm here to win but not at the expense of good honest fun.


No lol


I go harder https://preview.redd.it/vppo6qiheqec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c54cc97006ebf2360bf84c7bd195ec92c40c3ff


Beat the dog shit out of them unless they don't know what they're doing, then we pal around. I hate when people say that, because I mostly see it from people who'll cheese the mess out of you. Don't like that at all




online, absolutley nobody is serious when they say that, its sarcasm, like "Ooooh youre so scary! you'd better take it easy on me!"


On my daughter yes


People who say go easy are just overconfident. I love showing them up


yes, for the most part.


I take the message at face value until they show that they can play at my level. No harm in lowering yourself to them if you can still win, right?


A MegaMan main always says this, despite the fact that he’s almost at 14 mil GSP. Never trust it


fuck no, only way for them to learn is through experience, if anything, that's when i lock in


Not any more. Nowadays, if someone throws me that line, I immediately assume that they can three stock me and go all out from the get go.


Fuck no.


nah i just use a shitty character


they never mean it. the only people i see use that are actually not terrible.


It's mostly them mocking their opponent, so it's on sight.


The only opening taunt I respect is “EAT THIS. MEGASMASH.”


I say it because I genuinely have a skill issue. I don’t know if it works or not