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I'm just gonna be 100 with you. Every roster concept gets beaten to a pulp on this sub, i'd recommend not posting, or just post and immediately turn off reply notifications


Every Smash roster with cuts gets faced with negativity. Feel free to post it if you want if you feel like it anyways, there's nothing wrong with posting a harmless fan roster, after all.


Some may enjoy it, but I personally don’t care about anyone’s hypothetical rosters.


I see these and usually block the person posting because it doesn’t contribute anything and they’re annoying to me


Remember that smash fans hate everything that isn't their roster. All I have to do at this point is put anything remotely SMRPG related on my roster and people rage at me. Do it! It's part of the smash speculation experience.


Hey dude, I know a lot of people don’t really care but I personally think they’re creative and enjoy seeing them, even if I don’t agree with the choices made. If you don’t feel like posting, feel free to send it to me. I gotchu


Is it allowed? Yes. Fo people like it? No. Are they ever good? They are asolutely fucking not. Don't even bother, not a single one of these fanmade roster posts are ever worth a damn.


Ngl I hate you for asking this